
Legendary System In The Multiverse

Classic world-hopping fan-fic where the main character dies and gets some wishes. Also, I am just writing this for fun so don't take it too seriously. The cover is from Wikipedia, I don't own it

KingPanda215 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Aurelion watched as the rain poured down. He walked down alleyways and through shady parts of town, looking for some people to kill. He wanted that free lottery spin, plus the points from killing people in general. Too bad that this time he had no bait, but he would manage without bait.

Aurelion ended up at a brothel that smelled of blood and urine. Figuring he had found the right place he quickly scaled to the rooftop of an adjacent building. Even with his [Sharingan] and [Sparks+], he wasn't confident in being able to walk into a building and take multiple people out. He was content in waiting for his prey to come to him.

He didn't need to wait long for his prey to arrive. Aurelion watched as four men and three women exited the brothel and started down the street. He was tempted to try and take them, but he wasn't sure if he could take down that many, especially seeing as he didn't know how dangerous their quirks were. He ran the risk of fighting someone with a strong quirk every time, but taking them by surprise and one on one bridged that gap.

Soon after two men left the building one was stabbed through the neck with a rusty metal chair leg while the other was fried with black electricity. Aurelion retrieved the chair leg and returned to watching the brothel. It was boring just waiting for something to happen, but he powered through his boredom.

If he could Aurelion would have just blown up the whole place, but he didn't have anything with that kind of power yet. Soon more victims came out of the building. This time it was two women, one obviously had some sort of body modification quirk because she was covered in scales. The other looked normal but had a gun on her hip.

It was only a pistol, but it instantly caught his attention. Rarely anyone in all of MHA used a gun, so to see one here was interesting, to say the least. Aurelion had to let these two slide by as well, but now he was thoroughly annoyed. His mood lifted when he had an excellent idea. If he busted in at dawn or just before the people inside would be so inebriated that they wouldn't be able to resist.

It was practically foolproof, other than the fact that there might be guards. When light started to shine over the horizon Aurelion struck. He jumped onto the brothel's roof and found a door leading down. He cautiously descended down until he hit a landing with two hallways branching off of it. Each hallway had 6 doors in them.

Aurelion decided to just walk up and open one. There he found two men and 1 woman passed out on the bed. It only took a moment to end the lives of the men with a well-placed stab to the throat with the chair leg. It was surprisingly simple. He had been correct in assuming that the patrons would be asleep at this hour.

He went door by door, killing the occupants of the room. In total, he managed to kill 18 people on the top floor of the brothel, bringing his total kill count of the night to 20. He was now back to over 10k points, but just barely (Each kill was 500 points, 100 x Hero Modifier). He decided to save the points for now and save up for now. He had 1 free lottery draw to use anyway.

The wheel spun around, finally landing on a combat knife. It wasn't much, but it was at least better than a literal chair leg. He decided to just leave after killing the people on one floor. He could hear people down below starting to stir and he still had far to travel before he reached his house. He quickly climbed back to the roof and down to the ground from a different building. He stored his bloody clothes in his inventory before sneaking back into his window.

Aurelion got up after sleeping for 5 hours and started his daily training. He ran around the mansion until he had completed the 5 kilometers. As soon as he finished the run he fell to the ground and started his plank. By the end of the plank, his abs burned and he was a bit short on breath. Then he continued and finished the burpees, falling down and gasping for air afterward.

. . .

Life continued on like this for 6 years. Aurelion would hunt at night and train during the day. He saved his points and decided that on his 10th birthday he would spend them however he saw fit. Over those 6 years, he managed to gain a total of 2,409,000 points. (219,000 from the daily mission + 2,190,000 from killing an average of two people per night with either a hero or villain multiplier.)

Aurelion looked at his possible upgrade routes. He could spam some upgrades into [Sparks+] and his [Sharingan] and see how much he had leftover. Upgrading to a [MS Sharingan] would cost him 100,000 points, while upgrading [Sparks+] would cost him only 10,000. Upgrading the Lottery would cost the most, costing 250,000 for the upgrade. 360,000 points in total if he upgraded all three, which he was probably going to do.

