
Legacy of the Dragons

Student Iori Nakamura is transported to the magical continent of Alduria, where he discovers that he has been chosen by the ancient dragons to be the hero who will save the world. Reborn as Eldarion, he receives a body blessed by the dragons and must learn to master his new powers. In a world divided between dense forests, volcanic mountains, icy lands, and regions full of adventures, Eldarion trains tirelessly to face the abyssal creatures that threaten Alduria. Guided by the wise dragons and motivated by determination and joy in his new life, he embarks on an epic journey of courage and self-discovery. "Legacy of the Dragons" is a story of growth, heroism, and the discovery of true power within oneself.

Rafa_s · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Wing and Scale

The rising sun illuminated the bustling streets of the royal capital, Eldoria, as Eldarion walked alongside Elara towards the kingdom's school. With classes scheduled to begin in two days, today would be the opportunity to explore the campus, receive his uniform, and become acquainted with the environment that would soon become his new learning home.

As they passed through the imposing gates of the school, Eldarion was impressed by the grandeur of the place. The buildings were majestic, with tall, intricately detailed towers that reflected the rich history and tradition of the institution. Well-tended gardens and stone paths led to various parts of the campus, where students and teachers moved with purpose.

"This is our first stop," said Elara, pointing to a large building with ornate wooden doors. "The library. You'll be spending a lot of time here. It's the heart of the school, where students come to study and research."

Eldarion nodded, taking in every detail. He was eager to explore the library and uncover the secrets it held. As they continued to walk, Elara introduced him to several students and teachers, each of them seeming equally curious about the new student with draconic traits.

Next, they went to the administrative building, where Eldarion received his uniform. "Here you go," said the attendant, handing him a set of finely crafted clothes. "Wear it with pride. You're about to become part of a long tradition of excellence."

Eldarion thanked her, feeling the weight of responsibility and the excitement of starting a new journey. With the uniform in hand, he and Elara continued their tour of the campus. They passed by the training arena, where students practiced combat and honed their physical skills. The clang of swords and the sound of spells echoed in the air, creating an atmosphere of determination and focus.

"The arena is where you'll train your combat skills," explained Elara. "The instructors are strict but fair. They demand the best from every student."

Eldarion watched attentively, imagining himself amidst the intense training. He knew this was a place where he could truly grow and reach new heights.

As they walked to the next area of the campus, Elara suddenly stopped. "There's the student council," she said, pointing to a group of well-dressed students approaching. "They're responsible for many of the school's activities and events."

Among the council members, one figure stood out. A young woman with an imposing appearance, long black hair, and penetrating eyes, dressed in a uniform adorned with a royal emblem. Elara made the introductions. "Eldarion, this is the president of the student council, Princess Seraphina, third princess of the kingdom."

Seraphina, who hadn't yet noticed Eldarion, turned to Elara with a warm smile. "Elara, it's always a pleasure to see you. Who is your friend?"

Elara smiled proudly. "This is Eldarion, an adventurer who recently moved to Eldoria. He'll be studying here with us."

Seraphina looked at Eldarion, clearly surprised by his draconic features. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eldarion," she said, regaining her composure. "You're an adventurer? Then surely you possess extraordinary skills. We're looking forward to seeing how you'll contribute to our school."

Eldarion made a polite bow. "The pleasure is mine, Princess Seraphina. I'm eager to learn and grow here."

The group continued to chat for a few minutes, with Seraphina and the other members of the student council welcoming Eldarion and offering help with anything he might need.

Back at the Duke's mansion, Eldarion was led to his temporary quarters. It was a cozy space, elegantly decorated, with a comfortable bed, a desk, and a window overlooking the beautiful gardens.

After bidding farewell to Elara, Eldarion began to organize his things in the room. When he finished, he headed to the large bathtub that had been shown to him during the tour. The bathtub was luxurious, with warm water and relaxing fragrances that helped soothe the accumulated fatigue of the past few days.

As he relaxed in the water, Eldarion reflected on everything that had happened so far. From his arrival in this world, to his adventures, battles, and now, the opportunity to study and prepare for the future. He was determined to make the most of this chance.

After the bath, Eldarion returned to his room. He was about to lie down when a maid knocked on the door, inviting him to dinner.

After another wonderful dinner with the Duke Arvandor's family, Elarion prepared for another night of sleep, eager for the adventures that awaited him.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, filling Eldarion's room with a soft, golden light. He opened his eyes, feeling refreshed and ready to face the new day. After stretching, Eldarion got up and quickly prepared himself, eager to make the most of his free time before the start of classes.

After a quick and refreshing bath, he dressed himself and headed downstairs for breakfast. The table was set with a variety of breads, fruits, cheeses, and fresh juices. Elara, who was already at the table, waved cheerfully to him.

