
Legacy of the Multiverse

The story follows an adventure of a Mortal who was initially due to his high Karma deeds was given a chose to travel from world to world and fulfill his desire to learn new things but soon slowly finds himself in the middle of becoming a Janitor for the gods, Watch as he goes against all the odds and raise on his path to Godhood. His path is of destruction and Chaos filled with Bones, blood, and everything in-between. The novel is my very first work so kindly go easy on it. I don't have any copyright over any of the characters or things used. I'm weird, Novel will be weird. Open to listening to ideas and build a better story. Comment and review your thoughts. Dropped due to a lack of viewers.

Kazru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

Return of the Dark lord

Liam took Hermione to the dance with him, attracting many eyes and dismissing rumors of Hermione having a love triangle with Harry and Krum. No one dared to make any rumor about Liam. Soon after the dance, Liam asked Hermione if she is interested in going for a night walk with him.

Liam after Asuna has lost interest in love or anything related to him but after almost 40 years He finally understood what Asuna met by saying some things are just meant to be remembered as memories. Liam finally decided to move on this after much observation found Asuna and Hermione alike, both wanted to prove to themselves that they are just as strong as everyone while being someone everyone can depend on.

Liam and Hermione talked about a lot of things, Hermione also told him about Harry and his situation while asking why he never came forth and helped him. Liam explained Hermione about his name of Albert and it's limitation and role and promised that he will be there when the final battle begins as he can't interfere directly into the wizarding world. Hermione being intelligent understood his words and understood the situation he was in. The night went on they talked about a lot of things, Hermione asked him many things she didn't understand and about his life and told about her life from the muggle world into the magical one. Soon while talking they returned to the castle, and finally, in front of the Gryffindor room, Liam took a step forward and pulled Hermione a little closer to him while bringing his head down a bit as he was taller than Hermione. He lightly kissed her which Hermione too responded, Liam, pulled her a little bit closer and kissed her a bit more tightly and moved back, He saw Hermione in a daze he smiled and kissed her on the forehead telling her to go inside. Hermione's face turned red and she ran inside the Gryfindor room.

Soon the next day begins, and the task begins Liam too arrived with his phoenix. He came forth and greeted his grandfather and grandmother who were very delighted to see him, Liam moved his gaze and saw the rest of the champions arrive. Soon the competition started, which was such that they have to recover their partner from the Yule ball.

Liam is the first place in the first round went first, Liam in his natural state jumped into the lake, having hybrid Hydra and Horned serpent DNA both primal creatures of water. He easily moved within the lakh, he instructed the merpeople to stop all the three champion no matter what happen even if they have to sacrifice their life, soon the three champions too jumped into the lake, knowing Krum will change into a shark he had water sharks to broke him and render him in case merpeople are not enough. He observed the situation using nanotech he has implanted into each champion when they met in the chamber after being picked by the Goblet of fire.

He after an hour was almost over and he knew all the champions have already left the lake he firstly made a water dragon which consumed all 4 hostages then him, he came off the lake from within a roaring water dragon which throws all three hostages into the three platforms to each champion which were supposed to rescue them Ron to Harry, Gabrielle Delacour to her sister and Cho to Krum. Liam walked about of the dragon's mouth while holding Hermione. The water dragon soon disappeared.

His grandparents rushed over to make sure he is okay. Liam smiled and talked with them. Soon Hermione recovered from being in the water and saw Hermione talking to his grandparents, Liam seeing Hermione recover asked her if she is okay and then introduced her to his grandparents. Who was surprised and delighted to see Liam finally introducing a girl to them and finally taking interest in someone? Hermione was surprised and talked with both of his grandparents in a very nervous manner.

Soon results were announced with the previous ranking order remaining the same, with Liam at first position. His grandparents asked Hermione various things and told her various thing not letting her go finally Liam stood up and interrupted them, telling them Hermione must be tired from the task and requested to let her go. Laughing of how their always indifferent grandson was trying to protect the girls they let her go but started teasing Liam.

Soon the date of the third task was coming, Now Liam faced a problem about how to win the completion if he let Harry as original go get the cup, he will lose the championship but if he took the cup how will his dear Dark Lord revive and kill Dumbledor so he can take the last hollow without looking like bad guy, he loved his both his grandparents dearly more than he loved the Lu couple, he didn't wanted to do something which will smear bad name on Albert legacy. after thinking a while he forged the plan titled "Play dead".

