
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Others
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Chapter 18- (Vol 3 start) Tenkawa Crisis: Lost Heritage (1)

Hey guys! Back here with another update! So since last chapter left off on a cliffhanger, I'll continue from where we left off last chapter. Though, Nova and Turuk's parents were revealed, there's one more secret that only 2 people know right now. You guys should know as it involves Scarlett and Aiko's relationship with Nova and Turuk. Anywho, I'll keep quiet for now.

I don't own Dbz/kai/dbs or Rwby and their characters. Those belong to Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively. I only own the OC's. Aside from Tarro and Daikon, those belong to ComparedDreadx.


Chapter 18: Tenkawa Crisis! Lost Heritage (1)


Team Rwby almost couldn't believe what they just heard, Two of their own professors were actually the parents of Nova and Turuk. They almost couldn't believe it, except for one thing.

"I know most of you are shocked, and you don't have to accept that were the parents of two of your friends right away... take some time to process it.," Sala said.

What Sala said caught their attention. What did she mean by... most of them? Blake recognized the look on her teammates faces and stepped away from them as she walked forward. She turned and faced them.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were confused until the cat faunus spoke.

"Blake?," Ruby asked concerned.

"I'm.. sorry everyone. The truth is... I knew about this.," Blake said.

Ruby had a surprised but slightly hurt look on her face at this.

"You.. knew the whole time?," Ruby asked.

Blake hesitantly nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us Blake?," Weiss asked.

"I.. I couldn't.," Blake replied.

Yang stepped forward and smiled at her partner. She remembered why it was so difficult for Blake to tell her when she did.

"I get it. (Ruby and Weiss look at Yang surprised) You were scared that you would lose your brothers if word got out that you weren't blood related. That sound about right, Blake?," Yang said in explanation.

Blake eyes were wide with shock before she eventually calmed herself enough to respond. The cat Faunus nodded, confirming Yang's brief explanation. A look of understanding crossed their faces before Ruby spoke up.

" While we are sad you didn't tell us sooner, we understand Blake.," Ruby said smiling at her friend.

Weiss and Yang smiled at the cat eared faunus as well before Sala spoke, addressing the 4 saiyans and Team Rwby.

"Before we go, I believe Ozpin wanted to speak to you concerning something.," Sala said.

Nova raised an eyebrow at this in confusion.

"Professor Ozpin wanted to speak to us? What about?," Nova asked.

"I'm afraid not even I know the answer to that question. You and your friends will have to ask him yourselves.," Sala replied.

"If it is what I think, there will be ample opportunity for you to come to grips with what we told you. As Sala said... take your time with it, we don't expect you to accept us as your parents right away. But, we do hope eventually you'll think of us as such.," Rhubar said.

The teens were curious as to what their teacher meant by this, but never got to ask him. When they turned to ask him, Rhubar and Sala had already walked away from them. Knowing that standing there wouldn't solve anything, the group continued back towards Beacon after ensuring all of the citizens were safe.

"I'm beat.," Ruby said.

"Same.," Weiss concurred.

"What do you say we go sleep now?," Yang suggested.

"That's something I can definitely get behind, except for one thing...," Blake said.

"We need to say what professor Rhubar meant by the headmaster wanting to see us about something.," Scarlett added.

"No time like the present, right?," Turuk said.

"Right...," Yang said slightly pouting.

"It would be one less trip.," Aiko suggested.

"Plus, we'd know what this important matter is that Ozpin needs to discuss with us.," Daikon said.

"For once I agree with Daikon. It would be beneficial to see what it is professor Ozpin wants to speak to us about.," Weiss admitted.

Daikon smirked and Weiss already knew what he was thinking without him saying anything.

"💢 Don't even think about it.," Weiss said with an annoyed glare directed towards Daikon.

Daikon just chuckled and shrugged indifferent.

"Whatever you say, princess.," Daikon said.

The group then left the scene as they headed back towards Beacon, undoubtedly to rest first before checking in with Ozpin.

"See ya later, Yatsu.," Scarlett said as her team walked off.

The Dark teen was seen to be waving good bye to Scarlett as Team NDTSA exited the scene to return to their dorm.

As the team walked back towards beacon, they all agreed that whatever Ozpin needed to talk to them about... it must have been very important. But they could worry about that later, for now, they needed rest and lots of it after what they went through. Nova hung back due to Ruby waving over to him. His team noticed and couldn't help the sly smirks that crossed their faces.

"You guys go on ahead, i'll just-," Nova started but was interrupted.

"{smirks} Nova take your time, we can wait. We'll see you back at the dorm. Go see what your girlfriend wants, it's pretty obvious she wants to speak to you alone., "Scarlett said.

