
Life Is Like A Game. A Game That I Will Beat

Asutashi · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Class Selection

After Clark's birth some time has passed by, and as Clark was just turning 3, his new family noticed that Clark was unable to see. So, for the next couple of years his family has tried all types of healing magic and went around to the neighboring Kingdom's to find a doctor that could maybe help Clark, but no luck. By the time Clark turned 6, his father decided to hire Clark a personal maid. Clark is sitting outside on a beach with the wind blowing on his face, forcing his dark brown hair to waft with the wind, as Clark can hear the flowers in front of him getting blown but the wind. Clark starts to smile as he can smell the flowers, as he hears footsteps coming from his right side, as Clark can hear someone walk on the gravel. Clark moves his head over to the right and speaks.

"Who is there?"

 The footsteps stop as Clark hears his father's voice.

"It is just me, my son."

"Oh, I see. What brings you out here today father? Are you here to watch the flowers with me?"

Clark looks back at the flowers and sits there in enjoyment, as he can hear and smell the flowers. Clark's father stands and takes a breath before speaking.

"No son, I am not here to join you."

"Then why are you here, father? Did you find a new doctor for me to see for my eyes?"

"No, I have not found a new doctor yet. But I did find someone that can help you."

"They can help me with my eyes?"

"Not exactly."

Clark's father steps to the side, as someone else steps forward, Clark can hear them wall closer to him, as they just stopped right next to Clark. Clark can feel their shadow, as they stand right next to him. Clark slides over on the beach and speaks.

"Who are you? Father, why did they get so close to me?"

"Now Clark, come down."

Clark's father looks over at the maid and speaks.

"Now go ahead and introduce yourself."

"Yes of course."

The maid gives Clark a bow before speaking.

"My name is Sabrina, Sabrina Flo. Starting today I will be your personal maid."

Clark sits there in silence before speaking to his father.

"Father, why did you hire me a maid for?"

"Well son, when it comes down to it. You will need someone to watch over you, until me and your mother find a way to fix your eyes."

"But father. I can almost walk around the manor without any difficulty now. So I don't see why I need a maid for?"

Clark's father puts his right hand on his face, covering his eyes then takes a breath before speaking.

"Clark, you need to understand. That we hired Sabrina to help you with things that you are unable to do for yourself."

"But that is why I have you and mother for."


Clark stops and can feel that his father is very upset with him. As Clark goes to stand up, he tries over a rock that was in front of his right foot, as Clark hits the ground, Sabrina reacts and goes to see if Clark was okay.

"Young Lord Clark, are you okay?"

Sabrina reaches down to help Clark up, but Clark pushes her hand away. Clark then slowly stands up and looks at the direction where he felt Sabrina hand come from and speak.

"I don't need your help. I can do it on my own."

Sabrina looks away with a face of understanding.

"Oh, I understand. Then I shall take my leave then."

"No Sabrina."

Sabrina looks at Clark's father as he speaks to Sabrina.

"Please stay and watch after my son."

"But father I don't need a…"


Clark silenced when his father raised his voice at him. Clark stands there confused as his father looks at Sabrina again and speaks.

"You can go inside Sabrina, my wife Cora should be in there making some tea. You should go and treat yourself to some."

"If you insist, my Lord."

Sabrina gives Clark's father a bow before turning and giving Clark a bow, then she heads off to the kitchen where Cora is. As Sabrina walks away, Clark steps forward to say something, but his father speaks first.

"We need to have a talk, Clark. I understand you don't want to be helped by anyone but me or your mother, but that will not stand."

"But why not."


Clark stands there not knowing what to say, as he father walks closer to him and sits on the beach. His father taps on the beach before speaking.

"Take a seat Clark."

Clark turns and takes a seat next to his father as his father starts to talk about the world and how it is only going to get harder for Clark if he doesn't start to trust others then just his family. After that night Clark accepts Sabrina as his personal maid, but he still doesn't trust her, over the years Sabrina watches over Clark as, he goes to school, when he is trying to learn how to read with his hands, and even when he is sitting on the beach and smelling the flowers as the wind blows around him, but when Clark turned 13 everything changed for him and Sabrina. Sabrina is doing her normal routine and checking on Clark, as she sees Clark in the kitchen. Sabrina stops and watches as she is holding a box filled with Clarks clothes as she stands there thinking about why the young Lord Clark is in the kitchen, as Clark starts to reach up for something.

("What could the young Lord Clark be after, is he trying to learn how to cook now? It would be a great idea, but in his condition, I don't know if that is a great idea.")

