
Kor-El of Krypton

Corey Graves died the same night that he finally started to turn things around. He had finally found a stepping point to get out of the pit that he dug himself in. Unfortunately fate had different plans, and it involved making sure that he ended up starting a new life instead as the form of a baby Kryptonian. Not only that, but he was also the big brother of the unborn Kal-El! Now Corey, or rather, Kor-El must navigate across the DC Universe and hope that he doesn't die again prematurely.

Cylon_4 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
5 Chs

Chapter 2

[9 Years Later]

'It's...time..' Kor thought as he heard his mother's cries of pain and effort. He was seated outside of the incubation chamber that had at one point been used to grow children. It was the personal laboratory of Jor-El, where his secret project to save Krypton's legacy was housed. For 9 long years, he tried to warn the populace, to warn Krypton's government of it impending doom. Yet each time that he did, he was ignored more and more to the point it just seemed like they didn't even care anymore. Kor-El believed his father, he's seen Krypton be destroyed at least 3 times with only the third time being because of watching Man of Steel. Just when he was about to reminiscence about his past life, the sounds of his mother screaming echoed through the door once again. He grimaced, already not liking the sound of those wails. Her cries of pain and effort were silenced however when a smaller wail was made.

'This is it, when he's born.' Kor thought as he looked to the closed door blocking him from entering the room. He waited a moment, then another, and another. Until the door slid open to reveal his father holding onto his baby brother. Kor stared at the baby as it slept soundly, it resembled their father more than he did. Kor resembled their mother more, though not in the same mindset unfortunately.

"Come meet your baby brother Kor, Kal-El." Jor called over, and watched as Kor approached him slowly. The boy's eyes were wide with anticipation, looking down into the baby face of Kal. A thought crossed his mind about whether or not he should change how Kal thought. Then he pushed the thought aside, not wanting to get into that rabbit hole quite yet. Kor reached out with a hand, and poked Kal's chubby baby cheek. Jor chuckled to himself, before looking behind Kor to see K'Lex coming over in robot form.

"The Science Council is demanding your presence, master." K'Lex informed, causing the man to begin to frown knowing full well what this was about. He looked to Kor now and gently handed Kal to him. Then he placed a hand on his son's shoulder before giving him a knowing look. Not long after, he walked around Kor heading and leaving the chamber with K'Lex right behind him. Kor watched his father leave before turning his gaze down to the still sleeping form of Kal-El in his arms. He continued to stare down at his baby brother, wondering what he was going to think of him once he was older.

Kor then turned his attention over to his mother Lara, who laid in a bed and breathed deeply. Kor walked over to his mother with Kal in his grasp, once he was beside her, he sat down to show his baby brother to her. Lara's eyes were closed, her breathing labored, and her body looking weakened. Even so, her eyes fluttered open to peer down at her newborn son. A small weakened smile curled onto her lips as she gazed into her son's face. She moved her arms slowly, wishing to hold the newborn baby. Though reluctantly due to her weakened state, Kor handed Kal over to his mother. He watched her cradle Kal and continued to stare into his face.

"Where did...your father go?" Lara asked slowly to Kor, who sent her an odd look. For a moment he didn't answer, but did so eventually.

"The Science Council wanted to meet with him, I think it's about the state of our planet's core." Kor replied, and watched his mother look to him with a knowing look. She too was aware of what was going to happen to their planet. Jor-El, his father, had made sure to keep them in his tightly nit circle of trust along with Zor-El and his family. The plans had already been made and the escape pods were already prepared. All that they were waiting on was for Jor-El's word.

"What do you think of your little brother, Kor?" Lara asked as she turned her gaze back to Kal. She watched as the newborn Kryptonian slowly opened his eyes and cooed up at her. A radiant smile came over her lips as she began to breast feed him like she did for Kor when he was at that age.

"Well...he's chubby?" Kor said unsure as to what he should say. Quite frankly he didn't have this overprotective nature to protect his little brother. It was more like he felt estranged towards him, one could say that may have been because Kor wasn't suppose to exist. Another could say that it's because he had a more...realistic mindset.

"Chubby?" Lara questioned, then let an amused chuckle leave her lips as she shook her head. She looked to Kor and let out a sigh to him before looking back to Kal. "Yes, he is indeed chubby Kor. I was hoping for you to say something sentimental about him, rather than that."

Kor shrugged as he allowed a slight smile come to his lips. He then turned his gaze unto his little brother once again. Seeing that the newborn was staring at him with a gleam of childlike wonder. It was adorable to say the least as Kal's cooing was turned onto Kor. Though the young Kryptonian teen was aware that Kal would one day grow up and become Superman. Now all he could do was wonder where he fit in that part of the baby's future.

K'Lex returned, hovering quickly towards the trio. Kor looked to K'Lex and noticed that it was flashing with an incoming message. With a frown, he turned to K'Lex and nodded for the robot to play the message. Immediately, a holographic form of Jor-El's head appeared before him. He had a saddened look on his face before he began to speak.

