
Chapter 9: Fake vs. Real

She finally made her way outside and felt the warm sun hit her skin.

She started to figure out a way to find Jason without giving her father what he had wanted.

But she had gotten distracted by a crowd of people surrounding a tree. She pushed past all of the people to find something she had only wish not to see. It was Jason, hanging from a tree, died.

She found a note on the pale body. It had read.

"I don't like hurting you. But I will do whatever means necessary to get what I want from you. So choose what you do and say carefully. I will be watching you. I am closer than you think."

Autumn started to shake. She put the note in her pants pocket so no one would find out what or who had taken the life of poor Jason.

Autumn felt like throwing up her sadness seeing him on that tree.

Minutes later the police and ambulances came to take care of the pale body.

As Autumn watched them, a police officer that had brown hair, green eyes and looked pretty young for his age, came over to her.

"Ma'am I'm officer Adam. Did you know this poor boy?" He asked.

Wiping her tears she said "Yes."

"Ok. I clearly see that your upset about this. But we need to talk about what happened." Officer Adam said nicely.

"You would think I'm crazy if I told you anything that happened." Autumn said looking at the men cutting the rope with Jason's body hanging on it.

"I'll believe you. I'm a very trusting

cop." He said

"Ok. Well Jason was a close friend of mine. My dad wanted me to join his rain of evil and if I didn't he said he would kill Jason." She said trying to hold in her emotions a little bit longer.

"Well did this boy, Jason, know your father?" Officer Adam asked.

"No, not really. I just told him about him. Jason's father worked for my father." She said still looking at the blood stain on the tree.

"Well where is Jason's father? And do you know for sure if your father killed him? Or was it his father? Maybe this boy and his father had some differences?" The officer asked trying to put the puzzle of what Autumn was trying to tell him together.

"No! His father is died to! He didn't deserve to die like this! Hanged by a tree and everyone seeing is just painful! I was a very close friend of his and I saved him from his evil father!" Autumn said finally looking at the officer as she was drowning in tears.

"Ok Ok. I'm sorry for all the questions. Remember I'm only doing my job. I need to figure this out so we can solve the case. We will test his blood and see if anymore damage was done to him." The officer said.

"Ok. But I'm a witness. Your going to need me to solve this case. Plus I'm sort of homeless right now." She said wiping her tears

"Sort of homeless?" He asked confused.

"Well I ran away from my home. You may know me as Au...umm...Leatha." She said trying to remember her fake name.

"Oh...yes I remember now. Your the lost child. Your parents had called me about you. Said you were missing and took at least five hundred dollars." The officer said looking at her as if he wanted to put her behind bars for what she had done.

"I didn't use any of the money. There was nothing actually good to buy around here." She said in a serious tone.

"Well good. I was actually thinking of putting you behind bars for stealing. But you'll just get a warning and I'll just hope you won't do it again." He said with a serious face.

"Ok. But if you expect me to just want to come back home. I don't want to." She lie.

She had missed the smell of her earth mother's hair. And missed sitting outside on the porch just looking into the distance and listening to the quiet whispers of the wind. She missed her normal life. She realized that all she's ever wanted was taken from her the moment she found out the truth. She couldn't turn back now after everything James told her.

"It's ok. You parents told me what happened, and I understand. You know, once I ran away from my home because my fake parents said that they were not my actual blood. I never went back since even if I wanted to." He said.

"Well I'm glad someone understands." Autumn said.

Few minutes later Autumn and the officer went to the hospital to get the results.

The doctor had came out with a sample of Jason's blood.

"Officer....Ma'am. We ran some test on the boys blood. This is the blood of Joseph. The by Jason doesn't have the type of blood his father has. Jason has type O. Which is compareisent to his mother. Jason's father has type A." The doctor said.

"That makes no sense. How could that be possible?" Officer Adam said

"Hmm....This is a set up. My father didn't actually kill Jason. He just wanted me to think that. But I wonder why." Autumn said thinking to herself out loud that officer Adam and the doctor could hear her.

"This is interesting. Leatha, I know your not a cop, but you know more about your father then I do. So I'm going to need you help on this one. My partner could use the break anyway." Officer Adam said with a serious face.