Scarlett, Daikon, Turuk, and Aiko all walked off, leaving Nova with Ruby. Apparently, Ruby's teammates also caught on as they did the same.

"Take your time, Rubes. We'll be nearby.," Yang said winking at her sister.

Ruby blushed embarrassed and slightly pouted at this.

"Y-Yang! It's not like that..., " Ruby said trailing off as s he saw her friends had already disappeared.

Nova raised an eyebrow at this reaction. He'd seen it ever since he and Ruby became a couple, but this one was a little more curious.

"Something wrong, Rubes?," The dark teen asked.

Ruby sighed before looking to her boyfriend.

"No, Nova. Nothing's wrong, it's just.. a little embarrassing having Yang tease me about you being m-my b-boyfriend is all.," Ruby said blushing.

She continued as she was still blushing.

"I-I guess it still hasn't quite sunk in that you and me are boyfriend and girlfriend now.," Ruby admitted.

Nova chuckled and patted the shorter girl's head as he smiled at her.

"If it makes you feel any better, it..it's taking me awhile to adjust to that fact as well. But, i think we're a little more than boyfriend and girlfriend.. at least in the typical sense anyways.,"Nova replied.

"How so?," Ruby asked.

"Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but i'm not planning on leaving you for any reason. I'm here for the rest of my life, if you'll have me.," Nova said.

Ruby couldn'thelp but to blush and giggle at this, she appreciated this side of her boyfriend.

"Hee hee, of course Nova. Just the same... I appreciate you saying that. It makes me happy to be someone important to you.," Ruby said smiling.

"Say Ruby...," Nova started.

Ruby looked to Nova as he addressed her.

"Yes? What is it Nova?," She asked.

"How would you like it if I took you somewhere before the Vytal Tournament, just the two of us?," Nova asked a little nervous.

Ruby's eyes widened and she felt her face turn red at what Nova had asked her. She wasn't positive, so she asked to confirm.

"N-Nova.. did you just-?,"She began to ask before Nova finished her thought.

"Ask you out on a date? Yes, Yes i did. I realize I should've done so sooner, this is to make up for it. Plus, we'd look the part of boyfriend and girlfriend too.," Nova answered.

Ruby smiled at her boyfriend before answering his question.

"I'd love to, Nova. And... t-thank you for inviting me.," Ruby replied with a little bit of a blush.

Ruby then stood on her tiptoes and kissed Nova on the cheek, getting a little bit of a shocked look from him.

"Hee hee, that was for asking me out on a date. You didn't have to, but i'm really glad you did. ,"Ruby said to him as she grinned towards him.

Nova then chuckled silently as he smirked at himself. The two decided to walk back to Beacon's dorms, while holding hands the entire time.


Beacon Dorms- With the rest of Team Rwby

Yang sat on her bed a little bored out of her mind, while waiting for Ruby to get back. Weiss was busy filing her nails, while Blake was reading one of her books. The blonde decided to speak up concerning their team leader.

"So how long do you think they've been at it?," Yang asked smirking.

Because it was such an unexpected question, Weiss felt her face turn red at what the blonde was trying to imply their team leader was up to with her boyfriend.

"Yang! I know they're an adorable couple now but, must you be so... suggestive about what they're doing?," Weiss asked embarrassed.

Yang smirked at this, but before they could continue to talk about it, Blake switched subjects.

"What do you think it is the headmaster wants to talk to us about?,"Blake asked.

"Not sure. But, didn't miss Sala and mister Rhubar say it involved your brothers and their teammates?," Yang replied.

Blake nodded, but was confused still.

"Well, I think all of us will feel better once we know the reason for that. The headmaster must want them for something pretty important... and we'll find out together.," Weiss added.

This made Blake feel a little better about the situation, but there was something else that'd been eating away at her thoughts recently and it was about the Reinhardt sisters. At fist she thought nothing of it, but she did hear Scarlett call Nova a rather peculiar or familial term recently. No one else heard it, but she did.

Yang looked to Blake and saw the look on her face, she knew something else was bothering her partner.

"There's something else bothering you... isn't there, Blake?," Yang asked.

Blake sighed, she just couldn't hide anything from Yang could she? The blonde knew her thoughts... or rather her behaviours and body language too well not to notice.

"We have a right to know, Blake Belladonna. We are your teammates after all.," Weiss added.

Blake took a breath and then relayed to them her thoughts or.. rather the thoughts that'd been plaguing her mind recently.

"Very well then, i'll tell you. But you might.. want to take a seat.," Blake suggested.

Yang and Weiss did so and listened.

"It's about.. Scarlett and Aiko...," Blake began.

"Yeah, what about them?," Yang asked.

"Don't you find it kind of strange how they knew miss Sala and mister Rhubar were Nova and Turuk's parents? Or.. more like... They weren't even surprised by that fact? Almost like... they knew the whole time.," Blake asked suspiscious.

