
joshua hong

"Ah! I can't do this! " You groaned in frustration and threw the book across the room. You've been trying to study as you have finals in a couple of days.

"Babe? You okay? I heard some screaming "

You turn around and see your Boyfriend Joshua leaning against the door frame.

You were so busy trying to relieve your anger that you forgot Joshua was right in the living room watching some anime.

You've been together for a year and you moved in together a month ago.

"Ah I'm sorry! And yes I'm okay babe! "

You were embarrassed and you turn around.

He picks up the book which you threw away, grabs a chair and sits beside you.

"You should rest"

He ruffles your hair, knowing it's your weakness.

You almost fall into his trap but then realise you've wasted a lot of time whining and should get back to studying right away .

"You should go to bed shua, I'll study some more and come to bed. "

"Okay but don't stay up too late"

He gives you the book and was about to leave but your stomach starts grumbling.

"Wait you're hungry? "

"Umm not really, you should go sleep"

You try to assure Him.

But your stomach grumbles again.

"That's it, close your book! Let's eat something and you're going to sleep. "

"Joshua but-"

He cuts you off. "No buts, you can study tomorrow. "

You weren't saying anything so he closed your book and lifted you in his arms in bridal style.

"This Is what happens when you don't listen. "

He carries you to the kitchen and places you on the counter.

"What do you wanna eat? "

"can I have an ice cream? "

You pout.

"No, you'll get sick, it's really cold outside. "

Such a cute and caring boyfriend ah! You thought to yourself .

"Ice cream is made of milk, you should have milk which will also help you to sleep"

He suggests.

"Okay milk it is"

You keep staring at him while he warms the milk.

"Why are you staring at me? "

"Can't I stare at my gorgeous boyfriend? "

"Ofcourse you can"

He winks and walks up to with milk in his hands.

You drink it all in one go cause you were THAT hungry.

Joshua laughs.

'What? "

He shakes his head.

You give him a confused look and he laughs again.

He leans in and kisses you.

You put the mug aside and wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

His hands travel down your waist to your ass, squeezing them.

(Sorry I'm very uncomfortable in writing smut so I'mma just stop here)

He pulls away, breathing heavily.

" You had some milk on your lips"

He rests his forehead on yours trying to catch his breath.


Next time you'll drop the milk on whole whole body . You made a note to yourself.

"Let's go sleep"