
Legacy of the Dragons

Student Iori Nakamura is transported to the magical continent of Alduria, where he discovers that he has been chosen by the ancient dragons to be the hero who will save the world. Reborn as Eldarion, he receives a body blessed by the dragons and must learn to master his new powers. In a world divided between dense forests, volcanic mountains, icy lands, and regions full of adventures, Eldarion trains tirelessly to face the abyssal creatures that threaten Alduria. Guided by the wise dragons and motivated by determination and joy in his new life, he embarks on an epic journey of courage and self-discovery. "Legacy of the Dragons" is a story of growth, heroism, and the discovery of true power within oneself.

Rafa_s · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Nobility ties

After a night of refreshing rest at the inn, Eldarion felt ready for new challenges. He rose at dawn, still enveloped in the tranquility provided by the cozy surroundings. His thoughts turned to the ancestral dragons who had blessed him, especially the mysterious Thalassor, from whom he had heard fascinating stories.

Determined that he needed more experience and resources, Eldarion headed to the adventurers' guild to pick up a new mission. The guild hall was bustling, with adventurers of all kinds discussing strategies and sharing stories of their journeys. Eldarion made his way to the mission board, where several scrolls were pinned, each describing different tasks and challenges.

One mission in particular caught his attention. It was marked with an urgency seal and described strange activities near a large river east of the city. Hostile creatures had been sighted, and the river's water was inexplicably receding, causing concern among the villagers who relied on it for their crops and survival.

Eldarion tore the scroll from the board and approached the counter where the guild attendant, a woman with golden hair and sharp eyes, was busy registering other missions.

"I'd like to accept this mission," Eldarion said, handing the scroll to the attendant.

She examined the document and looked at Eldarion with a curious expression. "It's an important mission," she said. "Are you sure you're ready? The place can be dangerous."

Eldarion nodded. "I'm ready. I'll do my best to solve the problem."

The attendant smiled and registered the mission on his guild card. "Good luck, Eldarion. May the dragons protect you."

Eldarion left the guild with a new purpose. He adjusted his weapons and equipment and set off eastward, following the directions he had been given. The journey was peaceful, and he took the opportunity to reflect on his recent encounters and on the ancestral dragons he now felt so close to.

As he walked along the dirt road, the distant sound of running water began to fill the air. The path led to a large clearing where the river widened, forming a vast surface of calm water that reflected the blue sky and the treetops around it.

Approaching the riverbank, Eldarion felt a strange sense of familiarity and calmness. He knelt to drink the crystal-clear water, and as he touched the surface, a sudden vision overtook him.

Before him, in the depths of the river, appeared the image of a colossal blue dragon. Its scales shimmered like sapphires, and its eyes were like two oceanic abysses, deep and full of wisdom.

Determining that the source of the problems must be in the depths of the river, Eldarion began to explore the area around the shore. Zephyr followed closely by his side, sniffing the air and occasionally barking in alert. At one point, Eldarion found a small tributary that seemed particularly affected by the drought.

Determined to investigate further, Eldarion reached out over the water, trying to sense the magic flowing beneath the surface. It was then that he felt an unexpected and powerful connection. The waters began to swirl around him, responding to his call. With a concentrated effort, he tried to invoke water magic, channeling the energies flowing through his half-dragon body.

A sphere of water formed between his hands, pulsating with pure energy. Zephyr, upon seeing this, began to bark and step back, clearly surprised and confused by his master's new ability. Eldarion looked at the pup, feeling a mixture of concern and curiosity. As he observed the reflection on the water's surface, he noticed something surprising: his draconic features, once golden, were now tinged with a deep blue, like the scales of the dragon he had seen in the vision.

"So this is it..." Eldarion murmured to himself. "Water magic... it must be Thalassor's blessing."

He continued to explore the area, now with a new understanding of his abilities. The waters responded to his command, showing him the way to the source of the problem. In the depths of the tributary, he found a submerged cave, blocked by a magical barrier that drained the river's energy.

