
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 7


We were all driving at full speed, trying our best to reach them on time, worries were written all over our faces. We are trying to track X's car and we have already passed on two cars that had crashed on our way, a sign that we're close to them.

We were astounded by what we saw, X's car was flipped over. I went out of the van as soon as we parked and check if they have escaped. All I saw was an empty car while the driver's seat was covered with blood. I assumed this must have been X's but where are they?

They must have had a hard time trying to outrun those who are chasing them earlier. I know my sister's skill was enough to do something and get away from this kind of situation but it will be hard for her because she was not alone and she has prioritized Violet's safety.

The car's window cracked and broken glasses are scattered everywhere.

This was a forest road, they must have hidden there.

"They're not here. We will try to look in the forest, they must be in there. We need to find them quick, I can tell that Xandra's wounded!" I shouted.

I noticed that there was no trace of blood for us to know where they went. I think X managed to stop the bleeding so they can't be followed.

We tried to look in the forest. We were all calling out their names.

We have reached the middle of the forest yet we didn't see them.

They shouldn't have gotten further, not in X's case. They must be here somewhere...

I tried to think of the circumstances, of where would they be if they were in that kind of situation.

I take a look around and noticed a big tree, my hopes grew that they might be hiding there, as I got close the only person I saw was Violet sat, her arms around her knees. I walk closer and mention her name. She looked up at me, I spotted blood on her forehead, I assume she got it from the car accident.

I examine her body and I was relieved when I don't see any injuries.

She just looks at me and trying to process everything. She must have had trouble with what just had happened to her. I reach her level and hold her face, "You're safe now."

Her eyes widen.

She hugged me and started to cry.

"Xandra told me to run... I didn't want to but she pushed me away." She utter while weeping.

Thoughts have started to run into my mind.

"What are you talking about? Where's X?" I asked. She looks at me confused.

"I left her in the car. She wanted me to escape alone because she got herself stuck inside." She explained. "Have you seen her?" She asked.

I just saw the car was flip over... I wanted to say that to her but I have to think about how and what would she feel about it. Especially, she's in a sensitive condition.

Fear took over me. She's not there. Where could she be? I wanted to think that she has able to escape but the possibility was negative mainly because of how Violet's description when she saw her last time.

But I still hope she got herself out.

"Dwayne, take Violet to the mansion and guard her." I lead her to Dwayne. Violet look at me with worry plastered on her face. I gave in a smile for her to calm her down.

"We'll find my sister," I assure her.

"Grey, can I go with you instead?" Dwayne asked. I looked at him. He must've been terrified for X's life more than all of us. He loved her more than anyone else.

"Zeek go back to the mansion with Lore and Violet. I'm taking Nutriel and Dwayne with me, we'll keep looking." I announced.

Violet and the others went out of the forest.

"Nutriel, I want you to go back to the van and tell the alarm squad to activate X's tracking device."

Good thing we brought a car and a van. The van was fully equipped that we will be needing in finding her.

Dwayne and I tried a different rotation. It'll be faster to find her.

The van was fully equipped and it'll be perfect for our mission to find my sister.

After an hour, we still weren't able to see her.

Nutriel came back and tell me updates.

Since X was kidnapped for 6 years ago, we have decided to plant a tracking device on our bodies. We entrusted it with the alarm squad - a squad that is trained and worthy enough to know our location where we are. They just need to activate it and they can track us down. That is why we kept their identity hidden, they are anonymously moving in our shadows.

X and I have been estranged from each other from when we were young until now, but she's still my sister.

We have to know who was behind this car chase. They must have been waiting for Violet. But I already have someone in mind, the Sinister.

"They are having a hard time tracking her down, but they are progressing we just need to wait for their updates." He said. We lose hope of finding her here, I decided to go to the headquarters for a meeting. We need to be prepared for a rescue mission.

We walk our way back to the van when Dwayne notice a message was sent to us.

It was a video clip.



I have woken up in a dimly lighted room. I don't know how to explain the pain that I am feeling, my head hurts so bad, I noticed that I was tied to a wooden chair. I went hysterical!

The last thing I remember was when I passed out inside the car. They must have caught me.

Where Am I? I look around when a skinny, nerdy-looking, man appeared.

"You have awakened already. What a tough woman, imagine this, if we ever met to different circumstances you'll be my type." He said. Like as if I'm gonna let him hit on me.

"Who are you?" I dryly asked. How disappointing... this kind of guy had caught me.

"I'm Trench, well, I'm just starting from this kind of business but yeah, this seems fun." He psychotically laughs.

"So, tell me, what's your group name?" I humorously asked.

"Trench Organization." He proudly stated.

That made me want to laugh.

"So, you name an organization second to your name?" I chuckled. "No offense, but that doesn't make you look stupid? I mean, who would name their organization second to the founder, do you think you're in a business industry where cutting ribbons happened?" I released a loud laugh. So, this stupid guy was behind this car chase?

"Well, that was supposed to be, for me to be known in an underground business." He irritatingly said.

"Known by the police? If you'll be teaching and train your members, they'll absorb your great idea on the step of how to be stupid." I could not stop holding my laughter after I said that.

"Are you insulting me?" He anxiously asked.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 25." He said.

"Look, this wouldn't work for you. You'll get yourself easily killed and tracked with that kind of mindset." I seriously said.

I suddenly felt a sting on my right, my wound is not yet treated. It seems that he noticed my reaction.

"Of course we're not stupid to give you a VIP treatment here. Plus why would we want to treat you if you'd end up getting killed." He laughed close to my face.

I stay quiet. This guy is annoyingly stupid and unreasonable.

"We are striving to reach the top. Well, your clan was well-known for being the most successful, that's why we went there to get you." He proudly informed me.

That explains why they did what other big organizations would never dare to do. My fault I let my guard down from this kind of organization - what a great idea to get yourself killed and tracked by a larger organization.

I cuss because of frustration.

Low IQ people grasping for success without thinking thoroughly.

"Have you ever tried applying for a brain? I think you badly need one." I irritatingly stated.

"Beat her up!" He angrily ordered. 4 well-built men appeared in the scene.

A man punches me on my right face, I experience tinnitus from that strong blow.

I tried to keep myself steady and wait for it to stop. I didn't give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

"Tough, huh?" A guy sarcastically said.

"I will leave you with her! The nerve of that woman to insult me in front of my men..." Their boss left after saying that.

"You would be great in bed." A guy was holding my face and admiringly look at me, I spit on his face as a reply and I received a slap back.

A guy at my back pulled my hair hard that caused me to release a scream. I close my eyes harder to compress my pain to myself. I felt like my scalp is being removed.

I was still getting used to the pain when I felt a strong blow, I stop breathing for a moment and started to gasp for some air. They have kicked my stomach. I was coughing my blood.

These pains are diverting my attention away from my gunshot wound.

They didn't stop there yet they all started to beat me up and punch my face.

My vision started to lessen and blurred.

This reminds me of what I have experienced years ago.

Another punch was received by my face and I'm seeing blood in my vision.

I never thought that I would be back from this, where I couldn't do anything to protect myself, but I hope I could get away from this case the second time around.