
Kor-El of Krypton

Corey Graves died the same night that he finally started to turn things around. He had finally found a stepping point to get out of the pit that he dug himself in. Unfortunately fate had different plans, and it involved making sure that he ended up starting a new life instead as the form of a baby Kryptonian. Not only that, but he was also the big brother of the unborn Kal-El! Now Corey, or rather, Kor-El must navigate across the DC Universe and hope that he doesn't die again prematurely.

Cylon_4 · TV
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Chapter 3

hold[ 1984, Arctic]

"The solar rays seem to bring forth the true potential within us Kryptonians, I wonder what it would be like under other suns. I could theorize that under a Red Sun I would be as mortal as humans. Further study is required to prove this theory. Kryptonite for whatever reason is a weakness for me. Upon reaching the ship that Krypton had sent to this world over a thousand years ago, it seems as if it was meant to be a colony ship. Yet where are the colonists who are meant to be in this ship? I digress, Kal has already begun exhibiting his powers from recent surveys. The parents who watch over him appear to be cordial, humble, carrying...I made the right decision in leaving him in their care. I will uphold the request that my parents have given me, even if it means turning my brother against me. On a further note, Kara my cousin has not seem to have arrived. For whatever reason it seems that she was delayed...I wonder if Krypton's destruction caught her before she arrived." Kor said into a crystalline device, before placing a hand onto it. He was making recordings, meant for Kal to find once he arrived there.

He knew that one day his little brother would find this place. That said, he wanted Kal to be aware of a few things before they ever happen to him. Kor remembered from a movie scene where Kal was shot by a Kryptonite bullet. Kor planned for that to never happen, or at least mitigate the damage. At first when he had arrived on the ship, he planned to weaponize Kryptonite in some way. But having been exposed to it and coming close to death when in close proximity of it. He chose to keep it somewhere safe for now before running more tests on it. The scientist within him wished to know why it was so hazardous for Kryptonians. As well as find a way to change that, hopefully.

Kor was in a large spacious crystalline laboratory, within it were different items from the ship. He was shirtless, only wearing the undergarments of his House uniform. A toned and refined upper body was on full display. His muscles almost buldging out, even for someone his age it was unheard of. His hair had grown out quite a bit, reaching to his shoulders. He also had a beard growing on his face, it was faint but could be seen up close. Kor now stood at 6"1, towering over some humans, and looking as if he should be in his 20s. Even though he is actually 19 years old.

Kor was watching as he infused his own blood with that of a small fragment of Kryptonite. How he obtained this without being nearly killed again? He had one of the ship's drones cut off a baby pinky fragment of Kryptonite. Then had it placed within an enclosed container for later use. Now he was trying to see if any Earthly chemicals that he acquired could circumvent the weakness.

Kor looked into the microscope, staring at the chemicals interact with the Kryptonite. His body was already felt weakened, but even so he pushed through that weakness and stayed on task. His eyes watched as the Kryptonite seemed to morph. To the point that it's emerald hue was changing to...gold. Kor frowned, unsure of what he was seeing. He was wondering if he just made new Kryptonite that was even worse.

Without hesitating, Kor inserted a vial of his own blood into this new synthesized Kryptonite mixture. And watched as the solar radiation within his blood cells fade into nothing. Leaving it as normal Kryptonian blood cells without power of any kind.

"Fascinating..." Kor commented, understanding somewhat of what he just made. He removed himself from the microscope and turned to see the holographic face of his father Jor-El watching him. "I believe that I just made an even more dangerous version of Kryptonite father."

Jor-El raised a brow at his son, despite not being the real one. Then sent his holographic eyes towards the microscope and just stared at it. Jor nodded before looking back to Kor and let out a sigh. "Another failure it seems, hopefully we can create something that can circumvent this surprising weakness."

Kor nodded then turned and began to walk out of the laboratory. As he did, he marched himself down a cold hallway of sorts. Any normal human would not be able to survive such harsh conditions. Yet Kor could, mainly due in part his powers. As the Kryptonian young adult walked through the halls. He came to a halt at a closed door, one that he stared at for a moment. He placed his hand against the door and watched as it slid open to reveal human clothes. Without waiting, Kor stepped inside and began to clothe himself.

