
Trouble never comes alone, so we smash them together

Dobby popped in: "Great Master Harry sir, Potter Elves are in trouble, you have to come right now, Harry Potter sir"

"Pop me to them Dobby, girls make yourself at home here or you can get back to your dorms. I'll try to come back as soon as possible." Dobby took my hand and popped me at the gate, remembering what to do, I put my ring in the lock, and opened it up.

There was almost no magic, everything felt wrong, I opened the door and got to the ward stone, put my hand on it, and took possession of the mansion.

There was a drain on the ward-stone, I pumped my magic and senses in the stone and followed the drain to its source. Around the borders were four stones that drained the magic, fucking Dumbledore again?

Angry I sent feedback to one and overloaded the thing until it exploded, I did two others the same way, the last one I saved his placement in my memory and went out to look for it. The thing was a big stone covered with runes, not trusting to touch the thing I levitated the soil on one side to roll it away from the boundary so the connection was cut.

"Dobby pop me to our family." Dobby took my hand and we arrived at the elves' quarters. They all were near death. Tapsy was in a terrible state. Putting my hands on them and pumping my magic in helped them recover.

Tapsy: "Master Harry returned to us? Will Master harry stay now?" Grimly I nodded.

"Yes, this will be home again, I removed the drains to the wards so magic will recover. The person responsible for it will suffer, do you know who did this?"

Tapsy: "Bad headmaster did always wanted to come in and steal Potter heirlooms."

"Take a rest and recover, I have taken care of the headmaster, Dobby here was the reason I knew I had Potter elves and got me here, he will be responsible to help you back to full health. Dobby, anything that is needed to get them better, potions or artifacts or whatever it takes. Do it. Tomorrow I will return with others to get to the bottom of this. Pop me back at school Dobby, ask Hogwarts elves to assist if needed."

After Croaker is finished with Dumbledore, I am going to roast the bastard.

The bed was huge as usual, I put my glasses on the nightstand and nested myself on a good spot in the middle, soon I fell asleep.

Waking up was bliss with my favorite snakes nested next to me. My hand on Daphne's pussy, and Tracey spoiling little Harry. As usual, I spread my magic on the bed… Only seven? Where are the others? Bloody fuck! I remembered the events yesterday. With my shock I send a pulse through my magic, giving the girls a dose of happiness. Why the hell are they in my bed now? Dammed, Tracey is one messed up girl, I hope I didn't do more damage.

"Girls, why are you in my bed? Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis?"

Daphne: "My Lord, you saved my love and me, we wanted to show you our gratitude."

"Miss Greengrass, I do not need that kind of gratitude, if you want to share my bed, it needs to be because you like or love me, you can even just sleep in here as friends. Or else it would just replace one abuser for another that way. Miss Davis needs to heal, body and mind, and I don't think having sex with me will ease the trauma.

Tracey: "My Lord, what you just did for me helped a lot, you made me feel better than I have in the last year."

Hermione: "Harry? How did you do that just now? That felt fantastic."

Hannah: "I like to know that too, it was even better than when Susan did that with me."

Susan: "Hannah!… Yeah, it was great." Astoria and Luna had their eyes closed and were still riding the clouds.

Goat god be dammed, I created magic sex junkies.

"Why are you all in my bed? It better not be something you read in those Harry Potter books."

Luna, eyes still closed: "You know why husband to be, I heard the prophecy, Leaving Love behind and finding new. Saving the Hopeless is his destiny.

You left us behind and found us a new. I was married to you, I can feel it, with these girls too, I do not know how, but it is. You came to save us from our fate."

Astoria: "After you left, we talked to each other, we felt the connection to you and to each other. Daphne explained the old ways of claiming, so we waited for you to sleep and got in bed with you."

Great Goat God… why do I even try to avoid it, let us board the crazy train again.

"Not now but soon I will explain it all. The next few days will be crazy, my life is one big lie, if you light the room up you will see for yourself." Someone turned the lights on and they saw the scars on my body. Gasps all around.

