
The Moonwalker.

The modification made it such that naruto blood and body changed completely similar to Kurama his body too turned into liquid changing into whatever form he desired, his eyes too combined into a single normal purple eye giving him all the ability of the Rinnegan, Bayakugan, EMS, Rinne Sharingan and finally Tenseigan.

Naruto after completing his modification. put away the Hope Super AI physical machine into a personal dimension started flying toward the moon to collect the last of God tree chakra. Arriving in a flesh Naruto without wasting time killed off all the members of the Hamura branch living on the moon and absorbed their chakra through chakra chain, then rushed to the core using Expansive Truth-seeking ball breaking through all barriers which Hamura has placed and absorbed all the chakra present there. making the Moon lose its core and just becoming a body of rock revolving around the planet.

After collecting the last bit of God tree chakra, Naruto along with Kurama gained the ability to seek other trees and people who are carrying trees chakra. Naruto after a bit of probing found that the near one is the base or Otsutsuki clan while distant one is an old tree that was planned just before Kaguya was sent out.

Naruto using Rinne Sharingan's ability turned through the dimensional gape and arrived at the distant tree to find 2 Otsutsuki members present there each having Byakugan. The rest of the planet looked lifeless the fruit on the tree looked almost about to rip.

Naruto used the Temporary Paralysis Technique on both of them from the Yomotsu Hirasaka window while they both were distracted then impelling them both on the ground using the truth-seeking ball and then absorbing all their chakra and along with life force. After killing both of them Naruto started feeding the God tree using his chakra forming a connection with the tree slowly gaining control over the tree naruto started absorbing the chakra of tree-like previously channeling the power to Kurama using 11 more seals, thus absorbing all the complete tree and gaining the ticket to the next world.

Naruto put away the ticket to complete the last mission of killing the Otsutsuki clan member and collecting the last tree from their home planet. Naruto changed into something similar one of the guards which were guarding the God tree changed his eyes to Byakugan too used Yomotsu Hirasaka and arrived on the base planet of Otsutsuki clan. The base planet was big in comparison to Naruto's planet while having 3 moons in the sky, using his eyes he saw that the moons are empty and just pieces of rock. So he started observing his surroundings

He saw that the God tree was spread throughout the Otsutsuki empire big branches of the tree going toward the Hight and Mighty expansive looking high-class building while some small branches dividing in a smaller area, people observing chakra in different quantity depending on the branch they are connected too.

Naruto too moved and connected to a small branch but instead of taking chakra provided chakra to the tree making it slowly fall under his control. Otsutsuki clan's main branch controls the output of the chakra and also had full control over the tree using three personal all around the clock observing and controlling it.

Naruto providing chakra made control they possessed lose slowly, After gaining enough control over the tree Naruto using his Rinne Sharingan ability used God: Nativity of a World of Trees making the tree only respond only to him and started slowly expanding the branches throughout the world. Using one of the 3 moons which as the base Naruto cast Infinite Tsukuyomi over the world and activated God: Nativity of a World of Trees started binding people all the world into perfect Genjutsu. People having normal Byakugan and low chakra directly and Rinnegan got trapped in the Jutsu. Nauto saw that only 2 people won't be trapped in his Jutsu. One of whom rushed and punched naruto. Naruto stood their calmly. The punch landed on the stomach which turned into black liquid and holds the person in place naruto quickly attacked piercing a chakra chain directly through the person's skull while throwing another chain to the other being who was observing the battle form another dimension. Naruto changed his body and throw All killing Ash bones directly to the other person using Yomotsu Hirasaka. Using Hope to maximize productivity he hit his target and saw another being having Tenseigan.

Naruto after killing both of them used the God tree to absorb all the chakra along with their life force in another 11 seals. Thus completing the mission and kill any all members who were related to the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Soon the space in front of him tore.

???: What do you want?

Naruto: I would like to carry on the power of three God Trees with Kurama as it's the carrier.

???: I thought you weren't allowed to carry living things to the next world.

Naruto: Kurama is but Chakra which has gained consciousness I think we can't consider him alive.

???: Wait let me ask my seniors

After a second,

???: Okay you can have but he needs to agree to it to permanently become one with the three god trees, those 3 god trees represent 3 Universe energy thus there will be a limitation according to each world law on how much power you can take from Kurama. Kurama will serve as an energy source, not a chakra source. Chakra is special to this world similar to the bloodlines, you can't gain by changing your DNA in the next world. Kurama will stay within your Soul restricted personal space in the world seed which you collected in the first world thus will always be connected to you even if you can't draw any power from him.

Naruto: I thank the supreme being for the explanation. I would like to go to the next world which was tasked to me by Lord Shinigami and wish to carry my eye powers with me.

???: Say that to your ticket now me. I have to sleep now, Bye.

