
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

Chapter 17: Breach! Protecting Vale! (Volume 2 Finale)

Hey guys, Novaflame6_Badal here again. Sorry if I haven't updated in a couple weeks, been working on some other stories. But I'm back to this one! Last chapter left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I figured with this chapter we will officially come to the end of volume two of the Rwby story! I'm thinking the beginning of volume 3 will be when our first DBZ villain will make their appearance. I may leave a poll to see who you guys think should be the big test for our saiyan characters down the road.

Here are the ones I was thinking of possibly adding into the story:



Majin Buu

Xicor (DBAF)

Mira (fused) (DBXV)

Zamasu (fused form)

Moro? (DBS)

Give me your thoughts on it, I'm curious to see who you guys pick.

Disclaimer: I don't own, Dbz/kai/dbs or Rwby and their characters.  Those belong to Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively. I only own the oc's and have permission to use Daikon and Tarro from ComparedDreadx.


Chapter 17: Breach! Protecting Vale!


Jaune and his team are in their room when they hear a frantic knock at the door. The blonde looks to Pyrrha, who nods for him to answer the door. Nodding back to her, Jaune walks to the door and opens it. He's surprised by who he sees however.

It is revealed to be Scarlett,  Aiko, and Daikon. All 3 of them have serious looks on their faces. This alarms Team JNPR,  as they knew something was wrong. The only time all 3 teens from Nova's team would come to them, is if it was something serious. This time was no exception. 

"Scarlett? What are you guys-?," Jaune began to ask before the redhead interrupted him.

"No time to explain right now. We'll explain to you guys on the way. Grab you gear, you'll need it where we'll be going.," Scarlett said.

The teens in the dorm just looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. They trusted Scarlett however, they'd take her word for it and quickly gathered their gear to head out. They joined the three teens, along with the two teachers who were traveling with them. Before they headed off towards their team leader and team Rwby,  they needed to contact the other huntsman and Huntresses that were currently in Vale.

Emerald, Mercury, Cinder were nearby when they saw the group of teens with the pair of teachers rush past them.

Emerald looks to Mercury with a but of a concerned look on her face.

"You don't think...," Emerald started.

"Sure looks like it.," Mercury said finishing Emerald's thought.

"That's still days away!," Emerald said in surprise and confusion.

Mercury looked to Cinder before asking for direction.

"So? What do we do?," Mercury asked.

The camera pans to a close-up of Cinder's face before she makes her decision.


Back with team Rwby....

Team RWBY is surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. Ruby plants crescent Rose on the ground before kicking at the Grimm, Nova steps in stride beside his girlfriend and delivers a devastating right hook towards the grimm that came towards them. Yang propels herself skyward as she performs several aerial attacks with her dust weapon, Ember Celica, just before a trio of Giant Nevermores send her crashing to the ground.

She would have, if not for Turuk catching her.

"Gotcha!," Turuk said before setting Yang back on her feet.

Yang smirked as she turned to look at him.

"😏 Remind me to thank you later, hot stuff~," Yang said slyly smirking at him.

Turuk felt a nervous tear fall down the back of his head following Yang's response.

"😅 eh.. right. I'll be sure to do that... eventually.," Turuk said still caught off guard by Yang's response.

Blake slashes a Beowolf with Gambol Shroud before firing on the other approaching Grimm. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade. Yang, back on the ground, sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. As Ruby finishes slashing at a Grimm, she notices the King Taijitu ready for the attack, until she also sees Nora flying on Magnhild towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

"Nora Smash!," the hyperactive girl said.

Team Rwby notices that the remainder of Team NDTSA and Team JNPR arrive to aide them. The teens couldn't be happier to have help.

Just as several Grimm approached, they were dispatched by several familiar voices.

"Geez.. we leave you guys for 3 days and this is the kind of crap you get yourselves into?," Scarlett said smirking.

"😌 Nice to see you too again, Scarlett.," Nova said with a sly smile.

Another grimm approached Weiss from behind before Daikon skewered it with a Ki Blade and slashed through it.

