
Fate of the world Part. I

While Leo was moving toward the Marinford, his ship was intercepted by Dragon who along with his commanders wanted to talk to Leo.

In the meeting, Dragon expressed the desire to join in the final battle which Leo had invited Whitebeard and Shanks to join in. Dragon using the spies within there forces knew they were working with Leo and were planning an all-out attack on Holy Land Genoise where the celestial dragon's resided.

Leo at first told Dragon to send back anyone who can't even use basic Haki back for safety and they told him to gather all his forces at Marineford.

Meanwhile, Arcnologia was offered 3 DF from one he could pick one. the three DF were such as Kiri Kiri no Mi which can turn one into Mist while the user can also create and control Mist, Tsuchi Tsuchi no Mi who allows users to create, control and become one with the earth thus making it possible for the user to control the area within his reach fully and lastly a Paramecia type fruit Barans Barans no Mi which give the user full control over the direction of Gravity. Arcnologia at first wanted to reject the DF as Leo have expressly told him to not eat any but to do his duties as the Marine Commander and Main priority mission of seeing loyal to the elders, Arcnlogia decided to chose Tsuchi Tsuchi no Mi. The elders under the orders of IM personally started training Arcnologia. All 46 of his Helicarrier positioned themselves in the strategic position around the Holy land meanwhile Whitebeard and Shark alliance also regroup, the instruction let for them were such that they were to gather all forces from all kingdom which were interested and powerful enough for the attack on the Holy land Geoise all races were invited to take part in the war no one was forced, fish-Man led by formal Shichibukai Jimbe, Longneck tribe lead by their war hero Amura, Longleg tribe lead by a council of 3 elders, Kuja lead by the formal Shichibukai Boa Hancock and elder Gloriosa, Giants lead by there formal Kings Dorry and Brogy, Tontatta Tribe lead by Torto Corps Warrior Leo, Shardia lead by Wyper, Mink tribe lead by Inuarashi and Nekomamushi the duo guardian of Zou, a group members from both the three-eye tribe and Kinokobito and lastly Wotans represented by a pirate group captain by the name of Sharul. The human fraction was represented by various parties such as Whitebeard, Shanks, Dragon each representing their interests and forces. While kingdoms sent their own representatives and forces.

Leo instructed his Automata forces which numbered more than 3000 to divided into 3 division, one via 33 subdivisional ships while one will be present in Helicarrier and launch the second wave attack from Sky and last division were instructed to travel underwater with the group of Sea kings till the gate of Holy Land of Genoise and open the gate for the invasion, the undercover CP units were instructed to sabotage and destroy all means of defense which are present at the gate. With Leo's years of observation on Mary Geoise and using various means no information what so ever regarding the attack or the force was made known to anyone within the Holy Land.

Arcnologia was under constant observation of both elders and the IM under the pretense of training of DF, IM used various methods to influence the mind of Arcnologia and make him utterly loyal mindless doll of his, but due to strong mental fortitude build by years of torture and with Hope's guidance was immune to all effort of IM. Arcnologia during training was able to see the real self of IM, the body of IM was such that every part was colored in a different color, one arm was larger then the other while Height was more than 11 ft tall, Face consisted of 5 eyes which were located all around his head each with different color Cornea, no hairs on the head were present. Teeth were similar to that of a shark while the neck was a bit longer than a normal human, the clothes were completely white as in Shirt pants and Shoes.

Hope transmitted the visual to Leo who chose to not see it as he didn't know the extent of the power of eyes on IM head. Leo using the disk given to Whitebeard and Shanks instructed that all units should start moving toward Holy Land Geoise. Whitebeard gathering everyone started his journey with about 5000 strong men, Leo with his 3 main battleships waited near the Holy land to regroup with the men and start the attack. Meanwhile, the shadow unit which was assigned to Celestial dragon 2 months ago were sent instructions to clean all the forces near the main seaway through which celestial dragon travel.

Soon all the forces gathered in front of the pathway of Holy Land Geoise, with Leo's main battleship in the lead and Ranju's Battleship at the end, the journey of the mountain climbing started.

The inside secondary shadow unit which worked under the celestial dragon killed all the guards, while the first shadow unit within the CP sabotaged all the weapons. Leo along with the alliance easily climbed the Holy land walls with his ships meanwhile 200 of the Automata forces due to their small size passed through the gates of Holy land port where Ships and such were kept and secretively opened the gate for Leo and the forces. Seeing the plan work completely fine, Leo instructed both his shadow unit to go back and mix again with the forces of the enemy.

