
Last Voyage

"Last Voyage" weaves a tale of love, adventure, and sacrifice on the vast Caribbean seas. Following the footsteps of the fearless Pirate and her loyal first mate, Loike, readers embark on a journey filled with unexpected twists and unrestrained emotions. From battles on the high seas to tender moments between the protagonists, this novel transports the reader to a world of danger and passion where love conquers even the most challenging obstacles. With captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Last Voyage" is a masterpiece of adventure literature that will leave readers craving more with each turn of the page. The better experience is on Phone not on PC You can get the reading playlist on Spotify (Still In progress)

ElyandSam · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Shadows of the Past

As the Crimson Fury sliced through the waves, Meúl's unease lingered like a shadow over the ship. Despite Loike's return, a sense of foreboding weighed heavily on her mind, the nagging feeling that something sinister lurked just beyond the horizon. Many had fallen to the grasp of the sea, like her ship and crew.

The crew worked tirelessly, their movements fluid and practiced as they prepared for the journey ahead. Finn barked orders, his grizzled voice echoing in the sails and through the salty air, while Mara consulted her charts with a furrowed brow, her keen eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. She noticed an odd pattern on the horizon, though she wasn't worried, just curious about it.

Meúl prowled the deck, her steps measured and purposeful as she surveyed her crew. The weight of her responsibilities pressed down upon her shoulders, the burden of leadership bearing heavily upon her. But beneath her stoic exterior, a flicker of doubt danced in her eyes, a silent question that begged to be answered. Loike's loyalty was in play, and her crew seemed too comfortable with his erratic behavior and sudden change of morals throughout the affair.

Loike watched her from afar, his gaze lingering on her figure with a mixture of concern and longing. He knew her better than anyone, could sense the turmoil that churned within her like a tempestuous sea. But try as he might, he could not unravel the mysteries of her heart, the secrets she guarded so fiercely. His heart wanted her, but his mind was torn between what he desired and what truly made him feel loved.

As night fell and the stars emerged from their celestial hiding places, casting their ethereal glow upon the deck, Meúl and Loike found themselves drawn together once more. They stood side by side, their silhouettes outlined against the backdrop of the night sky, lost in the vast expanse of the ocean.

"Something seems to bother you, Captain," Loike spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He sighed, feeling a bit hurt remembering a familiar scenario. "I know feelings are hard to get over, but you can shake it off."

Meúl sighed, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly beneath the weight of her burdens. "I cannot shake this feeling, Loike," she confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "There is a place out there on the horizon, a shadow that threatens to engulf us all, and I don't know if I, we could handle it."

Loike reached out, his hand coming to rest gently on her shoulder. "We have faced worse odds before, Captain," he reminded her, his voice steady and reassuring. "Together, we have weathered every storm, conquered every foe. Whatever lies ahead, we will face it as we always have: together."

Meúl turned to him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of doubt. But all she found was unwavering resolve, a steadfastness that mirrored her own. In that moment, she knew that no matter how many defects she tried to find or how difficult she made it sound, the trials that awaited them, they would face them together, bound by the unbreakable bond of camaraderie and trust. But sometimes, it felt like something deeper connected them.

With a silent nod, Meúl and Loike turned their gaze back to the horizon, their hearts beating as one beneath the vast expanse of the starlit sky. For they knew that no matter how dark the night may be, the dawn would always come, heralding a new day filled with promise and possibility. And together, they would face it, one step at a time, until the shadows of the past were but a distant memory, lost to the winds of time. Meúl took the moment to put her head on Loike's shoulder and smiled, knowing that he might have his flaws, but for her, he was just perfect.

The following morning dawned bright and clear, the sun casting its golden rays across the shimmering sea. Meúl stood at the helm of the Crimson Fury, her eyes fixed upon the distant horizon, her mind racing with thoughts of the journey that lay ahead.

"Captain!!!" Finn's voice broke through her reverie, drawing her attention back to the present. "We've sighted land off the starboard bow."

Meúl nodded, her brow furrowed with concentration. "Prepare to make landfall," she commanded, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "We'll restock our supplies and take on fresh water before continuing our journey, oh, and Finn, take Blackjack for a trip out of the ship when we hit land."

As the crew sprang into action, preparing the ship for docking, Meúl and Loike exchanged a knowing glance. Despite the sense of unease that still lingered in the air, they were determined to press on, to face whatever challenges awaited them in the port. It was a trading port; what could go wrong?

The Crimson Fury made its final approach to the bustling port, the salty sea air giving way to the tantalizing scent of cooked fish wafting through the streets. Meúl stood at the bow of the ship, her eyes fixed upon the dock where merchants haggled over their wares and sailors bustled about their duties.