"The bloody boy who lived is the boy who got abused. After voldy killed my parents, Dumbledore dropped me off at my mothers' sister, who hates magic with a passion." I told the story of my childhood, the abuse and neglect. The Hogwarts years, the manipulations, hate from men like snape, neglect like the school nurse and McGonagall. Most of all the betrayal of Dumbledore.

"Every year I end up in the hospital wing, Pomfrey is or incredibly incompetent, or a criminal conspiring with Dumbledore to rob me. Either way, I have bones that are badly healed, stunted growth, malnourished, never got my inoculations, the normal ones or the magic ones. Something happened when my name came out of that cup, and now I am fighting back. It is time to get up, we need to get to breakfast."

Together we made our way to the Hufflepuff table. The girls took a seat.

"I have to make an announcement, I will be right back." I went to the teachers' table, got to Dumbledore's chair, and stood in front of it. I amplified my voice and started.

"Students, yesterday I claimed the Lordships of House Gryffindor and Slytherin, also the house of Gaunt, Voldemort's mothers' House. The thing is that the death-eaters swore fealty to House Slytherin. This means as of yesterday I own the death-eaters and their families. I let Hogwarts fire Dumbledore for crimes against me and the students, I also broke his illegal curse bond with his Phoenix. Later today I will take charge of the ward-stone and set it back to normal. This means no more raping, bullying, or abusing your position.

Especially House Slytherin, your raping days are over, calling your self nobility is an insult to the rest of us, you are even lower than animals. The future Lady Slytherin is repeatedly raped and abused by the Slytherins. Everyone from a death-eater house that raped her loses his home title and wealth and magic. Go beg on the streets for all I care."

I raised my wand, the Hallow one.

"I Lord Slytherin, hereby demand the magic from the abusers of the future Lady Slytherin, as punishment for the crimes against the future Lady Slytherin and befouling the reputation of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin."

One-third of the older Slytherin males had a glow around them, they felt magic leaving them and screamed in horror. The squibs scrambled, most of them ran out the hall, the little ferret was with them.

"Marcus, formally of house Flint, pack your things and fuck off, Marcus no name, no wait, can a house-elf pack his things and throw him with his things out please. The rest of the rapers, I suggest packing and leave the country."

It seems the elves didn't like him much because he was gone in a second. I turned to the teachers who are looking at me if I grew another head.

"Pomfrey, pack your things and present yourself at ST Mungo's for a complete examination, and let them send a replacement. If you are too blind to see the scars and abuse I went through, have at least your eyes examined.

Hagrid, you have two choices, kill the blasted things you illegally breed or go to fucking Askaban.

Animals rated more than three stars are after owls classes. If you can't understand children have no giant skin then go work at a dragon preserve." To the rest of the teachers, I said to go to the new healer for a check-up.

McGonagall: "Mr. Potter what gives you the right to do this?"

"My Lordships and your incompetence madam, you let that headmaster of yours wreck the whole school system and didn't even complain about it. Was snape's behavior normal? No student complained? Consider your options Madam, because you will be no more head of house Gryffindor. For the deputy job, there will be an administrator hired. That drunken Trelawny needs to go to St Mungo's too."

I left them with a look of disgust and sat with the girls on the puffs table, filled my plate, and started eating.

"Ladies, I have a seventy feet long dead snake in the chamber of secrets that needs rendering. I don't know in what state it is now, it is dead from last year, end May. Who has the connections?"

Tracey: "Our parents, they have a potions supplies shop and can render the snake for you."

"Did you all contact your parents or aunt?"

Susan: "We send letters with house elves to our parents they will arrive after breakfast, Hermione's will be done on Saturday." Ow, that is fast, I hoped for tomorrow.

Suddenly a voice behind me asked: "Lord Potter, why did you never visit your property in France? Why do I now realize you are my fiance?" Bloody hell? Why is Fleur asking that? Suddenly I realized, the Veela block.