Then there was the fact that Aurelion had his eye on a few items in the shop. Armament, Observation, and Conquer's haki. Buying all three would cost him exactly 2 million points, while only getting Armament and Observation Haki would cost 1 million. The fourth thing he wanted from the shop was Fair King Gloxinia's spirit spear [Basquias]. [Basquias] would cost him a full 2.5 million which he couldn't afford yet.

Aurelion thought about it for a while before deciding to upgrade his existing abilities and buy [Armament Haki] and [Observation Haki]. Just like that, he was down to only 1,409,000 after making that purchase. After the upgrade to the Lottery, he had 1,159,000. Now it was time to decide what to upgrade first, [Sharingan] or [Sparks+].

He decided that an upgrade to his [Sharingan] would be more useful right now, so he clicked on the [Upgrade] button to his [Sharingan]. Just like last time a screen popped up with his upgrade options for his [Sharingan].

[Obito's MS: Gives user access to Kamui. {Cost Low} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 500,000 points.]

[Itachi's MS: Gives user access to Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. {Cost Medium} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 500,000 points.]

[Sasuke's MS: Gives user access to Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi. {Cost Medium} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 500,000 points.]

[Unique MS: Gives user access to two unique abilities. {Cost ?} {Damage ?} Upgrade cost 500,000 points.]

Aurelion was tempted by the [Unique MS], but he ultimately choose [Obito's MS]. Kamui was just too busted an ability to pass up. When he clicked on the upgrade he wanted, Aurelion felt the same pain in his eyes that he had when he had first unlocked the [Sharingan], but now it felt different. Everything seemed clearer, and it felt like he had gotten significantly stronger.

Aurelion quickly wiped the blood from his eyes and turned off his MS. He didn't hesitate to immediately buy the next upgrade which was [EMS] for 500,000, leaving him with 559,000 points for [Sparks+] upgrades. This time there was no new screen because he didn't gain any new powers [EMS] just buffed his [MS] and made it so he wouldn't go blind from overusing his eyes, which was a must-have.

The next upgrade cost was a whopping 5 Million, though Aurelion understood why that was. Now that his other upgrades were done he focused on his main ability, [Sparks+]. He immediately paid the 10,000 points and looked at his upgrade options. Another screen popped up with his upgrade options.

[SparkStream: Shoot a massive amount of electricity from your hand. {Cost Hight} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 150,000]

[Basic Weather Manipulation: Exert some control over the weather. {Cost Medium} {No Set Damage} Upgrade cost 150,000 points]

[Surge: At the cost of being able to shoot electricity long-range be able to draw electricity into your body to gain a boost in power. You are still able to discharge lightning at close range. {Cost Low} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 150,000 points.]

[Current: Be able to control all electricity within close proximity, while retaining the ability to shoot streams of lightning from your hands. {Cost Medium} {Damage Medium} Upgrade cost 150,000.]

This was the toughest choice that Aurelion had to make so far in his second life. Honestly, he wanted all of these abilities. Any one of them would be useful, some required more upgrades first though, like [Current] and [Basic Weather Manipulation]. He had to be honest, the idea of shooting an absolute shit ton of lightning from his hands appealed to Aurelion.

He decided that would choose the long-term path once more and choose [Current]. As soon as he choose [Current] his way of interacting with the world changed. He still had his five senses, but it was like he had a 6th sense added on top of the other five. Aurelion could feel the electricity passing through cables all around his room. He could feel the slight electrical charge in the air, signaling that a storm was coming soon.

It was almost overwhelming, but Aurelion quickly gained control of the new sense. He still had points to spend, so he spent the 150,000 points to upgrade [Current]. He looked at the new abilities offered and smiled. The slow and steady path was already starting to bear fruit.

[Thunder Domain: Control all electricity within 200 meters at the cost of Damage. {Cost Medium} {Damage High} Upgrade cost 500,000.]

[Fledgling Thunder God: Control all electricity within 1 kilometer. {Cost Massive} {Damage High+} Upgrade cost 500,000.]

[Electric Body: Turn into electricity briefly and gain the ability to shoot electricity from anywhere on your body. {Cost Low} {Damage Medium+} Upgrade Cost 500,000.]

Aurelion laughed at how OP he was becoming, but he paused after he read the abilities. He had no idea what to pick.