
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 8

Nathan and his parents went to his room, sat down on his bed, and proceeded to tell him everything about the gods and what they meant about the evil in this world. Unlike other shows, the Demon King in this world is a private matter. Not many people know about this because they'd rather have everyone calm instead of constantly terrified. When they were done discussing, they told him that he would begin training the next day because they wanted to catch up to all the kids that left him behind.

He was extremely happy to hear that he would start training again. Last time he did this, it did not end well. How did it end, you ask? He passed out on his bed for a full week. Some even thought he was dead, but he eventually woke up, not soon enough though.

His parents then left the room, and Nathan jumped around because he was so excited. After a couple more minutes of jumping, he grew tired and fell on the floor. He giggled and turned onto his back.

"I'm going to be a hero, and the strongest one, to boot. I'm so excited."

As for Travis, he had come back from training and entered his home. His mom and Ayame were already working, so he went upstairs and bathed himself. After he was done, he changed his clothes and ran downstairs for some food.

"Travis, you don't need to be back early anymore. You've grown stronger, and I'm sure you can take care of yourself. Also, try to teach your friends, or they won't get stronger, meaning you'll be a lone adventurer in the future."

He nodded and said goodbye to her and the others. Honestly speaking, he wanted to be a lone adventurer because it sounded cooler than being a normal adventurer. So even though he'll teach them all these things, Travis will not take them on his journey. He wanted them to be a team of three who know what they want in life instead of just following him around.

He soon arrived at the grounds and saw everyone already doing target practice. He had done some during his training, so he wasn't going to train in that right now. He greeted them all, and they began telling him what they want to fight with in the future.

"I'm going to be a spearman," Kyle said.

"I'm feeling like becoming a swordsman," said Anne, "but I'll become a magic swordsman."

Lastly, Suzanne, who fixed her glasses, said, "I will become a mage. I find magic highly easy, so I'll invest in that. Don't worry, I will still strengthen my body just in case I run out of mana."

"Wow, guys, those are really good weapon choices. They really compliment you all with your strengths. Well, I'm just going to be a swordsman. Very plain, but I certainly like it. Now today, we'll be going on a short adventure."

"Where are we going?" They all asked.

"Well, since we've chosen our weapons, it's time to create them. So we're going to the forest."

"What! But they said we're not allowed to go there," Anne said with shock in her voice.

"Don't worry. We won't be going deep into the forest. We're just taking tree branches from the frontal trees and then we'll dip, that's all," he assured them.

"Why don't we take some from these trees?" Suzanne asked.

"Because we don't want to ruin the playground," he answered.

"Okay, let's go," Kyle said.

Travis chuckled, and they began walking toward the forest, which was outside the village. They hid themselves and sneaked out of the village.

"Alright, I'll go get the branches. You guys stay guard," he said. He used the body-strengthening technique and ran up the tree. He grabbed on and pulled himself up. This greatly shocked everyone since the tree was way too tall, even for him.

He looked into the distance and saw a tall hill that looked pretty cool. There was a flower field on it, making it even more awesome. He hurriedly took some branches and threw them down. After he was done, Travis jumped off. Before he got to the ground, he held onto a branch and then landed on the ground.

"Whoa, Travis, how'd you do that?" Anne asked with sparkles in her eyes. Everyone listened closely to hear his answer; they were all very curious.

"Well, I got a new move. Well, my mom taught me. I'll show you all when we get back," he replied.

They snuck back into the village and ran back to their playground. Kyle went home to get some utensils to carve their weapons. His father is a blacksmith, so they have a lot of tools to use.

While he was doing so, Travis drew the designs on the ground. All their weapons were going to be plain, but they would serve their purposes. Kyle came back, and they began working. Travis designed himself a katana. It was fairly easy since it was just a curved sword. Anne made herself a longsword. Kyle made a magical spear, which he saw being carried by an adventurer one day. Suzanne made herself a magic staff. It only lacked a gem, but it would work for now.

"Now that we're done with our weapons, I'll show you the new technique I learned. It's called...'um, what can I call it?' Haki, yeah, it's Haki."

"No one is going to notice in this world."

"It's very efficient in raising your power. But first, I need to explain why and how our mana works."

They all sat down as they listened to Travis explain. After they had learned everything, they began learning the technique. It took them the whole day to learn because they lacked mana. But Travis told them that they could increase it by using it. All they needed to do is form their mana inside their body at all times, and it would grow.

When the sun was about to set, all of them had learned the technique.

"Wow, look at me go," Anne said cheerfully, as she ran up a wall and leaped onto a tree that was close. Kyle began to climb the tall fence. He then jumped off and ran on the wall, which slowed down his fall. Suzanne leaped up and hung on a tree branch. She then swung on it and swung towards the next branch.

"Good progress. Tomorrow we'll start with our weapon training, so get rested and don't forget to use your mana," he said. Travis took his sword and put it in a tree. The others did that as well.

He then said goodbye to them and began sprinting back home, arriving there just 30 seconds later. When he entered, he greeted Brenda, who was walking past.

"Travis, so you really plan on marrying my daughter?" Brenda asked.

This question stopped him in his tracks. He had completely forgotten about Cindy and what he had done. He slowly turned to her and nodded.

"Yes, I will marry Cindy. But she'll have to share me, of course," he said with no hesitation.

"That's my boy!" Ayame shouted from behind the kitchen.

"My dear baby is going to become a womanizer," Debbie said sadly.

"Don't worry, Debbie, a strong man has to have many wives. Not only because he wants to show off, but also to satisfy his lust. You know what the saying goes, the stronger the person, the hornier they get. I wonder why that never worked for us though," Ayame said.

"Shhh, don't speak about that," Debbie hurriedly shushed her.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't see a reason honestly. I mean, I know we don't have our powers..." She was again shushed by Debbie.

"Don't say anything, Ayame, or you'll die, okay? Now help me wash these spoons."

Travis was already upstairs, sitting in the living room and reading a book on the world's history.

"Time to dive in."