"Lara, Kor...it's time. K'Lex already knows what to do, all you need do is follow the instructions. I'm already on my way as we speak. I will be there as soon as I can!" K'Lex finished playing the message, then turned to do what was instructed to him. Kor had a blank expression as he watched K'Lex go, he turned to see Lara staring at him with a sad smile. She nodded to him before gesturing for him to go as she held Kal. Kor slowly nodded and turned to leave the chamber. He was heading for the hastily built hanger for where the escape pod were. All he could think about was if could have changed anything with the short time that he's lived on Krypton. If he were reborn to actually save Kryptonians...or to make sure that they all died.

[2 Hours Later]

Kor could be seen suiting up in his House of El attire. Unlike Kal's blue, red, and gold attire for the future, Kor's was midnight black with a gray cape, silver "S" symbol on his chest. He had chrome like bands wrapped around his wrists as well as chrome like boots that he wore on his suit. He was doing a systems check on the pod that he and Kal was going to occupying. It had a seat big enough for Kor to be seated in, with a small bed for Kal positioned in front of his seat. Kal continued to coo as Lara stood by his side looking over him with a warm smile. She caressed the baby's head rather gently, before the sound of rushing footsteps caused her to look at the door to the hanger. Kor did so as well and tensed up, he was expecting Zod to burst in or something of the like. After all he remembered from the Man of Steel movie that Zod came in while Jor and Lara were about to send Kal away.

To his relief, it was Jor rushing in coming to help with the finishing touches on the pod. Jor jogged over to Lara and gave her a hug, then he gave Kor a hug as well before placing his hands on his son's shoulders. He stared at Kor for a moment before giving the teen's shoulders a slight squeeze.

"Kor, my son, I wish that I was able to see you grow up into the fine man that you will become. You and your brother are so special, so much so that I sometimes envy you for the independence that the both of you are born with. You've already shown us what you are capable of. Your great potential as a scientist, and engineer, even a combatant. I only have two requests to ask of you...the first, is to watch over your brother, protect him, guide him. The second, become a man who you could be proud of. Become whomever you see yourself as, become a great man that shines like the spark that you are." Jor-El said, his words resonating in Kor as he gazed up at his father with an emotional expression. He enjoyed his life as Jor and Lara-El's son. They were good parents, something that the world, no, the universe needed more of.

Kor-El slowly nodded as tears inched at the corners of his eyes. Even so he kept up a stoic front as Jor-El gave his son a nod. He gestured for him to enter the pod as he continued the final systems check. Kor watched Jor for but a moment, before walking over to the pod where his mother was waiting. Lara gave her son a sad smile as she embraced him. Her hand caressed his head gently as he returned her embrace.

"Be safe son, and be sure to look out for Kara. She will not he far behind you two, take care of them...no matter what happens." Lara said, though near the end of her sentence her voice trembled as she embraced Kor once more. Her grip on him being a little tighter than before. Before long she released him, and watched as Kor slowly but surely got into the pod's seat. He felt the seat move and get situated as Kal-El's bed began to move as well. The bed was moved to where Kal-El would be looking at him. Kor stared at his brother for a moment in silence, then sent one last look at his parents as the capsule for the pod began to close shut. Jor and Lara stared at him whe holding each other in a tight embrace. Not long after, he felt the pod being moved upwards, then felt it be propelled up and out of the hanger.

Kor could see Krypton's landscape below as the pod exited out of the hanger and up into the atmosphere. The very ground was giving way to molten rock and lava. Krypton's time had come, and all Kor could think about now was if he could actually fulfill what his parents had asked of him...

The pod carrying Kal and Kor began to warp as the phantom drive powered up. Then withing seconds, they were safefully away from Krypton's destruction.

[1979, Earth]

Kor watched as the pod came back into real space. His eyes landed on the first object that was closest to both he and his brother. The planet Jupiter was within sight, it's ginormous form making Kor's eyes grow wide. He may be a Kryptonian now, but never in either one of his lives did he ever think that he would see a planet like this. Krypton was more or les like Earth just more futuristic with a red sky. It's people being more like odd humans than anything.

The pod sped past Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, until eventually Earth came into view. Kal-El had long fallen asleep since the phantom drive had gone online. The newborn hadn't a clue as to what had happened. Kor however kept his attention on where they were going. He faintly remember a cartoon movie where Superman were taken in by the US military. That said he couldn't remember what the movie's name was. As the pod breached Earth's atmosphere, Kor could feel the pull from gravity upon them. They were going heading for the dark side of Earth that was in it's night state.

The pod rocketed through the night sky, it's shape consumed by the fired of reentry. Until eventually the pod came into contact with solid ground of a farmland. Kor couldn't see it, but he was fast to get out of the pod once the capsule concealing him and his little brother inside. The moment that the capsule opened, fresh oxygen air came into the ship. The Kryptonian teen quickly stepped out to get a good lay of the land. He was only slight relieved once he stepped out of the ship, finding that there was no civilization in sight. Though he could faintly see a vehicle of some kind making it's way over to the pod. It's headlights was what gave it away, showing that some nosy humans were coming. Just as Kor squinted his eyes, his vision seemed to just zoom in to the point that it made him jump with a gasp. His senses started to act up as he placed his hands over his ears and let out a cry of pain.

