
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · แฟนตาซี
254 Chs

Time passes very fast (1)

With the introduction of the imaginary master, Alexander was free to practice alchemy without hiding anything.

Alexander knew a recipe for a pill called "Body refining pill", it is widespread in mortal countries, as the ingredients are common.

But things change here, especially in the Alba Kingdom. Thinking about it Alexander could only sigh.

So Alexander tried to extrapolate and adopt a potion based on the pill recipe, and after five days of working day and night, he succeeded.

The potions were half as potent as the pills but had an advantage that was difficult to ignore and that was that it could be produced in mass, in addition to diluting to create more potions.

Alexander was intrigued by the idea because he had never heard of this but he imagined something like this was a currently that had not yet spread throughout the universe. For that takes time.

He wanted to continue practicing with the potions but the deadline for the capture order was approaching, so on the sixth day, he spent the whole day concocting 6 Elemental opening pills.

On that same day, Audrey disguised herself in a way that even her sex was not recognizable and went to the slums. To the only restaurant that started with "Delicious", she talked with the manager and told him what she wanted. Shorty a few minutes the transaction was finished, In the end, Audrey was somewhat disappointed, She thought that hiring assassin would be more exciting but it was the same as going to the market and buying rice, nothing exciting.

That same day, she went to Benedict's commercial rivals and gave them a few books to read, and on each meeting, it was the same, Audrey would let them read the first page and if they accepted Audrey's terms she would give them the rest of the books. This worried the other side very much because they thought they wanted a percentage of the stores' profits, but when they heard the condition: "I want Benedict Hail's store to be deserted, and have him excluded from the high society of the kingdom".

In a nutshell, "Benedict Hail Destroyed," Everyone at first showed concern that Benedict's sons were martial City disciples, but they cleared up their doubts after Audrey told them they were miserable external disciples who had no weight in the martial city, even if they did have weight, that would be in years and by the time that happen their positions as alchemists would be respected and almost no one would dare offend them but now is different.

That's how the deal ended and Audrey handed over the books.

Seven days later, everyone in nearby countries was shocked to learn that someone had put a bounty on the heads of the supreme Elders of the six sects! Plus the reward was amazing, an Elemental Opening Pill! That was not surprising what was surprising was that its quality was supreme!

The supreme Elders knew of the existence of those pills but still, only the supreme pills will give enough confidence to be able to enter the Elemental realm, even a top-level pill would only budge a little but would not give at 100% entry but that pill could only be found at auctions.

So this news even conditioned the high command of the sects, some even wanted to kill their Supreme Elders, but quickly dismissed the idea. They were worried but after learning that the time to claim the reward was two years, They Sighed, So the leaders of all the sects decided to isolate themselves and called all their disciples abroad to return in two months otherwise they would be expelled from their powers.

Sea Palace was left with dismay of the sudden news, as they could only swallow their words and not touch Anna and her son at the moment.

46 Days later

Somewhere in James clan, a man has received a letter from an inner disciple which also includes a book wrapped in wild beast skin with a wax seal. As he read it his expression had changed from bewilderment to anger, after finished reading it he burned it, he placed his hands on his back to calmed down his turmoil emotions and murmured: "ahhh, Helewise, Helewise, you seem to have forgotten how our little sister is when she gets angry, I hope your new family doesn't regret how they treated Anna in the past".

Then he gave his attention at the book and broke the wax seal, and saw what was written on the cover, "Soaring Star technique", When he saw that it was a cultivation technique, and began to read it, After a few hours the man was shocked, this technique was much better than any other cultivation technique within the James clan!

What struck him most was that it was a gift from his sister, he was going to say something but soon remembered what the letter said: "Just let everything flow".

"Hahaha, it looks like my little sister has someone to protecting her." When he said that, he reminisces his childhood memories with his sisters and knew that time can't be rewind. Both had taken separate paths and his sister betrayed his second sister. He couldn't help but to let out a sigh, and study the cultivation technique with it 36 acupuncture points could be opened. He began to memorize it and burned the book as soon as possible if anyone found out that he had this technique it would be his end. This was something that even a supreme elder would kill for!

3 months later

Something happened that shocked the Alba Kingdom, the prices of potions plummeted almost 50% in all stores except Benedict Hail's store!

Many thought it was rumored but it was true, with that price many more people would be able to afford to buy those products! Everyone was excited except for an old man who had a gloomy expression on his face, didn't understand what was happening, to decrease those prices all he could think of was that those alchemists had a success rate of 20%.

He tried to meet them to change notes but everyone rejected it, even some ignore him. This had left him completely bewildered, and slowly little by little his store went from having hundreds of customers to none at all.

What Benedict did not know was that from time to time a beautiful woman dressed in orange would pass by his shop and look at the desolated store she would show a radiant smile and disappear into the crowds.

7 months later.

Alexander was improving more effectively in making potions, so much that he could easily make 500 body refining potions of supreme grade. Addition he had researched a little and discovered that if he diluted it 10 times, he would have 5000 potions of superior grade, other ten times, 50000 potions of high grade, upon knowing this he fell in love with the potions more, if this was a pill, it could not be split in two!

To make 500 potions of supreme grade only takes half an hour, if he dedicated another 2 hours to it he could make 200,000 potions of high grade per day! If each of these bottles was sold cheap for 1 silver coin each, it would be a net gain of 60,000 gold coins every month!

"Hahaha looks like I'm going to be filthy rich in this life."

Hello, Here the author, I honestly do not know if I can meet all the chapters today but I will try, this is the 1/5 that will be released during the day.

Edited by Leafking900

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