
First time for everything.

The air was particularly chilly at this time of night, Dylan mused. He was perched upon an apartment building, in sweatpants and a loose jacket. His head, hands, elbows, feet, and knees were covered in the symbiotic biomass, as protection. But for what?

Dylan decided it was high time that he used his powers for good. He had spent the past 6 months training with the symbiote and finding out its abilities. It took a lot of work, but he was close to mastering half of his given abilities.

In school, he was doing pretty good. Not "Peter Parker" level, but in the top percentile. Speaking of Peter, he and Harry had considerably warmed up to Dylan, and now they were like the best of friends. Dylan helped Peter and Harry out against bullies and they helped him in his worst subject.

Fucking Geometry.

If there was a subject that Dylan detested, it was Geometry. Who cared about transversals! Not him!

And the subject wasn't the only problem, it was the teacher. Ms. Sonata was not qualified to be a teacher, in his expert opinion. When she teaches a subject, she gives the easiest example and on the test, she gives the hardest one! Fuck! He hated that class!

Okay, where was he?

Yeah, Harry and Peter. So, Harry constantly confided in them his feelings about his father, and how he treated him, how he wasn't impressed with him. Peter then suggested he make his father proud by becoming the second-best student in the school. So to prove a point, Harry studied and studied. His rank in the school slowly rose up from 62 out of 985, to 26 out of 985. It wasn't number 2, but he was getting there.

Also as a result of confiding in them, Harry subsequently became leagues more confident. He joined the golf team of the school, (why he did so, Dylan had no clue. Must have been a rich kid thing?), and got himself a girlfriend. Her name was Cindy Moon, an Asian-American girl with a firecracker personality needed to keep the new Harry in line. They had some serious chemistry together, and Dylan felt happy for Harry.

As for the rest of the world, Tony stark had escaped from captivity about three months ago, and three weeks after that the armored Iron-Man made his appearance. He defeated the Iron-Monger soon after. At the same time in Harlem, the incredible Hulk was duking out with the Abomination, destroying the famed part of the city. The Hulk won narrowly that fight. Dylan decided he wouldn't change the core events till, the time of the Avengers formation.



'Klyn now!'

'On it!'

Dylan was disrupted from his musings, by two gunshots in a nearby alley near the movie theater. His brows furrowed, his mask lenses quirking in response to the movement, and he concentrated. As his vision became dark, a sudden infrared light appeared in Dylan's vision. He saw three heat signatures emitting fear and one emitting greed. Disgusting. Opening his eyes, Dylan lifted his hand and shot out a tendril. It latched onto a nearby building, and Dylan pulled himself over in the direction of the gunshots. He launched over the building, executed a perfect summer salt in the air, and landed on the wall softly.

Dylan stuck to the wall with the suit, and watched the scene, waiting to interfere. The robber was dressed in clothes that reeked of a dumpster with a pistol in his hands, while the rich couple and their child had clothes that were of the highest quality. The woman had a shining diamond necklace and the man a gleaming ring, which the robbers were eyeing healthily.

"Okay tough guy empty your pockets, or you, the bitch, and the brat will say goodbye to life. Matter of fact, add in the necklace, and ring. It'll look stunning on me and my wife."

The man slowly raised his hands in a nonthreatening manner and was looking like he was going to take off the ring. The robber dropped his guard, and the man charged at him, landing a solid right hook in the jaw. The robber stumbled back before regaining his bearings. He ducked under the next hit and whipped the man in the face with the back of his pistol.

The man's cheek oozed blood, and he fell to the ground. The robber harshly kicked him in the stomach, before pointing his gun at him.

"You stupid fuck, I was just gonna take your money. But now I gotta kill you. Heh, might have fun with your bitch before I kill her and your kid. Now, say goodbye!"

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a black tendril yanked the gun away from him. He stumbled back with an expression of fear, before pulling out a rusty butcher knife. He looked around, before hearing a thump behind him. He turned around, knife swinging, but the figure caught the blade. The robber looked shocked, as the man with one flex snapped the knife in two. It clattered to the ground.

The man grabbed the robber's throat and lifted him. His face was revealed to the alley's occupants. Or more appropriately his lack of a face. A smooth mask covered his head and two bright white lenses were where his eyes were located. They quirked as he furrowed his brows. His hands were also in the same substance.