He put on a pair of lean black silk like khakis, a dark gray two button shirt, black dress shoes, and even grabbed a pair of bifocals. Kor turned to look at himself in a self made mirror. He straightened his clothes before seeing the image of Jor-El's face appear beside his in the mirror. The look on Jor-El's face appeared to be a rather troubled one. Kor knew why his father was making that face, the construct of his father's consciousness was worried about him. Especially after knowing that Kal-El was not with him.

"Kor, one day you will have to introduce yourself to Kal...he deserves to know that he has family outside the one that he knows now." Jor consoled, to which Kor averted his eyes slightly with an odd expression. One that looked as if the young adult Kryptonian was either considering that or thinking of something else. That was when Kor's eyes landed on a black wristband that was inside a small box like container. He took it and put it around his wrist before looking at the image of his father's face still in the mirror. "I will show him that he is not alone father, just not today."

Jor frowned, then ultimately vanished from sight on the mirror. Kor continued to stare there then let out a sigh before he turned and left the room that he had been in.

As Kor exited the room, he walked down the crystalline halls heading for the entrance. He had assumed the identity of Corey Graves once more when he was integrating with the human society. To the rest of the world, if they tried to search him, Corey Graves was a recent genius working under Star Labs as one of their star scientists. To them, he was the next Einstein, coming with knowledge on how to create a better propelled system for future rockets that NASA planned to make. He was a supposed "child" genius, one that was overshadowing another child genius who was currently trying to rise in his shadow. Corey was a mystery to the rest of the world, one that many wished to solve. Though Corey planned to stage his sudden demise once he figured that it was time for it. After all, one would delve too deeply once their curiosity isn't satisfied.

Kor arrived at the entrance of what will one day be the Fortress of Solitude. He breathed in the fresh air, the afternoon sun shining down on him as if it were parting away the clouds. Corey closed his eyes, concentrating, then knelt down on one knee against the ice cold ground beneath him. When his eyes opened, Kor shot upwards from his knelt position, rocketing into the air at speeds beyond calculations at the time. As he soared upwards he spun around, before turning and heading into one direction, an important direction.

'Let's see how Kal is doing in school...' Kor thought.

[Smallville, Kansas]

Kor flew over the North American continent, passing over farmlands and cities as if he were a blur to the naked eye. It wouldn't be long before he started to come across a familiar sight. One that he was use to seeing behind his TV screen in his past life. Smallville, home of Superman, someone who was suppose to be one of fiction. Yet here was Corey, part of that fiction as Superman's fictional elder brother.

Corey came to a halt high in the clouds, above a kindergarten school. His eyes peering down as his x-ray vision locked onto a small boy. School had just ended for the child, allowing him to go home.

'He seems to be doing...wait.' Corey thought and felt a brow arch upwards as he saw a small group of kids beginning to follow Kal. He frowned realizing that his little brother was going to be bullied. With no reluctantance or any hesitation Corey dove downwards towards where Kal was walking. Corey descended down and slowed his descent behind a building. When he came walking around it, he could see the group of kids surrounding Kal, pushing him. He could tell that Kal was getting frustrated by them. Even so, he did nothing to defend himself.

Corey walked over right as one of the kids were about to throw a fist at Kal. He caught child's hand with a tight grip, one that made the small human squeal in pain. "Hands to yourself."

Corey's sudden appearance startled the children who stared up at him wide eyed. They all moved away, standing together as they watched in horror at how Corey was holding their friend by their forearm. Corey looked over every single one of them, giving them all a stern glare. "If I see any one of you touch a hair on my friend here....you'll be getting a visit from me. And if you think that I'm joking..." Just as Corey said that, he squeezed the child's arm that he was holding a little tighter. A cry of pain and terror left their lips as tears began to fall from their eyes. Corey had nearly crushed their bone. Luckily for them, all they got was quite the bruise. Seeing that the message was sent, Corey released the child's arm and watched them run off with their friends.

The elder brother watched the group of kids run off, before turning his attention towards Kal who stared up at him with wide eyes. Kal stared at him in silence, having no words to say. So the elder brother instead started to speak. "You alright?" Corey asked.

Kal slowly nodded before looking to where the kids ran off to. He then looked back up at Corey in wonder as he found his voice. "W-who are you mister?"

Corey smiled before bending a knee to be at eye level with Kal. "Corey, what's yours kid?"

"C-clark sir..' Kal, or rather, Clark stammered as he looked into Corey's eyes.

