Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
The house I live in for now is huge. It has four rooms. One room is called the kitchen and where we eat lunch, dinner, and even breakfast. Two bedrooms, one for Fiona and her "big" sister, Diana, and a room for me where to sleep. And the last room is called the storage rooms. A place where Fiona and her sister are putting their weapons or supplies like food, clothes, or tools.
I get to that house in about twenty minutes. I got there faster due to a shortcut I discovered when I took a wrong turn. There is an expression for such events that a nun told me when I accidentally hit someone with a blow to the head: "Accidents are made by man, they are made by fate.". Whatever that thing means at that time, I think that expression never existed and that nun told me just to make me feel innocent of what I did then.
I arrive at the gates of my house and I discover Diana coming out of the stable and carrying in a single cart a pig that is dead since it received a cut in the belly. Diana asks me to open the big gates so she can go out with that cart. I go to those big gates, open them both, and make room for Diana to go out with the cart. She takes the two handles from the cart and starts pulling it on her own, which scared me a bit because this moment is a strange one because I have never seen a girl in my life carrying a cart that is used by horses or donkeys. If Diana and Fiona are so strong, I don't even want to imagine what the rest of the family is like.
"Thank you," respond Diana coming with the cart from the yard. "Can you help me carrying this pig somewhere?"
"S-Sure," I respond to Daina taking the backpack off and dropping it in the carriage.
I grabbed a handle from the one in which horses or donkeys are kept so as not to escape from that cart and Diana and I started pulling as hard as we could from that cart. It seemed extremely difficult for me for several reasons, but for Diana, it was very simple. As I carried that cart to the desired place I noticed something in Diana, a kind of strange drawing on her neck. I can't describe what it could mean, but it was something like ... four squares that have an eye, and in the centre is an inhuman eye. I don't know what that drawing means, but I can say that hurts and makes you ugly, but why did she do it?
When I lived in the orphanage where I spent seven years of my life, I never saw a nun with a tattoo, even though those nuns wear black dresses and those weird hoods all day, even during hot days. Isn't it hot on such days? However, I have heard of girls with tattoos in the books I read at the library. In some books, it was said that those girls who wear tattoos are characterized as those who are part of a cult or go out on the street and capture the poor drunk. I don't even know what the second option means, but I can say for sure that the first is possible in Diana's case.
I didn't want to ask Diana where she got that tattoo from because I don't want to cash it in her face or wake up one morning as being raped by a cult that needs children as slaves or as food. I also learned this from those books in the library, and I think it would be a good idea to get rid of such books as well.
After a few moments of carrying that cart with the dead pig, Diana and I arrive at the area where we had to leave that pig. The place where Diana and I are is called Kingdom Square. I was here two days ago trying to find my way to the Royal Palace. Also at this place, I met the first person who is different in colour. Diana drops those bars from the cart and asks me to help her remove that animal carcass to be eaten. We both tried hard to get that pig out because we had two big problems. The first was that that pig weighed twice as much as my and Diana's weight, and the second was that we were both short. Diana had a hard time pulling out the corpse, and when I was about to pick it up on the other side, I already felt my back feel like a twig being trampled by a big leg. However, we managed to get him into that building with the help of two muscular boys who seem to be working on that building called Butchery.
"What a nice pig." says an old fat man bald and with a white beard to Diana. "It was hard to kill him?"
"Not really," says Diana to that old man.
The old man takes from his pocket a small bag that probably contains gold and handed to Daina who takes that bag and then leaves the building saying "Goodbye!" to that old man. I also said "Goodbye!" to them and headed to that cart to take that back to our house. I wish we had horses to help us in carrying that hard cart.
While we carrying that cart back to our home, I asked Diana a simple question:
"So, what kind of a job you are working on?"
"I am a hunter," replied Diana continuing to carrying the cart. "But not that kind of hunter. You know... Bounty hunter. Just a normal hunter who sells the animals killed by me. At the butcher's I always sell wild pork, sheep, turkey, any kind of edible animal. I also sell to the Tailors the skin and furs of the wild animals I killed. Like, white wolf skin is very valuable in creating clothes for the rich man. Sometimes, I also sell meat, leather, and fur in Royal Square because I can get more money there, like thirty coins for almost one kilogram of pork meat."
