

After losing your powers in a battle against a demon blood, you search for answers, and you've found them. Only catch is, to restore back your abilities you must find and seduce Damien Cold, who also happens to be the man who made you lose them in the first place - your worst enemy. Fate is playing a game with you, will you succumb to fate? or will you write your own destiny?

_KherdieB · Urban
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80 Chs

I would never hate you

The academy, decades ago.

Gasping, Katherina darts awake panting, and completely drenched in sweat. Something about her body feels unfamiliar, she keeps developing this urge - boils within her.

She gets off the comfortable bed and surveyed the room, "where the hell is this?"

In slow steps, she reached the door, opened it, and headed outstide to wherever the long hallway will lead her.

At the end of the hall, a red door awaits. She inhale deeply and opened it. As soon as she did, a blare of sunlight flooded in and straight onto her face.

She took the step outside only to realize she's still stuck within the walls of the academy. But why was she not locked in her cell?

"You are awake?" Kate's voice startled her from behind, she sharply turned around to face her.

As soon as their eyes met, the memories from the other night came rushing in.

"You!" Katherina sneered, "You had your men capture me, what did you do to me?"