"Alright Clark, let me walk you home."

"A-are you sure? It's pretty far away..."

"Sure I am, I have nothing else to do for the day."

Clark gave Corey a slight shrug then started to continue walking in the direction that he was already in. Corey walked alongside Clark after rising to his full height. The two walked side by side down the road as Corey put his hands in his pockets.

[1 Hour Later]

Corey and Clark walked in silence, though the younger brother did keep leaking glances up at Corey from time to time. Until eventually, Clark could hold his ever growing curiosity back. "Are you from Smallville?"

"No, just visiting family." Corey replied without a moment to think.

"Really? So why did you come to help me?"

"Good question, here's a better one. Why did you let those kids push you around?"

Clark tensed when he heard that question from Corey. He kept his gaze from meeting Corey's who now looked at him. The elder brother could already tell that his younger sibling was trying to come up with a good excuse. "There were too many of them..."

"They follow the strongest and loudest one Clark, take them down and rest of them will fold along with them." Corey stated without missing a beat. Clark frowned though and looked up at Corey, stopping in place.

"But my pa said that violence isn't the answer to everything..." Clark argued, causing Corey to smirk and turn to his brother as he stopped as well.

"Clark, violence is only good when it is used right. For instance, what would have happened if I didn't stop that kid from punching you?" Corey questioned and watched as Clark mused over a lie to tell him.

"It would have hurt?"

"Him or you?"

Clark paused and continued to try and come up with an excuse. Corey however kept that smirk on his face, waiting for Clark to respond. Eventually Clark shook his head and pointed an accusing look at Corey. "Wait you didn't answer my question!"


"Why'd you come and help me?"

"Because I chose to", Corey said no chalantly while ushering for Clark to walk with him once more, "Choice is something that all living beings have. It's something that anyone can fall back on in any situation. I could have chose to help those kids to bully you. Or chose to spank them. Better yet, I could have punched them like they were about to punch you. The point is, I still chose to help you."

Clark went silent after hearing that, musing over Corey's response. It wouldn't be long before the two of them came across a fence. Not far from them was a two story house, causing Clark to smile happily. "Thanks Mr. Corey, you wanna come inside?"

Corey raised a brow at Clark before looking at the house that they were walking to. "You know it's bad to have stranger's walk inside your house."

"Yeah but I think you're good." Clark said with a beaming smile before grabbing Corey by his arm. He pulled Corey along towards his home, while the elder brother frowned.

He wasn't exactly sure if it would be good for him to see Clark's adopted parents. Did they remember him? Are they going to call him out?

Those questions came too late, because as soon as the two were halfway to the house a woman could be seen walking onto the front porch. Corey allowed a neutral expression to come onto his face. His eyes landing on the woman before noticing her giving him a once over. "Hey Ma!" Clark called.

"Hey Clark...who's your friend?" She questioned while folding her arms over her chest.

"Oh this is Corey! He walked me home, he said that he wasn't from around here."

The woman stared at Corey for a moment, before allowing a slight smile to come to her lips. "Thanks for walking my son home, Corey." She thanked then allowed a sigh to leave her lips.

"Clark is that you?" Called a male voice, and out came a man who had a stern look as soon as he locked eyes with Corey. The young adult was unfazed by the look, neither one of them posed a threat to him.

"Stop it Johnathan, he walked Clark home. Please come inside, I'm cooking dinner." She offered.

"I don't want to intrude..." Corey tried to take his leave, only to see the woman shake her head at him.

"Please, the only people who intrude here are people who don't have any manners. Please come inside."

Corey mentally sighed, and allowed Clark to pull him in. As he walked into the home, he saw how normal it looked. How human it all looked. He wasn't sure what he was expecting from the Kents. Actually he wasn't sure if he was expecting anything at all from them. Clark pulled Corey into the kitchen and beamed up at him. Corey returned Clark's smile with a slight one. "So what do you do for a living?" Clark asked.

"Well, I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a nerd." Corey replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"I knew it!" Johnathan shouted as he came around the corner.

"You're that scientist on TV! What are you doing in Smallville?"

Corey let out a deep breathe, having hoped that they didn't recognize him as his alter ego. "Well, like I told Clark here I'm visiting family."

Johnathan gave Corey a wry smile before rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry for shouting, it's just Clark is interested in rockets and the like. Then I see you on TV when NASA announces the start of a new space program on TV. Now here you are...in the middle of nowhere."

