
Last Voyage

"Last Voyage" weaves a tale of love, adventure, and sacrifice on the vast Caribbean seas. Following the footsteps of the fearless Pirate and her loyal first mate, Loike, readers embark on a journey filled with unexpected twists and unrestrained emotions. From battles on the high seas to tender moments between the protagonists, this novel transports the reader to a world of danger and passion where love conquers even the most challenging obstacles. With captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Last Voyage" is a masterpiece of adventure literature that will leave readers craving more with each turn of the page. The better experience is on Phone not on PC You can get the reading playlist on Spotify (Still In progress)

ElyandSam · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

A Whisper of Destiny

As the first light of dawn bathed the Crimson Fury in its golden glow, the crew began to stir from their slumber, each member rising to greet the new day in their own way. Even Blackjack the parrot started imitating Finn, saying "Get up, you scallywags!" However, while some pirates remained awake for the ship's protection, most of the non-essential crew members were allowed to sleep in.

Finn, the grizzled quartermaster, was the first to emerge on deck, his weathered face creased with lines of determination as he set about inspecting the ship's stores and provisions. With a keen eye and sharp wit, he oversaw the crew's morning tasks, ensuring that everything was in order before they set sail once more. He barked orders to those aboard and those above to check the area and, if necessary, clean.

Meanwhile, Mara, the fierce navigator, took to the ship's charts with a sense of purpose, plotting their course for the day ahead with a precision that belied her years of experience. With her sharp intellect and unwavering focus, she guided the Crimson Fury through the treacherous waters of the Caribbean, her steady hand steering them toward their next destination. She eventually thought about what she would do if she were to become a civilian, or if she could get a partner. Those questions flooded her mind, but she quickly pushed them aside and focused on her work.

Bryn, the ship's jovial cook, was already hard at work in the galley, his hearty laughter mingling with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon. With a talent for turning even the most basic ingredients into a culinary masterpiece, he prepared a hearty breakfast for the crew, fueling their bodies for the challenges that lay ahead. Even if it meant cooking with a bandage on his finger due to the burn he received.

Erik, the skilled carpenter, emerged from his workshop below deck, his hands stained with the marks of his craft as he set about inspecting the ship's hull and rigging. With quiet determination, he ensured that the Crimson Fury was in top condition, ready to weather whatever storms they might encounter on their journey. He occasionally caught his eye on a small bump in the wood and quickly got to work fixing it, slightly tearing up as he imagined the pain the ship must be in.

Sasha, the fierce swordsman, and Sahara, the ship's lookout and assassin, honed their skills with their trusty blades, practicing their swordplay with a precision that spoke of years of training and dedication. With each fluid movement, they prepared themselves for the battles that lay ahead, their focus unwavering as they honed their craft to perfection. They started a friendly duel over the starboard to finish their warm-up routine.

As the crew went about their morning routine, Meúl, adorned in her crimson coat, stood at the helm of the ship, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she contemplated their next move. Beside her, Loike leaned casually against the railing, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he looked at Meúl. But as soon as he looked away into the sea, his mind slightly drifted on the thought of the woman he used to know—whether she was still alive or if she had survived. He quickly stopped himself and looked back at Meúl, putting on a smile.

"Where to next, Captain?" Loike asked, his voice laced with curiosity as he turned to Meúl. "Any grand adventures planned for us today? Or do you perhaps want to relax and take the day off?"

Meúl glanced at him, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Aye, indeed there is a grand adventures," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "We're setting sail for the Isle of Whispers, a place rumored to hold untold treasures and secrets beyond imagining."

Loike raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the prospect. "The Isle of Whispers, you say?" he mused, his interest piqued. "I've heard tales of its wonders, but I never thought we'd have the chance to visit. Especially after the last pirate incident on the island."

Meúl nodded, her expression serious. "It won't be an easy journey, but we will make it," she admitted, her voice growing somber. "But if anyone can navigate the treacherous waters and uncover the secrets of the island, it's us."

With a determined nod, Loike straightened up, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Then let's not waste any time, I'm already excited just thinking about it," he said, a grin spreading across his face. "To the Isle of Whispers, and some well-deserved vacations."

And with that, the Crimson Fury set sail once more, its crew united in purpose and filled with excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. As they charted their course toward the horizon, Meúl and Loike shared a knowing glance, as they prepared to face whatever challenges the sea had in store.