With all the forces gathered right beside Mary Geoise, Leo stood up from his chain walked to the front of his Ship, His eyes started changing from completely back to red and then finally changing into Rinnegan, Leo slowly started flying into the sky. His body turned to the alliance force while all 3 main battleships submerged underwater surprising everyone.

Leo started speaking slowly but his voice was heard all over the world on each Island, A huge projection opened up all over all the islands via probes present in the sky on-screen was Leo standing in the Sky, he slowly in a loud voice started talking which was translated via probes in kingdom's which used different language: My name is Gold D. Leo, Son of Gold. D. Roger the formal king of Pirates. I have long since found the treasure my father left behind in the name of One-piece for all to seek. I previously showed the world truth about its rulers the celestial Dragons and today I give this opportunity to every one of All kind races to seek Justice for the suffering you and your loved one had to go through for centuries due to them. I, Leo have let you all gather every working fighting body and brought you all in front of your assurers. This is now your Moment to stand up for your race, for your loved ones, for your self. This is your Justice. If you today you chose to coward behind walls and hide in fear or chose to run away from a fight then I ask you How will you face the future? This is not just an individual's fight but the fight of your past future and present. So Stand up, Stand straight fight with everything you have. You can die anytime, but living takes true courage.

The screen turned to the alliance forces and their battleship, Leo in the meantime disappeared using Kamui and appeared on the Helicarriers.

The alliance forces worked fast and started leaving there ships and started destroying everything with the sight.

IM in the meanwhile instructed Arcnologia to gather all the forces and kill everyone. CP units were also involved to fight against key players which were identified such as Whitebeard Shanks Dragon and their commandos. Arcnologia moved his forces out in the open the first wave was of normal common soldiers to slow down the forces of the enemy and divide them, secondly, the Haki and Rokushiki were placed strategically to divide and reduce the number of enemies, final line of defense was left to 5 elders who protected IM and the main building. The world government forces with the forces of leftover Marine were around 9000 almost twice the number of Alliance forces thus making it easier for the Arcnologia to fight them off.

As per the orders of Leo, the force of alliance only consisted of the top warrior of each race thus casualties on their side were only 1/6 compare to the world government side. Seeing this Leo instructed the launch of the second wave.

The second wave was a surprise attack on world government, Armed with laser technology of massive destructions Automata swept through the World government forces. One force came from under the ground surprising the enemy force meanwhile 33 ships came out of the water with each launching 10 Automata armed with different weapons made out of Sea stones and such. World government forces were reduced by almost half the number with only 4800 or so of the 9000 remainings, CP units were all destroyed by Alliance forces while many were assassinated by the shadow unit which was assigned in the same unit as them.

Leo in the meantime went forth and collected all the celestial dragons into his dimension of Kumai and freed all the prisoners who then either joined in with the alliance and started fighting the world government forces or ran away from the Holy land Geoise. Third Automata unit from the sky also joined in via surprise attack destroying more than 1/2 of the enemy forces reducing them to 1000 or so. Many weren't killed by the Automata's attacked but were forcefully uploaded into the world seed using the nanotech which was planted earlier.

Seeing the number reduced Leo decided to join in the battle, announced all the alliance force to retreat. The Insight Helicarrier above started raining Light laser beams onto enemy forces, seeing this Arcnologia order the retreat of all Marine forces.

The buildings where the celestial dragon lived were all made out of metal rooftop which was constructed using various material mixed in with sea stone making them incredibly strong but the light beam from Helicarrier easily destroyed everything. Elders seeing the condition ordered the Arcnologia to retreat to the inner circular building which was made out of unknown material and was the palace of IM and main official headquarters of world government where even the celestial dragon would have to behave properly.

Both Alliance forces and Automata unit retrieved, the space outside the inner circle cracked and Leo came out of it with gunbai on his back. One by one Helicarrier came into being, the three main battleships also came out of the water.

The inner-circle gates which were locked up opened a bit and a huge cannon came through the gap pointing in Leo's direction, a white beam of light pulsed through the cannon directly at Leo who used Copy magic along with the gunbai on his back to defect the attack and counter it at the same time, the cannon blow up to pieces along with the wall of the inner-circle which Helicarrier light rays beams were unable to pass through.

Leo shaking his Gunbai while one by one the team of 3 appear behind him looked at Arcnologia with CP-00 member who was standing in front of the World government forces behind them said in a low cold audible voice: Are you ready to dance?

Hello everyone

I'm thinking about rewriting the SAO saga as well as the starting of the novel again. 0 number of people were interested in the Hidden Marriage arc so I'm thinking of just removing it all together and writing some different story background.

Kindly State you opinion.



Kazrucreators' thoughts