
Life Of The Legendary Porter

Boy awakens and finds out his innate skill is a non-combat skill that allows him to find hidden treasure in dungeons. Its a good skill but he has no way to defend himself and must find a party or he will have no way to survive.

Sylvan_Cornett · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

First Dungeon!

As the group was traveling through the forest to get to the dungeon, martin could hear lots if wildlife in the surroundings. There are birds chirping and squirrels climbing up and down some trees. There is also a small group of deer in the distance.

They continued on for a couple of hours before making it to the large ancient stone entrance to the dungeon. Theres huge stone structures with vines and other overgrowth on it. A huge stone door sits in front as brian walks forward and begins pushing it open while it makes a loud grinding noise from scratching the ground.

"Wow, its pretty dark in here." says felix. Martin grabs a torch out of his pack and lights it. All of a sudden the entire area lights up and they can see a couple of feet around them.

It looks like your typical dark creepy dungeon with ominous statues lining the walls and alot of open space, and high ceiling.

I began to follow the group with the torch in hand as we moved deeper inside. Brian and felix were in the front, with me and anna slightly behind them. Brian said that they will take care of any enemies we run into and anna would stay back with me and support them from behind with magic.

After walking for a bit we entered a corridor and continued deeper inside. I made sure to keep a torch lit as it started to feel like it was getting darker the further inside we went.

Soon i could hear faint screeching ahead of us which must be goblins. I could see brian pull up his shield and slow down. Felix had one hand on his sword as we moved closer.

"Alright, everyone get ready." Brian whispered. There was a small amount of light coming from the room up ahead. As we got closer an absolutely putrid scent invaded everyones nostrils.

"Oh god, thats disgusting!" said anna while attempting to cover her face with her sleeve. Soon after the smell hit them 3 goblins emerged from the room. They were stunned for a moment not expecting to see humans here. They quickly snapped out of there stupor as brian charged with his sword and shield.

The goblin's were quite short, were only wearing dirty cloth here and there on there green bodies.

Brian charged up the the closest goblin and bashed it in the face with his shield. Felix locked swords with the second goblin. Both of the first two goblins were weilding daggers and the third one, which was standing farther behind, was weilding a bow.

Anna was already aware of this as she raised her wand high in the air with visible orange energy converging into the top of her wand. Then she aimed her wand straight at the archer and released a fireball. As soon as she did though, the goblin had also shot an arrow. Martin was standing next to Anna as he saw this and since he had no weapon, he simply stuck out his arm in the arrows pathway.

The arrow was heading straight for Anna before it suddenly struck martins forearm.

"Ah! Dammit that hurts worse than I thought." Martin said after "catching" the arrow. He didn't really mean to intercept it, he just did it out of reflex. The goblin had been hit by the fireball and exploded, covering the nearby wall in blood and goblin bits.

Anna cried out when she saw martins arm. Obviously it wasn't fatal but it was bleeding quite alot. The other two guy had finished up with their goblins as they rushed over. As Brian saw martins arm pierced by the arrow he could guess what happened and patted martin on the back.

"That looks like it hurts." Brian said with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" said Anna as she was examining his injury.

Martin replied, "Yea, im okay it didn't hit anything important." He said with a laugh. Anna snapped the arrow in half and gently pulled it out and begun wrapping a bandage while Brian and Felix stood watch.

Soon they were ready to move again, and after taking down seven more goblins they found a safe zone and decided to call it a day.

The safe zone is basically just a room that can be found inside every dungeon. There is atleast one on every floor, it has a sort of force field that keeps any monsters from entering.

I started setting up a fire as the other sat down to rest. I also pulled out a pot from my pack that I use to cook stew, set it up over the fire and started tossing in some ingredients like meat and cut up veggies. It wasn't anything fancy but it's better than just roasting meat.

Once it was done I prepared two bowls and brought them over to Brian and Felix who were sitting together chatting. They both said thanks as I went back to prepare another bowl for Anna.

She was sitting a bit farther away. She seems like she is deep in thought.

"Hey Anna, I made some stew." I said as I handed her the bowl.

"Oh, thank you." She said.

As I started to walk away she called out. "Hey, Martin?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for earlier is all..."

"Ah yea, I was suprised he was able to still shoot that arrow after seeing the fireball flying at him." Martin said with a laugh.

A few seconds passed in silence and then she said, "Um, I was wondering, what is your innate ability?"

I was hoping they wouldn't ask about that. Once they find out how useless my ability is they might just leave me stranded in the dungeon. But it's not like I can just refuse to show her.

Here goes nothing, Martin walked back to where Anna is sitting and then used his ability. A swirl of golden light formed into a small golden rabbit in his hand. As he knelt down to show Anna who had a suprised expression, reached her hand out to pet the bunny.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." She said while petting the little creature. "But what does it do?"

Before Martin could answer, all of a sudden the rabbit jumped out of her arms and started hopping out of the safe zone and down the corridor. Martin and Anna looked at each other visibly confused as they got up and ran after it.

Brian and Felix were eating their stew and talking about their battle with the goblins, when they heard a commotion and turned to see Martin and Anna run out of the safe zone. Brian called out to them but they didn't stop.

Brian and Felix sat their food down and started running in the same direction trying to catch up.

Martin was chasing the golden bunny down the creepy dungeon corridors with Anna close behind.

I've never seen my ability act this way before. I just hope we don't run into any monsters. After about five minutes the rabbit came to a stop in front of a wall. It sat there until i caught up then disappeared.

"How... Strange..." Anna said while breathing hard from all the running. While she was leaning against the wall catching her breath, I was taking a look at the wall that the rabbit led us to.

It looked a bit different from the other walls, it also had some strange runic markings all over it. The other two guys finally caught up as they asked Anna what was happening. Anna explained what had happened as Felix walked over to look at the wall as well.

"It does looked different compared to every other wall we've seen so far, but why?" Felix said as he was examining the wall. Martin couldn't figure it out either so he just tried pushing against the wall.

All of a sudden it started rumbling and slid open like a door. Every member of there group was shocked seeing this happen.

"A hidden door..." Mumbled Brian with his mouth wide open. Hidden doors are basically treasure rooms but instead of having to fight monsters there are just incredibly difficult to find and gain access to. But martins rabbit ability had led them right to a hidden room.

These hidden rooms are actually so rare that even the highest ranked awakened are lucky to find them. Unless you have some kind of ability that boosts perception or something similar your unlikely to ever find one.

They all slowly peaked inside the room to see a small treasure chest sitting inside. The rest of the room was empty. Brian told everyone to step back as he went inside to see if it was trapped because he would have the best chance for survival if it was. He raised his shield up to his chin and entered the room.

After a couple of moments of suspense, he gave the all clear and everyone moved inside. The party gathered in front of the chest as Brian lifted it open. Their eyes were wide open when they saw a small pouch of silver and a couple of magic items.

"Holy shit, guys do you see all this money. This could hold us over for an entire month." Brian said while jiggling the pouch of silver.

After the group devided up the rest of the items and silver, Brian obtained a new kinetic shield and replaced his iron shield.

Kinetic shield-A low grade magic item that builds up energy from the attacks received and explodes forward on command.

Felix received his share of silver and a magic sword of sharpening.

Sword of sharpening-A low grade magic weapon that uses mana to increase the sharpness of the sword. User can input as much mana as they want sharpness.

Anna also received her silver and a mana reserve ring.

Mana reserve ring-A low grade magic ring that increases the wearers mana capacity by a small amount.

Lastly, Martin received his share of silver and a recipe book for potion making. He only skimmed through it but from what he had seen there are some good recipes that you wouldn't be able to find in normal shops.