
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Darkside Ambitions I: Rex's Infernal Crescendo

At his booth, Mr. Big had gotten to his feet, his face bloody and his suit tattered. "Rex! You goddamn punk, I'll end you for this!" Around him stood his superpowered lieutenants.

On Big's left was Deadeye, a rail-thin man in an old west gunslinger outfit, revolvers holstered at his hips. His quick-draw marksmanship quirk made him a crack shot. On the right stood Anvil, a tall, muscular woman in biker leather. Her quirk, Gravity Crush, enabled her to generate intense gravitational fields.

"You think these clowns scare me?" Rex responded disdainfully. "I'll swat them like insects." The anti-spiral aura flared around him. With Anti-Spiral, Rex becomes more arrogant, and the new sense of power already seems to cloud his judgment.

"We'll see about that!" Deadeye snarled, lightning fast on the draw. He rapid-fired a barrage of glowing energy bullets. But Rex perceived them crawling through the air in slow motion, thanks to the Anti-Spiral's enhanced perceptions. He contemptuously backhanded the shots aside. They exploded against the walls, blasting holes in the surfaces.

Before Deadeye could shoot again, Rex hurtled forward and delivered a vicious clothesline that flipped the gunman head over heels. Deadeye crashed into a table.

Anvil stepped up, eyes filled with rage at seeing her comrade fall. She slammed a boot down, activating her gravity-crush quirk. The floor cracked under the massively amplified weight.

As Rex charged at Anvil, the pressure of her gravity quirk gripped him, an invisible vise tightening around his body. Rex's muscles corded and his veins bulged as he resisted the downward pull. Despite being forced inch by inch towards the cracked floor, Rex refused to kneel.

Deadeye got up and launched a barrage of deadly shoot with homing

"Ahaha, well done, Rex. I was surprised by your speed, but know that your end is near if all you got was this."

Several shots slipped past Rex's guard, scorching his side and shoulder in bursts of searing agony, like red-hot brands biting into his flesh. Gritting his teeth, Rex tried to ignore the smoldering burns. But they slowed his reactions just to allow the subsequent onslaught to pierce his body.

Searing pain flared across Rex's chest and arms as the bullets exploded against him in a series of rapid-fire bursts. The impacts staggered Rex, and his teeth clenched against the agony. Rivulets of blood sizzled from the glowing wounds marring his body.

Breathing heavily, Rex tried to charge forward, but Deadeye fanned the hammer, filling the air with a never-ending sea of bullets. Rex weaved between them, but several more found their mark, blistering his back and thigh in eruptions of scorching torment. Anvil's quirk was making things difficult for him; this duo was extremely dangerous.

The acrid smell of seared flesh filled Rex's nostrils as he forced himself onward. His body smoldered from the dozens of hits. He was bleeding extremely badly at this rate, even though Rex knew he would be done for.

"You'll pay for that," Rex growled through ragged breaths, his singed flesh smoking. But internally, he acknowledged Deadeye's skills and Anvil's, vowing not to underestimate them again.

"Not enough!" Rex growled. Drawing on more anti-spiral power, he slowly marched through the intense gravity field towards Anvil. She desperately increased the force, veins bulging from exertion, but Rex refused to be delayed. "Finish him! I can feel it getting stronger." Anvil sensed the change in Rex; she was losing her control over him.

But through sheer force of will to survive and his future, he needs more power. The anti-spiral energy answers his wish, and in the next second, he senses his strength grow at a fast pace. With enough effort, he runs away from the Anvil zone of control.

" The two you will feel my wrath now."

He ran faster than before. "I will go for Deadeye and immobilize or distract him, and I will finish Anvil." He knew his best chance was to stop Anvil. Her quirk wasn't too lethal to him, but it was hindering him the most in this situation.