"We've docked, Captain," Finn called out from behind her, his voice carrying over the sound of the waves lapping against the hull.

Meúl nodded, a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins. "Prepare to disembark," she commanded, her voice echoing across the deck. "We'll restock our supplies and take on fresh water before continuing our journey."

With practiced precision, the crew sprang into action, securing the ship to the dock and lowering the gangplank with a resounding thud. Meúl led her crew ashore, her senses on high alert as they made their way through the crowded streets.

The port town bustled with activity, its narrow alleys lined with stalls selling everything from fresh produce to exotic spices. Merchants hawked their goods with loud voices, while street performers entertained the crowds with lively tunes.

But it was the smell of cooked fish that drew the crew like a siren's call, leading them down a winding alleyway to a bustling marketplace. Meúl's mouth watered at the sight of the freshly caught seafood sizzling on the grill, the savory aroma mingling with the salty sea breeze.

One by one, the crew members dispersed to take care of their respective tasks. Finn and Mara set off to replenish their supplies, while Bryn and Erik scoured the market for fresh ingredients. Sasha disappeared into the shadows, her keen eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble, and Sahara stayed at the boat serving as protection.

As for Meúl and Loike, they made their way to a nearby tavern, the enticing scent of ale and roasted meat drawing them in like moths to a flame. The tavern was dimly lit, its wooden beams creaking with the weight of centuries of history.

They took a seat at a secluded table in the corner, their backs to the wall as they surveyed the room with wary eyes. The tavern was filled with a motley assortment of patrons, their voices rising in a cacophony of laughter and conversation.

Meúl's gaze lingered on a group of rough-looking sailors huddled in the corner, their faces obscured by the shadows. Something about them set her teeth on edge, a sense of danger that prickled at the back of her neck.

"Keep an eye on them," she murmured to Loike, her voice low. She could only think that the first action of hostile forces would be to burn the whole place down or kill them on the spot.

He nodded, his expression grave. "Aye, Captain," he replied, his hand drifting to the hilt of his sword.

But before they could discuss the matter further, the tavern keeper appeared at their table, a tray of steaming food and frothy ale in hand.

"Here you are, lads and lasses," he said with a toothy grin, setting the tray down with a flourish. "Enjoy your meal."

As Meúl and Loike tucked into their food, their senses on high alert, they knew that their journey was far from over. Danger lurked around every corner, waiting to strike when least expected. But they were prepared, for they were pirates of the highest order, and nothing could stand in their way.

The evening progressed and the tavern filled with the raucous laughter of sailors and the lively chatter of locals. Meúl and Loike found themselves immersed in conversation, reminiscing about their many adventures on the high seas.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Loike regaled Meúl with the tale of the time he saved her from the clutches of a seductive siren, his voice laced with dramatic flair as he recounted the harrowing encounter.

"You remember that time we encountered that siren off the coast of Tortuga?" Loike began, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "She had you completely entranced with her song, and I had to dive into the water and drag you back to the ship before she could lure you to your doom. Besides, what exactly did it show you to follow her like a parrot to a fruit?"

Meúl chuckled, shaking her head in amusement as she recalled the incident. "It was just the guy of my dreams or just the fear of losing my crew, but yeah, I remember pretty well," she replied, her tone tinged with fondness. "I thought I was a goner for sure, but you swooped in like a hero and saved the day like always."

Their conversation soon turned to lighter topics, and Meúl found herself regaling Loike with stories of his own antics aboard the Crimson Fury. She recounted the time she caught him sleepwalking on deck, his bleary-eyed confusion as he stumbled around in the moonlight drawing laughter from both of them.

"And then there was the time you decided to have a midnight stroll on the deck," Meúl said, a teasing glint in her eye. "I found you wandering around like a lost puppy, muttering something about needing to check the rigging for ghosts."

Loike laughed, shaking his head in mock embarrassment. "I blame it on the grog," he joked, raising his tankard in a toast. "It's been known to play tricks on the mind, especially after a long night of carousing."

As they reminisced about their shared adventures, Meúl and Loike found themselves drawn closer together, their laughter mingling with the lively sounds of the tavern. In that moment, they were not captain and first mate, but simply two friends sharing stories and reveling in the camaraderie that bound them together.

And as the night wore on and the tavern buzzed with the energy of its patrons, Meúl and Loike lingered in their secluded corner, savoring each other's company and the memories of a lifetime spent at sea. For in that moment, there was nowhere else they would rather be than together, lost in the warmth of friendship and the promise of adventure that awaited them on the horizon.

