
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 6


What just happened back there was intense. They are willing to kill Dwayne for Grey's sake.

"I know that what just happened shocked you. But, they're just doing their job to protect this family. You have to understand that." Xandra told me and drove.

What shocked me more was when Dwayne entered the scene and pointed his gun at Grey. Like, they are friends! And how can Xandra explain this situation to me as if this is completely normal?

They were all completely different people back there. I knew Xandra is fearless, but there, I didn't know that she can do that. I never imagine anything like that to happen in front of me in my entire life.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your mind," Xandra said and look at me.

"I am a mafia, they all call me X short for Xandra of course." She said laughing.

"You and Grey... how are two related?" I asked.

"He's my twin brother." I was surprised!

"What?!" I asked. "How come?!" she chuckled at my reaction.

"Back there, he's ready to kill you!" I bolted out.

She just laughs and pauses for a moment.

"It is stated to the rules... I understand, why he acted that way." She took a glimpse of me and back at the road.

"We're not a normal family, Vi. We're all complete monsters in human form. When I was young, I kill for fun. It became our habit, we're amazed at how powerful we are, taking someone's life was fun. You can't blame us, that is how we were taught. We were given this feeling of satisfaction we never thought was wrong. We need to learn it and live by it." she seriously said.

That was tough. I felt pity for her, they have to get used to living in that kind of household.

"What was the rule he's talking about?!" I curiously asked.

The rule that you must protect and nurture the first child of the leader of the clan. They believe that the first child will always be the strongest, but that doesn't seem believable, right?" She chuckled.

"Because I know to myself that we're not the first." I got confused by what she has said.

"My father was madly in love with a woman back then, rumors have spread that my father had a child with that woman but my mom has entered his life and they got married, of course, it is for power, great power means great wealth. After all, it is all about money." I intently listened to her.

"When my mom found out about the first-child - of course, for her, it'll be a great humiliation because they live by the rules. She ordered to search for the child-" her voice cracked. That must have been hard for her.

"His name was Luis, he was prisoned in our basement. I found out that he's 3 years older than me and he was nice. He was often underfed but I always find a way to give him food. He was there for two weeks, I could say that we were pretty close, he treated me as his younger sister, unlike Grey who does not even talk to me. One day, we were playing in the basement and my mom went there, he told me to hide since I was forbidden to talk to him, and he wasn't allowed to have someone accompany him like he was brought there to suffer at the age of 9. I was just watching them, she looked at him disgustingly. The worst thing was I have witnessed the only person whom I got comfortable with for the first time get killed - my mom shot him in the head... I didn't know what to do." Tears started falling from her eyes. What monstrous person can do that? Killing an innocent child because of power?

I hold her hand and squeezed it to calm her down. I just let her sob and make her feel that I will be there for her. I didn't say anything because I wasn't in her shoes to talk about it.

Silence has wrapped us both.

I can't imagine the life she had suffered from. It was like living in hell when you're still alive. How did she manage to endure that kind of pain?

"Get my gun inside the compartment box." She ordered.

"What?" I was puzzled by what she said.

I heard a gunshot at the back of the car.

I look at the back and saw 3 cars were following us. My eyes widen, fear took over me.

"Vi, get my gun!" Xandra shouted. I heard multiple gunshots.

Xandra keeps on driving and cussing at the same time. We were in great danger!

I got my senses back and took the gun out. How was this supposed to help us?!

Xandra took the gun in my hand.

She put her window down and fires at the cars. She's trying to aim at their wheels but they were too fast to avoid it.

"Press the alarm button!" She commanded. I saw a button with an exclamation mark sign and press it.

"What is that supposed to do?!" I shouted.

I heard multiple gunshots that I can't even hear myself talking.

"An alarm button to notify Grey that we're in danger." She drove full speed.

We just keep on routing for our escape. "We'll get out of this." she calmly said.



They both left the mansion.

"Dude, I'm sorry." Dwayne approached me and apologized.

I tapped his shoulder. "I know that you don't have loads in your gun."

Dwayne can be clumsy sometimes, he often forgets to put it on safety and he accidentally fires his gun that's why I knew that he always removed his loads. He just tried to scare the hell out of me.

Now, I know that he's willing to sacrifice himself and our friendship to protect my sister when it comes to her being in a life and death situation.

I wanted to be alone and clear my mind.

I left them there, dumbfounded.

I decided to go to my office and sat on my chair. I relaxed my back and close my eyes for a second.

I felt really bad about what happened. I once again break my sister's happiness. I let my monster take over me that night, I lived by the privilege and power I possessed. I wasn't thinking right.

My phone rang and I answered the call.

"Sir, an alarm signal went off from X's car. We were tracking her down," This is our emergency squad member talking.

"What's happening?" I frowned.

"As of now, X's car was being followed by 3 cars. They are firing at her." She stated.

"Tell me where exactly they are and we'll get her back up." I hurriedly went out of my office and called my staff.

"X and Violet are being followed. They are firing at them, we need to go there for back up." I announced.



I can't mislead them. I'm concerned about Violet who is now trying her best not to stress me out. Thankfully, she's not screaming her lungs out.

I tried my best to aim at their tires but they are too fast to keep away from it.

This is too difficult. I'm driving while trying to focus on the road to prevent us from getting into an accident.

I can't trust Vi in this situation, I have to do this alone.

They are trying to go faster to block our way but I won't let them.

"Can you control the steering wheel?" I asked Vi. She looks at me with her face telling me that she will do anything to help me.

I pulled my head out and started firing at them. I'm running out of bullets and I can't waste any more bullets. I decided to pull out my half body to have better aiming and told Violet my plan. She needs to take over, help is not yet here and I'm starting to lose hope.

Violet started to take over and I'm trying to focus on them when I felt a hot liquid on my right stomach. I got shot, I tried to put pressure on my wound to stop the bleeding.

I continued to fire until one of their cars stopped running. I must have hit their tire.

"Violet just focus on the road. You can do this!" I shouted. I took out the magazine and saw that I only have 2 bullets, I have to do this, right, at least I can reduce them by one. I think we can handle one car to follow us in my condition.

I tried to focus and it took me 2 bullets to flatten the other one's tire.

I went back inside. "Oh my god! You got shot!" Violet shockingly said.

She became dazed and did not focus on the road that caused the car to whirl around, I tried to control the steering wheel but I can't. The car rollover, the airbag went off and the windows cracked. I wasn't thinking about me that time, all I was thinking about was Violet.

The car stopped rolling, Violet went unconscious but I tried to wake her up.

I felt relieved when I saw her opened her eyes.

"Listen to me, you have to go. Run as fast as you can." I urge her to go without me. I got myself stuck and I can't move my legs.

"Let's go!" Violet tried to pull me but it causes me to scream in agony.

"You have to leave alone, go without me, now run!" I push her out of the car.

But she's still hesitating, "I SAID GO!!!" I yelled.

I won't expect myself to get away here alive.

But all I wanted now is for her to escape.

"Keep running and don't look back," I whimpered and passed out.

It would be great to hear your thoughts, I'm open to suggestions. Please help me make this better and bigger! Thank you very much!

I will try my best to publish a chapter a day! You can look forward to it.

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