"Good morning, Eldarion! I hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Elara. Yes, I slept very well, thank you," he replied with a smile, helping himself to a bit of everything. "I have a free day before starting my studies, so I thought of doing something productive."

Elara smiled. "That sounds great. I hope you find something interesting to do."

After finishing breakfast, Eldarion decided to summon his loyal friend, Zephyr. With a brief murmur of enchantment, a magic circle appeared on the floor, and in an instant, Zephyr was by his side, wagging his tail happily.

"Let's go, buddy," said Eldarion, patting the wolf's head. "We have a whole day ahead of us."

Eldarion and Zephyr left the mansion and walked through the bustling streets of Eldoria, heading towards the adventurers' guild. The guild was bustling as usual, with adventurers of all kinds chatting and picking up quests. Eldarion headed to the mission board, where a variety of tasks were listed.

One particular mission caught his attention:

Mission: Wyvern Hunt

Description: A group of wyverns has been spotted in the outskirts of the mountains west of Eldoria. These flying monsters have been causing trouble for traders and travelers. The guild is looking for skilled adventurers to eliminate this threat.

Reward: 50 gold dracos

Eldarion smiled, feeling the adrenaline starting to rush through his veins. "Wyverns, huh? Sounds challenging."

He approached the reception desk, where a friendly attendant greeted him. "Good morning, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to take the wyvern hunt mission," replied Eldarion, showing the poster.

The attendant took a look at the poster and then at Eldarion's documents. "Are you prepared to face wyverns? They're dangerous and fly fast."

"I'm more than prepared," said Eldarion confidently. "I have combat experience and my friend Zephyr by my side."

The attendant smiled. "Very well. I wish you good luck. The mission is yours."

With the mission poster in hand, Eldarion left the guild, feeling ready to face the wyverns. He and Zephyr headed for the city gates, ready for another day of adventure and challenges.

Eldarion and Zephyr quickly walked through the outskirts of Eldoria, heading towards the mountains to the west. The terrain became more rugged and the vegetation denser as they approached the mountains, and Eldarion knew they were on the right path.

During the walk, Eldarion thought that after a while, his stats must have grown. Then he asks to see his stats.

Name: Eldarion

Race: Half-Dragon

Level: 29

Class: Hero

HP: 580/580

Magic Power: 348/348

Physical Strength: S

Titles and Abilities:

Title: Apostle of Dragons

Description: Granted by the ancestral dragons in recognition of his special connection with these magical creatures.

Title: The One Who Controls the Waters

Description: Recognized by Thalassor, the Ancient Water Dragon, as a worthy bearer of control over the waters.


Physical Enhancement: Improves Eldarion's physical abilities, increasing his strength, agility, and endurance.

Elemental Breath: Ability to exhale a breath of fire or ice, reflecting his half-dragon nature.

Draconic Connection: Allows communication and cooperation with dragons and other draconic creatures.

Inner Flame: Strengthens Eldarion's resistance to negative magical effects and grants him an aura of protection against magical attacks.

Appraisal: Allows him to determine the level of the opponent and assess hostility.

Elemental Control: Ability to manipulate natural elements in combat.

Bone Resistance: Reduces damage from physical and magical attacks.

Aura of Death: Slowly drains the vitality of any living being nearby.

Command of the Dead: Can summon lesser skeletons to fight by his side.

Control of the Waters: can manipulate water in all its forms, creating tsunamis, storms, and whirlpools.

Underwater Breathing: Allows him and those under his protection to breathe underwater.

Aquatic Communication: Can communicate with all sea creatures and hear the whispers of the waters.

Aquatic Regeneration: His strength and vitality are renewed whenever he is in contact with water.

Inventory: A magical ability that allows Eldarion to store and access items in a dimensional space. He can carry a large amount of materials, weapons, and supplies without being burdened.

Dragonforging: Allows Eldarion to use his magical energy to forge and enhance weapons and armor. He can create high-quality equipment using rare materials and infusing them with draconic essence.

Ancient Alchemy: A skill that allows Eldarion to combine materials and ingredients to create potions, elixirs, and magical items. With it, he can prepare healing potions, strength-boosting elixirs, and other beneficial effects.

Dragon Vision: Allows Eldarion to see through illusions and detect the presence of hidden magic and spiritual entities. It also enhances his perception in battles, helping him anticipate enemy movements and find weaknesses.

Examining his abilities, he felt a sense of confidence spreading within him. His strength had grown, his forging and alchemy skills were sharp, and his dragon vision was sharper than ever.

With a determined smile, he prepared to face the wyverns, confident in his abilities and his connection to his half-dragon heritage. Hoping that his newly strengthened abilities would be enough to face the challenges ahead, he advanced to the confrontation.

