
Han Jisung

Han FF

"Hey are you and han dating?"

"Are you han's gf?"

"You and han were spotted together, are y'all dating?"

I tried to ignore them as much as possible but some annoying reporters were shoving their mics on my face .

So I finally answered

"No we're not. I don't deserve him"

I've been feeling so low lately maybe I was out of my mind for saying all this .

"He's a great person! He's caring, funny and lovely. He doesn't such a loser like me. Hes so talented and he deserves someone like him . Not me"

I regret those words . Ah I shouldn't have said what's really in my heart .

"Ofcourse you don't deserve him loser" I hear someone saying it and I lose it.

I run away from there.

I keep running in the direction of my house. It's probably a mile away but I don't really wanna take the bus and face humans Right now so I run.

I reach home in like 20 minutes and collapse on my bed .

There's a photo of me and han on the table stand beside my bed.

I hold it in my hands admiring the perfect person in the photo.

Yes I do like him.

Infact I like him a lot.

But yes as I told I don't even deserve to like him.

I hold the photo to my chest and cry for a bit.

I lay down and stay that way.

Suddenly the door bursts open and angry Han walks in.

"What the fuck !!"

He walks up to my bed .

"Why the fuck did you say that!! I mean how could-"

He stops mid sentence.

he sighs and sits in front of me

He lifts up my face and wipes the tears on my face.

He holds my face in his palm and looks at me like he's seen a lost puppy wandering for a home.

He pulls me to his chest and rests his chin on my head while his hands caress my back.

I sense his hand move and take something from the bed.

His heartbeat races and I hear his breathing getting heavy.

I pull away and see our photo in our hand.

Before I could say something he placed the photo back on the stand and stood up.

"Come let's go"

He says and puts his hand forward for me to take it.

"Hannie where?"

"Just come "

I take his hand and stand up.

"Okay let's go"

He stops me

"No wait"

Huh? Did he have a change of decision?

He takes me in front of the mirror and makes me sit

"Just a minute" he says and leaves

I almost scream when I look at myself in the mirror .

My hair is a mess , my tears have dried up making some weird patches on my face while the Kajal is all smudged.

Han comes back with a wet cloth and wipes my face.

"Han I'll do it" I try to take the cloth from him but he kept pushing away my hand.

"Done , now the last thing"

He takes the brush from the table and brushes my hair .

He looks into the mirror and thinks something.

"Ah ! Yes!"

He opens his bag and takes out a cute hairband.

"I bought it for you when I went out with the boys"

"That's so sweet hanniee! Thank youuuu" I smile at him and look back at myself adjusting the hairband.

"Let's take a selfie"

Han suggests and takes out his phone .

He puts on a cute cat filter on snapchat and we take some photos.

"Okay done! Let's go"

He grabs my hand and pulls me out.

Soon we're out of my apartment.

He calls for a taxi and we get it.

He looks at me

"You hungry?" He asks .

"Ummm maybe... Yesss"

He laughs and turns away .

The drive was short .

We arrive at a street food area.

"So what do you wanna eat?" He asks

"Honestly , everything" I honestly answer.

I look around to see many couples here.

"What are we waiting for then?"

He smiles and takes my hand.

We try every type of food. Sweet, sour, spicy.

Can't blame us.

We love food.

It's already 6:30pm.

"I have somewhere else to take you."

" Okay." I don't ask him where cause to be honest I'd go wherever he took me.

He calls for a cab again and we get in.

"Han river please"

I turn to look at him with wide eyes.

"I know you love that place at night"

Wow he remembers. I blush thinking that someone actually remembers what I like.

The radio was playing some of the best songs and we couldn't help ourselves but have a mini concert in the cab. Poor driver.

We reach the river and as soon as I get out of the cab I regret not wearing a jacket.

Ah it's fine.

Cold doesn't bother me anyway.

Lmao I'm not Elsa.

"Wanna have ice cream?"

Han asks and I shamelessly agree.

We both take chocolate cones.

We sit by the bench eating our ice cream in silence.

I turn to look at him and he's already looking at me.

Me being the weird ass ,I offer him my ice cream.

I mentally slap myself but he takes happily takes a bite from mine.

I blush and look away.

"Hey show me our photos"

He takes out his phone and hands it to me.

I open the lock as I know his passcode.

His wallpaper is a picture of us from today.

It's the one we took at the street food area.

It's the one han took while feeding me .

We kinda look like a couple tho.

Cause both of us wore black from top to bottom.

You know like couple things?

"Yah open it fast, I wanna seee toooooo"

Wow was I staring too long?

I open the photos and start scrolling through our photos.

If anyone would see this , they would surely think we were a couple.

There was photos of us acting cute and weird. I love the weird ones tho.

There was one where we had our tongues out and eyes closed. God I love it.

We laugh looking at others .

"Let's go for a walk?" I suggest and Han agrees.

Suddenly Han sighs and I ask "whats wrong Hannie?"

"I like you !!"he covers his face .

What? Han likes me? I need moment for this to sink in.

"I'm sorry I shouldnt have-"

"I like you !!!"

I blurt out.

And Han looks at me with wide eyes.

He holds my hand and looks me in the eye.

"I had so much fun today with you. I Mean I have fun Everytime we're together and I really love it. I know you think you don't deserve me or something but honestly please don't think that. You might need some time for yourself right noww and I'll wait. I swear I'll wait but jus-"

I cut him off by kissing him.

His lips are so cold probably because of the cold weather and I'm sure mine are too.

We pull away . He brings his hand up to face and pulls me in again.

We kiss till we go breathless.

"So.... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Han."