
King of the east universe

he is the king of the east universe and he as to protect the east universe with his friends and his father if he fails then the east universe is doomed

samadetuyi · แฟนตาซี
91 Chs

016 - Revenge

I am in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out when I saw the doctor I rushed to him to ask about my mother he said she will recover I asked him about her wounds he took me to his office when we got there he told me that her injury was very serious and told me to take care of her when she gets home feeling sad I walked to school when I got to school Lisa asked how my mom is I told her she was okay I walked to my room when I entered my room I looked for a mask to hide my identity and flew to the place where I saw my mom covered in blood I went into the building where she came out from and explored the place and I found footsteps but the footsteps were not my mothers I followed it after following I saw the man he said he was waiting for me I remove my bracelet and let out a cry and ran to him he runs my way too, we clash during our fight he says am just like my father and drops a smoke bomb next thing I knew he was not there anymore, but he dropped something that looks like a key I took it and put it in my pocket when i got back to school i walked to jila and asked her if she knew what this key might be she said she might be able to find out what the key is if she research about the key she notices some cut marks on my hand and asks what happened to me i tell her she should not worry and i walked to my dorm when i there i use the medkit and lie on my bed seeing as tomorrow is saturday j did not bother to set an alarm,

When I woke up no one was in the room so I made breakfast for my self after doing my morning exercise I went to jila to ask her if she found anything about the key she said she did not and gave me back the key and said she will be gone for a few days to find some clues on the key and if she finds anything she will let me know, getting ready to see my mother Lisa walks in and says she will follow me to go and see my mother I did not have the strength to say no so I decided to let her follow me when I got there I gave my mom food to eat because I know the hospital good is not good after talking to her for thirty minutes I decided to head back to school on our way back Lisa decided to buy me ice cream on our back when we got there I saw everybody waiting for me they all told me " cheer up tour mother will get well soon" we licked our ice cream Kole was licking his icecream so fast he got a brain freeze and everyone laughed at him I decided to give a little speech " thank you guys for this attempt to cheer me up I know you guys are just trying to cheer me up and I hope if you guys ever feel sad I will cheer you up too" everyone said cheers after licking our ice cream we went back to school and had a cook off but this time Lisa did not win lole did this made Lisa angry because she always wins,

The principal decided he will have a meeting with the elites so I and Xenox decided to go to the meeting room xenox and I was the first to arrive we waited for thirty seconds before all the elites got to the meeting, the principal asked us what event we should hold the elites told the principal we should have a cook-off but I said we should have a fundraiser the principal said my idea was a good one and decided he will set up a fundraiser but it will be a challenge and the challenge will be who can make the most money between the year groups the year group that makes the whole money will get tickets to see the famous artist after telling the whole school, everyone in our year group decided to come together to make a fundraising idea it was going well on till group two picked a fight with our group it was settled by Luigi and group two leader after finding a good fundraising idea we went back to our dorms when we got back to our dorms seun started to bang the wall I told him to stop but he did not listen to me so I went to my room,

it was morning so I went for a run on my way back I saw a figure in the bush and shouted who is that he came out with a letter I read the letter and it said I was invited to the king's party I wondered why the king invited me to the party so I went back to see if xenox had gotten a letter but she did not and asked why I asked, I told her it was nothing and went to my room it was time for the king's party so I jumped out the window and flew to the king's party at the party I saw the king and his wife with other men that looked like they were rich, the king started heading my direction he waves at me and I waved back at him when he got to where I was we talked he asked me about the how he will make the country great talking for one minute I noticed a mark on his neck it was in the same place where I attacked the person that almost killed my mom except it is almost healed

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