
Life Is Like A Game. A Game That I Will Beat

Asutashi · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

I Remember. Everything

After hearing the voice, Clark stands there with a scared look on his face as he speaks.

"Who…who is there?"

Clark can feel the man remove his arm from around his neck before Clark hears footsteps walk from beside him, to in front of him, as the footsteps stopped Clark starts to breathe heavily, before he feels the hand of the man touch his face.

"Don't fear me Clark. As I am the one, who has given you a second chance, at life."

"What do you mean by a second chance at life?"

"You will shortly see for yourself. Speaking of seeing, there is something I have to return to you. I do apologize for how long you had to wait for them, but it did take some time to make them."

The man slowly moves his hand from Clark's face to Clark's eyes. Clark tries to move but his body is unwilling to move.

"What are you doing? Return what to me?"

As Clark starts to talk, the man's hand starts to glow as a bright light comes out of the man's hand and onto Clark's eyes. Clark is able to feel the glow with some warmth against his eyes. Clark is scared of what the man is doing to his eyes but at the same time he feels relaxed.

"What are you doing to me?"

"Like I said, I am returning something to you. And that should do it."

The man removes his hand from Clark's eyes and steps back a little before speaking.

"Now, open your eyes. And see, once again."

"I can't. I was not born with the ability to see. How can you not understand that?"

"Yes you were born without the ability to see, but now you can. Just trust me."

Clark starts to get the odd feeling that the man in front of him is telling the trust. Clark then starts to slowly open his eyes as he starts to speak.

"I told you I can't see…"

Clark stops talking when he opens up his eyes, and could see that man in front of him and sees the giant room that he is in. Clarks is surprised that he is able to see for the first time and starts to think in his head.

("Does this mean I got the Observer Class?")

"That is correct. You indeed got the Observer Class."

The man starts to walk away, as another voice speaks to the man from Clark's right side.

"Are you not going to warn him about those flashbacks that he will have to deal with?"

Clark looks over and sees a woman sitting in a chair looking down at both of them, as the man looks over at the woman before turning around and speaking to Clark.

"Oh, yeah about those flashbacks."

Clark looks at the man with a confused face before having a part of his old life memories start to pour into his mind. Clark falls on his hands and knees as he starts to throw up all over the floor. The woman looks back over at the man and speaks.

"Uh, that is disgusting. Noir, you better be the one to clean that up."

"Yes of course Ai, I will."

Noir starts to walk close to Clark, as Clark stays on the ground, as he starts to remember and feel the pain that he went through when Wukong and Poseidon tortured him for those 3 years.

("Why…Why…Why…Why...WHY! Why did it have to be me? Why do I have these memories back? Why? Just why?")

Noir stopped walking and looked over at Ai and spoke.

"Ai. If you may give him a hand."

"Do I have to? I mean you are the one who brought him to this world."

"Yes, but you are able to heal most of his pain away. Or am I wrong?"

Ai rolled her eyes at Noir before holding out her right hand and speaking.

"Come, Iris."

After saying those words, Ai's hand catches on fire, as a bright red phoenix forms onto her hand."

"Now, go and help are friend in need."

Iris flies off of Ai's hand, and lands on Clark's back before she enters Clark's body. After Iris entered Clark's body, Clark slowly started to stand up and look around, as if the pain from his memory had disappeared. Clark looks over at Ai and speaks.

 "What did you do to me?"

Ai looks at Clark with a disappointed look on her face before speaking.

"How dare you. Do you know who I am? I am the Goddess of Mana."


Ai looks over at Noir, and sees that he is giving her a look of confusement.

"I thought, you dislike humans."

"I do."

"Then why are you talking to one then?"

Ai's face turns a little red for Noir's comment, before she looks away from Noir and Clark, so they can't see her face.

"I was…just being nice to the human. That is all."

"I see, how kind of you."

Ai's arms start to shake before she turns around and starts to yell at Noir.


Noir couldn't hold it in and started to laugh at Ai's outburster.


Noir takes a seat and looks at Clark and speaks.

"Sorry for random events that have happened so far. I hope you can understand that We had no choice but to wait to give you your new eyes."

"Yes I believe I understand that much, but I do have a question."

"I am surprised you don't have like a hundred."

Clark looks over to his left and sees Alix playing with his invention that he has made over the years.

"Well I do have a lot but I don't know what to ask first."

"I can only guess you are curious about how you got here and so on?"

Clark looks back at Nori before speaking.

"Yes, that is correct. And I can only guess that you are the god that took me from my old world?"

"That is correct. I am Noir, the God of Freedom, but understand this. I didn't do it because I wanted to, it was a favor from an old friend of mine. So I hope you don't take this as a pity second chance at life."

"So you're telling me that the reason I am in this world is because of a favor? I am sorry, but I don't know if I can expect that as a good reason."

Ai looks at Clark and speaks.

"How dare you talk to Noir like that. Yes he can be a jerk sometimes but only another god can speak to him like that."

"That is enough Ai."

Ai looks at Noir, then sits back in her chair.


Clark takes a breath before speaking again.

"At least tell me how many years have gone by in my old world."

"As in the years since you have died or been reincarnated?"

"Just answer the question."

"I kinda like this kid. He has the guts to talk to a god like that."

Blaze sits up in his chair with a smile on his face, as he starts to drink wine out of a golden cup. Clark then looked back at Noir, as Noir put his arm on the armrest and lifted up his hand to rest his head on and spoke.

"Around 20 years, give it a take."

"20 years? 20 YEARS! And you sit there like that is not a big deal or something. What about my friends and family? What happened to them?"

Clark steps closer to Noir, as Blaze slowly starts to stand up, Nori put his hand up, telling Blaze to sit down. Nori then speaks to Clark.

