
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · แฟนตาซี
254 Chs

Now do you understand?

Adam smiled and said, "My daughter-in-law gave me permission to make a deal with you. She will give the exclusivity to sell her products through your channels but she is the manufacturer" Adam pulled out a sheet and said: "These are the prices per garment, If you want to sell it for double I don't know but the market in this region dictates it and you can't influence that. Outside the region you can demand the price you want. This deal will last 5 years in which both parties will see if it is renewed or not".

Hammer nodded and said goodbye quickly. He no longer wanted to be near an Elemental power. Now all he would do is report this matter to his grandfather as quickly as possible.

His grandfather was among those who participated in the mission and would meet him at the border of the Alba Kingdom. In two weeks so he had no time to lose.

As for Adam, he only saw those people leaving. The Alba family reached out to them, now all that was left was for them to close the deal. According to Alexander, more than 10 experts could come to the mission, half step Elementary.

People who even if they wore a War Array would be a piece of cake. Besides that his wife went into seclusion to penetrate the Elemental Realm into the cultivation tower, Besides that the third generation of his family used the tower regularly making their strength grow by leaps and bounds.

Adam couldn't expect much from them, nor could he expect them to go into long seclusion after all they were still hyperactive youths. Making the only one to go into long-term seclusion the first princess. Elise Alba.

Elise was her first granddaughter and the eldest of the third generation of the Alba family but she was not gifted with natural talents which made her feel inferior to the others.

Even Taylor and Nathaniel despised her for her talent, which made her feel bad. Making her childhood difficult since that day, Elise has always been committed to training, wanting to outdo her siblings. Elise had no bad feelings for Alexander and his younger siblings.

But when they talked about Taylor and Nathaniel her expression became cold, Elise always wanted to go and fight with them but she was never given the chance.

Of all his grandchildren, the most hard-working were Alexander and Elise. While the others were more lazy but at least not arrogant and obedient.

The only grandson who had disappointed him was Nathaniel. In spite of his warning he did not leave the Sea Palace but declared that he no longer wanted the surname Alba.

Nathaniel Dunham took his mother's surname.

It was because of this lack of respect that he was expelled from the family and never showed any intention of apologizing or repenting.

So the Alba family erased him from their family tree as if he didn't exist. Besides that he was forbidden to enter the Capital.

That grandson of his praises the old lady of the Sea Palace as if she were his grandmother while he despises his biological family.

Adam would understand if we had killed his mother or something like extinguishing his mother's family but they didn't and that bastard grandson treated him like that.

That was incredible. At this point even Lewis was disappointed in this son, many said it was wise to ask forgiveness but his son's ego and arrogance did not allow him to bow his head to anyone even if they were his biological relatives.

So Lewis spoke to Joanna about the matter: "Joanna I hope you can make Nathaniel think again, what he did was very unwise remember that my last name is Alba!"

Joanna could only force a smile and say: "What can I do, I haven't had much communication with him in years".

Lewis looked bad and said: "First your marriage and now this, Joanna I'm sorry but I can't tolerate this, Even if he's angry with my parents, my parents didn't do anything against him, What he's doing is not justified and he messed with my last name".

What he said was true.

Lewis in the matter of marriage was unhappy to be ignored in this matter but he let it go because his son's girlfriend was the princess of the Snow Kingdom. Sharing the same state with his son. In other words, he couldn't get a better girlfriend for his son.

But he couldn't do anything against the expulsion of the family. Even if it were not for his attachment to Alexander his parents hated to be treated like air and more in such important matters as the marriage of their grandchildren and their partners.

Perhaps if their grandparents were still weak they would not dare to make this move but the fact was that they were no longer weak.

A weak person suffers in silence but someone strong can shout freely. So Lewis could not let go of this matter and also had a serious expression on his face.

Saying: "What Nathaniel is doing is only sealing his future, The Alba family will become stronger and stronger but when he understands his mistake it will be too late".

Joanna was surprised and said, "Why do you say this? I know your parents became very strong but it's not that big a deal, right?"

Lewis shook his head and said, "Do you know what Britt's strength is?"

Joanna frowned and remembered the lazy little girl, the eighth concubine's daughter, but finally shook her head.

Lewis sighed and said, "She's in the fourth level Gathering Qi."

This left Joanna speechless and she didn't know what to say. In the end she could only say: "Excuse me, can you repeat it?"

"She's in the fourth level Gathering Qi"

When he heard this, he knew his ears were working properly and said, "Who told you this?"

Lewis showed a smile of Self-loathing and said: "My father, a few days ago I was discussing things with him, Apparently he wants to open academies all over the Kingdom and imitate the model of the Royal Academy of the Sail Empire. At that moment I told him that when he was with the concubines he felt different than when he was with you".

Joanna showed Eagle eyes as no woman liked to be compared in bed. But Lewis pretended not to see it and said: "That's when he told me that everyone besides you and me is at Gathering Qi, Only we are at Body Refining Peak".

Joanna was so surprised that she was incredulous. A few years ago most concubines were much weaker than she was. But now they were much stronger than the present one.

But she couldn't help but get discouraged and ask, "Why did this happen?"

Lewis also looked sadly at himself taking a pill out of his pocket and said: "This is a pill refined by Alexander, It's called "Qi sensing Pill" I don't know how difficult it is but it shouldn't be simple, This pill allows people with low perception capacity to grasp the existence of Qi, in other words it nullifies the bottleneck between Body Refining and Gathering Qi, All concubines except you have eaten this pill. "

Joanna's hands trembled and she said in a broken voice, "Is there such a miraculous pill?"

Lewis didn't answer and said, "Now do you understand?"