As Sabrina is thinking, she sees Clark reach up and try to grab a pan. Clark can feel the pan rub against his fingertips.

"Yes, I have found it."

Sabrina smiles before saying to herself.

("I guess young Lord Clark got what he was after. I best get these clean before supper.")

As Sabrina starts to turn away, she hears Clark fall down and sees that he hit one of the knife's losses as he failed down.

"AHH. My head."

"Young Lord Clark. STAY DOWN!"

Sabrina runs over in time to cover Clark with her body as the knife stabs her in her left back shoulder. Clark can feel Sabrina brave on his neck, as he feels blood drip onto his face from Sabrina bleeding shoulder. Clark whips the blood off of his face and smells it.

"Is this blood? Sabrina, are you bleeding?"

Sabrina lifts herself off of Clark and feels how deep the knife is before speaking to Clark.

"Don't worry about me young Lord Clark, I will be fine. But I need you to be more careful. You…you…could have gotten hurt."

Clark can hear in Sabrina's voice that she is crying. Clark slowly sits up as his mother runs into the kitchen and sees the knife in Sabrina's back. Cora grabs and towel and runs over to Sabrina and starts to see how bad the wound is as she is speaking to Sabrina and Clark.

"What happened here? How did this knife end up in your back Sabrina? Clark, are you hurt anywhere?"

Before Clark could say a word, Sabrina spoke.

"It was my fault, my lady."

Cora looks at Sabrina with a confused face before speaking.

"What do you mean it was your fault?"

"No mother, it was…"

"I was trying to make something for young Lord Clark, but in the process, I missed the pan I was after and knocked the knife off of its rack. So, I put my body between the knife and young Lord Clark. I am sorry if I caused a big mess. I will clean it up right away."

Sabrina reaches back to take the knife out, as Cora grabs Sabrina's hand. Cora slapped Sabrina in the face with her left hand before giving Sabrina a hug.

"It is okay Sabrina. I am not worried about the mess, I am just happy that you both are okay."

Cora stands up and helps Sabrina to her feet.

"Now, let's get that knife out of your back, before you lose too much blood."

"Okay, my lady."

Cora then looks over at Clark and speaks.

"Clark my dear, please stay here until I return. I don't want you to get hurt."

Cora walks out the kitchen with a towel around Sabrina's right shoulder, as they hurried to the medic room. After they both leave Clark sits there on the floor with a confused look on his face as he starts to think to himself.

("Why. Why did she take the blame for me? Even though I treat her like she is trash to me, even with me showing her no respect, she goes and does that for me. Why would she do that for me? It just doesn't make any sense to me. She was even crying for my care. No, that must have been from the pain that she had from the knife.")

Clark puts both of his hands on his head and speaks out loud.

"Why would a maid sacrifice herself for a boy that can't even see."

Clark makes a fist with his hands before he punches the ground. After Cora came back for Clark everything came down for the rest of the day, until Clark asks Sabrina to have a word with her after dinner. After dinner finished Clark and Sabrina went to Clark room, as Sabrina helped Clark to his bed, Clark turned and spoke to Sabrina.


Sabrina looked at Clark and spoke.

"Yes, young Lord Clark."

Clark makes a fist with his left hand, followed behind with a deep breath before speaking.

"Sabrina, I want to know why. Why would you sacrifice yourself, for a low rank noble like me?"

Sabrina looked at Clark with a confused face before speaking.

"I am confused, young Lord Clark. What do you mean by that?"

"I mean why did you take the blame for me? You would have not taken the punishment if you would have told the truth."

"I don't see an issue with me taking the punishment for you. After all I am your personal maid."

"Yes, but still."

Clark looks down at the ground with a face of despair as he speaks.

"I treat you like trash on a daily basis and I overlook you, if I had my ways, you would have been gone a long time ago, because I see you as a waste of my time. I don't deserve someone that treats me the way you do. You treat me like your lord, but I don't show you the same care. So, tell me why do you care for a noble that doesn't even care about you."

Clark starts to cry as Sabrina gives Clark a hug. Sabrina puts her left hand on Clark's head, as she puts his head on to her left shoulder and starts to speak.

"I understand what you are feeling right now, and it is not easy to talk about or to share with others. You feel like you don't deserve anything, but that is not right at all my young lord."

"But why? Why do I deserve anything? I can't even, see?"

"That is why, I am here young lord. I am your eyes, I am your voice, I am your heart. Whatever you ask me to do, I will do it. If I have to build you a castle, I will do my best."

"But why Sabrina?"