"Sit with us Miss Delacour, Yesterday I went to the Gringotts, they removed an elf block, a Mail block and can you believe it a Veela block. But I didn't realize I had a fiance in France or have properties there. These seven Ladies have agreed to be my fiancees, their parents coming over after breakfast if you like you can witness the talks. Next Saturday I have a meeting with Hermione's parents, maybe we can meet yours too then?"

Fleur: "Who would block us? I heard of those blocks they need a powerful wizard to cast them. They make us forget all dealings with that family or person. We did not forget the dealings we had with House Potter but forgot all about you."

"Dumbledore, maybe that is the reason he was draining the wards on the mansion, it almost killed all the elves." Girls swearing in french are sexy... To whom am I kidding, Fleur is sexy in everything she does.

The doors of the great hall opened with a bang, the parents of Daphne, Tracey, Hanna and Luna came in, looked around, and made their way to me.

Lord Greengrass: "Lord Slytherin, we must hurry, the Wizengamot is about to begin and you need to be there to claim your seats." That is new, OK, I have just the thing.

"Hoggy, can you and the Hogwarts elves pop me and the parents at the ministry please?"

Lady Davis: "Just the males please Hoggy, we like to stay here and talk to our children." Hoggy and his crew popped us at the ministry. The four Lords led me in, explaining on the way the emergency meeting and trial of the Crouches and Snape. They planned to let me claim my seats to declaw the dark faction. Meh, I was planning that anyway. I penned a note for Ragnar to block the accounts of my vassals for the rest of the day and asked Dobby to deliver the note.

The room was filling up, I was told to stay at the door and wait to be called in. The meeting began, after five minutes I was called inside. No trace of Dumbledore, that is a plus, the minister and toad were present, and a lot of dark siders.

An old man proceeding the meeting: "Boy, I am told you are here to claim your Lordship." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Boy? Is this the way you address everyone old man? Or is it to intimidate me?" I went to the middle of the floor and raised my Hallow wand.

"I Harry James Potter, hereby claim the Lordship, of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House Potter, the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Gryffindor, the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin, the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, and the disgraced House of Gaunt. So, Mote, It Be. The light show was impressive as always, they expected a kid claiming papa's House, instead, they received a power block.

Old man: "Excuse my rudeness Lord Potter, someone just said you were not of age and came to waste our time."

"Who?" The old man glanced at the minister and his toad. But didn't answer.

"Well, everyone here bared witness to the acceptance of my claims by magic. Also as Lord Slytherin, I inherited the vassals that swore fealty to the Heir of Slytherin." I looked at the frightened faces of the darkies, smiled and said,

"The Head of the Houses that abused my Future father-in-law are hereby revoked of their Magic and Lordships as I did with their sons who took pleasure of raping my fiancee. So, Mote, It Be."

Malfoy, Not, Flint and two others I didn't know had the Glowy thing and were squibbed.

Lucius yelled: "You can't do this to us Potter we are purebloods and belong here more than you."

"Then you should not have licked Voldemort's shoes dumb ass. Don't worry though, I already reclaimed everything you owned yesterday at Gringotts."

Fudge: "Look here Harry, you can't do that, Lord Malfoy is a respectable member of the community."

"You must be more stupid than I gave you credit for Fudge, I am the lord of all death-eaters, I got that by right of conquest after killing that maniac. If Lucius is not a death-eater he would still have his magic and title, here is another question, you are always sucking his dick, are you a death-eater or just a sympathizer? You sure did every effort to aid Lucius No Name in his Line theft attempt of House Black."

Fudge: "I am NOT a death-eater! And Draco Malfoy is the rightful Heir to House Black. I never aide in Line theft!"

"I am Lord Black! Didn't you hear me claiming it? I am the heir of the former Lord Black meaning Sirius Black, the one Dumbledore, Crouch and whats her name threw in Askaban without a trial, the one I told you he was innocent moths ago, and you still wanted to have him kissed by a dementor, even when he was in custody. So yes you are aiding in Line theft."

