


MY SWEET KIDS as you know you are at war not a real war just a war that those brats called too see who is better

I need you Icylyn to use all your powers ok which means use every elements ok and Colden back up your sister you have water and ice two of the most powerful elements and you Crystal you have ice and wind use that is they attack you ok even though your mother cheated with the king of wind I cheated too that does not mean you don't love you so do you understand said King Whittaker, The kids took their heads high and said yes father.


Son this is not our war but we are friends so I need you too back up the Kingdom of Ice ok that stuipd Earth and their kids need to know their not the best do you understand Zephyr said Queen Breeze,Zephyr shook his head and said yes mama

Make me proud, said Queen Breeze.


Sweetheart she was just mad but this is not our war but you have too side with Earth ok that Ice girl need too be teached ok said Queen Lana,I know she was mad but still she is my friend,I want to be more than friends with her mom I like like her and my feeling for Icyln would not change no matter how old we get I don't care if she like Zephyr said Neptune,The Queen was shook by what she said was too help his or so call protect him I know pikmin but we have too you know have too marry her Iris ok so you have to fight with her the Queen said.Neptune said Fine I will do it only cause I love you momma.


My daughters please come said King Aiden,Yes father said Adara,I hope you know this is not our war but we have too side with Ice their our friends and Aqua you will marry Colden ok and become queen of this land and Ice so help them at all cost said the King,NO NO i'm going to help the earth people father I'm sorry but I love Aspen AND I WILL PROTECT HIM I'm sorry daddy as Adara ran out the door.OMG that girl what are you going to do sweetheart said the King.Aqua didn't want to fight her sister but also not hurt her father,asle she was in love with Colden but didn't know if he felt the same but she knew what she had too do.I will not I'm sorry dad I don't to fight my sister as she ran out the doors crying.


Are you ready for battle this is for the best we have Kingdoms Fire and Water on our team they don't have a chance said King Rock,Iris and Aspen laughed as they got ready to go to the battlefield,Iris didn't want to fight Colden she was in love with him as was Aspen was in love with Icon but they know this could not be undown and they had too battle for their kingdom to show THEY ARE THE BEST.


They all were there at the battle field,see in this battle they take turns but when the other needs help the other from their side can jump in but see that is the rules and these Kingdoms don't follow SHIT so they do what they want.


Icyln went into the circle so did Iris and the battle began

I IRIS FURTHER QUEEN OF EARTH CALL UPON EARTH GROUNDING as the rocks lifted into the air Icyln called upon ice shield and Iris said girl you can't go that spell without water and you don't have water powers you dead bitch as she laughed Icyln called I ICYLN CALL UPON WATER BEND and as she used the water to form a circle NOW I CALL UPON FROZEN FREEZE and the circle froze into the unbreakable shield and then called upon COME ON UP Ground lifting.Everyone was shook like how the hell she could do that even Iris said wait what as the ground under her lifter her into the air when Icyln used NOW TORNADO SPIN and she was in that tornado spinning when Aspen new it was his turn I ASPEN THE FUTURE KING CALL UPON VINE WHIP NOW

And as the wipes can Icyln used COME ON DOWN ICY STORM she pointed to Aspen freezing the wipes and almost freezing him when Adara used fire blast and stopped the spell then she used YOUR UP FIRE BALLS NOW and the balls can for her hands and too Icylyn she used FIRE BLOCK COME ON DOWN when she used that the balls just poof vanished Aqua used HYDRATE STORM COME OUT it was a huge wave coming Icylyn way when she just smiled really your weak did you not know I have ice powers FROZEN ICE BLOCK IT'S YOUR TURN and the wave froze and broke into sharp pieces flying the twins and Apesn ways until Iris came back

And used GROUND BLOCK COME ON AND also used EARTHQUAKE NOW as she put her foot in the air and stumped it down making the Earthquake spitting the ground open but Icyln had a trick up her sleeve,Great now what said Icyln oh I know GROUND CLOSER FIX THIS WHOLE and COME ON BLIZZARD. No No this can't happen said Iris and now it was a blizzard the ground the tree's everything nature was ruined and this was a big problem for Iris but Adard didn't stop FIRE BLAST and as the fire blast though her hands it still was not enough to unfreeze the ice.

NO NO NO THIS IS NOT FAIR said Iris Icyln just laughed and said WELL KARMAS A BITCH ,and as she was so mad and the twin coating her. Colden come on out Hello Iris you would hurt the person you love right COLDEN NOW Colden called upon ICE BEAM.OK what an Ice beam is for my people who don't know is a large sword or more than one but a large sword made of ice ok ok back with the story.

ICYLN NOW FIRE VOLCANO BLAST and as the power was coming too then Aqua now I AQUA CALL AQUA BLAST and it worked on the volcano blast but the swords just passed by and before it killed someone Colden made it gone poof Zephyr now I Zephyr CALL UPON WIND DUST ok it's up to you now Icyln COME ON DOWN FIRE BUST YOU TOO WATER BLAST and at that moment they knew they was down for and the EARTH planet loses said King Whitttaker.


HAHAHAHAHAHA we win yall lose losers see weak ass said Colden,Iris said so what are you girl how you do that have all five powers your the one that has too die too save us yes thank god but don't care MY LOVE FOR COLDEN WELL NEVER CHANGE EVEN IF IT WAS A FLING,No I Don't like you I don't love you if anything I love Aqua over you.Aqua was blushing she was in love with him she was about too say she loves him but Iris said something really I dreamed about fucking you and marrying you making kids with you and you choose this ugly bitch over me,WATER BLAST Colden used too attack Iris and said don't every talk about her like that ever agian and if you do I will kill you as he walked out the doors.Both girl shook and as Iris walks too Aqua she says stay away from him he is mine just cause he said he would choose you over me does not me shit ok you are not beautiful or amazing you are nothing so you and you ugly sister get the fuck of my fucking land,When she said all that she ran out and into Colden Omg i'm so sorry i didn't mean too run into you said Aqua,Colden asked why were you crying did that crazy bitch say some too you cause I'll kill her really she replied no no i mean yea but I LOVE YOU I loved you sense we was little kids but I know you would never like me cause look at me I'm not pretty like Iris right,NO NO you are and I meant what I said I love you and I would choose you over her but now is not the time I mean we have too find the artifacts and at lot of other things just wait ok I PROMISE WE WILL BE TOGHTER.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

That was fun really fun the best fun I had in years but now what you are going too have too die or there going too force you right said Zephyr, Maybe maybe not be that's why I have to run away from here go somewhere no one will find me cause if they do then I'm long done for because my soul will be in those artifacts but they don't understand I want to live and get marrying and have kids just live my life said Icyln.When she said this too Zephyr he blushed and said really well then I will run with you.ME TOO said Neptune cause I love you Icyln I want you to be mine too be my wife so please let me come with you,Icyln was shook but she said would change who Neptune forever she said I don't love you like that we are just friends I'm sorry if I made you feel like I did but I DON'T as she ran through the doors crying.Which just left there two boys who loved the same girl and Neptune said look dork she is mine and if you touch what is mine your dead ok, Zephyr knew if he did this he would be dead but he loved her too so HE SAID yea I'll leave her alone when your dead and he walked with confident in his veins.