
Chapter 2

Hey beta, How are you baby?

How's everyone doing? I asked in excitement. I heard from him after many months. I remembered the days when he used to roam around me all day for something or the other.

Suddenly I came back in the reality.

"They all are good", everybody misses you but I missed you the most.

All can I do was just smile.

When are you planning to come to me? Have you completed with your exams?

I was so much excited that I asked everything in one go, which made him so much confused.

All he did was, " he laughed, please bua one by one and can you please let me speak first."

What he did was stopped me from my investigation.

" Ok carry on", Bua we have some function in our home, some religious one can't remember, but you are invited."

I told him, it will be difficult for me because of my work and secondly I am not feeling going to my own house."

Seriously sometimes I don't understand myself how someone don't want to vist their parents?

See their family, meet them.

Just how? Once they were the only one around which my life revolved but today.

"Hello bua, are you there? Hello! Hello, suddenly I came out from my world and answered him. " Yes, yes Iam here only.

So, are you coming na? He asked. I know he Knows what I was thinking.

Yes ofcourse", I said hesitantly. I know he understood me.

Ok," chalo we'll talk later. I got to go.

Better take care of yourself, " I told him.

Then call was disconnected.

I smiled at his ways. He sometimes made me feel happy as if, I am his only mother.

Which is true from one side, I took care of him since the day he was born. As if I am his birth mother. Which I wasn't.

This thought sometimes made me selfish to think. Why can't I be his mother?

But my world of thoughts have no end.


I made my self a cup of hot coffee. I know tea is my life but sometimes I love to step into my world with a cup of coffee.

Is blood necessary?

Ya I know it is. For being the human. I am such a stupid person to quote it like this. How about putting it like this!

Is it necessary to be the biological mother if you want to understand the love of a child, his cry, his sleep, smile.

"Loving him carelessly isn't it important?"

Ya' now it's fine.

"Is it important to feel the pain of giving birth than feeling the pain of his cry after he was born?" I took a sip and place the mug on the table.

Took my cellphone and started looking at the pictures of my family and with my kids when they were small like a soft toy.

A toy which I played for years.

How time flew by, how things changed.

Smile came on my face when I remembered how I cried the day when vibhu was scolded for sometime. It was unbearable for me. I couldn't helped him as his mother was beating in front of me.

I was powerless as she was his mother.

I couldn't deny the fact, but wanted to save him like a shield.

But couldn't do anything.

Remembering something always brought a tear on my cheek.

How emotional I am, when it to my son.

My son.....

I was fifteen years old when this thought came to my mind. How can a teen girl understood this feeling, which I know at that very moment.

But I kept quiet and looked after him for years.

Today as an adult these all things made me wonder.

"How's relation teaches you, your biggest lessons in life."

Nothing is important,not money, wealth, no name no fame.

The thing which is important is, " how much relations, people you have earned for life time."

You know, no matter how much worse the condition would become they are the ones, which will stand and support."

That is what a person should earn.

Loyalty to a relation.

Respect of relation...

It is like a necklace, always make you look beautiful. But if the string becomes weak it will break and all the pearls will lost and scattered on the floor. It will be difficult to find them.

It's similiar like relations if you have them, maintain them, cherish them all your life and once they are gone.

After having all the pleasures of life you'll be standing like a powerless being.

beta* son