
Last time to love you

What if the perfect life you had was limited but you didn't even know it?

TeddybearFelix · Fantasy
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A day to celebrate

Nadine's POV

"Happy birthday to you sweet Nadine.. Happy birthday to you." They sang as I blew the candles. "So now you can find your mate. " My best friend Dani ruffles my already tangled up hair. "I know but I don't think they will like me after all." I sighed only to earn a slap to the back of my head. "Nadine James I will not accept that kind of attitude from you." She looked at me seriously. "I know but I'm in my goddess forbid mid-20's! My mate for all you know is probably dead and never to be found again." I sigh as I get up. "Thanks for everything guys but I'm going to head out for a run." I left the house and shifted into my yellow furry wolf. "To the usual spot." I began to run to our spot by the lake only catch the scent of vanilla ice cream and strawberries. "Mate!" Misty was running towards the scent only to jump on a man who was unaware of what was going on. "Gah!" We made him fall on his back as we licked and his face and sucked on his neck. "Why hello there beautiful mate. Can you shift for me?" I get off of him and shift back to my original form. "Hi I'm Nadine James of the Storm pack and you are?" I say putting  on a shirt to cover my body. "Carter Lee Winters, leading alpha of the bloody rose pack."  He kissed my hand. "You need to meet the pack and my parents." He agreed and we walked there it seemed as if everyone was surprised. "Hey guys I found my mate." Dani came up to us. "It's about damn t... Carter is that you?" Dani hugged him making me confused. "You guys know each other?" They nodded. "Carter's my brother." Dani simply told me. "Wait he's your brother the one who plays girls and all that?" She nods. "But he's not going to be like that anymore now that he has you." I shake my head and started running. "Why goddess of all people you gave me a player." I cried out in anger. "There you are." A voice said. "Look here buddy just because we're mates doesn't give you the right to play me like one of those girls. I'm your mate which means I am your equal." He rolled his eyes. "And here I thought you were going to be likeable I thought wrong." I scoffed at him. "Whatever Gameboy." He chuckled. "Gameboy?" I nodded. "That's my nickname for you. "He smirked. "I'd that's the case then I will call you angel."I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever floats your boat Gameboy." I walked away from him."