"Quite a mess you've gotten yourselves in, eh princess?," Daikon said smirking.

Weiss sighed. She didn't like the tease, but she was just glad to see Daikon at this point more than anything. She'd let it slide... this time.

"💢 (sighs in relief) Hello to you too, Daikon... ugh, nevermind. I am... relieved you're here though.," Weiss said.

Daikon smirked at her before she continued.

"💢L-Look just help us out, alright! You... can tease me to your heart's content later!," Weiss said slightly bashful and blushing madly.

Aiko spoke then as she saw Nova and Turuk with team Rwby. 

"It's g-good to see you again.. c-captain! Uh... I mean... Nova! ,"Aiko said.

Rhubar and Sala then speak up.

"There will be time for reunions later, eyes focused kids!," Rhubar instructed.

"As requested we have brought you help, more should be on the way. Focus your efforts on protecting Vale for now.," Sala said.

Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren soon follow.

"Let's move!," Pyrrha says.

Jaune sighs,  and the others charge in.

"Smack!," Nora says charging in.

She bats a Creep away while Ren strikes two more. He moves on to slash at a Beowolf.

"Okay, who's first?," Jaune said a little unsure of himself.

Jaune turns around to notice a giant Ursa standing behind him. Pyrrha is fighting several Grimm nearby. Impaling a Beowolf, and then a Creep before seeing the Ursa advance on Jaune. Behind him Weiss and Blake are fighting more Grimm.

She goes to help him before Aiko holds her back.

"Aiko?," Pyrrha asks confused.

She holds her hand up to silence her.

"Just watch, Pyrrha.," Aiko said.

Pyrrha watches Jaune.

"Oh-oh-okay, you're first, huh? Okay, no, that's fine. Totally fine, done this before, done this before...," Jaune said as he steels himself.

With a mighty scream, Jaune slashes the Ursa several times before it falls. Pyrrha smiles, as she notices his improvement. 

"Told you he'd be alright.," Aiko said.

"True, you did. Thanks Aiko.," Pyrrha said.

Pyrrha noticed that Aiko's tail began to wag slightly at the compliment, a sign that she was a little bashful.

"Y-You don't have to thank m-me. But o-Okay.," Aiko said bashful.

Back to the battle,  A few feet from the fallen Ursa, Sun and Neptune arrive, flashing their badges.

"Nobody move! Junior detectives!," Sun shouted.

"We have badges so you know it's official!,"Neptune saidfrom beside him.

A fleet coming from the Atlesian Military, consisting of dropships deploying Atlesian Knight-200 units and the flagship of James Ironwood. Sun and Neptune react in awe of the fleet as Sun drops his badge to the floor.

As Team RWBY looks up in the sky, an Ursa takes the opportunity to attack Ruby from behind. However, it is promptly pulverized by Nova who is guarding her like a hawk. He then vaporizes the grim from point blank with his ki. The dark teen then glares at other grimm who had thoughts about attacking Ruby afterwards.  The other grimm creatures now have second thoughts about doing so with Nova guarding the silver eyed girl.

As the robotic Knights deploy, they start gunning down the Grimm. Two of the Knights are stampeded on by a Boarbatusk, but a separate group of three Knights fire on an Ursa and another Ursa has fallen from a Knight's punch. Cinder nods her head, signaling Mercury and Emerald to attack the Grimm as she walks off. As an Ursa receives the business end of Talaria, at least half a dozen assorted Grimm stand in front of Emerald. Who draws Thief's Respite from their holsters, revealing them to be dual pistols. The Grimm pack learn this the hard way as she opens fire and all but a single Ursa fall to a barrage of Dust shots while charging at Emerald. Emerald quickly transforms her pistols into kopis blades, flipping and slashing at the rampaging Ursa to kill it. 

As more Knights subdue Grimm, out of the opening comes Zwei, followed by Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck in a damaged Atlesian Paladin-290. The dog jumping off to headbutt a Beowolf.