The others raised their eyebrows at this. Now that Blake mentioned it, that was a little odd for Scarlett and Aiko to suddenly know who exactly Ruhubar and Sala were. Did they know them from somewhere before or-? They paused at the thought, as they now something dawned on them that they never considered.

"T-This is just a guess but w-what if Scarlett and Aiko were s-Somehow related to both Nova and Turuk?," Weiss suggested.

The eyes of Yang, Blake, and Weiss all widened as they considered this a possibility. One thing they agreed upon though was not to let on that they were suspicious of Scarlett and Aiko. The two girls were their friends and they didn't want to be constantly suspicious of them. They'd be willing to give them the benefit of a doubt due to how close of a friendship they'd formed between their 2 teams.

As they were pondering how to approach this, they heard a knock at the door. It was most likely Ruby and Nova returning. With that in mind, they put this particular subject on hold in the recesses of their minds... for now. Yang walked towards the door and opened it to see that Nova had brought back Ruby.

"😏 That took you long enough. Did you have fun making out with your boyfriend here, Rubes?," Yang asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Y-Yang! We did nothing like that!," Ruby said blushing embarrassed.

"😅 Should... I come back later? This doesn't look to be a good time for me to be sticking around right now.," Nova asked with a nervous drop of sweat coming down the back of his head.

Ruby turned towards him with a look that said 'help me', before she responded.

"N-No don't go Nova. Nothing's wrong here, isn't that right Yang?," Ruby said shooting a subtle glare towards her sister.

Yang nodded.

"Yeah, nothing wrong here.," Yang replied doing her best not to make Nova suspicious of her.

"Right... 😅 Anyways, Ruby I heard the headmaster wants to see your team and my team first thing in the morning if at all possible.," Nova said.

Ruby raised a confused eyebrow at this before she spoke up.

"First thing in the morning? Why so early?," Ruby asked.

Nova rubbed the back of his head as he answered his girlfriend's inquiry.

"I'm not sure on the details, but apparently Professor Ozpin said it was urgent.," Nova said.

"😅 We're... not in trouble, are we?," Yang asked a little nervous.

Nova looked to Yang and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Uhh... 🤨 No? At least, I don't believe so. I think it's something else.," Nova said unsure.

"😌 Well that's a relief..," Yang said relieved.

"Can we.assume the rest of your teammates will be there as well?," Weiss asked.

Nova looked at her quizzically before answering.

"Um.. yes. Is there.. some reason you're asking that?," Nova asked confused.

"We just need to talk to you about something later, that's all.," Blake said.

Nova was silent for a few moments before nodding. He then turned to leave.

"Well, I should get going now. My teammates are expecting me back before long. I'll see you all in the morning.," Nova said as he started to exit the room.

Ruby called after him, stopping the dark teen in his tracks as she walked up to his side.

"I'll walk with you.. at least.. out to the hall.," Ruby said fidgeting.

It was obvious she just wanted a little more time with her boyfriend. This caused Nova to smile as he nodded to her before the two teens walked into the hallway separating their team's dorm rooms. This caused the other girls from team Rwby to smirk as Ruby closed the door to their room. They cracked open the door to spy on the two of them as they talked.

Yang and the others were just being a little nosy because they cared about Ruby and wanted her to be happy.

The focus then shifted to Ruby and Nova who stood in front of team NDTSA's dorm room.

"So Ruby..," Nova started.

"Yes? What is it Nov- I mean.. Brussel?," Ruby asked as she remembered what she was calling him when they were alone together.

"What's this really about?," Nova asked.

"Well... it's about 2 of your teammates, Scarlett and Aiko.," Ruby answered.

"Okay... what about them?," He asked.

"It's nothing bad. Because we trust them, they're our friends. There's just some thing we noticed about them is all that we were curious about. I promise we'll explain it tomorrow.," Ruby said.

"Alright. Since you're the one telling me, Rubes, I believe you.," Nova said.

"😳 T-Thanks N-Nova san...," Ruby said blushing.

"It's no problem. After all... I still owe you a date after this.,"Nova said.

This caused Ruby's face to flush an even deeper shade of red as she just remembered Nova promising her that. It was true though. They were boyfriend and girlfriend now and yet... they hadn't even been on a single date yet due to all the craziness recently.

Ruby just nodded and smiled.

"Well.. I better go now.," Nova said as he was just about to walk into his dorm when he stopped.

It was as if he remembered something important that he had to do. He walked up to Ruby to give her a good-night, apparently Ruby had the same idea. She waved over Nova as she stood up on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.

Not to be outdone, Nova then also gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as they both smiled at each other.

"Good night, Nova san.," Ruby said.

