
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Chapter 26

The two went to the cafeteria and ordered themselves some food. They sat together and watched as the cafe gathered up. It was the only place that could accommodate all students at the same time, meaning all groups of students from the first year until the last, which is grade 12, come to this place to eat every break.

"Wow, it's as if we don't belong here. I mean, look at how accustomed the older students look compared to us," Eleanor said.

"Yeah, I know, right? I hope nobody comes and tries to fight us because I'm sure we'll lose without even trying," Nathan added.

"I'm pretty sure it's not allowed for older students to engage in duels with younger students. So that's something we don't have to worry about. Our food is here!" She said excitedly, and Nathan's eyes turned into meat as he stared at the food placed in front of him.

'Thank god,' he thought.

Before they could take a bite, two students came up to them.

"Hey, you must be Nathan and Eleanor," the boy who just spoke had brown hair, while the other was a girl with blue hair smirked.

"My name is Cameron, and this is Victoria, and I'd like to challenge you two to a duel!" He said.

Luckily the cafe was too loud, so no one other than them could hear. Nathan and Eleanor glanced at each other, then returned their gaze towards the two.

"Why, though? I mean, we just arrived, and we don't even know you two," Eleanor asked in confusion.

Victoria stepped forward and replied to her question, "Well, firstly, that's true. Secondly, we just felt that beating two royal students would be a nice way to boost our popularity."

"Wow, how blatant of you. Well, Nathan and I agree that we do not have any reason to duel with you, so we humbly decline. Thank you for the offer, though," Eleanor said and began to eat her food.

Cameron smirked when he heard that, walked towards Nathan's side, then pushed his head down to his food. Nathan was caught by surprise since he was busy eating.


The bang was heard by nearby students, and when those students saw what was happening, they told other students until everyone knew what was happening.

The student council members approached the scene with fierce expressions; it was clear to say that Cameron and Victoria were the ones in the wrong here.

"You two, come with us to the office!" One of the members said, but they were stopped by Eleanor who rose from her seat and grabbed Cameron's arm and began to clench it.

"I accept your duel! So do you, right, Nathan?"

His head rose from the bowl as he took a paper towel and removed the food from his face; he got up and stared at Cameron with rage-filled eyes.

"Yes, I also accept!" He said.

The two now had a duel agreement, meaning....

[Duel Agreement Complete! Students, Cameron Will Fight Nathan, and Victoria will Fight Eleanor. The fight will be dated on the last day of the weekday!]

This voice sounded all around the academy; this was a completely normal thing to happen. When two people agree to a duel, it gets announced in the whole school so that people may come to see them battle.

Cameron smirked and pulled his arm away from her grip and stared at the two with a mocking expression.

"Good, I hope you two are ready for a beatdown, let's go, Victoria," and then they left without saying much more.

'That was an interesting experience,' she thought.

<Yes, it truly was.>

'Could you not say anything every time something happens?'

<I can, but I don't feel like it.>

Nathan wiped his face clean then got up as he went to the men's room; Eleanor finished up her food in silence, thinking of the duel she was to have. She was not worried about losing; that was the least thing she had to worry about. All she could think about was how she could train so that she can at least be in tip-top shape before the battle. Whether she wins or loses, she wanted to fight in her best form.

The siren rang, meaning they had to return to learning again. After returning the bowls back to the cafeteria staff, she left the place and went to their next class, which was history.

Nathan soon came and sat next to her.

"Do I smell like barbecue sauce?" He asked.

"No, but you do smell like bathroom spray." She said as she giggled. Nathan sighed and slapped his forehead, "I knew that putting too much would make it noticeable," he said.

"Don't worry; I'm sure no one will notice." She said, and this was, of course, a lie just to make him feel better, which worked.

The teacher came in and sat on his table as he looked at everyone. He had no speech unlike other teachers, but he did want to make an unforgettable first impression. So he cleared his throat and said.

"You all are dumb."

The whole class was put to silence with those words; they were shocked to say the least. Wondering in their minds what they had done, some even thinking that a person must have messed up or something.

"You're knowledge of this world's history is flawed; therefore, you are stupid. And last I checked, stupid students do not pass my class or any class that is. So it's your choice whether you want to become smart or not. I'm just the teacher; therefore, I have no say in what you choose to do. I'm Mr. Cas, and I'll be teaching you history. If you have any questions, I suggest you research the answer on your own then come and tell me about it, for I do not answer questions from stupid students."


Is what all the students thought. Mr. Cas smiled, then he started to walk around the class while looking at each person.

"I hope you and I will enjoy this year together. Moving on, today's topic, Slavery."