
Lethal Reincarnation.Mp4

everytime you get closer to anything.... i will get closer to you.... (COVER MADE BY ME)

Snuzzle_pants · สยองขวัญ
1 Chs


Long ago, amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, Gaia, the creator of all existence, fashioned the stars and planets, crafting a world where life flourished among the celestial tapestry.

In this realm, Gaia breathed life into myriad creatures, shaping the animals, birds, and beings that roamed the land and soared through the skies. Among them stood Virhum, the Prince of Humans, a figure who sought harmony not just amongst his own kind but with all creatures of the realm.

Yet, as time unfurled its tapestry, humanity and its kin multiplied, their presence expanding like wildfire, consuming resources at a rate unmatched by the rest. In the wake of their ascent, darker tendencies emerged – pride, sloth, lust, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony, and acedia – casting shadows upon the once serene land.

Witnessing this, Gaia, the gentle yet resolute guardian of her creation, decided intervention was necessary. Addressing her children, she spoke solemnly of the need for restraint, a plea for harmony amidst the chaos.

"My children," Gaia's voice echoed through the cosmos, "if you cannot temper the fires of your ambitions, I shall be forced to intervene."

But Virhum, emboldened by hubris, dared to challenge his creator. "Do you think yourself capable of controlling us like mere puppets? Such arrogance!" he exclaimed, his words a defiant challenge to the very essence of Gaia's being.

In response, Gaia's gaze turned stern, her form radiating with a silent fury. With a solemn decree, she withdrew momentarily, returning with gifts for her children – gifts that would set them apart, instilling within them a primal urge to hunt and slay those who had strayed from the path of harmony.

Virhum, sensing the impending storm, hesitated before Gaia's presence. "I cannot face the wrath of the orc and goblin," he confessed, his voice tinged with a nervous tremor. "But if you must bestow upon me a gift, let it be one that ensures my survival."

Gaia's gaze softened, her wisdom piercing through the veil of uncertainty. "So be it," she intoned, her voice a solemn echo in the vast expanse. With a gesture, she bestowed upon Virhum a blessing unlike any other – a body honed for survival, a mind sharpened for strategy, and a spirit fortified against the encroaching darkness.

As Virhum fled into the unknown, Gaia's words lingered like a haunting refrain. "Death shall shadow your every step," she warned, her voice a somber melody in the ever-shifting symphony of existence. "But fear not, for your people shall endure, their legacy woven into the very fabric of time."

in a present and sunny day

 Arthur , a normal adult man in her 90s working on a flower store , while looking for a bag of seeds for a customer . Arthur found a old tape , out of curiosity . Arthur decided to put the old tape on her pocket and grab a bag of seeds and gave it to the customer , after work . Arthur headed home but saw a person with a hollow head staring at him ontop of a building , Arthur rub her eyes and it dissapered . Nervous , Arthur decided to head to her apartment quickly before anything weird happened.

 After bath,changing outfit. Arthur put the found old tape on her tv tape recorder , the tape contain a video of a old and poor quality gameplay of a deleted pixel game named "Lethal.Mp4" , the logo came out ,the start screen appeared , play a little music and animation before the menu game came out , the game was on difficult mode and the person who was playing the game and recording the gameplay choose a player that was weirdly censored with pixels , the person open the map with levels and there was just one map . Level 1 , after 2 second , the player teleporting to the map , the player started walking but the health started decreasing fast , the player died and the screen turn black .a white eye came out and a pixalted white hand came out of the tv and grab Arthur neck , strangling him . Arthur was scared and suprised , Arthur started to fight back but Arthur was being dragged by the hand into the tv , Arthur scream for help but her scream was silent after being completely inside of the game...




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Arthur woke up drowning and struggling to swam up but a hand grab Arthur and save him and bought him to surface.

??? : we got her!

 Arthur cough multiple time and was trying to catch some breath after that Arthur look around and her vision was very blurry.

Arthur : Who are you...

??? : we should head to the doctor...

 Arthur passes out but was safetly delivered to the doctor by the people helping him....Arthur woke up , laying down on a hard bed and he was wearing a cast for a broken right arm but there was two people , one seems to be a doctor , the doctor is a blonde man in her 90s with a sharp jawline , wearing simply a knee-length lab coat in white or a light color, worn over a collared, long-sleeved dress shirt paired with dress pants in neutral colors. A tie adds a polished touch, and professional, closed-toe shoes complete the ensemble. Essential accessories include a stethoscope worn around the neck, a name badge displaying relevant information, and a practical wristwatch like a normal doctor . but the other one was unknown to arthur but seems to be the one that saved Arthur , the unknown person is a young brown haired young-adult wearing a outfit consist of a pair of comfortable navy blue scrubs, complete with a matching top and pants. Over the scrubs, he could don a clean white lab coat for a professional touch. Complementing the outfit with comfortable closed-toe shoes, perhaps in black or white, would ensure both safety and practicality. both individuals are looking down on Arthur...

Doctor : Hello there....young man....are you okay?

Arthur : where am i and who are you??

Doctor : you are in the hospital of skirmish , you are a patient in here....

Arthur : oh...who are you...

Doctor : my name is Robert Whitlock...just call me Dr.Whitlock...

unknown child : Oliver.....Oliver rosey...

Dr.Whitlock : you been found drowning at a near lake of the hospital , you got horrible injuries all over your body but don't worry , you will recover soon after some time...now tell me young man...how did this all happened?

Arthur : i don't know...i don't know...

 the doctor started taking notes before looking back at Arthur

Dr.Whitlock : alright then...what's your name?

Arthur : uh....Arthur...

 the doctor wrote something again in her note

Dr.Whitlock : *sigh* well okay then, i supposed you should rest and heal up...i will be checking on the other patient...Oliver...let's go..

 the unknown person that seems to be called oliver nods at the doctor, staring at arthur before exiting the room with the doctor . Arthur looks around before standing up , but her vision is blurry and her head is dizzy . Arthur decided to look over a window and the sky was brown but still it's still beautiful , there was buildings and other stuff like a fantasy kingdom or town

Arthur : wait...did i get reincarnated?....omg...i think..i...think i did...

 Arthur realize there is a mirror next to a wall , looking into the mirror was not Arthur self but a different person , Arthur see himself as young messy white haired young teens with a purple bruise on her right eye and some bandage on her face and other body part (not the private one) , Arthur seems to wearing a outfit for a patient which is consist of a loose-fitting gown made of lightweight fabric, often with ties or snaps at the back for easy wear and a pair of nonskid socks or slippers to prevent slipping on hospital floors, Arthur use her left arm to touch her face and observing all parts of her face but Arthur head get dizzy but he endures it , looking at the clock , it's 17:40 PM . exiting the room , outside of the room was a hallways with a bunch of other rooms for patients and other stuff ,there are doctors , patients , and visitors wandering the hospital buildings...curiosity...strike arthur mind and he decided to wander off into the hospital...