
King of Thieves: Lost Honor

Jackson Aurelius grew up with a hard life. However, through hard work and determination, with the help of some talented childhood friends, has reached the top. Blood shed, stealing, or kidnapping nothing would stop him from his goals. and nothing did. He became known as the King of Thieves renowned as both honorable and ruthless. His kingdom may not have lands but it reaches all corners of the continent, regardless. For his kingdom is crime itself. Some might call him an over glorified mafia boss, others call him a devil, and some others call him a savior. but there is one thing every one agrees on. He rules the underworld, and under his reign the continent has never been more at peace. There is an honor among thieves. But as they say, "Time is the strongest warrior." And not even Aurelius can fight it. nothing lasts forever, and some day his kingdom will fall. ——————————— I have never written a book before. This was an idea I had and I decided to write it down. Not sure if I will actually take it anywhere, But give this one chapter a read and let me know what you think.

AURELIUS · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The end of an era

"O God, whose days are without end, and whose mercies cannot be numbered…"

A large group of people are gathered in a field. A great expanse of grassy flatland. The ground dotted with rows upon rows of stones numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands.

"…grant that the solemn services of this day may make us deeply sensible of the shortness and uncertainty of human life…"

The sun has risen but it's light can't reach those in attendance. The water laden clouds cover the sky so thick one can't tell the difference between night and day.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter

Rain pours from the sky In a deluge with heavy drops. As if the Heavens themselves are crying. Whether they be tears of immense sorrow or great relief, no one can know.




In front of the crowd, chains rattle as a wooden box is lowered into the ground. It only takes two men, each standing opposite the other with the coffin in between.

"…and of the transitory nature of all earthly things."

A man stands facing the crowd finishing his prayer.

"This man was a leader of the community, and his memory will live on in each of our hearts for the rest of our lives. He started, as many of us did, with nothing. However, unlike us he had a vision, and through hard work he made that vision into reality. There aren't many men who can look back on their life and say that they did exactly what they set out to do. He was a confident man, an intelligent man, a hard man, but he was also a caring man. He cared about the city he grew up in, and worked to make it a better place. He saw a potential for greatness in this city and it's residents. I believe we should all learn from his example and make sure when he looks down on us from the heavens, where I am sure he must be, he will be proud of both this city and us. Let's have a moment of peace for this man we all looked up to."




The coffin reaches the bottom of the hole and silence reigns over the dreary morning. At the head of the hole is a grave stone, and carved into it's face is the name of the man just buried.

Jackson Aurelius

"The King of Thieves"



Now that the ceremony has ended, everyone is packing up and leaving. In a rather luxurious sedan two men are sitting in the backseat. Both wearing black suits appropriate for a funeral.

"Driver take us to the estate."

"Yes, sir"

One with a slight smile on his face, the other looking extremely grim. The first is a middle aged man who aged poorly with white hair and his skin is beginning to sag. The second is a little younger and has a scar just under his right eye. However different they may look, they are in fact siblings. Something that confounds most people who meet them.

"You look irritated, Martin, what's wrong? Don't tell me you're actually sad?"

"What's wrong?! That coffin was empty, Sam! What happened?!"

"Calm down. It may not have gone as well as we'd hoped, but I saw him go over the cliff myself. Moreover, he was fatally wounded before he went over. The man is dead, I made sure of it. His body probably just got washed away."

"We need people out there looking for it. I want to be certain the man is dead."

"It's been three days. If it hasn't turned up by now it probably won't. Besides it's a waste of resources. Just put him out of your mind, little brother, and enjoy the fact that this city and the empire it controls is finally ours now."

"We still have work to do before we can fully take over."

"All in due time. Now that he is out of the way nothing can stop us. Speaking of work have you…"

The two continue to speak as the car heads north from the cemetery. In the direction of a large estate, the gates adorned with a stylized letter A.

Meanwhile on a river bank three hundred miles away, a woman is washing her clothes in the water. She hums a nursery rhyme to pass the time during her mind numbing chores.

Unknown to her five feet away, a man in tattered clothes and covered in wounds is laying half submerged hidden by a bush. On his right hand, having miraculously stayed on his finger, is an intractely carved ornate ring with a beautiful ruby, reminiscent of crystallized blood, inlaid inside. The ruby makes a full circle around the ring, outlined by the pure silver of the ring itself. At the top of the ring, engraved into the ruby is a stylized letter A.

Three days earlier

"What did you bring me out here for, Sam?"

"I wanted to show you what you have created, Aurelius. From this cliff you can see it all. Everything the light touches is your kingdom."

"We have come along way, old-friend."

"Yes, we have. Now…it's time for a new era."

"What are y-"


A flash of smoke accompanies a loud bang.

Aurelius reaches down to his abdomen. Intense pain. That is the first thing that registers to his mind. He raises his hand up and sees bright red blood. He turns around and sees his friend holding a flintlock pistol. Aurelius takes a few steps back. Behind Sam were ten men armed with longer rifles. Aurelius couldn't feel their presence before. The thought of how much training they must have gone through to be able to ambush him flits through his mind for an instant, before he turns back to Sam. One of the only remaining partners he had left from the beginning.

"Betrayal is it? Not content with being second in command anymore?"

He takes another small step back.

"Why be content with second when I can easily be 1st? Besides your brotherhood could never reach it's full potential under your leadership. All these restrictions. You go on and on about how there should be honor among thieves. All that talk about honor and principles, you always were a fool."

One more step.

"Your rule will never be stable, Sam. You don't have what it takes to pull people together and keep them under you. This kingdom I built will rot from the inside with you at it's helm. Someday you will find it's pillars of sand are crumbling down around you, and it will bury you. Mark my words, Sam Giovanni, you will regret this day."

Sam glances behind Aurelius. With a smirk he says,

"No, I don't believe I will."

He then gestures to the men behind him,

"Finish him off."

Aurelius turns around, now at the edge of the cliff, he jumps diving into the raging waters below.

"Mark my words…"

His last words as he hit the water, blacking out.

As I said I have never written a book. the only experience I have as an author is all of the reading i do. So if anyone actually does read this chapter, don't judge me too harshly.

Oh and Merry Christmas, everyone. or Hanukkah whichever.

AURELIUScreators' thoughts