"Thirty coins? Is that much?"
"Yes, because at the Butchery I get just ten or even twelve coins for this kind of meat."
"Then, why havențt you sell that entire pig at the Royal Squire?"
"I want it, but I can't because there the chances of success are not that higher. For example, one time I tried to sell sheep furs, but It didn't work out as I expected. I wanted to win seventy or even ninety but what I got? Thirteen... Thirteen coins. With this money I could buy new arrows for my crossbow."
"Crossbow? What is that thing?"
"You never saw a crossbow? No wonder because that thing has just appeared on our market. It is like a bow but far more "complex" if I have to describe his structure."
"I see."
After that, both of us continue to deliver that cart to our house.
Almost one hour later, I and Diana arrived at our house. We put the cart back to the place he was before we took him to carry that dead pig who has become a slice of good meat for somebody already. After we put that cart, both of us go to our business. Diana goes into the house to prepare the dinner and I am going in the backward with my spellbook and wand to try some new spells.
The backyard was a normal place, it has wood that is mostly used for fir, a table with some tools in crafting, repairing things and some that are useful in repair weapons, targets made of wood, painted with three white circles, and in the middle one filled with red and showing that they were used very often by a target, who is most likely Diana because I did not see Fiona handling something like that in today's mission. There were also three trees in the backyard that had hanging targets and rich apples.
I opened the spellbook and I was searching for a good spell that could be used by even a beginner at magic art. I saw a few spells in that book, but most of them seemed too complicated even for a beginner. I want to look for a spell that can be handled very easily but that can also help helpless people who are in danger. Even though healing and shield spells are good, they are not enough to help a person in danger.
After a very short search, I came across a spell I was looking for. The name of that spell is called „Beat it". That spell is described as a good and evil spell because it makes two people fight for a short period of time. That spell seems a good one, but I decided I will use it in other moments because the spell requires two people to attack me or just two people who are not attacking me or anybody else.
I continued my research on a spell and I found one quite useful. The spell is called „Never Gonna Give You Up" a spell that can be used for attaching an injured person to your body to heal that person. That spell seems kinda a weird one so I'll use that later because it requires an injured person who is in a grave state.
I decided to search again and I found a nice and evil spell who is called „Highway to Hell". I read there this spell can be used by almost anyone to make them suffer a painful journey on Hell for a few moments and when they came back from there, they will come so injured, not even the magic could heal the wounds they've got there. That sale seems quite dangerous if I use it to a normal person, probably it would be a good idea to use it on big enemies who are attacking my boss and Diana.
I found so many speels there who have a weird name, like one called „Feel Good" who make you happy and the people around you, feel so good and hesitate to kill for almost one day. I found another one called „Eye of the tiger" who could make you and your teammate much stronger for a few moments, but it requires a teammate who got hurt and a drop of his blood who has hit the ground of the battlefield.
I decided to use a spell called „Sono chi Sadame". A nice speel who can transform you into a strong man who is thirsty for blood and justice. This spell requires just a body for a person or animal. And in fact, I have a dog who sleeps, I asked myself: „ It will be a good idea if I wake him up? Should I try on me?". Then I decided to do the most rational thing, to use that speel on my own body. I pointed the wand at my body, said out loud "Sono chi Sadame." Very soon, a gabion ray came out of that wand and took over my whole body, and the next moment I remember nothing. When the spell hit me, my eyesight blurred, I couldn't move my body, I lost my senses and I started to feel like I was going to bed on a night when it's worth sleeping after a long day at a poorly paid job.
Later on, I wake up on a street and I found something weird on the street and around me. People looked at me with a worried face, scared and terrified. I looked at them very confused, then I looked in front of me and I found two bandits who are almost dead and covered in blood. Then I put my hands on my checks and I feel some blood on them. I was completely scared because that speel it didn't work out quite well as I expected.