

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · แอคชั่น
85 Chs



"Thankyou for letting me borrow your clothes.." Noir said as he walked with Samuel towards the academy . He wore a light blue loose shirt with denim jeans and a hat to cover his eyes.

"No problem...you look better in them than I do anyways.." Samuel said as he stretched his arms behind his back. He was wearing a red t-shirt with a black cardigan and grey jeans. He wore a long chain around his neck that moved in the air as he did.

"It's off at the academy today so we should have no problem showing up , dressed like this , sorry I made you sleep on the floor last night...I won the draw so..." Samuel smiled ,

"Its quite alright , it was quite a trouble to hide me in the dorms as there was no room at the academy.... The floor hurt but I am much more grateful.." Noir shrugged his shoulders as they walked into the academy's gates.

"Wait that's....Hey Jun!!!!" Samuel stopped as he saw Jun standing in the academy ground , all changed into casual clothing of a white shirt with blue jeans with a blue jacket , talking to Batuhan in an orange hoodie and black jeans. Samuel ran up to them , waving his hands.

Jun noticed him and waved back with a soft smile.

"Huha!!" Samuel and Jun did a high-five.

"Its good to see you back in good health..." Noir said as he shook Jun's hand.

"I see you guys caught the Yosei..." Jun said as he pointed back towards the academy.

"We did...but Zakiyye was the MVP this time..." Samuel said , looking at Noir.

"What's that about me being MVP...not that I dont know already .." Zakiyye said as he stepped in between Noir and Samuel , catching them by surprise.

"One point for smooth entrance." Samuel said as he grinned at Zakiyya.

"One of many...all of you should bow to me" Zakiyya said ,wearing an orange leather jacket , a turtle neck black t-shirt underneath and grey-black jeans.

"What is with you and your obsession with making people bow to you..." Batuhan said as he shook his head.

Jun let out a small laugh, and then said,

"There is something really important we need to tell you guys...but we should meet up with Zahhak at the hospital first."

"Why is he there...." Noir asked

"For Aleena...she isn't waking up. Bow is there with her and so is Dr Jackal."

"Then what about Josh and that Yosei.." Samuel said but was cut in by Zakiyye,

"Noel.." He said , " His name is Noel..."

"Josh was shifted to the hospital since his condition wasn't improving either ..and about Noel..." Batuhan looked at Zakiyye," He woke up early and tried to escape but Dr Jackal caught him , he is in the detainment chambers right now."

"But won't he be able to escape from there.." Noir asked.

"The academy has its secrets...." Samuel replied , "Ones we can't really share.."

"Hoo....understandable , I wont pry further." Noir said with a thumbs up which really didn't suit his nature but its the best he could come up with at the moment.

The rest of the boys grinned ,

"Yeah yeah..." Noir realized it and put his hand back in his pocket with an embarrassed smile.

"Let's go then ..onwards crew!!" Samuel said as the rest of the group followed him.



" Bow could you please check up on Josh?" Dr Jackal said as he stood inside Aleena's hospital room with Zahhak.

"But...." Bow tried to protest.

"Please, it is vital he is looked after on time , I do not trust the hospital staff too well...his condition worries me ." Dr Jackal said with such a gentlemanly tone, one that was unheard of , from him.

"A..Alright Sir.." But it seemed to do the trick as it convinced Bow to leave the room.

"Phew...let's beg-what..." Dr Jackal stopped as he saw Zahhak make a sarcastic face at him. , "I am a gentleman in case you didn't already know...I only get tired of it once in a while..:

"You...are half BlackWing aren't you...you guided me that night..Noir and me." Zahhak said with a grin as he stepped closer to Aleena's bed and placed his hand over her forehead.

"Sshh... " Dr.Jackal put his finger near his own lips.

"Ofcourse ... besides we have a priority right now..." Zahhak looked at Aleena who was sleeping soundly,"I wonder what kind of battle is going on inside her right now.."

"Well... if we go by Bow's description , she certainly transformed when she took out Noel. Noel was hurt quite seriously , he only has his Yosei blood to thank for healing him so quickly."

"So you are saying ... I should intervene and do what exactly..." Zahhak looked at Dr .Jackal who shifted his posture a little and put his hand in his pocket.

"The best idea would be to convince her to leave with you but ... I doubt she would want that ..... perhaps help her find a balance between her talents."

"But for that she needs to wake up..."

"I do not think she will be able to wake up until she does...I have a high affinity with the mind...."

"Are you trying to say you are smart but in a smart way?"Zahhak said sarcastically.

" I don't need to state facts....."

"I see..."

" Sigh... I can build a connection for you to use." Dr. Jackal stepped closer to Aleena's bed ," You can access that and help her find the balance..."

"Well...sounds like its worth a try...."

Dr Jackal did a slight nod , and put his hand on Zahhak's back , closing his own eyes.

Zahhak closed his eyes aswell.


As Aleena opened her eyes , she found herself sitting, surrounded by darkness.

"Is saying 'where am I' right now going to sound cliche? " She whispered to herself.

"Yes , alot . I would avoid that if I were you , which itself is a funny statement..." Aleena turned around to find her twin standing above her, only her eyes were shining in neon green colour.

"I always knew I would have to come across you one day...." Said the Aleena with red shining eyes , sitting on the ground.

"I am not your enemy...." The BlackWIng Aleena said as she offered her hand to Killer Aleena.

"Nice try , trying to fool your own mind.... If I take your hand I will transform completely won't I.."

"Funny....I thought people were good at fooling themselves." The BlackWIng Aleena said as she retreated her hand and Killer Aleena stood up on her own .

"They are...we aren't" Killer Aleena said.

"So...How should we decide this..." BlackWing Aleena put her hand under her chin.

Killer Aleena snapped her fingers and they found themselves sitting on the opposite ends of a table.

"It always starts with negotiations doesn't it." Killer Aleena said with a smile.

"Hmm.." BlackWing Aleena grinned back, "Fair enough.."


In my defense.....its really hard to differentiate the two.

We'll just have to bear with Killer Aleena and Blackwing Aleena.


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