Soon the competition started, Liam went in first He simply with the wand in his hand walked into the maze, soon the maze close, Liam put away the wand and changed into his Animagus Dementor form and flew to the sky, He watched as Krum entered the maze soon followed by Fleur, as Krum attacked Fleur under the effect of the magic Moody did onto him. Fleur got injured soon after which harry entered, both Harry and Fleur working together overpowered Krum who ran away, Liam changed back into human form and went to both Harry and Fleur, he using magic started healing Fleur while asking to harry to go and insure Krum is not coming, convinced by Liam and his power Harry decided to go after Krum to insure no more surprise happen. Liam with his practice in the Hogwarts wing fixed Fleur. After Fleur got consumed by the tree and went out of the maze he felt Krum too moving out, Liam went on to create a huge scar on his body making it so that he is just about to die arrived in front of the cup and waited for harry who with the forest going crazy came running toward him. Liam told him to grab his hand, with the hand of harry Liam grabbed the trophy, moving through the portal key, Liam and Harry arrived in front of the graveyard. Liam pretending to be frail fell to the ground, while Harry was surprised to see the surrounding, soon the plot happened, Peter, Harry, and Voldemort all presumed me dead from my wound. Soon as plot Peter took harry's blood, an old bone of Tom Riddle his right hand and revived the Little dark lord. Who then using his little rats Hand to call for his death Eaters, Liam waited for Voldemort to drop to the ground and challenged his a duel. Harry left with no choice took out his wand to fight and in position to fight, But Liam appeared in front of him taking his hand and quickly grabbing the portal key and disappearing along with him. Leaving the brand of little dark lord and his death eaters stunt as all they saw was a dark shadow consume harry and disappearing.

Liam along with Harry appeared in front of everyone, Harry was out of breath while Liam had a deep injuries over his body fallen to the ground, Seeing this everyone rushed toward them, Liam's grandparents along with their guard rushed to him too while his phoenix came onto his body and started crying using which Liam acted as if his injuries are being healed. Dumbledore quickly asked Harry what happened who just repeated the same thing over and over again "He is back, he is back"

Soon the phoenix healed all his wounds, his grandparents decided to take him away with them to the home, Soon he along with his grandparents arrived at the palace, His grandparents put him in a bed while ordering his men to go and get the medic. Liam seeing he is alone with his grandparents seat up, All his wounds disappeared surprising both his grandparents, He told them after entering in the maze he noticed something was wrong so went back to find Krum attacking Harry and Fleur, he saved them and healed Fleur while harry went to look for Krum. He after healing Fleur too went forth with the competition, he soon found Krum who he found to be under the effect of a spell and behaving crazily so he decided to play it safe and observe the situation so he made a fake wound on himself pretending to be dead, after which he saw Voldemort and Peter and then the Voldemort coming back to life. Using a moment when the dark lord and his minions were distracted he used the opportunity to escape. He went on to explain that as per Albert's name they are not allowed to interfere with wizard world affairs thus wanted everyone to think and presume to be out of commission so that their family won't have to fight till the time is favorable.

Aiden listening to his grandson sometimes nodded got surprised and impressed. After listening to everything he understood the situation. He looked at his wife who also looked surprised and delighted to see their grandson safe and happy.

Liam after giving both of them a moment to digest everything started talking again explaining that this time for them is to sit back and watch as things happen in the wizarding world while declaring him in a coma to the world. He also explained that while the war is going on he is planning on going to America and completing his education in the muggle world and that they both should also come with him, seeing the situation and the start of another war, his grandparent believing his words about the revival of the dark lord announced to the world that Liam is in a coma and that they will be moving to America to provide better medical care to Liam. They also sent a letter to Hermione pretending it to be written before the third round in which Liam wrote about liking her and also about him opening an account for her in Griggort which has 200 thousand gallons for her to use as she wishes to help harry in his quest.

After a few days of the incident, two news was published in the daily prophet, one being from Cornelius Fudge declaring Dumbledor and Harry as extremists who want to gain power in the ministry thus are making lies about the return of Voldemort and such. The second was an article of Liam about the incident at the Triwizard Tournament which he won while also talking about his family his achievements his perfect school records and finally about his results of the early N.E.W.T's he took before the first test with the consent of all his professor and their recommendation at the ministry. The result was just that he got an outstanding grade in all 12 subjects which he took the N.E.W.T's off and were offered at the ministry, creating another record within the Wizarding world.

Soon Liam along with his grandparents left for America. Liam's grandparents invited Hermione to met Liam one last time before he is gone. Hermione along with Harry came to meet him, after guiding them to Liam's room they left them alone, Liam pretended to be in a coma with machines and such covering him from the muggle world. Harry went first he thanked him for saving him and wished for quick recovery after which he left Hermione alone with him. Hermione started crying while telling him she likes him too, she also told him she will wait for him to recover and come for her, and finally thanked him for the money believing it will help them a lot and take care of himself while he is in America.