He smiled and bid her a good night as well.

"And good night to you too, Rubes.," He said as he turned the nob of his team's dorm room and closed the door soon after entering.

Ruby did the same as both team leaders entered their rooms with their teams.

Yang was seen slyly smirking as Ruby entered the room as the other two girls were... oddly quiet. This was most likely to let Yang have her say or to let her get her teasing of Ruby in first.

"😏 So he calls you Rubes, eh?," Yang asked with a sly smirk on her face.

"Sorry, Yang.. I know that's what you call me too. Sorry I didn't ask first.," Ruby said apologizing.

"It's fine, Rubes. He's special to you, he's allowed to call you that if he wants.,"Yang said waving it off.

"You're special too, Yang.," Ruby replied.

"I appreciate it Rubes, but I think you know what I mean. Nova's special in a different kind of way to you.," Yang said.

She continued.

"Speaking of which... how often does he call you 'Rubes'?," Yang asked.

"O-Only when we're alone together.," Ruby said stammering a bit.

"He doesn't call you that outside of when you're alone?," Yang asked.

"No i... I requested that he call me that when we're alone together.," Ruby said blushing.

"😏 Aww, Look at you getting all lovey dovey with your boyfriend! You're gonna make me jealous eventually, Rubes.," Yang said teasing her sister.

"Y-Yang! Please, You're embarrassing me!," Ruby said with a red face.


The Next Morning..

While Weiss, Yang, Blake, Turuk, and the Reinhardt sisters walked ahead and were chatting on the way towards Ozpin's office, Ruby hung back with Nova. There were noticeable bags under her eyes due to the lack of sleep from the previous night.

This concerned Nova a little bit as he turned to look at his girlfriend.

"Are... you okay, Ruby?," He asked concerned.

"Not.. really. I hardly had the chance to even sleep last night.," She replied.

"😅 Rough night, huh?," He asked sweat dropping.

"🥱You have no idea..., Ruby said yawning.

The reason for her lack of sleep was due to her teammates constantly asking her questions about the relationship between her and Nova, along with Yang's incessant teasing.

Nova put his hand on Ruby's head as he smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a chance to sleep, Rubes.," Nova assured her.

She smiled at him tiredly.

"Thanks Nova san... I appreciate it.," She told him.

The two teams finally made it to the elevator, which led to the headmaster's office.

As they entered the elevator to go towards Ozpin's office, Ruby couldn't help but to become a little bit nervous about this. However, one reassuring squeeze of her hand from Nova's own all but calmed her nerves.

She felt reassured now that even if something went wrong, Nova would be right by her side to help her. The elevator door opened and the group of teens entered Ozpin's office. The headmaster, Glynda, and professor Koizumi or Tarro (as he was called by some) stood in the office with Ozpin as the headmaster greeted the two teams.

"I am glad to see you received my message, team Rwby and Team NDTSA.," He said.

Each of the teens looked at each other before looking back to Ozpin and nodding.

Glynda was the one who spike this time as she relayed the purpose of why they were called to the headmaster of the school's office.

"Before we can continue... (elevator dings again and JNPR enters the room)

Excellent, now we can proceed.," Glynda said before continuing.

"If you don't mind my asking, professor Glynda why are there 3 teams here?," Aiko asked.

"I'm glad you asked miss Reinhardt, I was just getting to that. This particular mission... requires.... some extra security just in case.," Glynda said.

The teens raised questioning eyebrows, prompting Ozpin to speak up again.

"We just want to be safe. We couldn't sleep at night if anything were to happen to our students. We'd be failures as teachers were anything less than optimal were to happen to any of you.," Ozpin explained.

"Is this mission really THAT dangerous professor?," Scarlett asked.

"It's hard to say really. However we know that there is definitely something not normal about this request we've received. As professors we cannot physically go ourselves, which is why we have given you students the opportunity to advance your training as Huntsman and Huntresses even further with this mission. All you have to do is investigate what is going on in Tenkawa.," Ozpin said.

"If it's just an investigation, surely Cardin's team would be more suitable to this, right?," Scarlett asked.

Ozpin sighed.

"As much as we'd like to think that... all of you know as well as us, that Mr Winchester and his team would be very ill suited to a mission that requires anything more than brute force.," Tarro said speaking up.

"Teach's got a point there Scarlett, there's a reason they're giving us this mission.," Turuk said.

Scarlett sighed, Turuk did have a point. She relented after realizing that he was right.

"Alright. But what's so important that you felt the need to call 3 teams here?," She asked.

Ozpin was silent for a moment before answering the redhead's question.

"We've received a very disturbing report from Tenkawa that there have been massive casualties there. The cause is unknown, so we would you to find out out what the cause of this is.," Ozpin said.

"Is it.. the Grimm perhaps?," Pyrrha asked.