Voices from hundreds of miles away could heard going through his ears as if they were right beside him. A plethora of different types of vision from where he could see through the ground, the ship, and even his own flesh and bone filled his eyes. Kor wasn't prepared for this, he remembered something like this happened for Kal when he was on Earth. Though he had his entire teenaged years to deal with it. Kor was a teen, and he had nothing to prepare him for this. Or did he?

Kor remembered something that Zod had taught him back during their many training sessions, something that stuck within his mind when it came to combat.

'When you require a way to win against a foe who seems to be an immovable object, focus, think about what you wish for most, and allow your mind to aid you in allowing that eventuality. It is not your heart that wins battles, it is your mind. Focus on what drives you, what drives you Kor-El?'

Kor closed his eyes, as he got down on his knees. He started to take deep breathes, beginning to think of what he wants most. What drives him forward, what drives him to live. It wasn't anything noble like saving others or the like. Nothing like changing the world because he wanted to. It was something selfish, something from his past life's experiences. Something so very human that only a part of him for feeling guilty for having it.

'To live...'

When Kor-El slowly opened his eyes this time, his different shades of vision cleared. It was allowing him the ability to see the vehicle that had been approaching both he and his brother's pod had arrived. The humans who had stepped out were a man and a woman in their mid to late 30s. Both had Caucasian skin, looked concerned and curious, and were cautious on approach. He gave them a blank stare when they started to speak, Kor knew who they were. They were Kal's Earthly parents, the two humans who raised Kal to become a noble man in the future.

Slowly, Kor rose from the ground off of his knees. His body felt different in some way, as if he felt some resistance keeping his feet planted where he was. He was theorizing that it was most likely his new abilities that were untrained. If he learned anything from Zod's lessons, it was that constant training made perfect. He would train his abilities, though he would not teach Kal what he had planned to train. It wasn't because he didn't want to help his baby brother, it was because that the path that he planned to walk was not for someone like Kal. The world needed people like him, a symbol of hope, just like their House crest. That said, the world also needed someone who understood human nature. Someone who understood how to deal with humans with a realistic point of view. Someone who understood, that sometimes humans needed...a reality check.

Kor locked his eyes to the woman who inched forward, his gaze staying on her even as she reached out to him. She said something, most likely asking if he was alright. He couldn't understand them at the moment, but hopefully he will eventually. Instead of humoring her with an answer, Kor turned and approached the pod that he arrived in. He walked over to the pod and saw the sleeping form of Kal-El beginning to awaken. As soon as the baby's eyes opened, they landed on Kor who reached over and picked him up gently. The elder brother cradled Kal in his arms as he turned towards the two humans staring at him. He looked to Kal once more, then back to the two humans once again. With a slight frown, he began to approach them. Once Kor was before them, he gently handed Kal towards them.

The two humans stared at him with surprised and shocked eyes. As if what he was doing was shocking to them. Kor had a plan in motion, one that he wished to see succeed. One that would drive him down a path where blood would he spilt. He couldn't have Kal walk alongside him on this path. The safest place where Kal would be, was in the home of his future parents.

Reluctantly, the woman slowly took the baby Kal into her grasp, listening to coo with wonder at his new surroundings. Kor smiled slightly down at his little brother, then placed a gentle hand on his head. He leaned over in view of Kal's vision, and began to speak in Kryptonian.

"Kal, you may not understand me now but know this. We'll meet again some day, whether it be as enemies or as brothers is entirely up to how the world will see me. I don't plan on being soft, nor do I plan to be humble. You don't understand humans like I do, and I hope that one day you will understand. When you're old enough, I'll come and find you. So until then, take care and grow up to be a good man. You're a one of a kind Kal, something that this world doesn't deserve." Kor said, and only found the baby Kal reaching up to him while cooing. The elder brother leaned down, and placed a gentle kiss to the newborn's temple. Then with one last look sent to his brother's eyes, he turned and began walking off to the pod. Already he was taking out Kal's belongings, the blanket that he was in, his House attire, even a few toys that he had bought for him. He took them and handed them to the man this time who took them regardless of what he was trying to say in English.

Kor then returned to the pod after giving the two humans a look, and began to activate it's scanners. He was hoping to find Kal's future hidden arctic base where he could train unimpeded and learn all that he needed to know. A ping went off letting him know the location, and without another moment to waste he entered the pod once more. With a few buttons pressed onto the pod, the capsule began to close once more. Then the engine for it came online, allowing for Kor to be rocket out of the ground, and into the air inside the pod. He glanced back for a moment, watching as the two humans and Kal became smaller and smaller due to the distance. Then faced forward with a determined look upon his face.

There was no turning back now, Kor was going to do something that Superman will never do. He hoped that it wouldn't come to that anyway. After all, there was an entire game made about an evil Superman.