Space closed itself leaving a stunt naruto behind. Naruto went forth and used Summoning: impure reincarnation world on the notable shinobi's which he had observed in the 4th Great ninja war including the 5 Kages and such. Using the Bodies of Otsutsuki clan members reincarnated 2600 people excluding the 300 which he already had on standby in his dimension with 600 clones controlling them.

Naruto removed the Jutsu on the moon and traveled back to earth and summoned all the people of reincarnation which he deemed worthy in some regards.

After summoning them Naruto using himself in EMS Complete Susano stood in front of everyone while his 1000 clones using Senjutsu stand by if in case any reincarnate try something.

Naruto in Susano with amplified voice started explaining the situation: For all those who don't know me, I'm Naruto Uzumaki the host of the Nine tail and the person who has summoned you all from dead. I understand many of you have a question about why you are here and about the situation around the world as the 4th shinobi war has just ended. I regret to inform you that other than Common civilians everyone was killed by the members of the Otsutsuki clan, the people who introduce the concept of chakra in our world, they aimed to collect all the chakra and life force of everyone on the planet making it lifeless in all forms not leaving anything alive whether they were Human plants or animals. I along with the help of nine tail was able to fight off and kill most of the members of Otsutsuki by raiding their home planet but they have already sent a team to kill and collect Chakra and life force from our world. I wasn't able to save the people who had Chakra but only the normal civilians from taking their life force. For the sacrifices and loss which occur in my absence that we all have suffered from all parts of society, I'm ashamed and angry which lead me to summon you all here today. I wish that what happened in our world may never happen in others. Due to my powers as the host of Nine tail and as the avenger of life for innocent people I have been given the opportunity by the gods to travel from world to world to fulfill their task which would lead to peace and not repeat what happened in our world. I ask you all to come and join me in my adventures in the next worlds which are to come and do God's work.

Hearing Naruto speaks many were surprised and angry about the sacrifices while some were emotional, some started calculating the best scenario for themselves.

Among the people, First Hokage after discussing with his long-time friend Madara and his brother and friends step up to speak: How do we know you speak the truth? We can't trust empty worlds. From what I hear from my successor 3rd Hokage and my granddaughter you didn't care about either the people nor about anyone else you work for your self, I have also seen you before you condemn me for trapping the beast Explain your answer, why should we fight for you? why should we believe in you? You speak of the people but from your past and activities How can trust you?

An elder man among the group of 300 old summonings step up: I can, on the name of Uzumaki clan stand for the boy, I'm Ashina Uzumaki the formal leader of Uzumaki Clan and one of his teachers who have taught him.

Another Person stepped up and said in a loud voice: I also can, In the name of Senju clan stand for the boy, I'm Butsuma Senju the formal leader of Senju clan and also one of his teachers.

Next to him, another one came: I Tajima Uchiha, In the name of Uchiha clan also stand for the boy.

One by one most profound members of the previous generation stood up in support of Naruto, explaining that Naruto for the 'Greater Good' after realizing the danger trained hard with their guidance and fought for the sake of Humanity.

Naruto standing calmly in his Susano seeing that Hashirama, Madara and many others who's fathers, Master, or previous leader stood up for him are starting to trust him so he decided to pull in the final rope and extended the chakra arm of Kurama to everyone while activating his power of Kotoamatsukami making false reality for everyone. Seeing naruto take the incentive many members accepted the arm while some waited to see others take it first then took it. With Chakra overflowing, Kotoamatsukami came into play, A memory started playing of Itachi and Sasuke in the mind of everyone.

Sasuke after supposedly killing Orochimaru searched for Itachi to find the complete answer of what Naruto has told him formed a team and started his search for Itachi. Soon after finding Itachi, Itachi denied everything which made Sasuke believe in naruto story more and more, Itachi suffering from diseases wanted to pass on his powers fast to Sasuke and pass on went forth to attack him. Sasuke unwillingly forth him making Orochimaru with the seal come out and be killed by Itachi. Feeling remorse and with the enticement of Tobi, while the 4th shinobi war was going on decided to attack the Leaf village to make the source of pain for Itachi disappear, after bringing Orochimaru back and failing to summon the 4 Hokages, Sasuke went on with his plan to attack the village. Some teachers from the academy and students come forward to defend the village while sending for reinforcement which was killed by Sasuke's team. Just as Sasuke was able to kill Konohamaru, the space in front of him cracked and a chain came out of space binding Sasuke and his team including Orochimaru. Naruto came out of the crack and using his Rinnegan power healed and repaired the damage done in the village. while making everyone fall asleep within the vicinity thus erasing any evidence of him being present. Naruto then took Sasuke and his team away from the village and summoned Itachi who explained the situation to Sasuke who with his team then to join the forces of Alliance against Madara and Tobi.

The first memory ended here, everyone had mixed feelings about the memories, many started to believe in Naruto's world while others started thinking why would Naruto act as so. Soon another memory started.