"That is possible, miss Nikos. However, we don't have enough information to be sure at this point yet. If you find out what the cause of this is, contact myself, miss Goodwitch, or mister Koizumi here immediately.," Ozpin said.

"Yes. And if there are any hostiles there... DO NOT ENGAGE THEM unless... they leave you with no choice. Is that clear?," Glynda said.

The teens shook their heads as Tarro spoke up as well.

"The communication towers there have also been offline for awhile, so if you could also determine the cause of that, it would be appreciated.," Tarro said.

The teens nodded and went to exit the room when Ozpin called back to Nova.

"Nova, if you could stay there's something we wish to discuss with you privately.," Ozpin said.

Ruby looked towards Nova, who smiled at her.

"I'll only be a minute, mind waiting for me?," Nova asked her.

She smiled at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I can. Just don't take too long. I'll wait for you by the elevator doors.," Ruby said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting the room.

Nova then turned and faced the other professors with Ozpin.

"You wanted to discuss something with me privately, professor Ozpin?," Nova asked politely.

The headmaster folded his hands before speaking again.

"Yes, actually. Mind having a seat young man?," Ozpin said.

Nova eyed the headmaster quizzically, he wondered what it was Ozpin wanted to talk to him about. He sat down, but chose to let Ozpin speak first. That way, he'd understand what this was about.

As if he knew what the young teen was thinking, Ozpin spoke up to confirm the teen's suspicions.

"I'm certain you have questions regarding this mission, mister Belladonna. You're a smart young man, so I'll get right to the point.. You're wondering why this mission was given to 3 teams, yes?," Ozpin said folding his hands in front of his face.

Nova was a bit surprised at this, then again.. what didn't Ozpin know was the question. He nodded as he spoke.

"Yeah. It.. just seems a little.. odd to give this kind of a mission to 3 teams. I was just a little curious as to why you'd do that.," Nova answered.

"Ah I see. That's perfectly understandable that you would be confused by this. The reason is simple. We don't know how dangerous it will be or what is waiting for you on this mission. Think of the 3 teams as extra security in case things go awry.," Ozpin explained.

Nova seemed to understand his logic and nodded in agreement.

"I think I understand. And.. it makes sense, I suppose.," The dark teen answered.

Ozpin smiled, this kid was quite understanding and that was rare for someone his age when faced with a situation like the one thrown at him.

"Thank you for your time, mister Belladonna. You should get going now, you have a very long couple of days ahead of you. Also, I think I certain young lady is waiting for you.,"Ozpin said.

Nova then nodded and exited the room.

With Ruby

Ruby stood against the side of the building, patiently waiting for her boyfriend to return. She couldn't help but to slightly blush and feel a bit giddy at the thought of Nova being her boyfriend now. It still hadn't quite sunk in that the two of them were boyfriend and girlfriend now.

Ruby was brought out of her musings when the elevator reached the bottom floor and the object of her thoughts walked out. She went over to him as she had been waiting for just a few minutes.

"Nova! Over here!," She said waving to him.

The dark teen smiled as he then let Ruby grasp onto his arm as he offered it to her. The girl gladly wrapped her arm around his as they walked while chatting.

"Sorry, I took so long. Have you been waiting long, Rubes?," Nova said apologizing.

Ruby shook her head in denial as she answered her boyfriend's question.

"Uh-uh, I've just been waiting a few minutes.," She replied shaking her head with a smile.

She then continued.

"So... what did professor Ozpin want?," Ruby asked curious.

"Nothing much, he just wanted to go over a few extra details for the mission. I'll tell you guys later.," Nova said.

"Promise?," Ruby asked.

Nova chuckled and then smiled.

"Yeah Rubes, I promise.," Nova said with a smile.

Ruby smiled at him and then wrapped her arms around Nova's arm. The two then walked together as the went towards the group to prepare for the mission they were assigned to.

A few hours later...

All 3 teams met up at the spot the bull head was arriving a few hours after they'd prepared themselves. Nova could tell Ruby was nervous, so he just gently nudged her. This action caused her to look at him. Ruby felt her nerves melt away when she saw her boyfriend's smiling face. It was like he could take her fear away instantly.

As they waited for the bullhead, and after discussing it telepathically withe their leader, Scarlett and Aiko felt as though there was one thing that needed to be addressed. Scarlett gained everyone's attention by speaking up.

"Pardon us for interrupting your thoughts on this mission, but... Aiko and myself have something to tell you.," Scarlett began.

The other teens looked at them, giving their full attention and focus on what was about to be said. The were curios as to what this "something" Scarlett and Aiko had to tell them was. Whatever, it was... it sounded like it was extremely important.

"It hasn't been intentional, but there is something my sister and I have been keeping secret from you guys.," Scarlett said.