With determination, Eldarion focused his draconic water magic, dissipating the barrier with a powerful jet of pure water. The current returned to its normal flow, restoring the river's vitality. Zephyr, still a little hesitant, approached and licked Eldarion's hand, as if congratulating him for his feat.

"Let's go, Zephyr," Eldarion said, getting up and petting his companion's soft fur. "The mission isn't over yet. We need to make sure everything is truly resolved."

With that, they continued their exploration, now more attuned to the environment and Eldarion's new abilities. Along the way, Eldarion realized that Thalassor's power not only gave him control over the waters but also a deeper connection with the natural elements around him.

As they investigated the banks of the restored river, Eldarion and Zephyr began to feel a sense of relief and satisfaction, knowing they were on the right path to protect the world and honor the blessings of the ancestral dragons.


After an intense battle and the restoration of the river's flow, Eldarion and Zephyr were ready to explore the area further. Now, with their new water control abilities, Eldarion felt confident to face any challenge that might arise.

They followed the river to a deeper part of the forest, where they found a hidden cave behind a waterfall. Eldarion felt a strong attraction to the cave, as if something or someone were calling him.

Upon entering the cave, the temperature dropped drastically, and the sound of water echoed off the damp walls. Eldarion felt a powerful presence around him, and as he followed the winding path of the cave, he came upon a vast underground lake illuminated by a bright blue light.

In the center of the lake, a colossal figure emerged from the waters. Thalassor, the ancestral water dragon, rose majestically, his blue scales gleaming like sapphires under the light. His eyes, deep and full of wisdom, fixed on Eldarion.

"Welcome, young half-dragon," Thalassor's voice echoed through the cave. "I see you have answered the call of the waters and proved yourself worthy of my blessings."

Eldarion bowed respectfully. "It is an honor to meet you, Thalassor. I feel a deep connection to the waters and wish to learn more about their secrets."

Thalassor smiled, revealing sharp teeth like pearls. "Then learn you shall, Eldarion. Water is more than a mere element; it is the source of life, the current that connects all beings. To understand water is to understand the essence of the world."

Thalassor began to share his vast knowledge of water magic, teaching Eldarion to control not only the flow of waters but also to use its healing and defensive properties. Zephyr watched attentively, occasionally dipping his paws into the lake, curious about his master's new skill.

After hours of intense training, Eldarion felt more connected than ever to water magic. He thanked Thalassor for his teachings and promised to use his new powers to protect the world.

"Go with my blessing, Eldarion," Thalassor said. "Remember that water is flexible, adaptable, and eternal. May you be like water in all your journeys."

With that, Eldarion and Zephyr left the cave and returned to the surface, feeling refreshed and prepared for any challenge that lay ahead. The mission to the river had been successfully completed, but Eldarion knew that many other challenges awaited him.

Returning to the city, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The journey to become a true hero was only just beginning, and with the blessing of the ancestral dragons, Eldarion knew that nothing could stop him.

Eldarion and Zephyr returned to the city, feeling rejuvenated and more powerful after their recent challenges. The journey back to the adventurers' guild was uneventful, with Eldarion reflecting on the knowledge he had gained from Thalassor and the connection he now felt with water.

Upon arriving at the guild, the atmosphere was as bustling as ever. Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the large hall where adventurers of all kinds discussed their adventures and missions. Eldarion went straight to the counter, where the attendant who had registered him before was working.

She looked at him with a welcoming smile. "Eldarion, I see you've returned. How was your mission?"

Eldarion handed over the completed mission scroll. "I solved the problem at the river. There was a magical barrier draining the water. I managed to dissipate it and restore the river's flow."

The attendant examined the scroll and made some notes. "Excellent work! We knew you were capable. Here's your reward."

She handed Eldarion a heavy pouch with 50 silver drachmas. "Congratulations on completing the mission. This should help you in your future adventures. If you need more missions, feel free to choose another one from the board."