"Stay alert, Zephyr," said Eldarion, scanning the sky for any sign of the wyverns.

After a few hours of walking, Eldarion spotted shadows in the sky. Large winged creatures were circling above the mountains, clearly searching for prey.

"There they are," murmured Eldarion, preparing for the confrontation.

Eldarion and Zephyr found themselves in the mountains, keeping an eye on the skies. Suddenly, a group of wyverns appeared, their wings flapping furiously as they prepared to attack. Eldarion quickly assessed the situation, activating his Appraisal ability to gauge the threat.


Wyvern 1

Level: 22

HP: 340

Physical Strength: B

Wyvern 2

Level: 24

HP: 380

Physical Strength: B+

Wyvern 3

Level: 23

HP: 360

Physical Strength: B

As the wyverns dove towards Eldarion and Zephyr, the air crackled with the static energy of the impending battle. The sunlight reflected off their scales, making them terrifying sights against the blue sky.

Eldarion narrowed his eyes, focusing his mind on the task at hand. He felt magical energy pulsing through his veins in response to the imminent danger. His muscles tensed with anticipation as he prepared for the unfolding confrontation.

With a thunderous cry, the wyverns attacked. Their wings beat forcefully, creating a gust of wind that made the vegetation around them bow in submission. Eldarion saw the first wyvern dive towards him, its fangs gleaming dangerously in the sunlight.

Zephyr growled beside Eldarion, his fur bristling with alertness. The wolf's eyes sparkled with a mixture of courage and determination, ready to protect his master at all costs.

Eldarion didn't hesitate. With a swift movement, he dodged the wyvern's attack, feeling the rush of air cutting across his face as it passed by. In response, he summoned his magic, an aura of draconic flames enveloping his outstretched hand.

With a defiant roar, Eldarion launched his fiery breath towards the wyvern, hitting it head-on. The monster let out a sharp cry of pain, its wings flapping uncontrollably as it tried to dodge the fire.

Meanwhile, the other wyverns advanced, their sharp claws ready to tear flesh and scales. Eldarion and Zephyr prepared for the next round, their eyes shining with the determination to win the battle against these evil winged creatures.

Eldarion watched the wyverns with determination, preparing for the imminent combat. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a shield of energy around him, while Zephyr growled softly by his side, ready to act. The wyverns descended from the skies with a roar, their eyes full of fury and bloodlust.

The first wyvern dove towards them with sharp claws, but the half-dragon hero was ready. With a quick move, he dodged the attack and countered with a burst of flames from his Elemental Breath. The wyvern recoiled with a cry of pain, but its companions advanced into battle.

Eldarion and Zephyr faced the wyverns with skill and courage, exchanging blows and dodging enemy attacks. With each move, Eldarion's determination grew, fueled by the confidence in his newly strengthened abilities and the promise to protect those he loved.

The battle raged fiercely, with Eldarion and Zephyr fighting side by side against their winged adversaries. The wind howled around them as the wyverns' claws cut through the air in search of blood. But despite the hardships, Eldarion remained steadfast, determined to emerge victorious from this battle.

The wyverns continued their relentless onslaught, their sharp claws and fangs ready to tear apart any opponent that stood in their way. Eldarion, with his half-dragon strength and agility, and Zephyr, the loyal wolf, were prepared to face the challenge.

As the first wyvern dove towards them, Eldarion activated his Elemental Control ability, summoning a torrent of water to strike the monster head-on. The impact of the water was powerful enough to disorient the wyvern, allowing Zephyr to attack fiercely, biting and scratching furiously.

Meanwhile, the other wyverns continued their attack, launching themselves with relentless ferocity. Eldarion dodged the blows with skill, his connection with the elements allowing him to anticipate the monsters' movements and react quickly.

With a series of spells and combined attacks, Eldarion and Zephyr managed to weaken the remaining wyverns, one by one. With skill and determination, they fought until finally, the monsters were defeated.

Panting but triumphant, Eldarion and Zephyr looked up at the now serene skies, the danger averted. With a grateful nod to his loyal companion, Eldarion prepared to continue his journey, aware that more challenges awaited ahead.

The sky that seemed calm suddenly transformed, Eldarion and Zephyr suddenly found themselves engulfed in a fierce storm, struggling to resist the gale that roared around them, causing everything to fly wildly. Amidst the chaos, a voice echoed, emerging from the turmoil, uttering words that reverberated in the charged air: "It seems we meet again."

Eldarion's heart raced at the arrival of that enigmatic voice, as his thoughts whirled in a whirlwind of questions. Who could this person be, and why were they meeting again amidst such an intense storm?

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