

Not Long ago lived four kingdoms that shared each elements one kingdom had fire,the other wind, next earth,then water,but there was one kingdom where the others was not together in harmony,peace,and love and that kingdom shared the most dangerous element next to fire was ice but even though they was not ok with ice something with the other kingdoms went wrong see each kingdom had an artifact that shows each element fire,earth,water,wind,and even ice went missing each kingdom blamed one other,after that each kingdom went at war and each kingdom was dying cause without those artifacts each kingdom will die.

Next after that each kingdom had a kid and each kid had a power of each element except one kid could do all 5 elements of course i'm not saying which one.


Here at Kingdom Fire

Adara and Aqua come to her King Adien,Yes father the twins said their father replied I hate to say this but we have a meeting with Kingdom Water,Earth,Wind,I hate to say this but also ice.

Ok before I finish the twins have mom and their mom is the queen of that kingdom of water so one twin has water and the other has fire ok ok now back with the story.Why you know what she did too you father said Vanessa,I know baby girl I know but we have too.

Over at Kingdom Water

My son come here please Queen Lana said,Yes mother said Neptune. Ok now let me explain now King Adien and Queen Lana was once married until the queen cheating on her husband with the King of Earth so that means he can control earth and water and he is a little older than the twins ok now on with the story.Go and get ready we have a meeting with the other kingdoms said the Queen he replied what no I'm going you know that man hates me both of them,I know sweetheart but we have too come on go get ready please fire me,He signs fine only for you.

Over at Kingdom Earth

Son and daughter please come said King Rock,Yes father and mother said Iris and Aspen we need you to get ready we have a meeting with the other kingdoms you know we have to do this once a year now go get ready.OK OK now here is the crazy part the king never told his wife that he cheated like why he didn't want to be apart of his other son life and unlike Neptune,Iris and Apsen can only control earth ok ok.Please don't make us go and every year we have to play with those other kids and to be honest we are way better than them said Iris,No No No we aren't and if we say you're going then you are going do you understand said Queen June.they said nothing,DO YOU UNDERSTAND said the King Rock, they replied Yes sir. OK OK now the Queen is a soft understanding person she spoiled her kids like crazy and they could real life get away with muder unlike their father is stubborn as heck always making sure they're doing what they have to do as further King and Queen.

Over at Kingdom Wind

Son can you please come here said King Bayou and Queen Breeze ,Yes mother and father said Zephyr,Are you ready for the meeting with the other kingdom in like an hour said Queen Breeze he replied no mother I will get on it but do I have to go the other kids think I'M weird.His mother looked at him sad she looked at him and said yes you do as future king of this place you have too now go get ready.Ok OK now over here there son was picked on by the other kids when he was young now that they are all older he still don't want to go.Ok with the parents the mom has a secret that may ruin their family,and the king cheated on his wife with someone that no one should sleep with the ICE QUEEN

Over at Kingdom Ice

My daughters and son please come said King Whittaker,They all come in and yes father and mother.OK OK OK this is what you all be waiting for too see who have all 5 well it's one of them the kids of ice.Are you guys ready to go to the meeting today said Queen Winter Iclynreplied but do we have too go you know those other kingdoms don't like us after you know they think we took it then her sister Crystal backed her up right why do we have to go they hate us, the King said YES WE DO NOW GO GET READY NOW.His son Colden said yes sir.

OK OK OK now this is crazy now Crystal is not the Kings baby see his wife cheated on him with the King of Wind which means she can control ice and wind OK now the King also cheated on his wife with the Queen of water which means Colden can control water and ice.OK OK NOW the person that can control all 5

is ICLYN keep reading too find out more.


OK now all the kingdoms together at the fire kingdom all the adults together while the kids go talk.NOW REMEMBER PEOPLE CHEATED ON ONE OTHER so it's weird and crazy.Ok with the kids now two of the kids are in love with each other and some of them don't know their relate while half related but still. Ok now let's get into it

OMG YOU GUYS look different talking about you Colden yeah you fine piece of meat said Iris,he looked at her disgusted and said look I know you were spoiled like hell but let's get it straight you and me never going to happen what we had was long over ok.

Ok so there like 17 or 18 ok so like one year age Iris and Colden have a fling with each other and she was crazy for him but he just want the sex ok lets get back

Once you go Iris you will never leave said Iris he signed and just walked away.