Eldarion accepted the pouch and thanked her. "Thank you. I'll continue to seek challenges and opportunities to grow."

The attendant smiled. "I'm sure you'll do well. Good luck, Eldarion."

Eldarion stepped away from the counter, feeling the pleasant weight of the coins in the pouch. He knew this was just the beginning of his adventures and that many more missions awaited him. Zephyr trotted by his side, looking equally pleased with the successful completion of the mission.

With the reward in hand and newfound confidence in his abilities, Eldarion was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. He knew the journey would be long and full of dangers, but with the strength and knowledge of the ancestral dragons by his side, he was prepared for anything.

Time flew by for Eldarion. Day after day, he explored the vast region around the city, accepting missions from the adventurers' guild and facing increasingly difficult challenges. Zephyr, his faithful companion, grew in strength and abilities by his side, forming an unbeatable duo. Eldarion felt stronger with each battle, more confident in his abilities, and closer to unraveling the mysteries of his past and his draconic heritage.

Missions ranged from protecting merchant caravans to clearing dungeons infested with monsters. Eldarion faced hordes of creatures, unraveled ancient traps, and rescued villagers in danger. Over time, he realized that to continue evolving, he would need better equipment and rarer materials. The rewards of the missions and common weapons were no longer enough to face the challenges that lay ahead.

One night, after a long day of adventures, Eldarion rested in his room at the inn. Moonlight streamed through the window, softly illuminating the room. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of rest. It was then that a vision took hold of his mind.

He found himself in a vast ethereal space, before an imposing and majestic presence. The Golden Dragon, the supreme among the ancestral dragons, stood before him, his golden scales shining with a celestial light. The dragon's voice reverberated through the space, deep and resonant.

"As you have been strengthening yourself every day, I can show you more powers of my blessing."

Eldarion felt an intense warmth coursing through his body as new abilities and knowledge were infused into his mind. He understood that the Golden Dragon was granting him additional gifts, tools that would help him become even more powerful.

Newly Acquired Abilities

Inventory: A magical ability that allows Eldarion to store and access items in a dimensional space. He can carry a large amount of materials, weapons, and supplies without being burdened.

Dragonforging: Allows Eldarion to use his magical energy to forge and enhance weapons and armor. He can create high-quality equipment using rare materials and infusing them with draconic essence.

Ancestral Alchemy: An ability that enables Eldarion to combine materials and ingredients to create potions, elixirs, and magical items. With it, he can prepare healing potions, strength enhancement, endurance, and other beneficial effects.

Dragon Sight: Allows Eldarion to see through illusions and detect the presence of hidden magic and spiritual entities. It also enhances his perception in battles, helping him anticipate enemy movements and find weaknesses.

Upon awakening from the vision, Eldarion felt invigorated and full of energy. He understood that these new abilities would be crucial for his journey. He now had the means to create his own high-quality equipment and better prepare himself for the challenges that awaited him.


The next morning, he decided it was time to test his new abilities. Eldarion headed to the town market, acquiring the necessary materials to start forging and creating. With his newfound skills, he was determined to reach new levels of power and protect the world of Alduria from the looming threats.

Eldarion's journey was just beginning, and with the gifts of the Golden Dragon, he knew he was destined for great deeds.

In the market of the town of Lórien, Eldarion browsed through the stalls and weapon shops, evaluating every sword, axe, and dagger he came across. However, none of them piqued his curiosity or seemed worthy of his growing potential. Determined to find a weapon that matched his abilities, he began asking local merchants about a good blacksmith.

After some conversations, one of the merchants mentioned a renowned blacksmith who worked in the kingdom's capital. He described the blacksmith as a true master, capable of forging legendary weapons and infusing them with rare magical powers.

"The blacksmith you seek is in Eldoria, the capital of the Kingdom of Arvandor," said the merchant, his tone full of respect. "He is known as Tharion, the Blade Master. If anyone can create the perfect weapon for a warrior like you, it's him."

