
Let Me Make You a Star

Lee Hyun, the man once known as the 'Midas of music'. He got thrown out of his agency and his wife betrayed him. He lost everything and there was no hope left for him, but life gave him another chance to redeem himself. He found himself in 2010. The time when the entertainment industry has just started to get popular all over the world. With his knowledge of the future and his composing skills, Lee Hyun decided to make a mark in the entertainment industry. This time, he would become the 'God of Entertainment'. *On hiatus, due to exams. * * * *This novel is based in Korea. So, the names of the characters would be in Korean. If you like K-pop, then you would like this novel. If you can, please share it. Join the server: https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv Contact me on discord: Killerbee#4748 Note: This novel is also posted on scribble hub and Royal road. Release schedule: 2-3 chapters per day

Killerbee · สมจริง
132 Chs

Chapter 76. Jihun VS Minyuk (2)

Chapter 76. Jihun VS Minyuk (2)

It's already been a week since Minyuk had appeared on Music nights and his popularity took an instant boost.

After staying on top of the real-time search rankings for four days, his name came down. It was not because his popularity died down.

It was because most of the people already knew about him.

There was no reason for them to search information about him and he was still a hot topic on many celebrity and entertainment community forums.

People were excitedly anticipating his album and debut as a singer.

"Your debut would happen in the show called Music bank on KMS!"

Lee Hyun said as he stared at Minyuk who just opened and closed his mouth. It still felt like a dream to him, but somewhere in his heart, he also knew that it was his reality now.

Still, it was a reality that was not easy to believe.

"The Producer of Music bank personally called me to talk about it and he even allocated 6 minutes to you, which is really rare for a newbie. So, do your best."

Kim Dongsu said with a smile on his face.

Normally, public network shows won't allocate much time for newbies. The most was 3 minutes and it was only when the newbie is from a major agency.

Cases like Minyuk were really rare.

"6 minutes is enough for two songs."

Minyuk said as he felt his beating heart.

He wasn't much nervous after going through Music nights, but the anticipation of his debut as a singer was something that he can't stop.

"Yeah, you can sing both the title tracks in that time. 'Dreams' and 'Broken'!"


Lee Hyun took a long time thinking before deciding on two title tracks for Minyuk's debut album.

It was because both Broken and Dreams were songs that were equally good.

Although, because of that, they needed to add another song in the album as it won't look good if the album has only 4 songs and two of them were already title tracks.

After thinking about it, Lee Hyun had decided to add 'Yours'. The same R&B song that Jihun had rejected before.

There were two reasons behind this.

First, Lee Hyun didn't have much time to compose another song and he didn't want to compose a song in haste.

Second reason was that Minyuk's album lacked a groovy song. It would be good to include one to show that Minyuk can sing R&B songs too.

'It's just the debut next...'

Lee Hyun thought that they had come a long way from where they had started. If Minyuk's album goes on to become a success, then they can finally work on expanding Mango Entertainment and recruit more artists.

After thinking all that, Lee Hyun asked another question.

"How are you dealing with your sudden popularity?"

"Ah, well..."

Minyuk was not able to answer that question immediately. Should he say that it's like a dream? Or should he say that it feels overwhelming?

He continued after thinking for a bit.

"Well, honestly, it still feels like I would wake up any second and all this is just a dream and I'm also slightly overwhelmed by people. When I went out two days ago with my girlfriend, people just swarmed me. I even thought that they were going to attack us.."

"Haha, you will get used to it soon."

Both Kim Dongsu and Lee Hyun laughed hearing that. They both know how hard it was to deal with popularity as people suddenly start looking at you with admiration.

"I can't even go out now..."

Minyuk frowned saying that.

He didn't hate the popularity, but people had started to look at him with strange gazes. It would take a lot of time for him to get used to it.

"You should start wearing sunglasses and a mask now. That's the only way you can get out without attracting attention."

Lee Hyun advised and Minyuk slowly nodded his head.

"I don't have a choice anyway."

They talked a bit more about it and other topics like how well the album would do and what ranking the songs would get on the music charts.

After discussing all that, Kim Dongsu suddenly started talking about Jihun and SMH Entertainment.

"Have you heard that Jihun would be making his comeback on the same day as you?"

Minyuk shook his head hearing that.

He knew that Jihun's album would release around the same time as him, but he didn't know it was also the same day.

"SMH Entertainment wants a direct confrontation."

Lee Hyun said as he sighed.

Releasing the album on the same day was the same as giving a challenge. They were basically saying that they won't back off.

"We can't help it at this point, but I think that our Minyuk would be easily able to defeat Jihun because of the momentum."

"I also feel the same, but SMH Entertainment is doing intensive marketing. They are basically burning money."

Lee Hyun said as he showed them the search rankings. Jihun's name was on the third position and on various music websites, banners with his name can be seen.

It was the result of SMH Entertainment marketing.

"They are famous for their marketing, so it's kind of expected."

"Yeah, we can just confront them directly now and leave the rest of the things to the common people and fate. By the way, you won't have any problems going against Jihun, right?"

Lee Hyun turned towards Minyuk and asked. He was asking because Jihun once used to be his junior.

"Well, I don't care much actually. The Jihun I knew and the current Jihun are completely different people. So, I don't have any problems."

Minyuk said and scratched his head.

The Jihun he knew used to follow him everywhere while shouting 'hyung', but now, it was completely different. He even wondered if getting fame can change a person so much.

In the end, he just shook his head and vowed not to become like Jihun in the future.

"Oh yeah! I think the media would make an issue out of it soon."

Kim Dongsu suddenly said and Lee Hyun tilted his head and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I got a call from a reporter asking if he can take Minyuk's interview and ask him about his confrontation with Jihun. When I asked further, he said that his company is telling him to write articles about it."

"It's not normal. Minyuk is still a newbie and it's not like Jihun is too popular. Why are they focusing on them?"

Lee Hyun wondered and asked. Kim Dongsu just frowned and replied,

"They probably don't have anything good to write. Most celebrities are on a break period as they would be busy during Christmas, especially the top singers who are coming out with their albums next month."

"That's why, they are trying to make a big issue out of this."


Kim Dongsu nodded his head.

It was something that they can't stop and they would get more publicity out of it. Honestly, it was not a bad deal... until they come out on top.

"It looks like the atmosphere would get heated soon."

Lee Hyun said with a grin on his face as he leaned back in his chair.

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