
Left And Right

นักเขียน: Zulfania_Nurdiani
Romansa Anak Muda
กำลังดำเนินการ · 8.3K จำนวนคนดู
  • 19 ตอน
  • เรตติ้ง
  • NO.200+

What is Left And Right

อ่านนิยาย Left And Right โดย ผู้เขียน Zulfania_Nurdiani ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Dua remaja yang bertemu karena usaha toko orang tua mereka saling berhadapan. Mereka berdua sama sekali tidak bisa untuk bersikap baik satu sama lain. Edwin yang memulai dengan mengejek keinginan Ange...


Dua remaja yang bertemu karena usaha toko orang tua mereka saling berhadapan. Mereka berdua sama sekali tidak bisa untuk bersikap baik satu sama lain. Edwin yang memulai dengan mengejek keinginan Angel yang ingin menjadi seorang barista. Padahal, tak ada yang salah dengan itu. Hingga akhirnya mereka berdua berada pada sekolah dan kelas yang sama. Angel menyesal dengan SMA pilihannya ini hanya karena tertarik dengan seragam identitas SMA itu. Tanpa dia ketahui jika sang ibu sudah mengetahui pilihan SMA-nya sama dengan pilihan SMA yang Edwin inginkan. Keduanya terus bertengkar, membuat wali kelas mereka memutuskan untuk menyatukan dua remaja itu dengan menjadikan mereka sebagai ketua kelas dan sekretaris yang akan sering bersama untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan kerja sama tim. Sampai akhirnya Edwin memilih untuk mengalah, lantaran tugasnya menjadi seorang ketua kelas yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap kelasnya. Begitupun dengan Angel, menjadikan keduanya lebih dekat dan sering bertemu diluar jam sekolah. Namun, karena kedekatan mereka yang lebih banyak berada diluar jam sekolah, menjadikan Angel harus dihadapi dua pilihan. Pertemanan atau asmara.


Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. When he opened his eyes he was already 2 years old kid that got his head bumped. Most probably he died at that time and the soul of this villain replaced the kid. The most shocking thing is that there is a strange creature taking care of him. He has seen this creature in a movie in his previous life. Can’t villain see a movie with his mistress? This should be Kreacher. Immediately the memories of the kid returned to his mind. Immediately he understood he is the son of Sirius black and Mary Goldsman. He is called Jonathan black. He is currently in the black house under the care of his grandmother Walburga Black a pure blood enthusiast. “Ding, congratulations host you have obtained the villain choice system.” “Please make your first choice. Option 1: Push the blame of your injury to Draco Malfoy; you will be rewarded with 1000 gold Galleons. Option 2: push the blame to Crabbe and Goyle; you will receive +2 percent critical hit in everything you wanted.”

souryourer · ภาพยนตร์
263 Chs


THE UREKAI: In the days of old, humans, werewolves, and vampires were well-known species, but the Urekais stood out as the strongest and most powerful beings in the world. Similar to werewolves, they could transform into beast forms, like vampires, they consumed blood, and they also had human forms like regular humans. Unlike these other species, however, the Urekais were ageless, peaceful, selfless, and preferred to keep to themselves. Despite being feared and distrusted by other species, they never responded with aggression, no matter how they were provoked. They granted passage to any species that wished to enter their land and welcomed everyone. Unfortunately, five centuries ago, an unexpected species attacked the Urekais during their night of weakness. The humans. Grand King Daemonikai, the ruler of the Urekais, in the process of protecting his people lost control of his mind and became feral. He became a danger to the same people whom he had given everything to protect. Although it seemed impossible, the urekais managed to capture his beast form and imprisoned him in a secure golden cage, ensuring he could never escape. But after all these, the Urekais had suffered a tremendous loss. Half of their loved ones dead, and their beloved king went feral while protecting them. Consumed by hatred for humans, they were plunged into darkness. They transformed into the fearsome beasts that other species had always feared them to be…and they wear their monstrosity with pride. THE HUMANS: After invading the urekais, a mysterious virus outbreak struck the human population. No one knew where it came from. However, some speculated that it was because of what they did to the Urekais. Both males and females were affected, but while most males eventually recovered after a long struggle, the virus proved fatal for the majority of females. The virus was particularly lethal to females, and those who had survived rarely gave birth to female children afterward. The female population suffered a drastic decline and never fully recovered from the outbreak. They became scarce and sought after commodities. In many kingdoms, women faced a terrible fate. Greedy fathers resorted to selling their daughters to breeding houses established to maintain population growth. Some women were forced into pleasure houses, which existed solely for the enjoyment of men, while others endured multiple sort of abuse in exchange for protection. Even the wealthy and the privileged could not guarantee the safety of the females in their lives, as the mere sight of a female—be it an infant, a young girl, or an elderly woman—drew unwanted attention. Female children faced constant danger. They are not safe in the society. . . . We are about to delve into a whole new world. This is the beginning of a different journey, like one we've never had before.

Jenny_Phoebe_5627 · ย้อนยุค
2 Chs


  • เรตติ้งเฉลี่ย
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  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • โลก

Cerita ini cukup menarik, menggambarkan gadis yang nggak takut sama laki-laki pengganggu. Dari bahasanya jg cukup mudah utk dipahami. Semoga kedepannya bisa lebih baik lagi.. Ditunggu kelanjutannya, yaa 😄👍


Aku lihat profil kakak, ternyata banyak karya keren di genre ini. Dan di karya yang ini aku udah baca 16 bab. Aku collect semua karya kakak ya, biar jadi referensi karyaku yang baru netas. Salam santun 🙏


Biasanya yg kek gini ujung ujungnya pasti jatuh cinta sih, semoga karakter keduanya gk menye - menye. Gue belum baca yang lengkapnya juga, baru liat chafter pertama aja.


Untung lu adu argumen nya ama angel ya edwin, Klok gw yg jadi angel dah gk ajak baku hantam lu🥲 Klok sampek jadian fix bakal jadi bucin bgt lu berdua🤣


Biasanya kalo kyk gini pasti mereka bakalan jatuh cinta. Tpi bacanya juga lucu juga krna kegalakan Angel yg dia lempar buat edwin sama sekali nggak berguna.. jangan sampe menyerah, galakin aja terus si edwin 😂 sampe bikin dia kalah.


Edwin fix lu bakal klepek² nanti ama angel, semoga lu berdua pd jadian yawwww Demen bgt gw couple²an kek gini, awal nya benci malah jd cinta Di tunggu kabar baiknya😅


Honestly baru baca cerita ini, and i intrested to angel because she is have character like me kek gk mau kalah gitu lohh And i like this story><


Ya ampun, Angel.. sabar ya jadi perempuan. keknya susah banget ngelawan Edwin 😆 padahal dia jg ga banyak tingkahnya, tpi slalu menang dari Angel 😂



General Audiencesmature rating