The robber was slowly turning blue as he began sputtering for air. The man pivoted around and threw the man into a wall with such a force that it cracked. He slumped against the floor and looked up his face bruised and bleeding. The man looked up as the figure approached him. In a slightly deep, raspy voice he spoke.

"Why do scum like you exist? Why. I know why."

He got close to the robber's face.

"You exist to hurt people. Admit it. You were about to kill that man, who was just trying to protect his family! I should kill you."

He lifted his arm and put his hand in a grabbing motion. Sharp talons sprouted out of his hand and he looked ready to strike. But then he glanced back at the family. The mother was checking on the father, and tending to his wounds. But what caught his attention was the kid. He looked captivated by his speech.

He put his hand down.

"W-what the hell are you?!" the robber stammered.

His eyes grew animalistic.

"I am Venom."

With that said, Venom grabbed the man's head and slammed it into the ground, knocking him out cold. He got up and turned around. Venom addressed the family.

"I'm sorry. I just hate people like that."

The family did not respond, slightly frightened by his expressions. After shaking his confusion off, the man started speaking. He looked down to steady himself.

"Sorry, the event was just shocking to me. I was about to die, then here comes a superhero to save me. I'm sorry if I don't sound like I'm grateful, I'm just a little desensitized. My name is Thomas Wayne. My wife, over there is Martha. And my son is Bruce."

Thomas looked up to see the superhero with the most shocked look on his face, so much that his eyes were circles. His vision was trailed on Bruce.

'Fuck on a stick, is that Batman?! What the hell, how!'

"Hello, are you well sir?" little Bruce cutely asked.

Venom shook himself out of his trance.

'This "was" Batman. He has no possible reason to be Batman. I'll have to think of this later.'

Venom spoke politely, to not scare the child.

"No, I'm fine. But Bruce I have a favor to ask of you. Only you can hear it though."

Bruce perked up and looked to his parents. They nodded seeing it as harmless fun. Bruce ran over to Venom and the hero crouched down. He whispered.

"Bruce, I want you to protect your parents. Actually, not just your parents I want you to protect anyone who is in danger. I want you to have compassion. This is from one superhero to another. Think you can do it?"

Now to an outsider, this might be a crazy task to give an 8-year-old, but Bruce wasn't like most 8-year-olds. He had this maturity that transcended his age, and he just needed the right trigger to bring it out.

Bruce steeled his eyes and nodded. Underneath his mask, Venom smiled. He got up and patted Bruce's head. He looked at the older Wayne's and nodded. He looked back at Bruce one more time.

"Remember, from one superhero to another."

With that, he leaped off into the distance, young Bruce's eyes trailing him.


After swinging on some tendrils and getting to a far building, Venom finally stopped. He landed on the roof of an apartment building and looked in the direction of the alley. He saw cops pull up to the scene and apprehend the criminal. Then an ambulance truck appeared, and paramedics carted Thomas Wayne, with Bruce and Martha following sitting in the truck. Just before the paramedics closed, Venom saw Bruce look at where he was perched. The doors closed and the truck wheeled away.

The symbiote peeled off his face, revealing Dylan with a confused look on his face. He leaned back on the roof and thought about what happened.

'I thought this a marvel only universe. But apparently DC exists too. Fuck, that means I can't just breeze my way through most of this. There would be too many variables. I'll have to think this through.'

Dylan put his hands on his head. It was getting late. He formed the symbiote over his face once more, swinging away to stop more crimes before going home.


Dylan was seated at his desk contemplating the night's events. He honestly didn't know if his plans would work that well anymore. DC existed. That was a fucking bombshell. But why was Batman so young, shouldn't he be way older than him by now. Dylan started to rub his eyes. He had spent all night thinking about this and had not gotten much sleep.

Mr. Brown took his attention away from his thoughts. He started to pass out forms for a field trip. It was the new science museum that had opened up. He scanned the paper, looking for anything interesting. He stopped at the exhibits.








Dylan glanced at Peter who was talking to Harry about the new superhero named "Venom". Dylan smirked at this. He called out to the other three.

"Hey, you guys gonna go to the science exhibit. I think it's gonna be fun."

Harry and Cindy nodded while Peter verbally expressed his agreement.

"Hell yeah! The Spider exhibit looks like the coolest one!"

'Oh, Irony."

Who said that Marvel was only part of this multiverse.

*Also slight retcon, Peter will be changed to look like his MCU self.

Rewrite, (10/17/19)

Arashicreators' thoughts