
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · แฟนตาซี
254 Chs

Coincidence or not?

After hearing Audrey's words, Anna could not think of anything so they covered Alexander with a blanket and dashed towards their quarters and locked the doors then they started to rack their brains for a solution, the more they thought the more they seemed lost, hours passed then tiredness took over by the time they realize it was already nightfall feeling tired they went to sleep without being able to solve anything.

At midnight, Alexander came out of his cradle nimbly and moved toward Audrey's room standing in front of her, he hesitated a little he resolved himself then he pinched her cheek to wake her up.

Audrey who was asleep felt a slight pain in her cheeks that made her awake, she cleared her eyes to see a two-year-old baby with purple eyes and golden hair shining from moonlight.

"Young master, How do you get here? right now you need to rest, I'll take you to the cradle immediately." Audrey said, In her opinion, the baby had fallen out of her crib, but when she was getting up when she heard a child's voice saying," Audrey I need your help."

When she heard those words she was shocked, she could not believe what she was hearing, early today he spoke his first words and now he was speaking fluently. she could not help muttering to herself "It's just a dream." With that, she went back to bed and prepared to continue sleeping.

then she heard the child's voice again saying "have your parents not taught you that it's rude to ignore people." As he said that his little hand steered towards her cheek and pinched her once again just that this time a lot stronger. Audrey could not help but say "ow that Hurts" while holding her cheek.

This time she knew she was not dreaming and taken back but quickly became angry and said: "Who are you? What did you do to the young master?" For her, the only possible explanation is that someone possessed her young master and she had to save him otherwise she can't bear to face Anna as she loves her son deeply and treats him like a treasure if she finds that something happened to her son she be distraught and may commit suicide so for miss Anna she could not allow anything to happen to him even if it cost her life!

"Calm down Audrey you'll wake mom," Alexander said quietly as he looked Audrey in her eyes, then continued: "I know you have many questions, I will answer all if that makes you happy, just please lower your voice."

Audrey did not know why but she obeyed his words and lowered his voice then asked: "What did you do to the young master?" To that, the Alexander simply replied "I have not done anything, I have always been like this"

"Lies the young master has always been a normal baby since his birth" Audrey did not believe it for her someone had possessed the body of the young master.

Of course, Alexander did not even flinch instead of that he began to act as he had done in the last two years, towards all of his actions from ordering food to getting his eyes watery to ask for things, after a few minutes he became serious again and he asked: "Now you believe me? or do you want me to poop? "

" You!" Audrey was dumbfounded and could not believe what she just saw, she was shocked but at the same time angry because it meant that this bastard could go to the bathroom all the time and had her wash his diapers. It was the part that she hated most and now he reveals that he pretends to be a baby, she was obviously going to get mad. So she could not help but grab Alexander's neck and say in a murderous tone: "So we're always able to do your thing in the bathroom and you laughed behind me while I was washing your diapers ehh."

Alexander's face became pale from her sudden action, he couldn't understand why this woman was so angry about such a trivial matter and tried to reason with her by saying "Audrey calm down I was only acting to survive!, please let me go, I'll explain." Hearing that Audrey managed to control her anger and said "it's better worth it if not you will see" while saying that she cracked her knuckles.

Alexander could not do anything but sigh and said "During all these years we have been watched by people, but suddenly they stopped doing it a couple of weeks ago. if they wanted, we would have been dead" what he said was not a lie, in his previous life he was a person in the sky realm besides that he was someone who's been hunted day and night, therefore, he was very sensitive to the presence of others.

"Hmph you just made it up to avoid my anger but it doesn't work on me," said Audrey preparing to spank this brat. "I can prove it," said Alexander

"how can you prove that?" Audrey said with doubt but still decided to give this stinky brat a chance.

"You are at the peak of the fifth stage of body refining right? but you are unable to advance to the sixth stage no matter how hard you try!" said Alexander.

"you're right but I do not see what the problem is, there are a lot of bottlenecks on the martial path, so that's common," said Audrey.

"Are you stupid or retarded?" Alexander said with a disdainful face. but Audrey was not going to let a baby insult her so she grabbed him by the neck without caring that he was a baby and said, "What did you say?"

"I did not say anything, let me explain" Alexander did not dare to play with this woman anymore, Audrey by his side released him again but said "hmph if you don't give me an explanation that will satisfy me, you will see"

Alexander was feeling very offended, he was being beaten by his own servant! He almost wanted to cry if it was how it's going to be, he should have stayed quiet.

"How long was your last breakthrough?" asked Alexander.

"Four years ago but I don't understand what it has to do with being watched" Audrey replied.

"Now calm down I have another question, how long as it's been since you moved to the palace?" asked Alexander.

"Four years" replied Audrey not knowing why he asking these trivial questions.

"So the last time you advanced was before arriving at the palace and after arriving at the palace you have not advanced anymore What a great coincidence! don't you think it's suspicious Audrey?" revealed Alexander.

Edited by: asce1993

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