An airship arrives, dropping off Team CFVY and Professor Peter Port. As Yatsuhashi Daichi is surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he unlimbers Fulcrum before smashing it on the ground, unleashing a shockwave that sends them flying. Scarlett smirks at this when she sees Yatsuhashi and his team arrive.

"About time you got here, Yatsu.," She said.

Yatsuhashi smiled at Scarlett.

"Sorry about that, Scarlett.  It took longer to get here than I realized.," Yatsuhashi said.

"Ah, no biggie. You're here now. That's all that matters.," Scarlett said.

The two then slipped into stances as they fought now back to back.

Velvet Scarlatina and Fox Alistair respectively kick and punch the Grimm with Fox impaling a Creep. Nearby a large spiked Ursa roars before charging them. Fox intercepts it with a kick then unleashes a combo of slashes and punches with Sharp Retribution. Knocking the Grimm skyward with an uppercut, as it descends he delivers a blow to the head with both hands that sends it flying. After landing it swells up and explodes impaling the nearby Grimm with its spikes.

"Your team seems pretty well trained,  Yatsu.," Scarlett remarked after the display.

"I would think so. We are third years, after all.," He said before the two returned to battling Grimm.

Coco walks forward swatting a few away with her weapon. Yatsuhashi then zips over with Scarlett to shield Velvet before they begin to start advancing.

"Nice hustle, Fox. Good job.," Coco says giving Fox a nice pat on the butt for some reason.

Fox jumps back as Coco approaches a large Beowolf.

"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die.," Coco said as she spits in disgust.

Coco, after swatting away its right hand, kicks the Beowolf in the crotch. This causes all of the male teens watching this to wince in mock pain.

"Ooh! I know it's just a Grimm, but...," Turuk started.

"Yeah, I agree. That looked painful. REALLY painful.," Nova said.

The two brothers then go back to fighting off the Grimm alongside, team Rwby. The focus then shifts back to Coco and her fight with the Grimm.

She, as it falls to the ground and looks at her, leans down and slams her bag onto its head. She effortlessly swats away three more Beowolves, then leaps back to avoid a Death Stalker's tail. Velvet steps forward, and moves a hand toward Anesidora about to open the box.

Coco turns to Velvet and speaks.

"Hey, come on, you just spent all the semester building that up. Don't waste it here.," Coco said.

Coco then transforms Gianduja into a giant minigun, and starts firing, slaughtering the advancing horde of Grimm, including a Death Stalker and three Nevermores. Port and Oobleck regroup at the opening, nodding their heads. They fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm, while Glynda mops up the remnants and immediately closes the opening using her Semblance.

Rhubar and Sala work with Team NDTSA and decimate any remaining Grimm they come across.

Afterwards, Nova simply smiles at his girlfriend, Ruby, who smiles back at him.

"Are you okay, Ruby?," Nova asked.

She looks to him and smiles.

"I am now that you're here.," She said.

Rhubar and Sala come up to the the group and smile at the teens.


Later on, everyone meets in the pavilion as Roman is escorted by Mercury and Emerald towards an Atlesian airship.

"Oh, I can't believe that you caught me, you've really taught me the error of my ways. (he turns to an atlesian knight who grabs him roughly by the arm) He-hey, watch the hat!," Roman says as he's escorted away.

Rhubar and Sala are seen talking briefly with the group of teens.

"Well done. All of you. That was quick thinking whoever thought to ask my wife and I for help.," Rhubar said.

"Yes, that was well thought out. They acted calmly and didn't panic like most would in that sort of situation.," Sala said.

"Oh, that was Nova.," Ruby said.

They turned to the girl.

"And which one of you is named Nova?," Sala asked.

"That would be me, miss Sala.," Nova replied.

Sala turned towards him and softly smiled, something that the other teens noticed.

"I see.. You've done very well then. You're surrounded by good people, Nova. Cherish them.," Sala said.

Nova nodded before they began to walk off. Rhubar turned to the group and spoke again.

"There's something my wife and I need to tell you, Nova.. and Turuk... if you have time later? Your friends are welcome to tag along with you of course.," Rhubar asked.