As the Crimson Fury was cutting through the waves toward the Isle of Whispers. Meúl couldn't shake the haunting memories of her sister's disappearance, even if she was actively trying to forget about it. The pain of that fateful day still lingered, a wound that refused to heal. She couldn't help but think about what would have happened if she wasn't a kid, if she was the woman she is now—things would have changed or if her faith was still the same.

Years ago, on a peaceful evening much like this one, Meúl and her sister had been aboard their family's merchant ship, the Silver Serpent. A vessel known to be small, light, and durable, it even rivaled the best merchant boats in the whole east. As they were sailing back home after a successful trading voyage when their ship was suddenly attacked by a band of ruthless pirates.

The pirates had come out of nowhere, their black sails billowing ominously in the wind as they descended upon the unsuspecting vessel. Meúl and her sister had fought valiantly to defend their home, but in the chaos of battle, they had been separated. Meul, with her cutlass in hand and a bleeding nose, tried to free her sister from the pirate dragging her into their ship, only to get stabbed in her ribs and thrown back to the merchant ship.

Meúl had watched in horror as her sister was dragged away by the pirates, her cries for help lost in the din of battle. Despite her desperate attempts to rescue her, Meúl had been unable to reach her in time, forced to watch helplessly as the pirates sailed away into the night, taking her sister with them.

In the years that followed, Meúl had searched tirelessly for any sign of her sister, following rumors and whispers across the seas in her quest for answers. But no matter how hard she looked, her efforts had been in vain, and her sister remained lost to her, swallowed up by the vast expanse of the ocean. Even though she felt that her rib wound had healed, something else was wide open, bleeding inside of her, making the painful reminder of her failure to save her sister more than a vivid nightmare.

Now, as the Crimson Fury drew closer to the Isle of Whispers, Meúl felt a flicker of hope ignite within her chest. Perhaps this was her chance to finally uncover the truth of what had happened to her sister, to bring closure to the painful chapter of her past. To finally find her or know if she is still alive or dead.

Beside her, Loike sensed her turmoil and offered her a comforting hand. "Well, well, looks like the thought came back, aye?" Slowly walking towards her with a smile and patting her back. "We will find her, Meúl," he said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "I promise you that, on my hat and on my dignity, I will find her."

Meúl nodded, her eyes shimmering holding tears trying to keep that rough exterior of a pirate even if her heart said otherwise. "Thank you, Loike," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. "I couldn't do this without you." Slowly, her eyes couldn't hold any longer, making her eyes turn into harsh rivers and seas, holding onto Loike and crying on his chest. Loike feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing, he slowly put his arms around her, hugging her tight and letting her cry out everything she had stored for years.

Unknown to Meúl and Loike, Mara had been discreetly eavesdropping on their conversation, her sharp ears picking up every word. As the ship cut through the waves, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her captain.

Mara had always admired Meúl's strength and resilience, but she had never realized the depth of pain that lay beneath her tough exterior. The revelation that Meúl's quest to find her sister was driven by such a personal tragedy only served to deepen Mara's respect for her captain.

Sailing ever closer to the Isle of Whispers, Mara made a silent vow to do everything in her power to support Meúl in her quest. Whatever secrets the island held, Mara was determined to uncover them and help Meúl finally find the closure she so desperately sought.

Meanwhile, Meúl and Loike continued their conversation, their words a mixture of hope and uncertainty as they talked about their fears and dreams for the journey ahead. With each passing moment, their bond grew stronger, their shared determination to overcome whatever obstacles lay in their path serving as a beacon of light in the darkness.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, the crew of the Crimson Fury sailed ever onward, their hearts filled with a renewed sense of purpose. For Meúl, the journey to the Isle of Whispers was more than just a quest for answers—it was a chance to finally lay her sister's memory to rest and find peace in the midst of the stormy seas.

As the sun continued its ascent into the sky, casting a warm glow over the deck of the Crimson Fury, they all took a moment to appreciate the calm before the storm as they all took a little party on board. Meul not knowing that Mara had told most of the crew members of what she had heard, blurring out some parts. They all cheered her up, bringing back a smile on her face,

🎥—————Family Crest—————🎥

1. Family Crest: The Delacroix family, known for their seafaring legacy, proudly displays a crest featuring a crimson phoenix rising from the waves, symbolizing resilience and rebirth.

