
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 28

"Today we'll be testing your strength, speed, and endurance. Basically, think of this as PE; there is nothing too extreme; it's just a warm-up. Now I want you to go and change; oh, we haven't given y'all your uniform. Here."

30 bags appeared in front of them, each with students' names on them to avoid confusion.

"Take these and go change. The boys' changing rooms are on your right, and the girls are on your left. I pray you don't waste any time because if you do, Mrs. Gwendolyn and I will personally come and get you. Now go!"

They took their bags and ran towards the changing room. Ryan chuckled as he scratched his head when he saw this.

"I think we scared them a little too much," he said.

"Yes, we have, but who cares. Fear is one of the best ways to have someone give you good results. So I do not mind them fearing me," she said.

Ryan laughed more as he glanced at Gwendolyn. "You really are one heck of a scary woman. I wonder how you even got a position as a teacher when you have such a history."

"Oh, well, death threats are a very easy way to get what you want, no need to place fear on them because they already know what I'm capable of."

"I guess that's true. Oh, here they come back; that was awfully fast," he said. The students came and stood before them in order.

"Good, now let's begin; you will all run 30 laps around this whole field. If you stop for even a second, I'll kick you in your ass, and I'm not joking; I will literally kick you in the ass. Now go!"

They did not hesitate for even a second and started running. Eleanor and Nathan were running side by side as they stared at their classmates trying to go fast.

'Do they not know how to conserve energy?' they both thought.

"How smart of them to jog instead of sprinting; I was right to assume that these two were strong and smart, might I add. I guess it's not surprising since they are royalty," Ryan said.

"Yes, they do not think like any other 10-year-old, that's for sure. They are also stronger than any other student in their class. Both of them are level 1. The others have the same level, but these two have higher Aura and Magical Energy. I honestly wonder what they have in store as the future Gods of this world."

"So they've told you, huh? Yes, I also wonder as well. I know they won't disappoint us in any way, though; that's something I'm sure of."

They continued to run; the students who were in front were now trailing from behind. Nathan and Eleanor were now leading; ever since the run began, they did not escalate their speed in any way, which is the reason why they're not as tired as the others.

Soon the 30-lap run was finished; Nathan and Eleanor ran back to the teachers and stopped before them as they breathed heavily. Both of them were drenched in sweat, but they had smiles on their faces. This really caught the two educators by surprise; why would someone smile even after they've experienced something so tiring.

"Good job," Mr. Ryan said. Nathan and Eleanor nodded in response as they couldn't speak from trying to catch their breath.

Everyone else soon finished and came back and stood in a straight line again.

"Well done; none of you stopped running. I admire that; now it's time for the strength test. You will carry 20 Kg weights on your hands and legs as you run around the grounds. This time you do 10, but if you run the last 5, you pass and you can stop. I don't recommend that, though, because that means you did your best, so you quit, and that's a failure mindset, and I will not teach failures," he said. Ryan brought out a box and opened it; he gave each student weight bracelets that could be adjusted to any weight under 200.

As they turned them on and placed them on 20, they didn't feel much of a difference except that their arms and legs were a bit heavier.


The run began, and again, this exercise served as a strength test and an endurance test, so even after they've endured 30 laps, they still had to endure this, which is much harder.

Like before, Eleanor and Nathan jogged so that they could preserve their strength; other students also did this because they saw how the two finished the race without any problems. Ryan smirked when he saw this.

"Oh, so they're now influencing their class with that," he said. Gwendolyn chuckled and said, "I think that was bound to happen from what I've noticed. Well, let's see if that will have a positive outcome or not."

After 4 laps, they all began to feel their muscles burn. It was as if they were set on fire, but the fire only felt like they had placed hot pepper on their flesh. They felt every step they took feel heavier and heavier; their arms felt numb, and their hearts threatened to jump out of their chest. Some even began to feel dizzy, but they did not let that bother them.

"I guess it did. They somehow fueled their will to not give up. I'm impressed," Gwendolyn said.

"Yes, I am as well. All of them have passed the pass mark, but they're still going at it. I wonder if they'll all reach 10."

And they did; all students finished the race without any of them passing out or stopping. Ryan and Gwendolyn were truly impressed by this, so much so they decided to give them a short 10-minute break.

"When your break is over, the speed test will start, so get ready."

Eleanor and Nathan fell to the ground, and so did all the other students. Even though they were slightly stronger than all of them, that did not mean they had a better experience than them all; it was just as torturing for them as well.

"I can't feel my legs," Nathan said.

"Me too, they're numb to the bone; it's like I don't even have legs," Eleanor said.

"I thought today was going to be a walk in the park the way they described it. Makes me wonder what's going to happen tomorrow," Nathan said as he trembled in fear. Eleanor sighed then said.

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow; I'm going for a drink, you wanna come with?" She asked as she got up from the grass floor.

"No, I'll stay here," he replied. Eleanor nodded then walked towards the tap.

"Hey Nathan, right?" Suddenly someone spoke out to him as he relaxed his body; he opened his eyes and turned towards the person; it was Gabriel, the guy who's always in a daze.

"What's up, Gabriel?" He asked in a friendly tone.

"You know my name; that's surprising. So how was the run?"

"It was hell, yet exciting as well, what about you. You look like you're about to fall and die right now," Nathan said as he chuckled.

"Do I look that bad? I mean, I sort of did pass out a minute ago; luckily, they woke me up with cold water, which is why I'm so wet. But at least I'm not sticky anymore," Gabriel said.

"I can't wait to enter the shower after this because I really hate this moist feeling all around my body. So why did you call me?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to have a conversation with you, maybe even make a friend as well."

"That's cool; guess we're friends now then," Nathan said. Gabriel smiled as he nodded, then said, "Yeah, guess we are!"