"Sure. We have time later. I'm pretty sure everyone will have the day off after this.," Turuk said.

"Excellent,  we'll be waiting then. Just come find us whenever you are ready to talk.," Rhubar said as the two then walked off.

The other teens looked towards the two brothers with questioning looks.

"What was that about?," Weiss asked.

"It seemed as though, you know them personally. What's the story there?," Yang asked.

Both brothers shrugged.

"Honestly,  we don't know. Though... they do feel familiar somehow.," Turuk said.

"It's as if we know them... somehow.. But the thing is, we've never met them until we came to Beacon. Guess we'll find out later.," Nova surmised.

Emerald and Mercury then approach Ruby and they smile at each other. Team JNPR is seen exchanging smiles, Sun and Neptune bump fists, Team NDTSA gives each other high fives and  exchanges fist bumps with team Rwby, Team CFVY likewise smile at each other, and Port and Oobleck do the same while Glynda watches from behind. The camera then points towards the orange and pink-colored sky.


Afterwards, Teams Rwby and NDTSA, with Zwei are seen sitting at the edge of Beacon's landing platform, overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake.

"Well, we did it.," Yang said.

"We did it.," Blake added.

"If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed.," Weiss said.

"Competitive much, princess?," Daikon asked.

"💢 Oh hush, you! No one asked for your opinion.," Weiss said to Daikon.

"Not to interrupt your flirting Weiss, but a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it.," Yang said.

"💢 I am not flirting with this... this... ruffian! I would thank you not to insinuate what I think you are, Yang!," Weiss said annoyed.

"Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was.," Ruby said completely ignoring the conversation between Weiss and Yang.

"Alot of people were saved too. So it wasn't all bad.," Nova said.

"Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending.," Weiss said.

"Where'd you come up with that one liner, princess?," Daikon asked snorting.

"💢 Must you criticize everything I say?," Weiss snapped at him.

"😏 No, it's just more amusing to see how you react that way, princess.," Daikon chuckled.

"💢 You-! Ugh, nevermind!," Weiss said frustrated.

"We might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we could be proud of.," Blake said.

Ruby smiled and then spoke up.

"Yeah! And if anyone tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them.," Ruby said.

"And We'll be right there with you, Ruby.," Scarlett said.

"We like hanging around you guys.," Aiko said.

"It certainly is never boring around you four, that's for sure.," Daikon said.

"I'll say.," Turuk said chuckling.

"I go wherever Ruby goes. I have your back Ruby, remember that okay?," Nova said.

Ruby blushes at this as it still hasn't quite sunk in that Nova is her boyfriend now.

"R-Right, T-Thank you Nova.," Ruby said stammering.

"😏 Aw.. I think Rubes and her boyfriend just had a little moment there.," Yang teased.

"Y-Yang!," Ruby said embarrassed. 

"Yay, teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good job... So, what now?," Yang asked as she laid on her back.

"I suggest training for the tournament, but I guess we have that covered at this point.," Weiss said.

A/N: I'll deviate from the original episodes ending here because I have already foreshadowed something that needs to be addressed.

"Speaking of...," Weiss began.

"Miss Sala and Mr. Rhubar said they needed to tell us something later.," Yang said.

"And that it involved Nova and Turuk. (Looks to the two brothers) would you mind leading us to them?," Ruby asked.

Nova sighed, he knew this day would come eventually.  He nodded and stood to his feet, prompting the other teens to follow suit.

"Sure.," Nova said.

The group of teens, plus Zwei got up and followed the brothers to where they were supposed to meet Sala and Rhubar later.


Vale's Government Council calls on Ozpin, who responds in his office. The headmaster aloofly stares outside his window.

"Ozpin? (for a moment, no response)  Ozpin!," Councilman 1 aasked on the scroll he had on his desk.

Ozpin turns his chair towards his desk.

"Yes, Councilman.," Ozpin responds.

A video feed of the councilmen is shown on a holographic screen with Ironwood's video feed in the corner.