2. Seafaring Legacy: Generations of sailors and traders make up the Delacroix family lineage, renowned for their navigational prowess and intimate knowledge of the sea.

3. Sisterly Bond: Meúl and her younger sister, Isabeau, shared an inseparable bond since childhood. Their relationship was marked by laughter, adventure, and unwavering support for one another.

4. Isabeau's Talents: Isabeau possessed exceptional musical talent, captivating the crew with her melodic voice and skillful violin playing. Her music had a magical quality, bringing joy and solace to all who heard it.

5. Navigational Expertise: While Meúl was the fearless leader, Isabeau possessed an innate sense of direction and an uncanny ability to navigate even the most perilous waters. Her navigational skills earned her the nickname "The Sea Whisperer."

6. Shared Dreams: Meúl and Isabeau dreamed of captaining their own ship together, embarking on daring adventures and exploring the farthest corners of the world. Their shared dream fueled their passion for adventure and discovery.

7. Partners in Adventure: From childhood escapades to daring rescues on the high seas, Meúl and Isabeau were an unstoppable team. Their courage and determination knew no bounds, inspiring admiration and respect from all who knew them.

8. Family Legacy: The Delacroix family's legacy of honor and tradition was a source of pride for both sisters, driving them to uphold the family name with every voyage they undertook.

9. Tragic Loss: The disappearance of Isabeau at the hands of pirates was a devastating blow to Meúl and the entire Delacroix family. It left a void in Meúl's heart that could never be filled, fueling her quest for answers and justice.

10. Memorial Tribute: In honor of Isabeau's memory, Meúl wears a pendant around her neck—a delicate silver locket containing a lock of Isabeau's hair and a small portrait of the two sisters together. It serves as a poignant reminder of their unbreakable bond and the adventures they shared as children.

☎️———Special mention!!!———☎️

Loike's Melancholy Antidote: Whenever Meúl is feeling melancholic or burdened by the weight of her past, Loike has a unique way of lifting her spirits. He's mastered the art of crafting paper boats and setting them adrift on the calm waters near the ship, each one carrying a heartfelt message of encouragement or a fond memory shared between them. Meúl finds solace in watching the paper boats dance across the waves, their simple beauty a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is light and hope to be found.

Author Break: The Quirks and Challenges of the High Seas!

Ahoy, mateys! As we continue our swashbuckling tale aboard the Crimson Fury, let's take a moment to delve into some intriguing facts and challenges of life on the high seas. From the enigmatic Captain Meúl to the art of reloading cannonballs, there's always something new to discover on our maritime adventure!

Meet Captain Meúl: The Heart of the Crimson Fury!

Our fearless captain, Meúl, is no stranger to adversity. With a heart as fiery as her crimson coat, she leads her crew with unwavering determination and a fierce loyalty to her sister, Isabeau. But behind her steely exterior lies a tender soul haunted by the memory of her lost sibling.

From battling pirates to navigating treacherous waters, Meúl's resilience knows no bounds. But even the strongest captains have their moments of vulnerability, and it's up to her trusty crew to lift her spirits when the seas grow stormy.

Cannonballs and Chaos: The Art of Reloading!

Now, let's talk about the not-so-glamorous side of pirate life: reloading cannonballs! While it may seem like a simple task, it's actually quite the art form requiring skill, precision, and a steady hand.

Picture this: the Crimson Fury is locked in a heated battle with a rival ship, cannonballs flying left and right as the crew scrambles to defend their vessel. In the midst of the chaos, our intrepid sailors must work quickly to reload the cannons, ensuring they have enough firepower to outmatch their adversaries.

But here's the catch: reloading cannonballs is no easy feat! It involves hauling heavy ammunition across the deck, carefully loading each cannon, and securing it in place before the next barrage of enemy fire. And let's not forget the deafening roar and fiery explosion that follows each shot—a true test of nerves for even the bravest buccaneers!

So, the next time you find yourself aboard a pirate ship, spare a thought for the hardworking crew members who keep the cannons blazing and the sails billowing. It may not be glamorous, but it's all part of the thrilling adventure that awaits on the high seas!

And with that, let's raise a toast to Captain Meúl and her valiant crew as they continue their quest for treasure and triumph aboard the Crimson Fury. Until next time, fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

ElyandSamcreators' thoughts