Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
It didn't last long till the knights found out what happened and they and intervened at the crime scene if we could say that because those bandits are not so badly injured, just some scratch on their arms, legs, and body. It looks like I didn't attack their essential organs and they are still breathing. But three knights take me and throw me to their carriage who delivered me to their Palace. I don't have a good feeling about this.
I wasn't alone in that carriage, two of those three knights were there just to keep watching me. I was looking at one of the knights for a few seconds, that notice and then started to talk to me:
"Who are you? Human? Or some sort of animal?" asks that knight.
"Human," I respond to that knight.
"Then how a little kid like you can attack two bandits? You must be a monster, kid."
"I am not a monster," I say to those knights who started to look suspicious at me. "I used a spell on me. I don't remember what name it was, but it makes me sleep and then I wake up here in front of those two corpses."
"So you are a sorcerer... Close enough I say to a freak." says the other knight. "You are lucky the Kingdom allows sorcerers, wizards or magicians or... Whatever calls you... To live happily here."
"Derek." says the other knight to the one who I spoke to earlier and then he looks at me: "We are not going to kill you. Alright?"
"Alright," I respond to that knight.
"We are going to put you in a cell for a few hours."
"Why?" I ask that knight.
"Knights problems, you wizard!" says to other knights to me looking pissed.
"I see..." I respond to those knights and then stay down for a few moments, till the other knight asks me: "What's your name?"
"Do you work somewhere?"
"I work as a squire to Fiona."
When I said her name, both knights dropped their mouths. Both of them looked at me so afraid like they saw a creature who is way too dangerous than a God. The knight called Derek hasn't looked at me like a predator, now he was looking at me 'till we arrive at the kingdom like a little kid who saw a monster in the forest or at his house. Later on, we arrived at the Kingdom, Derek decided to open the doors of the carriage for me to leave, but when I left, the knights who were driving the horses put some handcuffs made by some strong metal and often used if we look at the rust of some parts.
After a few moments of walking, I and the other three knights arrived at the cell where I have to stay till they will release me. I'm not sure why they want to do this thing, but it assumes that they still have some suspicions that I'm some kind of beast or an undercover assassin. The first option sounds plausible to them, but the second would sound ridiculous because there are no assassins of my stature. I once read in a book at the Orphanage that assassins are characterized as tall, more agile than a cat, more deadly than a snake, and smarter than a nobleman working for the kingdom. Anyway, I was thrown in the cell, a knight closed the door and then all of them who were there, three knights, left the place letting me and the other few prisoners looking at them while they leave the Prison.
I go to the bed and then I start to think about the incident I was doing while I wasn't myself. I bet those two people were bandits because if I attacked the wrong people, I would be in danger, grave danger. The punishment for killing will probably be very painful if they say I killed the wrong people. I wish I used a spell that can let the control of a crazy beast who kill every enemy.
I stayed at the bed for a few minutes, then I heard something weird in this place, a song on a flute. That song was so good to hear because it felt like you were in Heaven and you meet some angels who started to tell you the good things you did in your life. Even though I have ten years, I bet the things I will do in the future won't be that many because I wanted to have a quiet life, not like my Mom who was the mockery of all the rich citizens or even some poor of this kingdom. While I heard that song on a flute, I was thinking about Fiona, who would probably a bad thing while she was at her duty. But if Diana heard what I was doing, I wouldn't be in much trouble because she is little and she "probably" wouldn't have the force to hit me so hard it will cause a bigger pain than an arrow to a wild animal in the forest.
When the song on the flute has ended, I heard one man, probably an old prisoner because of his voice who sounded old, say to the one who was singing that music using the flute he or she had:
"Who did you stop it?" ask that old prisoner.
"Because that's the end of the music." says a boy who is mostly the owner of that flute.
"It ended, you say? Then you could sing another. I'm bored!"
"Other... Probably later."
"Later? You permitted to sing later?"
"I don't need permission. Just let me sleep, okay?"
"No, no, no, no okay. I want to hear music. So sing, you musician."
"I won't sing."
Then a knock on the door where is that old man has heard. I was scared for a bit because that knock was powerful and unexpected. The boy who used his flute to sing a song decides to try again to sing, but this time, when he was to end the sing he said something weird with a loud voice, "Sing me to sleep". The next thing I know, I fell into a deep sleep and a very good one. Maybe the best I've had in all these ten years of my life. I don't remember the whole dream, just some fragments. In the dream, Fiona and I were fighting with some creatures that invaded the kingdom of Romania, after we finished saving the kingdom, the King himself came to us and handed us a medal that represents the courage that Fiona and I put in that fight. What a pity this was a dream. It seemed so real.
After I wake up, I heard that one prisoner yelling at the one who was singing at the flute.
"What have you done to us, you filthy magician?!"
"I put all of you to sleep." reply the one prisoner who was singing the flute. "You have slept well?"
"We have, but why you did that?" asked another prisoner to the one who was singing the flute.
"Because I was tired and I wanted to sleep. But I forgot this spell could affect anyone around me. Sorry, about that."
"It's okay," I respond to that prisoner. "But next time warn us, good?"
"Good." replied the prisoner who has used the flute to make everyone from the Cells Rooms sleep.
After a few minutes, a few knights came to my cell, they unlock my handcuffs, and then they escort me to the outside. While I was leaving, I take a look at the cells of those people and what I was horrible because there were old people almost dead and the guy who was singing that flute has his entire skin at the colour red, who represents a deadly disease called "Ciumasa". A disease whose only cure is death.
After I leave the cells, I started feeling so sad about those prisoners who are almost dead because of no food, water, or anything to help them live for the next few days or even tomorrow. I saw at one of them so munch cut wounds. I don't know why, but I saw others like that one earlier. What he did was way too gross. He was eating some of the parts of his own skin, using his own knife. I looked at one knight who has escorted me, I was trying to say something to him, but he responds: "We can't help those who are called criminals.". Then I decided to shut my mouth and wait till I will arrive outside. Why is the Kingdom treated those guys like that? I know some of them are dangerous, but this is way too cruel for a nice and good kingdom.