

After losing your powers in a battle against a demon blood, you search for answers, and you've found them. Only catch is, to restore back your abilities you must find and seduce Damien Cold, who also happens to be the man who made you lose them in the first place - your worst enemy. Fate is playing a game with you, will you succumb to fate? But as they, one can’t fight destiny. Perhaps, Damien Cold is the starting that will lead you back the road you came running from.

_KherdieB · สมัยใหม่
80 Chs

Let me go!

Oak city, Oceania,

Slipping into the high neck, low back flay black silk dress with touch of blue lace at the bottom, Cara concludes her look by sweeping her head up into a bun and pinned it with a unique hair pin.

"You can do this Cara!" She inhale deeply and exhaled sharply, "let's do this!"

Majestically treading down the stairs, all eyes in the room fall onto her. She felt a whirlwind of anxiety rushing in, still, she stiffened herself from shaking and headed down.

Her father and mother both stare at her from the other side - each looking proud and impressed.

"Let's welcome the heir and future queen of Oceania, miss Cara Devani!" The announcer informed.

Plastering a smile, she kept flashing her teeth to every siren she passed by until she had successfully reached the stage, climbed up, and took hold of the mic, then turned to face the audience.