
Life Of The Legendary Porter

Boy awakens and finds out his innate skill is a non-combat skill that allows him to find hidden treasure in dungeons. Its a good skill but he has no way to defend himself and must find a party or he will have no way to survive.

Sylvan_Cornett · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Martins Awakening!

In a lush green forest with tall trees and bustling wildlife there is a small cabin. Its nothing fancy, but its where martin lives. He is 18 years old, has a fit body and medium length long hair. He spends everyday hunting in the woods or gathering herbs to make potions. He can only make simple healing potions which he either uses or sells to any people he comes across.

He's quite poor but such is the life of an unawakened. Usually you awaken before you turn 16 and afterwards the chance of awakening is drastically reduced. So all he can do for now is survive.

My parents died a couple years back from a group of high level monsters that came from the deeper parts of the forest. Since then its been a fight for survival everyday. There arent any good opportunities for people who haven't awoken.

Until one day i was cooking up some deer creature i hunted when all of a sudden there was a surge of energy through my body. While confused, i opened my eyes and saw something that 90% of people never get to see. There was a translucent blue panel floating in front of me with all my information on it. I have finally awoken!

The panel listed my name and other basic ingormation like height, weight and the like. The thing that caught my attention was the section for skills. It listed one skill called [Heart Of Gold] <Innate skill>.

Everyone that awakens in this world starts with an innate skill that can grow with them. All other skills stay at the same level as when you learned them.

I tried to see if there was a description for my new innate skill but there was nothing besides the name. Curious, i decided to just give it a go. I lifted my hand and activated the skill. A swirl of golden light flew around my hand as a small golden bunny was manifested. It jump to the ground and stared moving and sniffing but soon it came back and dissapated.

"Thats strange, what the heck am i supposed to do with this useless skill. It looks really cool but thats about it from what i can tell. And there is no description either."

"Atleast i can go register and become an adventurer. Then maybe i can find new skills and become stronger and richer."

The adventurers guild. Its a place where many strong people go for work and to relax between quests. A place that you can sell your many loots or party up with other adventurers. Thats where martin's story really begins. He has been traveling through the forest from his home all the way to Aria, the closest city with an adventurers guild. Martin has been hiking through the forest for many days and nights to be able to make it to Aria and become an adventurer.

"Finally!" he says happily as he emerges from the treeline and sees the giant walls protecting the town. Having finally awoken, Martin could finally start his life long dream of clearing dungeons and fighting monsters and getting rich. He has been poor his entire life. Living off the land by hunting for food and creating potions out of the plants around him to sell for a small amount of money was the way he had been surviving until now.

Martin walks up to the long line to enter the city. There are many people waiting to get inside and it takes half an hour before he makes it to the front.

"Identification please." says the one of the guardsmen. Martin pulls out a card with his basic information on it and hands it the the guard. He examines the card before handing it back. "It'll be 5 copper to enter the city". He says.

Martin rummages into his pack and pulls out 5 copper and quickly hands it to the guard who ushers him through. "The view of the city from the inside is even better. " he says to himself. He looks around at the various shops and buildings. Its all very well maintained and looks prestine. He hurriedly walks by as he has no extra money since he used the last of his copper for the entry fee.

Martin heads straight for the adventurers guild to get registered. He walks up the the counter where a female clerk is. "How can i help you, sir?" she says with a questioning look. "Im here to register as an adventurer."

"Oh i see, please follow me to the testing room.

Martin follows the clerk to the testing room. There is a test that needs to be done in order to find out what rank you start in and what rank quests you can take.

She leads over to an empty space in the room.

"Now if you will please demonstrate your innate ability then we can get you registered.

The thing is... My ability is completley useless. They are most likley going to make me an E rank but here goes.

I activated my innate ability that i got when i first awoken a few days ago. I held out my hand as a swirl of golden light flew around my hand and quickly formed into the shape of a bunny, a golden bunny. The clerk had a confused expression as she observed the bunny jump down from my hand and jumped around the room aimlessly.

As it returned to me the clerk was writing something on her clipboard.

She says. "sir unfortunatley your ability has no real combat use and so i will have to give you an E rank. But you may also take on quest to raise you rank over time as well."

"Ah, yes thank you. " Martin said as they returned to the counter and she handed him a card with his basic information and a large letter E printed next to his name.

This ability is really confusing. I had been using it while traveling through the forest but every single time it just wandered around before returning to me or it dug up random junk from the ground. I'm not sure what it does exactly but i guess an E rank is to be expected.

Anyways lets go see if i can join a party and explore some dungeons. Martin wandered back into the main room and approached a decent looking group. As he approached them what looked like their leader turned to face him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but are you in need of a porter by chance?"

Their leader was a strong looking paladin type. With goodlooking armor with engravings on it.

"Yes we actually do need a porter, but i haven't seen you around, are you a newly awakened?" said the paladin.

"Yes, just a few days ago."

"I see, we can let you join but i need to see your innate skill first."

Martin then nervously summoned the golden rabbit on his hand. Everyone in the group was completley baffled. It was such a beautiful skill!

"Thats amazing! I've never seen such a beautiful skill before, but what does it do?"

Martin was hoping they wouldnt ask that as he still has no clue what it does.

"I'm actually not sure what it does exactly." Said martin.

The group gave him a confused look. He couldnt hear them but some of them were whispering and giving him a pitying look.

The paladin looked at him and said "Ah, sorry i just remembered we have a porter we were waiting for so he'll be here any second, sorry." and proceeded to walk away with the rest of the group who were giving him bad looks.

"Just what i thought, no one will take me along unless i have a good innate skill." martin said to himself dejectedly.

I continued to ask other groups if i could join them as a porter but the result was always the same. Some even got offended after seeing that my ability was useless.

I was about to give up and try again tomorrow when i saw a small group that looked new so i decided to give it one last try.

"Excuse me, you wouldnt happen to need porter would you?" martin asked nervously.

There were two young men and a female in there group. Martin learned that his name is Brian. He has a sword and shield and looks like the leader of their group. With short brown hair and a small leather chest piece. The other guy was also a swordsman names Felix but without the shield. He has blond medium length hair and didnt wear any armor but he looked fast. lastly the girl in there group is Anna, wearing robes and has a small wand clipped to her belt, a mage. She has long brown hair and shes a bit on the skinny side but looked overall quite cute.

"Ah, this is perfect. We were actually looking for a good porter." said the leader as they all turned around to look at me.

"We still have some preperations to make but we will be leaving in an hour or so."

"Okay, thank you very much!" said martin with a releived expression.

Martin didnt really have any other preperations to make and decided to just wait around until everyone is ready. After an hour or so it seemed they had everything packed away and were ready to set out.

Martin was in a super good mood now that a group finally accepted him, they didnt even care about his skills or anything. He told himself he will be the best porter they ever hired!

"So what quest are we doing?" Martin asked as they were walking through the forest. He was carrying all three of there packs but it didnt seem to effect him at all. Even before he awakened he was already very athletic from hunting all day long.

"We took a quest to take out some goblins from the nearby dungeon. We just have to bring back 20 goblin ears to get the reward, which we will split between all of us."

Martin nodded. That was really generous for him to split the rewards evenly.