This time the memory was of a 3-year-old yellow-haired Child going to garbage in search of anything which is eatable but suddenly someone kicked him from behind making him collide into the garbage bin and falling on the ground in pain, the person who kicked him roar in laughter and screamed: Basterd I finally got you.

The person was wearing the shinobi attire of Konoha village while having a headband of the same. The child on the ground was surrounded by the person and 2 other and kicked ruthlessly, the child screamed in pain begged for forgiveness and help but nearby people just ignored him while some even laughter and clapped at his misfortune, soon the child lost consciousness seeing this the crowd didn't stop by kept on beating him throwing rocks among other things at him, at least feeling satisfied by the entertainment throw the child in the garbage bin he was search food in and dispersed. The child after gaining conciseness tried to raise his hand but due to no energy and injuries wasn't able to, on a cold snowy night as the child saw pass by strangers clade in fancy winter clothes go by laughing joking and eating a variety of foods just pass by while he laid in the garbage wailing in pain silently with nothing by tears in his eyes.

The memory ended there, everyone from all generations was stunned by this memory as they knew the child was Naruto himself, some were surprised while some were thinking how did naruto change from that to the person standing in front of them.

Another memory started playing, this time the same yellow hair Child standing in front of an old man who was floating in the air, the old man went on to explain about the Otsutsuki clan and the worlds and his duty to protect the people for being the Host of nine tail.

The child without hesitation agreeing to sacrifice his pathetic life and train hard to protect the people as per the old man's request. The child went on to train with the guidance of nine tail and worked for the betterment of the society.

The memory ended there. Everyone finally understood what happened with naruto, Giving no time another memory started playing this time naruto with just simple Rinnegan in the black-haired 6'1 wearing a Black T-shirt and dark blue pant fighting the Otsutsuki clan members on their home planet, wailing in pain being injured all over refusing to give up forth everyone killing everyone in his path fulfilling his duty. with the scene changing to that on earth were Kaguya and some members of the Otsutsuki clan starting to harvest chakra from the planet making White Zetsu. and Naruto with clothes full of holes rushing to fight them to protect the people, Kaguya using the life force of the shinobi forces trapped in the God tree as a final push to attack Naruto.

Memories ended here. Naruto stood there patiently, waiting for people to analysis all the memories. Naruto spoke up: I won't force anyone, you all are dead those who wish to help can come onward to this side, I will provide a means for them to learn about the other worlds and knowledge in them.

All 300 people from the old summoning having complete trust in Naruto came onwards giving their consent. Soon many others also followed only leaving 40 or so from 2600, 40 or so stated various reasons such as Have enough of the world of the living, fulfilled their duty to the village and such.

Naruto just smiled and didn't force anyone. Letting them rest and unsummoned them. While turning his face to the 2860 people who have decided to follow him, and explained to them that their conciseness will be uploaded to the world seed. Soon afterward Naruto uploaded everyone while making a world with the world seed available with all subjects with future to ancient knowledge in it. He politely asked everyone to learn whatever they felt was their cup of tea.

After being done with these 2860 people, he resummoned the 40 or so and with the complete control uploaded them onto the world seed in a different world, while using the research Hope and he has done on the soul when SAO death game was going on to modify the souls as such to erase their complete memories and Making them just part of Hope to use. Thus providing 40 or so souls to Hope to study about soul and control over it completely.

Done with Naruto world, Naruto pulled out his ticket and repeated it. He found himself standing in front of the young man again who greeted him: Welcome again to hotel del luna Sir. I have already informed the manager she will come to show you your room soon.

Soon young women followed by young men come forth.

Young women: I was told to tell you that as per the world law of the next world you will one be able to use something called Byakugan only in the next world. The next world your going to is that by the name of Harry Potter, It's a book of the sort. Here you remember the process right?

Naruto nodded and went in the room

Young guy: Have a nice time sir.

Naruto followed by young women both entered the room, there were two beds, one of which was a man with the same look as him. Naruto went near him and gazed at it and changed his body to the original Naruto with Yellow hair and Light blue colored eyes His clothes changed to turning an orange shirt with black pants and sandals. Naruto looked at the young women again then at the young men smiled a bit then laid down on the bed closed his eyes and said: I wish to be born 3 years earlier than Harry Potter in one of the most powerful wizarding houses in the UK while having the inheritance of Atleast 3 ancient and Nobel House of Britain. begin my life at the age of 3.

The next world will be Harry potter which will take a while as we have to go through Hogwarts completely. So expect about the next 14-16 Chapters on Harry potter.

The order in which we will be going in Harry potter - Fairy tail - One piece - Bleach - MCU then DBZ.

Thanks for the comments and review. I had an exam thus wasn't able to reply sooner.

Sorry about the long chapter. Enjoy.

Kazrucreators' thoughts