
Legend of Rahu

Rahu, the strongest grandmaster of his kingdom, died while protecting it from the monster flood. Watch him as he is reborn into new world of cultivation and magic. He will expand his knowledge once more and strive to become the strongest in the new world!

Kido_TO · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

New World, New Family

8 Months Later

Rahu came out of the fetus.

"Narhmi Fuisemalso Crill" he heard a foreign language coming out from a womens voice. He tried to peek at her, but his eyesight had not developed yet.

"Auh! Hui beuy cus ni Hafrin!" another voice shouted.

Rahu took a guess that these were his parents in this new life.

"You are right, hero. Looks like we will be stuck here for a while, until you grow up." the princess said.

"You can hear my thoug-" he tried to say, but his mind wandered off into sleep, unable to process his thoughts yet.

4 Years Later

Four years had passed and his mind had become sane enough to start his training.

During this time, he had learned how to speak this countries language.

Remembering the map from his past life, it would take ten days on a plane to travel back to his home.

And looking at the year, the downfall of his country happened five years ago. He had been born a year after his death.

A lot must have changed, he thought.

"My father, the king. He should be thirty-nine this year.." the princess whispered.

"And you should have turned twenty-two this year." Rahu said back, looking at the sky with sadness.

"Don't worry about me. We need to find a way back and fast."

Rahu laughed at her words and shouted "It would take at least ten more years for me to even start to travel back! I need to gain back my strength."

The princess came out of his mind and looked at him in guilt.

Rahu had meditated enough to manifest her soul, but it only lasted for a minute. He needed to become strong enough, so she could separate from him.

"Sorry, I just.." she tried to defend her, but chose to be silent.

"There's a chance that everyone in that Kingdom is dead already too. Maybe it would be best to stay here." the hero continued.

"No! No!" she shouted at him, tears falling from her eyes, "There's no way that would happen. It's our country, our people. Why would you just lose hope like that, you're a hero!"

Rahu looked away, "A hero? I died a hero" he whispered.

The princess decided to calm down, disappearing back into his mind and then there was a weird silence, until he heard his mother shout.

"Hafrin! Come over here." Rahu heard his mother shout out his new name. He ran over to his new mother and looked at her weirdly, knowing he had taken her sons body.

He had truly fallen in love with this family, having been born an orphan.

His mother looked at him. She wasn't a beauty. Just a bit above average. However she was too kind. He still remembered the times when she used to feed the street dogs. Her eyes emanated love for him, one that belonged to a mother. Somehow, without him knowing, a seed of mother and son relationship developed between them over the years. When they both stared at each other, Rahu couldn't help but feel nervous for what reason she could have called him.

"I heard you were sitting like a lotus from the guards. What are you doing son? Why are you behaving like this. You got any problems, please share with me."

Rahu replied "No, mom! I was just playing how it feels to close my eyes. Once I do that, I can feel a type of energy coursing through my body."

His mother smiled. In her mind she was thinking [A type of energy, could it be...?]

She then said to Hafrin "I see son. Don't worry. Come near me."

Hafrin aka Rahu followed what his mom asked. He came near her and let his mom touch his scalp. He could feel mana from her palms coursing through his body. It was just a matter of time before she knew that he was inborn magician.

After checking his body, she couldn't help but feel emotional. Her son, Hafrin had a innate body constitution of a magician. It was too rare! Naturally people can train to become a magician after forming a magic core after decades of training. But there were some people in legend, who had a innate talent for magic and they used their entire body as a magic core to absorb and use magic. Fortunately or unfortunately, her son had one such body!

"Halfrin, never tell anyone about what you told me just now. You're coming with me to see your father now." She said to Halfrin in a strict tone.

Rahu, being a scared cat infront of his mother tiger, followed her as she caught his hand and led him to his father.

His father had a newspaper with him. He was wearing a spectacle. His two round eyes were clearly visible through the pair of transparent glasses. He was sitting on a chair. The newspaper was with him on his lap. A cup of coffee tea could be seen visible on the table that existed in front of him.

The sound of footsteps tip-toed. The sharp ears of the man picked the sound. He knew who were coming to meet him. It was his four year old son, and his wife. The man stood up, turned around, dropped the newspaper on the chair he was sitting in, and faced the two people who just came in.

The wife of the man; the mother of Halfrin, smiled upon seeing him. The man also smiled and nodded at them. His round eyes eyes which looked even a bit cute, turned strict and a bit serious as he tried to act tough when he asked:

"What happened, sweety? Did Rahu commited a naughty act? Let's not punish him so early...he is still...a child."

The lady turned stiff after hearing it. She forced a dangerous smile. A smile that can scared the shit out of any sentient animal. Seeing that smile body father and son felt a shock pass through their body. Rahu felt pity for what was going to happen to his father now.

His father looked at his son and when he saw his pitiful and helpless expression he felt like he was betrayed. He tried to justify himself "It's not like what you think..." However before he could finish his sentence...

Pakakapakapakapkapaka BOOM!

After some time, the sound of beating stopped. Rahu had long since left the room. Only when it was silent, he heard his mother's call.

"You can come now, Halfrin."

Sigh Rahu came to the room, only to see the half dead father of his lying beside his mother. The signs of the beating were still present; the man's head had a big bump onto it. His face was red and looked pale as if blood can come out anytime.

His mother looked at him and said "I didn't gave you the permission to leave the room, right?"

"Sorry mother, it was an emergency, I felt an urgency to pee." Rahu made a childlike expression as if tears can pop out of his eyes anytime. Seeing such an expression from his son, the man by the side of the woman made a low grump


Howeveer that low grump didn't anymore as the sound of pakapakapakap...came again.

This time Rahu saw the stream coming out of man's head. Rahu wondered how come his family was too strong. It was many times stronger than who he was in his previous life!