
King Bladen : Ruler of Death

The world was at war with an enemy that no one could defeat , cursed and hexed not one realm had the strength to go against the enemy they faced . Had they ever imagined in the darkest of their nightmares that they would turn for help to someone who lived only to KILL. “ And Bring The DEVIL Himself To Fight The DEMON” ……… Will he save them all ? Or Will he be the reason for their doom? ……… A question that chilled their bones but the Dark Being grew with power and their was no stopping him . The gamble of the world begins!!!!! ……… “RISE FROM THE ASHES MY LORD “ ………. Read my book to know the story unfold in the most curious ways , filled with adventure , brutality , romance and everything you desire . Support me Thankyou

Temptress99 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chaos in the Air

"Hailed be His name, master, I believe we are in a dire situation to bring him back or we will perish in the fire of realms and no one can save us ", Drupal said.

"Hailed be His name, Drupal, but I don't know what the consequences of bringing him back would be. And not everyone in Society agrees with my suggestion. Only in the worst scenarios would all come together to find what must be found and bring the Titan back from his slumber. But I think it's not wise to bring a devil to fight a devil." Scrouche said thoughtfully.


Dark clouds covered the sky as if the world was engulfed in the darkest of fears and had no hopes to live beyond.

The mightiest of the being, Celestials, sitting on their thrones were in deep thought of what way can they defeat the dark being, Manadues Adar.

Humans were offering the dark being sacrifices of their cattle and offspring to stop them from being cursed as the other beings were.

No living dead or undead was at peace to live their very gifted life. Humans were the only beings forbidden of curses and living in fear of the dark. No king of theirs was strong enough to save them as all of them bowed in shame to Adar, fear of curse and plague haunted them to the bones.

The fear prevailed not only in the beings but also in nature itself. Not one flower bloomed, not once had the sun shone in over a century, all the valleys sought of death and destruction, homes could not be sited as all of them went to live below the surface, and not one bird could be heard singing. The air reeked of rotten flesh, death, and an unnerving silence, that was filled with the screams of dying and tortured spirits. All around one could see as hell had broken free and ruled the land which was pitch black, charred devastated. Unidentical to the lands that once were all living and beautiful.


Far off into the vast lands on Nevara, stood only a magnificent castle of coal black marble with hints of red lightening streak embedded into it followed by a dim red glow that pulsated as if breathing. The Forbidden Castle was the name, and no one living would think in their darkest of nightmares to enter the castle.

Abandoned, standing alone in the vast lands of Nevara, The Forbidden Castle was home to the tomb, of a ruler who went into slumber seven centuries ago, ridding the world of one almighty warrior, undefeated, immortal, Ruler Of Death, Perciveus Bladen.

Unknown to the world today, a legend sleeping in the hollow dark, capable of making their worst nightmares come true, was in his slumber waiting for the stench of death to become his breath again, to live once more and live only to Kill. The world considered as an abomination yet longed for him to return.


"Mother, why do the rulers of realms not come together to fight the dark? You are a knight in the queen's castle you would know everything. Don't you mother ?" Veronica stared questionably at her mother who was going off on her shift.

" Love, I know you are worried and so are others, but there is nothing in our power that can rid him, not even the rulers together could do any harm, and trust me darling I too wish for your father to be here alive, but cannot bring back dead, accept it and prepare to become a wife to the sergeant, he is too good to accept you as a wife, " Melissa said to her daughter in a calm tone.

"I don't want to, mother".

"Shut it, Veronica, I'm already struggling to keep the sergeant in this arrangement and you dare do anything stupid to rid me of this, and do not think of showing your face to anyone, cover yourself and do the chores till I come back " Melissa warned in a firm tone.

Veronica, a 21-year-old girl, the daughter of the late royal knight of Miranda, was forbidden by her mother for the last seven years to show herself in public, only to keep her beautiful self from attracting others. Her long silver hair fine like silk flowed down to her waist, and her crystal clear white skin complimented her perfectly with her gray big eyes and heavy lashes, a small nose, plump red lips, and cheeks that were a hint of pink, not too tall but a perfect hourglass figure. A true beauty if seen would every man to fall on his knees and every woman to be awestruck. Only a mark on her left shoulder of a crescent moon was something that her father asked her to hide from everyone even her stepmother. Her real mother died right after her birth and so no one knew of her mark. What fated her was unknown to even herself.


' Respected Society,

Madam / Sir,

An urgent meeting has been called in the throne room of realms, all the respected rulers are requested to present themselves in the first hour of midnight tomorrow, and there shall be a vote taken for only one matter thus one who is not present would be asked to step down from their position.

No exception accepted.


Scrouche (Minister of Nevara)

Head Of The Society Council '

The letter was indeed a threatening request for the only matter that no one wanted to talk about. But deep down knew was the only way for them to live or else would die an unfateful death.


Hi readers, I'm new to writing I hope you will like my work and support me. Many more twists and turns are to come, please keep supporting us with your love.

Thank you