Rex ran to Deadeye, trying his best to avoid the rain of bullets. Anvil was trying to get closer to trap Rex in Gravity Zone. Rex knew what she was trying to do, but with the new boost, he knew he would be able to tolerate it for some seconds. He reached for a bottle that was near a table and threw it with an imaginable speed at Deadeye.

Deadeye was surprised and fired a bullet at it.

In that second, Rex Speed exploded with an imaginable speed before he appeared like a ghost, viciously backhanded the guns from his grip, and launched a lethal kick on his stomach. Deadeye flew into the wall and blew a hole in it. Not waiting any longer, he goes for Anvil. She is surprised by the sudden turn of events. She tries to back up from Rex because she is too close to him. She knows her weakness well.

Rex will never let this chance slip. He got near her, but she was a pro for a reason.

But before he could launch his attack at her, a massive force slammed into Rex's side.

He tumbled away, crashing through tables and chairs before righting himself. Anvil strode forward, eyes blazing and hand outstretched from activating her Gravity Crush quirk. She had waited for an opening to catch Rex off guard.

"Thought you could take us both alone?" Anvil mocked. Deadeye moved to her side, readying another volley. Rex growled in frustration—the gunslinger had been tricky enough without Anvil's interference.

As Deadeye's energy shots peppered him, Rex fought against Anvil increasing the gravity's pull, forcing him to his knees. She tried to pin him down while Deadeye got up with a broken hand from the crash and started to fire at Rex with fury.

Rex put his left hand on the trajectory of the bullet, his arms were pierced in with a barrage of bullets, resisting the crushing force of gravity.

"Is that all you've got?" Rex shouted defiantly through the gravity and gunfire. He channeled more Anti-Spiral power, the aura flaring larger. With a colossal effort, Rex surged to his feet and charged straight at them.

Anvil desperately boosted the gravity's intensity to immobilize Rex. 

"Impossible!" Anvil gasped. She poured every ounce of power into her quirk. Deadeye unloaded both glowing revolvers in a final desperate barrage.

With a deafening roar, Rex surged to his feet and charged like a wrecking ball towards them, shrugging off the gravity and bullets. His eyes were murderous pools promising retaliation. Before they could react, he reached them and began his ruthless counterattack.

Mr. Big trembled in fury and fear at Rex's display of might against his elites. "Kill him with you got I don't want to get out of here alive! Everyone else, come here and help those two! he shouted on his phone" he ordered the few remaining thugs before turning to flee.

Big news he must get out of here as fast as possible. "That man is not normal anymore something it's really wrong what kind of drug did use" Big asked himself while running away.

He would not be denied his revenge, even as Deadeye's shots exploded against his damaged body. Rex screamed with fury and pain as he reached them through the deadly barrage.

Even as Anvil desperately boosted the gravity and Deadeye unloaded both glowing revolvers at him, Rex refused to be stopped. With a deafening roar, he surged to his feet and charged the duo like a runaway freight train, shrugging off the intense gravity pull and a blistering hail of bullets.

Seeing Rex barreling towards them, Anvil and Deadeye braced themselves. At the last second, Rex ricocheted off the floor with his knuckles and rocketed into the ceiling, denting the metal. He kicked off, flipping and landing behind the duo before they could reorient.

With lightning speed,

Rex landed a heavy blow on the back of Deadeye's skull. smashing his face into the floorboards. Without pause, Rex grabbed Anvil's wrist and brutally squeezed as she tried to increase the gravity. The bones splintered in his grip, wringing a cry of pain from her.

Rex followed up with a headbutt straight to Anvil's nose, crimson erupting. But she rallied, boosting the gravity in retaliation. Rex sank to one knee under the intensified force pressing down on him.

"I'll flatten you into a stain!" Anvil snarled through the blood gushing down her face. The gravity doubled, then tripled, buckling the floor around Rex. She was using a suicide move. He struggled to draw breath as the force compressed his lungs. Anvil loomed over him, lip curled in a sneer.