"Y-yeah. We figured you guys have been in the dark on this long enough, so we'd like to clear something up.," Aiko said.

Teams Rwby and JNPR looked at each other with somewhat puzzled looks on their faces, they weren't sure how they should take this info. The Reinhardt sisters continued.

"I know some of you are a little suspicious of us (looks at Yang, Weiss, and Blake), so we'd like to put your suspicions to rest and clear something up.," Scarlett told the other teens.

"U-Um.. the reason we didn't react the way that we should have when miss Sala and mister Rhubar revealed who they were was because we.. already knew who they were.," Aiko revealed.

"So... you did know them from before?," Yang asked.

Aiko nodded.

"Sorry, we didn't tell you guys. We weren't entirely sure how you'd react to this news.," Scarlett said in apology.

"We forgive you, I suppose. However... there is one thing that's still bothering us about this whole situation.," Weiss said.

"Go on, we're listening.," Scarlett replied.

"We have gotten the sense that you somehow know Blake's brothers quite well even from before beacon... but they don't seem to know you. Would you mind explaining that?," Weiss said.

Scarlett sighed, she knew this day was coming... they day they'd have to reveal what their relationship with Nova and Turuk was.

Just as she was about to explain, the bullhead arrived, halting their discussion. They needed to climb aboard now. Scarlett turned towards Weiss and spoke loud enough for them to hear her words.

"I can explain on our way. First, let's climb aboard the bullhead.," The redhead answered.

The other teens agreed. The group of teens then gathered their things and boarded the bullhead just before it took off towards their destination.

Aboard the Bullhead...

Once all of the teens were on board of the bullhead, Weiss looked towards Scarlett. She got the signal and continued her explanation.

"Listen up, what i have to say may be a bit alarming so I ask that none of you reveals what I'm going to say to anyone else at Beacon. If word of this were to get out, there'd be chaos at the school and no one would leave us alone about it.," Scarlett said.

Yang, Blake, and Weiss looked at each other and nodded. They seemed to come to an agreement of sorts about the issue.

"You can leave it to us, we won't tell anyone at Beacon. Your secret is safe with us.," Yang said.

Scarlett appeared to breathe a sigh of relief before she continued with her explanation.

"Thanks everyone...," Scarlett said in relief before continuing her explanation.

She determined that she was just going to come clean and reveal everything. It was high past time she told her friends what they wanted to know, she was done hiding things from them and her family.

Team Rwby.. you were right to be suspicious of me concerning Blake's brothers, because like you thought... there is a connection there. Though, they haven't realized it yet. Nova and Turuk haven't even realized that their birth parents aren't the only family they have here at Beacon. They've been on the same team as.their extended family the entire time.," Scarlett said.

The girls of teams Rwby and JNPR didn't catch it, at first. It was only when Weiss went to say something that they realized what Scarlett had just said. Their eyes widened when they realized what their friend had just revealed to them.

"Wait a moment, did you just say-?," Weiss began.

"Are you saying that-?," Yang started before Scarlett finished their thought.

"That myself and Aiko are extended family of Nova and Turuk?," She asked to finish their thought.

Everyone nodded, wondering the same thing. Scarlett closed her eyes briefly before opening them again.

"Well... I've come this far, may as well see this through. Right, Aiko?," Scarlett thought to herself as she briefly glanced at her sister who nodded for her to continue.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I'm sorry that me and Aiko had to hide it from you for so long, we just weren't sure how exactly you'd react to this.," Scarlett said in apology.

"So.. You're extended family? As in... cousins?," Yang asked.

Scarlett nodded.

"Yeah, that's right Yang. Myself and Aiko are Nova and Turuk's cousins... though they haven't realized this yet.," Scarlett said.

The looks of pure shock on everyone other than the said individuals faces were enough to assure Scarlett that she made the right decision in telling her friends their secret. Turuk looked over from his spying out of the window to see the shocked looks on everyone's faces. He was rather curious about this.

Yang leaned over and whispered into his ear about what was discussed while he was preoccupied. The look on Turuk's face after he heard the news from Yang was one none of the girls from teams Rwby or JNPR had seen before. There was shock and surprise in it, but also.. confusion in it as well.

"Well... not like I can blame him. He's just now finding out that two of his teammates were actually his cousins this entire time. Can't exactly fault him for reacting the way he did. But... 😏 that's a pretty amusing look for him.," Yang thought to herself.

Nova, who was over by Ruby was silent for a few moments as he needed some time to process what he'd just heard. He then silently chuckled after thinking about it. Ruby grew a little concerned about this and looked towards him.

"Nova? Are you okay?," Ruby asked a little worried.

Nova smiled at his girlfriend as he spoke to reassure her that nothing was wrong.