Their laughter echoed through the tavern, drawing the curious gazes of other patrons who couldn't help but be captivated by the infectious joy radiating from the two pirates. Meúl and Loike were in their element, the cares of the world melting away as they basked in the comfort of each other's presence.

As the night wore on, the tavern gradually began to empty, the revelers drifting off to their beds or disappearing into the shadows of the night. But Meúl and Loike remained, unwilling to let the moment end, savoring every precious second they had together.

Eventually, the hour grew late, and the tavern keeper began to extinguish the lanterns, signaling that it was time to close. Reluctantly, Meúl and Loike rose from their seats, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that their time together was drawing to a close.

But as they stepped out into the cool night air, a sense of anticipation stirred within them, for they knew that another adventure awaited them on the horizon. And as they made their way back to the Crimson Fury, their footsteps echoing through the empty streets, they knew that no matter where their journey took them, they would always have each other by their side.


Background and Story of Foundation:

Barblooms traces its origins back to the legendary pirate captain known as Blackheart Barlow. Centuries ago, Barlow and his notorious crew terrorized the seas, plundering ships and accumulating vast wealth. However, Barlow was not content with simply hoarding treasure in hidden chests scattered across remote islands. He sought to establish a currency that would not only solidify his power but also immortalize his legacy among pirates.

Legend has it that Barlow stumbled upon a hidden trove of gold in a secluded cove, nestled amidst blooming flowers of rare and exotic varieties. This gold possessed a unique shimmer, reflecting the colors of the surrounding flora and radiating a subtle fragrance that intoxicated all who beheld it.

Inspired by this discovery, Barlow christened the gold "Barblooms" and commissioned skilled artisans to mint coins adorned with his likeness on one side and a lush bouquet of blooms on the other. These coins became the official currency of Barlow's pirate empire, symbolizing not only wealth but also the beauty and abundance of his conquests.

The legend of Barblooms spread like wildfire among pirates, and soon it became the most coveted currency on the high seas. Possession of Barblooms signified allegiance to Blackheart Barlow and his formidable crew, striking fear into the hearts of enemies and earning admiration from allies.

Though Blackheart Barlow and his crew eventually faded into myth and legend, Barblooms endured as a timeless symbol of pirate opulence and adventure. Even today, pirates seek out these rare coins, longing to possess a piece of the legendary captain's legacy and the bountiful blooms that adorned his treasure.

📃————Island info ————📃

"Whisperwind Isle."

This name captures the mystical ambiance of the island, where whispers of the past mingle with the gentle rustle of the wind through the palm trees. It's a place where secrets are exchanged in hushed tones and stories are woven into the fabric of the night. Whisperwind Isle is a haven for pirates seeking respite from the rigors of the sea, a place where camaraderie flourishes under the starlit sky and adventures are born in the flickering glow of lanterns.

Author Break: Barnacle Busting and Buccaneer Romance aboard the Crimson Fury

Ahoy there, shipmates, and welcome back to another riveting installment of "Last Voyage" aboard the Crimson Fury! But before we unfurl the sails and set course for adventure, let's address a couple of matters that have been swirling like a tempest in a teapot.

First and foremost, let's talk barnacles. Now, I know what ye might be thinking—barnacles, ye say? What's so thrilling about scraping crustaceans off the hull of a ship? Well, let me tell ye, me hearties, barnacle busting is no laughing matter! It's a task as daunting as navigating through a maze of treacherous reefs, and just as essential to keeping our trusty vessel, the Crimson Fury, sailing smoothly on her final journey.

But fear not, for our crew is as skilled at tackling barnacles as they are at hoisting the Jolly Roger. With grit and determination, they chip away at those pesky critters, ensuring that the Crimson Fury remains a swift and seaworthy vessel until the bitter end.

Now, onto a matter that's been the talk of the galley lately—the curious case of Captain Meúl and her first mate, Loike. Ye see, there be whispers among the crew that their relationship is as tumultuous as a squall at sea, yet as captivating as the siren's song. Some say there be a certain chemistry between them that's as undeniable as the pull of the tide, while others insist it's all just a storm in a teacup.

But one thing's for certain—whether they be trading barbs like old sea dogs or sharing a quiet moment beneath the stars aboard the Crimson Fury, Captain Meúl and Loike have a bond that's as unbreakable as the chains of Davy Jones' locker. So as we set sail once more on the Last Voyage, let's keep a weather eye on the horizon for barnacle busting and buccaneer romance alike. For in the world of pirates, ye never know what treasures—or troubles—lie just beyond the next wave. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

ElyandSamcreators' thoughts