Eldarion thanked the merchant and decided that his next journey would be towards the royal capital, Eldoria. The town of Lórien had been a good base for his early adventures, but now he needed more. He needed a weapon worthy of his growing strength and his draconic heritage.

Eldarion and Zephyr left Lórien at dawn, following the road that would take them to the capital, Eldoria. The journey would be long, but Eldarion was accustomed to long walks and challenges along the way. Zephyr, always by his side, was alert to any danger that might arise.

The road was well-maintained and frequently patrolled, ensuring the safety of travelers. Eldarion used the journey to train his new skills and reflect on recent events. The power granted by the Golden Dragon was immense, and he felt the responsibility to use it wisely.

After a few days of travel, as they walked through a dense part of the forest, Eldarion heard sounds of battle in the distance. Screams and the clashing of swords echoed through the trail. Without hesitation, he and Zephyr ran towards the sound, ready to help whoever was in danger.

Upon reaching the source of the sounds, Eldarion saw a luxurious carriage surrounded by bandits. The guards protecting the carriage were outnumbered and clearly at a disadvantage. Without wasting time, Eldarion charged into battle, using his strength and magical abilities to scatter the attackers.

With a powerful blow, he knocked down one of the bandits threatening a fallen guard. Zephyr, with his sharp claws and keen senses, attacked the bandits ferociously, forcing them to retreat. In a short time, Eldarion and Zephyr managed to turn the tide of the battle, defeating or driving off the remaining bandits.

When the fight ended, the carriage door opened slowly, revealing a young noblewoman with a look of gratitude and surprise. Her blue eyes gleamed as she looked at her savior.

"I am Lady Elara of Arvandor," said the young woman, stepping out of the carriage with the help of one of the surviving guards. "Daughter of the Duke of Arvandor. You saved us. I don't know how to thank you."

Eldarion, still catching his breath, replied, "No need to thank me. I'm glad I arrived in time."

Lady Elara looked around, noticing the casualties among her guards. With a heavy sigh, she said, "We've lost many men. And we still need to reach the capital safely. It would be an honor to have you as our escort, if you accept."

Eldarion nodded, recognizing the importance of the task. "I accept. I'll ensure you reach Eldoria safely."

With Eldarion and Zephyr now escorting the carriage, the group set off towards Eldoria. Eldarion's imposing presence alongside the carriage dissuaded any other bandit groups that might have considered attacking. During the journey, Eldarion conversed with Lady Elara, learning more about the nobility of Arvandor and the kingdom's political challenges.

Lady Elara proved to be an intelligent and determined person, with a strong sense of justice and duty. Eldarion appreciated her company and that of the remaining guards, feeling that he was beginning to build new alliances.

"You're a descendant of dragons, aren't you?" Elara asked curiously, observing Eldarion's draconic features.

Eldarion nodded. "Yes, I am. I inherited these traits from my ancestors."

"It's fascinating," Elara commented, impressed. "Your strength and abilities are remarkable. I'm sure my father will be intrigued to meet you and learn more about your exploits."

After several weeks of travel, during which they faced small challenges and made new friends, Eldarion and his traveling companions finally caught sight of the imposing walls of Eldoria. The city was grand, with tall towers and magnificent buildings that reflected the power and wealth of the kingdom.

As they crossed the gates of the capital, Lady Elara expressed her gratitude once again. "You were instrumental to our safety, Eldarion. Please consider staying in the capital for a while. I'm sure there will be many opportunities for someone with your skills."

Eldarion thanked her, feeling welcome in the great city of Eldoria. Lady Elara then added, "I want to introduce you to my father, the Duke of Arvandor. I'm sure he'll be very interested in meeting you and hearing more about your exploits."

Eldarion, with a smile, replied, "It will be an honor to meet the Duke of Arvandor. I look forward to discovering what the future holds for me here in Eldoria."

The city offered a world of new opportunities and adventures, and Eldarion was ready to explore them. Alongside Lady Elara, he walked towards the palace, ready for the next chapter of his journey.

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