"Yes Rubes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the fact of why Myself and Turuk got along so well with Scarlett and Aiko should have been pretty obvious from the start. There were signs of it early on, we just didn't notice them.," Nova said smiling.

This caused Ruby to smile too. She liked it when her boyfriend was in a good mood, it made her happy when he smiled. Because of the nature of Nova and Ruby's relationship, she would feel better when Nova was in a generous mood. Not that he didn't try and be generous whenever he had time to for her sake, she just preferred it when he was smiling too.

"Well that's good. If you're happy, then I'm happy.," Ruby said leaning her head on his shoulder while embracing his arm.

They sat like that for abit until Nova noticed the nervous look on Ruby's face. He'd known Ruby for a little while now and he knew she wasn't really one to show that something was bothering her. She had  a bad habit of bottling her true feelings up on things sometimes. The dark teen knew he didn't like seeing his girlfriend like this and had decided to see what he could do to help her not feel so nervous.

"Rubes.," Nova said gaining her attention.

"Yeah, what is Nova?," Ruby asked curious.

"Are you nervous?," He asked.

Ruby sighed, she knew that there wasn't hiding anything from Nova. He'd just see right past her facade.

"Yeah... I'm nervous. But I'm also.. scared too, I don't know how this mission is going to go. What if.. something bad happens?," Ruby said worried.

"Hey, I told you I would do whatever I could to protect you. Even if I have to give up my life to save you, I'll at least make sure you and your friends get back to Beacon safely.," Nova said.

"No.," Ruby said.

"Uh.. no? What do you mean by that, Rubes?," Nova asked confused.

"No means no. And.. you have to stay alive Nova. I just became your girlfriend, I want to spend alot more time with you! You have to promise me something...," Ruby answered.

"Ok. What is it?," Nova asked.

"You.. have to stay safe and alove out there! I.. I wouldn't know what to do without you!," Ruby said.

Nova sighed, he knew this was hard on his girlfriend. The two of them just become a couple, but he couldn't exactly promise her that nothing bad would happen.

"Ruby... You know I can't exactly promise that.," Nova said.

Ruby clenched her hands into fists, she realized what he was saying... but she could afford to be a little selfish, right?

"You're not being fair, Nova. I.. I want you to stay alive! Is it so wrong that I want to stay with you and... if father allows it, spend the rest of my life with you? To grow old together, even... have children together...to have a future and many more adventures with you, that's what I want. Just as you want to protect me, I.. also want to protect you. I just became your girlfriend, I don't want to lose someone else important to me so soon again. I already lost my mom when I was little, I don't want to lose you too.," Ruby said slightly upset.

Nova's expression softened. He could tell his girlfriend was a little emotional right now, but he couldn't blame her for that. If it put her at ease for him to promise her that he'd stay alive, then so be it. He didn't like seeing Ruby upset in any way.

"Ok Rubes. I promise I'll- no, we'll both survive this mission together.," Nova said.

"You promise?," Ruby asked.

Nova looked back her and smiled.

"I promise. I did promise to make my cute girlfriend happy, didn't I?," Nova replied.

"Hee hee, that you did. And I'm holding you to that.," Ruby said giggling. 

Ruby then rested her head once again on Nova's shoulder as her fingers intertwined with his as they held hands. The girl then felt something fuzzy around her waist.. or was it furry? She looked glanced down to see that her boyfriend's tail had subtly wrapped itself around her waist, almost like it was claiming her as Nova's personal property from any other prying male eyes. It felt warm and.. comfortable on her, like a blanket or a scarf.

Curious, she decided to pet the appendage gently. Nova felt pleasure shoot through his body as Ruby gently stroked his tail. It took almost all of his strength and willpower to restrain himself from making a move on the girl and claiming her as his woman right then and there. He was not going to do that to her, not yet. That would be reserved for later, AFTER they were married. Only after Ruby became his wife through marriage would he even think of doing that to her.

His train of that was broken when he saw they had arrived at their destination. The group of teens hopped off of the bullhead as it then flew off to find a safer place to land. The group of 13 teens then split into groups. Here were how the groups were split up: Group A was consisted of Nova, Ruby, Jaune, and Pyrrha.  The second Group (group B) was consisted of Yang, Turuk, Weiss, and Daikon. And the final group, group C, consisted of Blake, Scarlett,  Aiko, Ren, and Nora. 2 groups of 4 and one group of 5 members made up how the groups were split.

The groups then split to find any signs of life left in the village. Group A stayed put to search the surrounding area, group B went to the communication tower, and group C went to search the forest and by the caves for any signs of life.

The groups split after agreeing to meet back near the village when finished. Each team had found signs of Grimm activity, but then something strange happened. It seemed like all of the Grimm had just... vanished. But that was thing, what or rather who could scare off Grimm?

