
Last time to love you

What if the perfect life you had was limited but you didn't even know it?

TeddybearFelix · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

A deal to be made

Dedicated to The_FantasyLoverxX

Nadine's POV

"Wake up sleepy head." The person was attempting to wake me up by grabbing my pillow.thay was somewhat hard. "No my pillow." I was pulling the hard back to me. "Nadine you need to get up." I groaned as the person kept trying to pull my pillow away from me. "No!" I held onto the pillow tighter. "Look here kitten as much as I love this position I need to go use the bathroom." The voice said in my ear. I opened my eyes to see that the hard pillow I holding close was my player of a mate so I reacted quickly by letting go and rolling away from him only to hit the ground. "Ow." He laughs at me and comes to help me up. "Am I that bad for you to be near?" He smirked looking at me." I rolled my eyes. "Yes actually you are. I bet you are just a walking STD." He smirked. "How do you know that? You don't even know the first thing about me." I rolled my eyes. "Your sister told me all I needed to know. So yeah you are indeed a walking STD." I walked away from him. "How about we make a deal?" He said walking into the bathroom. " Okay what is it?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Hangout withe and give me a chance to prove that I'm not what Dani told you I was." I was shocked at what he said. "Really?" He nodded. "Okay but if you fail to I get to reject you." He rolled his eyes. "But when I win I get to mate with you and make you carry our pup." I looked at the boy crazily. "Ok Mr. Cocky hope you're ready to get rejected." We shook hands. "Oh I'm ready to have a pup." "It's a deal that only one of us will win." He says. "Of course but like all I make it'll be me." I say knowingly. "Whatever you want me to believe kitten."