"Because I am your personal maid. My job is to be with you until the day I die. So, no matter what, I will always be there for you, my young Lord Clark."

Clark flat his heart skips a beat when he hears Sabrina say that. Clark looked up but as he could to say something, Sabrina gave Clark a kiss on the cheek before stepping back and speaking.

"Now get some sleep, young lord. We have a long day tomorrow. So, get some rest."

"Yeah, sure."

Sabrina helps Clark into bed, then she leaves the room, as both Clark and Sabrina feel a bit flustered from what just happened. After that night Clark started to show more respect to Sabrina and started to treat her as his personal maid. 

{2 Years Later}

A knock on the front door, as the head maid answered the door there was a man wearing a suit standing there.

"I am here with some news."

The man handed the maid a letter. As the maid looked at the letter her eyes opened widely as she looked back at the man and spoke.

"Please come in, I will at the Lord know that you are here."

"Why thank you."

The head maid walks the man to the office room, where Clark's father is doing his studies. The maid knocks on the door as she hears Clark's fathers voice on the other side say.

"You may enter."

The maid opens the door and speaks.

"I am sorry for interrupting your study, my Lord. But I have a man here to see you."

"It is okay. Show him the way in."

"Yes of course."

The maid gives Clark's father a bow before walking out of the room, as the man walks into the room. The man takes a bow before speaking.

"Good afternoon, my name is Jenn, Jenn Redtail from the Class Selection."

Clark's father's eyes open big, as he takes a seat and starts to pour him and Jenn a glass to dinner.

"Please take a seat."

"Of course."

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Frank, Frank Beyohuma."

After a couple of drinks Jenn started to ask Frank about Clark.

"So, your son, his name is Clark Beyohuma. Am I correct?"

"Indeed, you are."

"And I believe he has just turned 15 too."

"Yes, sire he has."

"Then why not have your son try for a class at the Class Selection?"

"I don't know about that. Clark is not able to see, so giving him a class will not help Clark in any way."

"You might be right Sir, but at the same time it could cure his blindness."

"You have a good point there."

Frank takes a minute before he decides for Clark to go to the Class Selection to see if it could cure Clark's blindness. After a hour ride to the city of Bellmare, the Beyohuma family arrive at the Class Selection, as the doors open to the carriage Sabrina walks out first with Clark follows right behind her, as he holds onto Sabrina hand to help him walk down the sides of the carriage. After they both got out of the carriage, both Jenn and Clark's father Frank, led the way into the Class Selection. As all four walks into the building, it is filled with long benches that have red seats and golden outlines on them, and in the middle of the room is a giant circle that is gray with a symbol in the middle with red outlines in the symbol. Jenn turns and looks at Sabrina and speaks.

"Why don't you go first? So, it will make it easier for the young lord."

Sabrina looks at Clark and speaks.

"I will be right back, so wait for me. Okay?"


Sabrina lets go of Clark's hand and walks onto the circle. As Sabrina stands in the middle of the circle, the symbol starts to glow red then it changes to blue, as the room starts to glow blue. After the glowing goes away Jenn walks over to Sabrina and speaks.

"How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling okay. Thank you."

Jenn gives Sabrina a hand and helps her off of the circle and as Sabrina walks away Jenn speaks.

"So, what is your class, Ms. Sabrina?"

Sabrina turns and looks at Jenn and speaks with a smile on her face.

"I am a green mage."

Everyone is happy to hear that Sabrina is a green mage.

{A green mage, are mages that are skilled in healing, buffs, and debuffs. They gain their mana from the planet life around them.}

Sabrina walks over to Clark and takes his hand again before speaking.

"Did you hear that? I am a green mage."

"Yeah, that is good news."

Clark starts to look concerned, as Sabrina can see the look on his face.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. The gods will give you a class to help you see again."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

Sabrina gives Clark a smile before Jenn looks over and speaks.

"Okay it is your turn, Clark."

Clark nods his head as Sabrina guides Clark to the circle, as Jenn speaks again.

"Okay Clark, it is very simple now. All you have to do is stand there and it will do the rest for you."

"Okay. If you say so."

Jenn turns on the circle and watches, the circle stands off as red, then blue, then green, then yellow, then finally white. Jenn jumps up and yells at Clark.


Sabrina runs over to try to grab Clark but the whole room glows white, as Clark is standing there in the dark with no one around him.

"Is anyone there? Hello? Jenn? Sabrina?"

Clarks takes a step then he hears a voice from behind him, then someone puts their hand round Clarks neck and speaks.

"It has been a while, Clark."