I looked at the tribunes and saw a woman with a green quill taking notes, I have to put a leash on her.

"Miss Skeeter, remove that green quill and take proper notes or I will crush you like the water bug you are. Do I make myself clear?" Skeeter swallowed and nodded while putting her quill away.

"I am here to appoint proxies for my wizengamot seats. Slytherin House will be represented by House Davis. House Griffindor will be represented by Madam Amelia Bones. House Black will be represented by House Abbot and House Potter by House Greengrass.

There will be another house I will claim in the future. The lordships I reclaimed will be held by me, after investigating their family first for a worthy Lord. If not, I will find it somewhere else."

Pandemonium all over, the other death-eaters were silent, afraid to lose their magic and Lordship.

"Lord chairman, I have appointed my proxies, can the ones that are holding it illegally make room for the real ones? And the vassals are to make certain they vote like my proxy or else."

Old man: "Lord Potter, you can not make treats in here. It is not done."

"I am sorry Lord chairman, but time was too short to give them before the meeting, as it is always done. I will take a seat in the visitors' section with Lord Lovegood." That was a good response, the toad was quiet, I was surprised at it first, but with that many big Lordships, even she knew when to back down.

I started to make a list of questions to be asked of the Crouches and Snape, while the proxies were sworn in and the squibs moved out. I made a loud statement that Lord Davis held proxy over the five squibbed Lordships. To much power in one man? Nah, he was entitled to a bit of revenge, to be forced to whore your daughter out to a know death-eater family, knowing she is abused at school? I'll let him have his fun. I asked Lord Lovegood to give the list of questions to Lord Davis.

"Lord Lovegood, tell him to let them swear an oath on their magic, to tell the truth, and they have to answer the questions with a yes or no, I don't know is also allowed."

How the wizarding world diverted from the use of magic oaths in court is criminal on its own. There are dozens of ways to force the truth out of them, and nobody uses them.

Lord Lovegood gave Lord Davis the list and instructions on how to handle the questions. If you simplify the questions to a yes or no modus, you can cut through a lot of bullshit. Magic aiding in telling the truth is a bonus.

Snape was the first to take a seat, Dumbledore's absence ran chills on his spine, this was not looking good.

Lord Davis: "Lord Ogden, because Snape is a vassal of Lord Slytherin, as his proxy I am tasked to command him to answer the questions truthfully or he will lose his life and magic. Also, I have a list with questions here that he has to answer with yes or no." Snape paled, he knew he would go to Askaban at least.

Lord Ogden: "This is highly unusual, but not against the law, even permitted. Snape asked for Dumbledore to be his lawyer, but he too is arrested and accused of the same crimes as Snape. He is currently in the department of mysteries for questioning of even worse crimes against the wizarding world. They would not give more details, only mentioning Askaban was even a to light a punishment for his crimes." That had Snape's knickers in a twist… bloody hell, now I have to lose that picture in my head somehow, Hermione's knickers, Daphne's knickers, Luna in monokini… Hey, it helps.

Snape's fate was sealed with a few questions. A senior of the DMLE was tasked to be the interrogator.

Are you a death-eater? "Yes"

Is Sirius Black a death-eater? "no"

Did you use legilimency on the students? "Yes"

Did you force female half-bloods in your house to have sex with the male students? "Yes"

Did you rape them too? Snape was shaking, but refusing to answer would kill him, answering it would kill him too. "yes" if he went down he would take some with him.

Did Dumbledore know of this? "Yes"

Didn't the girls complain to the teachers and school nurse? "yes"

As punishment for complaining was it rape by the seventh-year males in front of the girls? "Yes"

Did Dumbledore knew that? "yes" By then the senior was asking his own questions, he had a granddaughter in first-year Slytherin and was not happy at all.