"You've left us no choice! The Vytal Festival tournament cannot be broadcast, let alone held, if we are unable to ensure the safety of the citizens.," Councilman 1 said.

Ozpin sips from his cup.

"Ahem... Therefore, we have reached out to the Atlas Council and together have decided that the best action is to appoint General Ironwood as head of security for the event.," Councilman 1 said.

"Thank you, Councilman. Our Kingdom is happy to lend as many troops as it takes to ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely as possible.," Ironwood said.

"With all due respect, Councilman we do have 3 very capable professors here that will be more than adequate. I understand your appointment however.," Ozpin said.

"Are you referring to the 3 Saiyans among your faculty, Ozpin?," Ironwood asked.

"Saiyans? What's this about, Ozpin? Are you bringing in outsiders to your school?," Councilman 1 asked.

"I can assure you that Tarro, Miss Sala, and her husband, Rhubar, are all exceptional at their jobs. They have bonded with several of the students here as well.," Ozpin said.

"They're still outsiders, Ozpin! How do we know they won't turn on us?," Ironwood asked.

"James, we've been over this. And you even heard from them yourself about their desire to protect this world they call home now.," Ozpin retorted.

"Regardless of that, we thank you, General.," Councilman 1 said.

"Will that be all?," Ozpin asked.

" For now. But after this festival comes to a close, we are going to have a serious discussion about your position at Beacon Academy. General Ironwood's reports over the last few weeks have left us somewhat... concerned. I am sure you understand.," Councilman 1 replied.

The faceless councilmen's video feed disappears, leaving Ironwood's video feed alone with Ozpin. They silently stare at each other for a moment.

"This is the right move, Ozpin. I promise, I will keep our people safe, you have to trust me.," Ironwood said.

Ironwood hangs up the video call. Ozpin then turns his chair around to look at the large Atlesian Ariship outside his window.


The camera cuts to Ironwood, looking towards Beacon and Ozpin's office through a window.

"You brought this on yourself.," Ironwood says solemnly.

He then sighs and walks towards a very heavily guarded Roman in his holding cell, though he doesn't have his signature bowler's hat.

"Leave us.," Ironwood said to a few  soldiers.

The soldiers leave Ironwood alone, so that he can talk to Roman.

"I've been informed that so far you've refused to co-operate with the authorities.

" I know this might be hard to believe, General, but uh... I'm not the biggest fan of local law enforcement.," Roman replied.

"How about the world's strongest military power?," Ironwood questioned.

The crook thought for a moment, and then responded.

"Hmm.. first impressions... not great.," Roman responded.

The General was obviously not amused by this answer, it was evidenced by the way he interrogated Roman.

"I'm going to give you one chance. Who's really behind all this?," Ironwood said clearly not at all amused by Roman's reply to his earlier question.

"Isn't it obvious?," Roman asked.

Ironwood leaned in, turning his ear so he could hear the crook's answer.

"You're looking at him.," Roman answered.

"Hm.. Very well then.," Ironwood said.

Ironwood starts walking away.

"What's the matter, General? I thought you wanted to talk.," Roman said.

Ironwood turned towards him as he continued to walk.

"The council's given me custody over you for as long as I see fit. So you can make yourself comfortable. I can be sure that you'll have plenty of time to talk.," The General said before continuing to walk away.

"Oh, wonderful. Hehehe...," Roman said.

The camera pans towards Roman's face as he laughs. His holding cell door closes.


Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald meet discreetly at a rooftop.

"All in all, I call today a success.," Cinder said.

"Those stupid kids really made a mess of things. Especially those other 3 kids showing up with the 2 professors.," Emerald said.

"Tell me Emerald, are you still upset about those other kids showing up?," Cinder asked.

"No.. it's... not so much they showed up. It's.. just they... feel the same as the darker skinned one does.," Emerald said.

Cinder raised an eyebrow at this, she was curious as to what Emerald meant by this.

"What do you mean by that?," Cinder asked.

"There's.. this... weird feeling I get whenever they're close by... almost like.. every cell in my body is telling me to run away from them. If I don't, I'll get crushed by them. That's how it feels anyways.," Emerald said.