Corey nodded before walking over to the table and taking a seat in one of the chairs there. As he did, Clark's adopted mother comes in going towards the over. She had several pots and pans cooking a few dishes. "So do you help make rockets?" Clark asked while getting beside Corey.

"No, I just help them fly better." Corey stated and watched as Clark's eyes widen with a spark of curiosity. Before he could start to berate Corey with a plethora of questions, his mother cleared her throat. Clark looked to his adopted mother and saw her giving him a look

"How about you go do your homework before you ask Corey any space questions?" She questioned, and watched Clark deflate upon hearing it being asked to him. Clark looked as if he was going to argue, though he eventually sighed and walked himself out of the kitchen. Corey watched his little brother walked off, and turned to look at Johnathan sitting down at the table across from him.

"So, Corey, do you...have any plans later?" Johnathan asked, and watched Corey raise a brow at him.

"Not that I know of, I plan to head back to New York in a little while." Corey replied and saw Johnathan smile nervously at him.

"Well, I was meaning to ask a scientist question of my own. I think that It's a meteorite but...I'm not exactly sure."

Corey nodded then looked out the window to see that the sun was setting. Clark's adopted mother continued to cook while peaking glances at him from time to time. It wouldn't be long before she finished cooking, and started to set up the table. Johnathan helped, and made Corey sit and wait since they wanted to treat their guest with a homemade meal. Clark joined them soon after, filling the table with four occupants.

Martha had cooked steamed roast beef, maracroni and cheese, cornbread, rice and gravy, and finally broccoli.

Clark licked his lips, hungry for food, but he held himself back and waited for his mother to tell him when to eat. Clark was seated beside Corey, a beaming smile still on his face as if he were a ball of positive energy. Technically he was considering what his future self was suppose to be like. Corey watched as the small family took each other's hands, getting ready to say grace. The young adult wasn't really a religious man in his past life. Actually he was more atheist all things considered. Even so, he took Johnathan's hand in one hand and took Clark's in the other. Martha began to say grace for them, closing her eyes and bowing her head.

A moment later, the group were chowing down on the cooked food. Clark was already berating Corey with questions on top of questions. Johnathan and Martha asked their own, referring to Corey's life outside of Smallville. All things considered, it was a peaceful dinner, until Clark asked the one question that Corey was hoping that he wouldn't ask.

"So, who are you visiting Corey?" The inquisitive child asked.

Corey almost froze up, but hid it well as he took a sip from a glass of water that Martha had provided. He cleared his throat then glanced over to Clark. "Well, I'm actually visiting my brother."

"You have a brother? That's sound nice, I wish I had a brother or sister."

That commented made Johnathan and Martha share a look with one another. Corey noticed this, already realizing that they were most likely remembering him 5 years ago. Though it seemed that they couldn't tell that it was actually him sitting at the table with them. "Well Clark, if you think about it hard enough, maybe your wish will come true." Corey replied.

Clark looked up at Corey before giving him an unsure look. "But I've been wishing ever since I've been going to school..."

Corey visibly frowned now, before looking to Clark with a comforting smile. "How about this, until your wish comes true. I'll be your older brother."

Clark started to beam up again, but gave Corey a concerned look. "But won't you have to work on rockets and stuff? What if you can't visit?"

"Trust me, I'll visit Clark."

Johnathan and Martha watched this exchange with curiosity. Even as Clark started to get sleepy after finishing his meal. Corey watched as the boy's eyes close and open again, trying to fight off the sleep. Martha walked over, gently picking up the sleepy Clark. Johnathan however gestured for Corey to walk with him as he rose from his seat. With a nod, Corey walked after Johnathan, leaving the house as the walked outside. The two continued to walk until they reached the farmhouse. As they did, Johnathan opened up the doors and turned on the light switch. Corey looked around, noticing the second floor to the piled up with hay. Then his eyes locked onto Johnathan as the man moved over to the center of the farmhouse. He knelt down and grabbed a handle, with a pull, he opened up a secret basement.

Corey raised a brow, before walking over to see what was inside. Once he was close, his eyes landed on something that shouldn't be possible. His eyes locked onto a Kryptonian escape pod, similar to his own. The only difference being that it had a House crest that he was hoping not to see.