Did you use potions on the students? "Yes"

Did Dumbledore use potions on the students? "Yes"

Do the other teachers know of those crimes? "I don't know"

Do some of the teachers know of these crimes? "Yes"

The questioning went on for twenty minutes, Snape knew he was a dead man after this trial. The wizengamot was horrified by the cesspool that Hogwarts became. All the ulcers were exposed.

The senior was ruthless in smacking the interruption attempts of Fudge and Umbitch down.

Senior: "One more attempt to get this monster off the hook will get you here in this chair is that understood? It is time Hogwarts is investigated, and by the actions of you two the ministry needs to be investigated too."

Grandpa is mad, I like it. I asked to make a statement.

"Yesterday I claimed the Lordships of two of the Founders, I asked Magic and Hogwarts to fire Dumbledore as headmaster and break the illegal curse bond of his phoenix which it did. Fawkes can you come here please? See he is free to come and go as he pleases, he resides in my quarters now.

This morning I punished all the rapists of my fiancee, as vassals of Slytherin they committed treason against House Slytherin and Hogwarts.

They are squibs now. The school nurse is in St Mungos and a replacement healer is asked to step in.

I ask for some Aurors to be stationed at Hogwarts for the duration of the tournament and to substitute for the teachers who are or in Askaban or in St Mungos due to the actions of the former headmaster.

I suggest you fire him from his other two jobs as well.

Snape went down the drain, Junior was as crazy as a bat spouting his nonsense about blood purity and the traitors who escaped Askaban. He also confirmed that Sirius was not a death-eater, laughing that Fudge got an order of Merlin for arresting an innocent man, that gave Fudge a Black eye, pun intended. My vassals were trapped, any hostile action at me results in being squibbed or worse, and at this trial, they knew they have to make a run for it.

I whispered some lines in Lovegood's ears, he went to Davis. After the Junior trial, Lord Davis stood up and addressed the vassals.

Davis: "Vassals, if you run, then your Lordship will be taken from your family, your vaults confiscated and your properties sold. Take it as a pureblood Lord and let your family continue your line."

We call this between a rock and a hard place. If they run, they will be squibs, if they stay, Askaban is a certainty. Meh, fuck them.

I made my way to the bug: "Skeeter, you lying little bug, did you know Potter and Black are major shareholders? If I find out you write a lie about me, there will be a bug hunt by all the people, if you know what I mean."

Skeeter: "I know Lord Potter, to make something clear, I am allowed to write the truth about you?"

"The truth, Skeeter, not your opinion or you slandering half-truths into something foul. And no aliases."

With a sour face, she agreed, this will reduce the slandering a lot. With Fawkes parked on my shoulders, I was sort of impressive now.

Crouch senior did his tale, no Sirius did not get a trial, Dumbledore said it was not needed and Bagnold agreed with them. He was going to sit in Askaban for a few months and let him get a trial, after his sons' conviction Sirius could rot for all he cared.

The use of the imperious curse on junior and the escape had him on a one-way ticket to Askaban.

When Lord Ogden asked for any new business I stood up and demanded a trial for Sirius Black and revoking the kiss on sight.

Lord Ogden: "Lord Potter, we can not have him on trial if he is not here"

"Give me fifteen minutes Lord Ogden and he is here." Toady thought she had me.

Umbitch: "You will be arrested boy for hiding an escaped criminal, Aurors arrest that boy."

Madam Bones: "Any Aurors obeying that order will be fired. Madam Umbridge, were you sleeping in here? You clearly heard three men testifying Sirius Blacks' innocence."

"Umbitch, I demand retribution from you, for slandering me and House Black. It is clear to everyone you are incompetent so I demand your resignation from office. And if the rumors of you abusing your power to get half-bloods and normal's in trouble are true, then I demand an investigation of your office. I heard you use Blood quills for illegal contracts on muggle-born, to trick them."

Shaking the tree and Umbitch falls out. That foul bitch is bound to have some rumors flying around.