"I see... and you said you felt something from the one named Nova?," Conder asked.

"Yeah. I'm not entirely sure what it is but.. there's something deeper... darker, that's beneath the surface of the faunus known as Nova Belladonna. The type of unknown, you don't want to mess with.," Emerald said.

Cinder adopted a  thoughtful position as if she considered what Emerald said.

"I see.. we will have to be careful with that one I suppose.," Cinder said.

"Yeah, so anyways.. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out the tunnels. You still think the White Fang's gonna listen to us?," Mercury asked curious.

"No, but they'll listen to me.," a voice said.

The camera pans to Adam Taurus. The camera cuts to black.


Back with the group of teens, they walk towards the meeting place and see that Sala and Rhubar are waiting for them there. Nearby, the mysterious swordswoman in the mask is trailing the group. She's really keeping an eye on Yang and Turuk, just to see what they're up to.

"You wanted to speak to us?," Turuk said.

Sala walked forward and nodded.

"Yes, and I see you brought your friends along with you. That makes this easier then.," Sala said.

The group was confused, but one thing they could tell was that this would take awhile to explain.

Rhubar walked forward and as the girls got a good look at him, they were starting to see similarities between Nova and their teacher who was explaining something to them.

Weiss turned to Yang with abit of confused look and whispered to her.

"Am I the only one seeing this, or... does Professor Rhubar and Blake's brother, Nova, look similar to each other?," Weiss whispered to the blonde.

Yang looked between both brothers and The two professors, she came up with the same conclusion.

"🤔Huh.. you know, you're right Weiss. Can't believe I never noticed before how... much alike Nova and Turuk appear to be with Miss Sala and Mister Rhubar.," Yang whispered in thought.

Blake desperately wanted to say something, but she knew if she said anything now, she'd seem very suspicious.  And she wanted her friends to trust her.

Rhubar then spoke up.

"There is something that my wife and I have been meaning to tell you for quite a while now. (Looks to Ruby) Since your team is normally around Nova and Turuk, we felt that you four should be the first to know what we are about to tell you.,"Rhubar said.

Sala walked forward and waved to Nova and Turuk to come towards her. They were confused, at first, but did as requested.

"Ok.. so.. what now?," Turuk asked.

"Are we supposed to wear a funny hat or dance a jig or something?," Nova asked confused.

Sala chuckled before replying to Nova's question.

"No, No, nothing like that.  Just... stand there.," She said.

"Alright.," Nova said.

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to do...,"Sala warned.

The teens nodded before Sala smiled at the 2 boys before embracing them both into a hug.

"Ah... you boys have grown into such fine young men. I've finally found you again, my sons. Brussel... and Turuk... I.. I've missed you so much!," Sala said crying.

Both of them were shocked at this. Nova had heard that name Sala called him before, but he thought it was just a vague memory. 

"Are you saying that-?," Nova began.

"You two are our real-?," Turuk continued the thought before Sala confirmed it.

"Yes, Son. We are your parents. And after 20 years... we've finally found you.," Sala said in tears.

Team Rwby was completely shocked, to think all this time Nova and Turuk's parents were professors at the very school they attended was surprising to say the least. 

"Did she say-?," Ruby began.

"That she's their-?," Yang trailed off.

"Mother?! But.. she's so young!," weiss said shocked.

"We realize this may be hard to accept, just think about it though.," Sala said.

"We... need to talk to all of you.," Rhubar said bringing back their focus.

The teens then listened in as the screen fades to black.

End chapter.


Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this newest chapter! Rhubar and Sala finally revealed themselves to Nova and Turuk! I'd been planning on that to happen for awhile. Was going to have them reveal themselves later, but kinda wrote myself into a corner to where I had to expound upon what I meant.

We are at the end of volume 2 of Rwby's story! Next chapter will begin volume 3! I did deviate from the original episode , it made more sense to. I promise the next chapter won't be nearly as long of a wait!

Next time- Chapter 18: Tenkawa Crisis!  

Until the next update guys! Be blessed!