"I don't know much about that, I am not a god of that multiverse so I can't say for certain that anything has happened since you have been reincarnated."

"So, you can't answer all my questions then? Or are you choosing not to answer them?"

"Sadly no, I can't."

"Then what can you do then?"

"I can grant you the freedom that you wish to have, but you must show me that you want that freedom to be given that freedom."

"The freedom that I wish for."

Clark looks around then at his hands before looking back at Noir.

"What am I limited to? Like how far can I go with this, so called freedom?"

Noir smiles before speaking.

"That is all up to you, Clark."

"That doesn't help me at all."

"What do you expect? It is your freedom not mine, so I can't tell you how you should use your new freedom. Freedom is a power that allows one to be what they imagine. The only limit to freedom is yourself."

Clark looks around for a second before thinking about what all he can do with this power.

("Freedom, I am allowed to do whatever I imagine, well that is what I am picking up from this so-called God of Freedom. But if he is telling me the truth, what would I want to do? I mean going back and giving Wukong and Poseidon a piece of my mind would be great, but what else do I want to do with the freedom of mine?")

Clark then remembers what he told his old friends back in his old life.

("That is right. I promised them that I will return one day, if I ever got reincarnated into another world.")

As Clark is thinking, Noir speaks.

"Also, Clark. I manipulated freedom to work differently, then it usually would."

Clark looked at Noir before speaking.

"What do you mean, you manipulated freedom. I thought you said you can't do anything with my freedom?"

"It is simpler to show you than explaining it. Clark, say the word, profile."

Clark looked at Noir with a confused face before speaking.

"Fine, okay. I will play alone. Profile."

After Clark said the word profile, a page popped up in front of Clark.

"What the hell is this?"


[Players Name:] Clark Beyohuma |Free Name Change|

[Level:] 1


[HP:] 150

[Strength:] 10

[Agility:] 10

[Intelligence:] 10

[Constitution:] 10

[Awareness:] 10

("What. I have a stats sheet? And I even have a name changer.")

Clark goes to speak but before he could, Alix starts to clap.

"Yes, finally. Man, I have been waiting forever for you to open that up. Can you see the blessing that you got?"

"Blessing? What is he talking about, Noir?"

"Well, you will see what he means very shortly. You will be able to see it on your blessing page."

"Blessing page?"

After Clark said that another page popped up in front of him.

[Players Blessing's]

[Noir, God Of Freedom:] The leveling system, with infinite growth. - Skill: [???:] ???

[Nagi, Untouchable God:] - Skill: [Awakening:] [Lvl 1] Gives the player a +50% to all stats with a 20% regenerate and a +10% resistance to all damage/statics effects.

[Alix, God Of Inventions:] - Skill: [Skill learner:] [Lvl 1] Allows the player to create new skills from doing anything.

("I have 3 blessings, but there seems to be only 3 in this room with me and I don't believe that Ai woman gave me a blessing. But who is this Nagi?")

Clarks looks over at Alix then back at Noir.

"So I am like a game character now?"

"If you want to call yourself that, then yes you are."

"I see.But why would you give me this power if you know that I hate all gods with a passion?"

Noir stands up and walks down to Clark and speaks.

"That is true, and I am fully aware of how much you hate gods. But that will not change my decision on giving you this power. To be honest with you, I want to see how far a human can go and where they will end."

"So I am a test for you?"

"If you want to call it that. Then yes, you are my test."

"To be honest I really don't like the idea of being your test, but if it gives me the power to get my revenge on those ass gods. Then count me in."

Noir smiles then puts his hand on Clark's shoulder before speaking.

"That is good. Now that last question, I have to ask."

("Why can't I move, he has a lot of power and strength. I can even more a inch.")

"Do you want to keep your memories or do you want to forget your past life?"

Blaze leans in his clair and speaks.

"You better keep them, so I can see you get stronger and then we can fight. Hahaha."

Clark smiles and looks Noir right in the eyes and speaks.

"I will keep my memories, so I can remember who I have to kill in the future."

"I see, if that is what you want. Then I will allow you to keep your memories."

Noir goes back and sits in his chair and looks at Clark and speaks.

"It seems like time is up. Is there anything else you would like to ask?"

"Yes there is."

Back at the Class Selection, Jenn runs over to make sure Sabrina was okay.

"Ms. Sabrina, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am okay. But Young Lord Clark is…"

"Don't worry, he will be okay."

 Jenn helps Sabrina back to her feet as Cora and Frank run over and speak to Jenn.

"What was the white light?"

"Is my son okay?"

Jenn turns and speaks.

"Everything is going to be okay. The white light is known as a phenomenon. It only happens when the person standing in the circle is given a rare or even high class."

"Does that mean?"

"Yes. Your son, Clark, has a special class."

"As all four look over at the circle, they see a human-shaped figure standing in the light. As it moves out of the light, they all can see it is Clark with his eyes closed. Sabrina runs over to Clark as she speaks.

"Young Lord Clark, you're okay."

Sabrina hugs Clark, as the rest have a look of joy on their face. Frank then looked over at Clark and spoke.

"Son. Please open up your eyes, and tell me if you can see now."

Clark smiles before speaking.

"Of course father, but before I do I have a small request to make for everyone."

Everyone looked at each other before Sabrina spoke.

"What is it, Young Lord Clark?"

Clark puts Sabrina on her head before speaking.

"My name is no longer Clark. It's Enoch now."

As Enoch said that he opened up his eyes as he looked down at Sabrina. Sabrina looks back and sees that Enoch's eyes are no longer all white, but they have turned a yellowish gold color with the sclera of his eyes being the colors of the rainbow.

"Young Lord Clark is that really you?"

Enoch puts his finger on Sabrina's mouth and speaks.

"It's Enoch, I am no longer Clark. Do try to remember that for me, Sabrina."