Madam Bones: "I heard those rumors too, Aurors, search the office of madam Umbridge, she insulted four Lords, and now is accused by four Lordships of crimes against the wizarding world. Minister Fudge, one comment and you are next." Bones was already fuming about Hogwarts and is on a warpath.

A few Aurors, probably half-bloods jumped for the opportunity to get the hag down and strip-searched the office, several hidden compartments were found, illegal contracts, blood quills and some control amulets for dementor's, a book with blackmail information and a book with the bribes Fudge accepted from different nobles.

It was a productive morning, I already summoned Kreacher to clean Sirius up, get him in some decent clothes and bring him here next to me.

So Snape is gone, the Crouches, I painted Dumbledore as a dark lord. Fucked… screwed… Nah, had Umbitch arrested.

Dammed I had to picture Hermione's and Daphne's knickers, along with Susan's and Hannah's to get that image out of my head.

Fudge was the next to fall down, with his bribes exposed he was sacked in an instance and arrested the next.

Sirius, dazed by Kreachers' treatment and transport here, only had a few seconds.

"Sirius, I proved you are innocent, now get to your trial, and milk it out for maximum compensation, Dumbledore, Crouch and Bagnold are the bad guys. Fudge the idiot for not following procedures at arresting you. Now go down." What do you know, the dog can follow directions, if he is housebroken then I will keep him. He grinned at me when he had Fudge over a barrel, and Bagnold, Crouch and Dumbledore fined for almost every knut they have. Good boy. Lunch had already passed and I was starting to get hungry.

The wizengamot meeting came to an end. Instead of mingling with the crowd, we made some appointments with reporters for the next day.

Lord Davis was a happy man. They hounded him for two years and his business, for a year he and Tracey had to endure the abuse, so revenge was sweet.

Lord Greengrass was relieved too, knowing he was next in line for it. I asked Madam Bones to send a few of Croaker's men to inspect the ward-stone before I make changes to it. Then we took the elf express to Hogwarts.

When we arrived the Ladies already took control of Hogwarts, Lady Davis was the leading force, tearing McGonagall a new one.

Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were looking at it from the sidelines, wondering in what madhouse they stepped into.

In Slytherins' quarters, the girls were lined up in the couches with the parents on the other side. I made sure there were no obstacles between me and the door. Lord Greengrass was the man to look out for, I had his two little girls in bed with five others and a Veela on the side.

I tried to let them calm down with a movie. I extracted the memory of Basi from entering till I killed the diary. They already viewed the happenings their daughters send home. Yep, it was still a big hit, the women got in the high notes, some knickers got wet, and my rep went up. Win, win, win.

Afterward, Daphne explained the old ways and what they had done.

Lord Greengrass sighed: "Daphne, I didn't tell you that so you can jump into marriage but how to avoid it, now you let Astoria claim him to? She just turned thirteen last month!"

Astoria: "Daddy, that month was enough to scare me for the rest of my time here. They forced us to watch girls getting raped, they told us we would be next if we stepped out of line. I could stop some of my friends who wanted to report it, because of what Daphne told us what would happen to them.

I want Harry, and I have him now. Even when he does not want me now, I can wait a few years. The claim stays."

Tracey: "Most are squibs now, there were some decent guys that claimed me for a night, but did not do anything to me, to get me a night away from them."

Daphne: "Those are friends of ours, who wanted to help, Milly even pretended to be a lesbian to get Tracey some rest. She even convinced Crabbe and Goyle to let her be."

Lord Abbot: "Lord Potter, are the proxies an indication of what Houses our daughters are marrying into?"

"If you agree then yes, Lord Lovegood, I waited for your proxy because I have one more house to claim, I just have to get the stone for the set, and I know where to find it." Lovegoods eyes shined,

Lovegood: "I can wait for that to happen, Lord Potter, although Luna wants a line continuances so she can only be a consort."

Fleur: "I also want to be a consort, to keep daddy's line going."

"Well… I suggest waiting until tomorrow I have an appointment with Gringotts after dinner, to see if there is any money left, and can afford to get married with so many girls.