
Jinyoung (got7)

I lay on my bed sinking into the emptiness I feel inside me. I cannot say I'm sad. I don't even have a reason to be .I don't even feel it . But I'm not happy either. I'm just there. I just exist. What's the point of living when you have no purpose to live for?

As I lay there getting number as the thoughts process in my head , I hear a knock on the door. Must be my roommate, Jinyoung.

"yeah, come in" i state blankly not even moving.

He comes in and notices my strange behaviour . He pouts and closes the door behind him. He knows about my mental shit and probably knows this is one of those days when I don't want to exist.

He comes and lays down beside me. He doesn't say anything. He just lays beside me assuring me he's here for me. We stay like that for a while . I love the silence. It's comforting , and with jinyoung beside me ? I love it.

I really like the relationship we have , we're Best friends, to be honest kinda more than Best fri