Hi Neptune how are you have not seen you in a while said Iclyn,I'm fine no I'm not my Dad hates me cause he don't anything to do with me cause he happy with his family now I have these power too bend water and earth and it's bad I don't know what to do,In felt bad she said I know what you mean my partners don't

Really listen to me but I don't care.Now here come Aspen Hi lil mama you looking good as hell said Aspen and Icyln looked around like who the heck are you talking about she said he looking at her and came closer and closer and said you come one I know you like me and just before he could touch her her brother came and blowed him away with his powers and said don't touch her she is my sister,Yea and you fucked my sister a lot of time so one time with yours would not hurt her.And that was the last second he broke he used his powers and used his got the water put it on him and freezed him that's when the twins came in and said OMG what happened Adara unfreeze him and she did.

Ok know the parents

No if we do this we have too I don't trust none of you said Queen Lana,King Adien said you should be the last one talking you Hoe and how is that son of your huh King Rock,His wife stand up and said what the hell is he talking about son tell me now,the silicene in the room until Rock broke it I cheated ok I CHEATED ON YOU WITH Queen Lana ok I'm sorry.This just broke the family she ran out the meeting ok sense we telling secrets Whittaker have some too say,Whitttaker took a breath and said I cheated too Colden isn't yours my dear wife he is Lana I lying and said we found him but no he was a ice person there not welcome,His wife stand up and slap the hell out of him and said I cheated to Crystal is not yours she is Bayous baby,He looked at her and said so Iclyn is not mine either huh she replied No she is I swear she looks just like you white hair blue eyes caring heart.

YOU BITCH YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH HER said Breeze why we have a son and you have a daughter why you know what I need a break as of today we are not together until I think shit though.


Stay back I know we couldn't trust this bitch are you okay Aspen said Iris, he used his strength to get back up and Aspen said YOU ICE PEOPLE CAN'T BE TRUSTED.That was it they went outside to the battlefield they haven't did that in over 3 years but it was a battle of Ice and Earth,Iris said are you sure you want to do this cause every year we win so are you ready as she laughed in there face,Colden and ICYLYN laughed and said BRING YOUR BEST MOVES ASSHOLES. And the battle began Iris used the strongest spell in the earth book Earth Grounding which means all the rocks float off the ground and to the opponent,see ice is hard even with rocks cause their hard so Colden used his water power to make a shield and Icyln used one of the most powerful spell Ice shield which means when there is water formed as an circle she can use the ice to freeze thee water into an unbreakable shield.The rocks blast to them and with that shield the rocks broke into dust which mad Iris mad so she used another powerful spell.IN THE FUTURE QUEEN OF KINGDOM EARTH CALL UPON VINE WIPE said Iris,Icon had too think fast and she did she did she called upon Frozen storm

The first and most powerful spell in the ice book she was the only out of thousands of people who could do it which means the clouds filled with water turn ice and rained down freezing everything Earth which meant vines and it work the spell Iris did was no match too Icylyn spell which means the first round goes too Icylyn.


Ok let's move onto the import the artifacts our kingdoms are dying we need to find that person who can do all five elements too redo the artifacts said King Aiden,I agree if we don't act fast our people including us could die said King Rock.OK OK now Icylyn is the one who can do all five and her father knows this but the sad thing if she do this her soul would be in the artifacts wish means she could die or not 50/50 ok now back with the story. But we don't know who it is . It has to be one of the kids. Maybe my unbeatable Daughter said King Rock.BOOM they all hear the loud knock and run downstairs to see what happened. Hey what is happening Omg sweetheat as Queen June ran too her,Icyln did this mommy I wanted too see how she was doing and she blasted me said Iris,That is not fucking true we had a battle like we always do and she lost like always so said Icyln. NO NO do not talk too my mom like that said Aspen and Colden backing me up saying Or what,

Also saying it was your mother who thinks your awesome and better

Than everyone right but let's get this right you and your sister are

Pussies thats right FUCKING PUSSIES we could beat you all day

And everyday.Hey ok that's enough said Neptune and Icyln was mad and took it

Out on him saying hey stay out of it no wonder your father don't want you

You are nothing,Hey don't talk about him like that Adara said using her fire powers she used fire blast at Icylyn which she easily dogged and blasted water in her face making her fall on the ground and said this Look I'm down her I never liked any of yall dickhead anyways come on Colden and Crystal and they left and went home.

Ok everyone come down said Aqua Aspen answered No if they think we are nothing we are going to show them everything I FURTHER KING OF KINGDOM OF EARTH CALL WAR WITH THE KIDS OF KINGDOM OF ICE AND THE OTHER KIDS OF THE OTHER KINGDOM WE WILL FIGHT AT DAWN come on mom and dad,you too Iris.

At this point everyone went home to get ready for battle

This battle could be life or death; it has not been a war on the other kingdoms for years.