"Yes I agree." Autumn said almost once again forgetting her fake name again.

"Leatha? Hmm....your the lost child everyone is talking about aren't you?" The doctor asked.

"Wait. How does everyone know about me?" she asked confused.

"You were on the news. Your parents even put flyers up to find you." the doctor said still holding the sample of what wasn't Jason's blood.

Autumn was speechless. She didn't know her fake parents had cared so much. But still. Even if she had a chance to go back and be with her fake parents again. She still couldn't. Now that she knows everything about her real parents. She couldn't rest until the world was saved from her evil fathers mad plans.

"Doctor, I'm sorry but now is not the right time to be having a conversation with our dear witness." Officer Adam said just about to head out the door.

"Yes, yes...I understand. An Officer's job is never done." The doctor said as he walked away handing Autumn the blood sample.

Then he had came close to Autumns ear and said "Your going to need that. You can tell Officer Adam that I gave it to you if he asks."

Then he walked through the door that had lead to the hallway with all the patients rooms, and he had soon disappeared as he walked to the hall.

Autumn had founded Officer Adam, putting the blood sample in her Jacket pocket. She got into the passenger seat of the police car. She pulled at the blood sample for Officer Adam to see.

"The doctor gave this to me. Said that we might need it for something." She said putting it in her jacket pocket again.

"Hmm....I can take it back to the station and see if we can do anything more with it. There might be more evidence than what the doctor had given us. But honestly, the evidence was of course helpful." Officer Adam said thinking through his thoughts.

Autumn knew that he just wanted to do the right thing about the case. But she didn't want Officer Adam doing this alone, especially when she had created all this mess in the first place.

"Officer Adams, you said yourself that we are doing this together. So I want to help. You can't just do all the work for me. After what the doctor told us. I can't just stop knowing my friend is still out there and need to be saved." Autumn said with a serious face.

"Yes your right, I'm sorry. We can both go down to the station together and I'll tell them I don't need my usual partener for this case." Officer Adam said with a smile.

Officer Adam and Autumn stopped by the station. The chief had said that the case needed to be handling quickly and smoothly. He also said that many people have posted on twitter about the case and is showing the dead body on the news.

Autumn and Officer Adam went back into his car.

"This is big Leatha. You need to tell me what the hell happened before the whole United States finds out and gets scared." He said in a serious tone.

Autumn had never heard his voice in that tone before. She didn't understand why he took it so seriously about the case when Jason didn't even die.

"Why are you acting this way? Jason hopefully isn't died. We just figured that out." Autumn said with a serious face.

"You don't understand, do you?! No one knows about the blood, but us! People are going to start getting ideas about what happened to this kid! That might get someone who is not gelty killed!" He shouted with angry.

Autumn sat back in the seat. "You know my father is an insane man. I thought he had killed my only true friend, and it was just a childish game to miss with my head. I have no one. But it doesn't mean I put my angry into what I fear most." She said closing her eyes as if she was about to go to sleep.

Officer Adam took a deep breathe. "Your right. I'm sorry about what I said and I also forgot that you have it harder than. I need to start realizing that." he said as Autumn opened her eyes to see him looking at her.

" Officer Adam, It's fine. Now we should continue this case." She said sitting up in her seat.

"You can call me Adam if you want. But it is getting dark and it's pretty windy outside. I don't know it there's going to be a storm. Better to be safe than sorry." He said smiling at her.

Autumn put her hand on the car handle getting ready to open the door.

"Well I'll meet you here tomorrow. I got to go somewhere and do something." She said starting to open the door.

"Can you tell me what that something is?" Aam asked still smiling.

"Umm....no. Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere dangerous or anything. Plus your still a cop. I'm not going to tell you everything I do." She said stepping one foot out the car.

"Well if your not going to tell me everything about you. How can I trust you?" He asked.

"Well..I'm a very trusting person." She said as she hopping out the car.

"Well see you tomorrow than. Good night Leatha." He said.

"Call me Autumn. That's my real name." She said smiling.

"Ok will Good night Autumn." He said

"Good night Adam." She said closing the car door and walking away as he started to leave.