A looming shadow appeared overhead of where group A was. Nova sensed there was something coming and stepped in front of the others. He was proven right when a projectile was launched towards the group, which he deflected rather easily. As it was deflected, it exploded on contact with the ground, creating a crater.

The teens then heard laugher coming from overhead. Nova knew they weren't alone and gritted his teeth as he told the others to brace themselves for a fight.

"Brace yourselves, everyone! Looks like we've got company!," Nova said.

The laughter persisted, followed by footsteps... hundreds of them from what they could tell. They all shifted into stances and drawing out their dust weapons to defend themselves. Ruby was about to pull out her scythe, when Nova shook his head. Ruby looked at him in confusion.

"Nova?," She asked confused.

"This will be good training for your hand to hand, Rubes. Remember what I said? Only use your Scythe as a last resort. It has more than enough power to kill someone now, so only use it if the need is dire.,"Nova said.

Ruby nodded. She understood now, Nova was protecting her from having to kill someone. Once she killed, the burden would be immense. She wouldn't be able to look at herself the same way again and that was something Nova never wanted her to have to deal with. He would take that burden for her, if it came down to it.

She shifted into the martial arts stance that Nova had taught her, which surprised Jaune and Pyrrha a bit. They didn't have to really dwell on it, because they heard... clapping? The source of the clapping grew louder until the saw the source of it.

"Well... Well... Well, it appears we've found you... Saiyan.," An unfamiliar voice said.

The group looked up and saw the source of the voice. It was a humanoid figure, but his skin was different and he was wearing the most bizarre looking armor the teens had ever seen.

"Saiyan? What the heck is that? Or rather... who are you referring to?," Nova asked confused.

"Do you honestly not know what you are, saiyan?," The figure asked again.

"Why do you keep calling him that? He's a faunus! Sure he may be a bit different than most, but that makes him unique! So he's not this saiyan or whatever!," Ruby said a little angry.

"Oh dear... 🤦‍♂️ Did you honestly not know what he was this whole time, human girl? That boy... is no faunus! He's part of a ruthless alien race of warriors knows as Saiyans! My name is Cui, I'm a member of the Glacial Force.," Cui said.

Nova looked up at the Alien and then spoke up in response to him.

"You said your name was Cui, right?," Nova asked.

Cui nodded and motioned for the boy to continue, which he did.

"So... what exactly is a saiyan? I'm afraid I don't really know.," Nova said.

"💢 A saiyan is what you are, you nincompoop! Gah! Whatever, I suppose I can explain to you what a saiyan is! So listen carefully! Saiyans are a group of Aliens that are warriors. They're also barbarians who commit genocide on other planets and sell them to the highest bidder. But... it would seem, judging by your lack of knowledge on this... that... you came form a faction that was opposed to this.," Cui explained.

"So... I'm a Saiyan?," Nova asked.

"Yes, you dolt! Not just you but... the other 3 of you with tails are as well! And... oh dear... (looks at Ruby) hm... it appears there's one here who has already begun to turn into a saiyan as well.," Cui said.

Nova was confused by that last comment and went to ask about it, but cui brushed it off.

"Myself and my men here have come here to permanently put the Saiyan race to rest. In other words we came here to kill you saiyans!," Cui said.

"No you won't! Not if I have anything to say about it! I won't let you kill my boyfriend!," Ruby said scowling at them.

"Aww... now isn't that sweet? Blech! Gag me! Don't be fooled men, kill this son of a Saiyan! Grab the humans, they'll make for some valuable hostages!," Cui said pointing to them.

The teens shifted into stances as they prepared to fight off, the horde of enemy soldiers. This wasn't going to be easy by any means. All of the soldiers with the blaster gauntlets began to charge at them. Like it or not, the only way through this was to fight their way through.

To be continued...

Just imagine Black Clover Ed 12 with the cast and characters of this story... so the Teams Rwby, JNPR, & NDTSA.  Swords being replaced by the dust weapons and.... asta and his devil being replaced by Nova in his normal form looking at his battle form (Ikari state for now but it will change as the story progresses further).

To be continued in Chapter 19- Lost Heritage: Saiyan, not Faunus I

This will be the start of Nova and his teammates discovering why they're so different from other faunus.  The villains for this little mini arc most dbz fans should know. I will try and make it so these villains are actually a decent challenge for our saiyan characters cuz no one wants a boring villain.

Also if you caught the little detail with Ruby near the end, you should know what I plan on doing with Ruby in this story. Yang & Weiss I'm undecided on at this time, but we'll see. Anyways, hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and I apologize for such a long wait in getting this out! Next chapter won't be nearly as long of a wait, I promise! Well anywho, I'll see you guys in the next update!