
Shopping King Liam

On 24th June 1988, an owl came to deliver the letter for his admission in Hogwarts with the list of things he will need to bring. The letter was such


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr/Ms. [Surname],

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Things to Bring


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal vials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Seeing the letter Liam didn't felt anything, he showed the letters to his grandparents who started acting like children and got all excited.

Both of them discussed and decided to have Wand made for Liam from their friend in America while going to buy the rest of the stuff later.

Liam in the meantime started his little project of collecting the blood of Harry Potter. With his deep knowledge of bloodlines, after collecting blood from someone who stole it from the school where harry studied and underwent a regular medical exam.

Liam with his grandparents went to visit there old friend and have a wand made for himself, Liam was quite familiar with the theory of wandmaker and used Hope to theoretically create a wand which would best be suitable for him, Using 4 cores of Thunderbird tail feather, Thestral tail hair, Dragon heartstrings and lastly Veela hair while using of 4 woods: Acacia, Black walnut, Elder tree wood, and pine. Usually, wands only carried one wood and core but with the help of Hope, Liam concluded it having more than one is possible in each case and thus request his grandfather to procure these material explaining that they might be the material he would be compatible with. Using royal connections his grandfather easily collected everything.

After arriving in America, His grandfather took him to his friends using Apparition followed by his grandmother. He had already gotten used to Apparition with his grandfather and also analyzed the method with Hope on how to do it and needed to practice.

The name of the friends they went to visit was Rowen Bryce, an old wandmaker who was not very popular as he only did wand-making on order, unlike Ollivander's shop who have already made the wand and check people for their compatibility.

After, arriving Aiden knocked on the door, which was opened by a tall white hair relatively younger than his grandparent adult.

Rowen: Come on in fast, Margret and I were waiting for you since morning.

Aiden went ahead and hugged Rowen and went in followed by Fallon and Liam.

Fallon went ahead and hugged Rowen and then asked about Margret who was her classmate back when she was in school. By then a woman in her late 50-ish entered the room and rushed to hug Fallon.

A happy atmosphere created in the room, when Liam spoke in a sweet voice: Greeting Sir Rowen, Madam Margret thanks for having us over.

It was then when Rowen and Margret noticed Liam a beautiful black hair boy wearing a clean white shirt and black pants.

Margret: Oh my god he is so cute, come here hug your big grandmother.

Liam looked at Fallon who smiled and nodded at him.

Liam went and hugged Margret who took Liam into the dining table and started feeding him various things.

Liam with the same expressionless face eats some of everything which given, while Fallon and Marget talked.

After done with the eating he excused himself and found his grandfather and Rowen seating on the sofa and talking to each other.

Liam went near his Aiden: Grandfather about the wand.

Aiden: Yes yes Rowen, I would like to request if you can kindly forge a wand for my grandson. He is very excited he even bugged me until I brought martial he thought was compatible with him.

Rowen looked at Liam who stood expressionless in front of him for a while then smiled and said: Yes yes come on I will do that right now.

Liam: Sir Rowen, if you don't mind, can you kindly demonstrate the method of wand making I'm also highly interested in it and have read many theories about it.

Rowen: Yes come on I have to forge one for a client anyway.

Saying that all three went down into the basement where various materials were spread throughout the room.

Rowen: Picked up a single wood that Liam presumed to be Walnut and started molding it with the core of dragon heartstring. Engraving ruins into the wand, thus bending the two together.

The whole process took about 40 mins after the process was done, Rowen picked up the wand and showed it to Liam and Aiden who was watching.

Rowen: Come take out the material, I will start forging one for you right now.

Liam after thinking a bit: Sir Rowen would be possible for you to make it tomorrow I would like to read a little bit about wand-making to acquire more knowledge to learn more tomorrow.

Rowen nodding his head: Yes why not, you are just living your dad, No need to be so formal with me, just treat him as your other grandpa, Aiden and I have been friends for over 40 years now.

Aiden: Hahahaha... time moves so fast when you're in good company

Liam: Grandpa Rowen would it be possible for me to look through your notes and books about wand-making?

Rowen called his house-elf: This is Krechan ask him for anything you need. All the books are here, read as many you like.

Then, Aiden and Rowen went back up.

Liam waited for a moment then told Krechan to bring him some coffee.

Liam then started reading through all the books and notes with Hope analyzing everything.

After reading all the books, Liam went and saw his grandparents busy with Rowen and Margret told Krechan to an area where there is no human civilization. Apparition there Liam told Krechan to go back and only come when he called for him. After bowing, Krechan went away. Liam opened the Mokeskin pouch took out all the objects 4 cores and 4 kinds of wood.

First, he starts channeling his magic through all the woods making them lift and air and then start revolving, Liam's eyes turn white bringing out Byakugan using which Liam starts breaking the internal structure of all 4 kinds of wood. Woods starts to revolve and collide against each other, ripping each other to gain superiority inside the magic spare Liam created.

Liam increased the magic supply via one hand and with other motioned the 4 cores with others, a sudden white light engulfs the magic bubble in which, Liam increases the pressure of magic in the bubble and start pushing the bubble into a smaller shape. Bit by bit bubble enclosed then suddenly a force came from the bubble destroying everything nearby, ripping through the clothes of Liam but stopped by nanotech from harming his body. Waves of waves came forth out of the bubble producing destructive waves on waves. Liam with the help of Byakugan watched everything while increasing pressure bit by bit. A sound of a beast came out of the bubble then it exploded. Liam avoiding the explosive, collected the mass of black liquid formed. the black liquid when it sensed Liam's presence rushed and merged with him. Liam felt something trying to gain control over him but due to the presence of Hope failed, which retaliated and destroyed whatever consciousness the liquid has gained and gained complete control over the mass.

Liam moved the body a bit, which got a bit heavy after the merger with the mass then pulled his arm out and instructed Hope to turn the mass into the wand.

The black mass came out and changed into the shape of the wand. A 12-inch dark red wand, Liam moved it a bit then turned toward the sky while saying 'Lumos' a very bright white light came out of the wand. Liam instructed to limit the power outage to a normal 11-year-old child wizard. Meanwhile, nanotech fixed all his clothes into normal conditions.

Calling Krechan back, Liam went back home while fetching a plan to explain how he got the wand.