"Is this the limit of your power?" she mocked. Rex's vision swam, but he refused to yield. Once more he summoned the Anti-Spiral's violet energy. His muscles bulged, veins standing out like cords. With a thunderous shout, Rex exploded upwards, his fist connecting with Anvil's jaw in a devastating uppercut.

Her eyes rolled back and she bounced limply across the floor like a rag doll. The gravity instantly dissipated. 

Rex stood towering over his defeated foes, eyes blazing with power. Now to finish this.

He heard some people running in this direction, it must be the reinforcement Mr.Big called.

Soon some armed thugs entered the wrecked room but they were all surprised by the destruction seeing their boss Elite bloody on the floor some didn't even hesitate and started to run the way they came.

As the first started the others followed, and soon Rex was left alone, he was feeling tired but he needed to finish everything before resting.

With blinding speed, he ran to the secret door Mr.Big took. Soon he heard someone running before him.

Rex moved in a blur, cutting off the escaping Mr. Big's path in an instant. Before Big could react, Rex's hand snatched him by the throat and hoisted him bodily off the ground. Big's legs dangled uselessly as he grasped at Rex's iron grip.

"Leaving so soon?" Rex taunted, his mouth twisting into a cruel mockery of a smile. "We're just getting started."

Rex raised Big over his head, muscles bulging, then brutally slammed him down. The floor shattered under the impact, fragments cratering outward. Rex felt Big's bones snap on impact, a satisfying sensation.

Big's shriek of pain was music to Rex's ears. The Anti-Spiral energy swirling within him surged in response to his cruel excitement. Rex picked up Big's limp body and callously tossed him across the corridor.

Big smashed into the brick wall and slid down it, leaving a smear of blood. He rolled over with a groan, face swollen and mangled almost beyond recognition. One arm jutted at an unnatural angle, the broken bone jutting through rent flesh.

"P-please...have mercy..." Big whimpered through a split, bloody lips, all former bravado gone. He resembled nothing of the confident crime boss he'd been mere moments ago. Now, only a shattered man lies, surrounded by a growing pool of his own blood.

Rex gazed down at his former boss's pathetic state. He felt no pity, only disdain. "Consider this your retirement," he derided coldly. Rex turned and walked away, leaving Big in his agony.

"To finish this with beauty I will burn all this building" With eyes burning with malice Rex set the building on fire while escaping and doing his best to avoid the police.

Rex knew this demonstration of the Anti-Spiral's might would spread his name and bring the city's factions in line. All would come to serve him. And the Anti-Spiral's chaotic aims would be furthered. Together they would raise merry hell until the time came for Rex's final evolution.

After decisively crushing Mr. Big and his powered lieutenants, Rex exited the wrecked nightclub, leaving behind the moans of the defeated gangsters. His demonstration of the Anti-Spiral's fearsome abilities would quickly spread his reputation. 

As Rex walked the chaotic streets, sirens wailing in the distance, the Anti-Spiral communicated telepathically once more. "Excellent work dominating those fools. Your strength and ruthlessness have proven you a worthy vessel."

"They barely qualified as a warm-up," Rex scoffed. "I want access to your full power."

"Patience," the Anti-Spiral responded. "Your body must adjust as I incrementally unlock more of my energy. But soon, none shall rival us."

Rex nodded, consoled by the promise of greater heights. He asked, "So where to next on our path of conquest?" 

The Anti-Spiral considered for a moment before suggesting, it was gathering information at a fast speed "The technology sector in this city holds intriguing possibilities. An inventor named Yuri Hudson has been developing advanced weaponry and equipment in secret for an Organization. We could appropriate his designs for our own ends."

Rex smiled cruelly. "Now you're speaking my language. Advanced weapons could be useful." He cracked his knuckles, Anti-Spiral energy rippling. "Let's pay this Yuri a visit and convince him to share his toys." Rex left, and now Yuri, this genius inventor, is in danger without knowing a dark force that's praying on him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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