

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 34 : Slumber



The small white curtains moved with the wind as the cool breeze touched them and made its way into the infirmary where the house was exceptionally full.

There were a total of four beds in the infirmary , on which laid Jun, Zahhak , Josh and Noel.

They were all covered in bandages as Dr Jackal sat on his desk noting down something on his clipboard.

He turned around in his seat to look at the bodies , not making a sound , sleeping carefree.

"A Killer , A BlackWing and a Yosei.... all three gracing my infirmary...when I signed up for this...I thought it would be an easy job..."

He continued looking at them , " *sigh*... I think I have saved quite enough for retirement... maybe I can finally give that resignation letter I have been working on.." He kept mumbling to himself as they lay there not moving an inch.


Zakiyye, Samuel , Bow and Noir stood infront of the principal's desk...a place where they had become frequent visitors.

"And there you have it Sir...we have accomplished our mission....we also let out Ethan..." Zakiyye somehow managed to fit in the last part of the sentence for it to not catch the Principal's ear but,

"Ah yes ...that... You left the poor boy in tears..." Principal Kurookami said as he flipped through the report that they had presented.

"So ....you caught the Yosei in our territory responsible for all the memory loss cases in the hospital ...." Principal KuroOkami looked at the group .

"Its true...the students are recovering faster now...many of them also confess to have faced off against a Yosei ... " Bow chipped in impatiently.

"You also...somehow...recovered Josh...the details of which can only be provided by the sleeping ones ..since you yourself have zero idea of it..."

"We have no idea...how Josh showed up sleeping on your office desk sir..." Samuel said embarrassingly.

"Ah yes..it was quite a shock for me as well....kind of took care of my sleepiness this morning.."

"Ahaha.....ahaaa..." Samuel tried to laugh not knowing if it was a joke or sarcasm.

"Well I must say.... I am impressed by you children...I almost resigned...Even if you have put Dr Jackal on the verge of it.... it was a job well done." Principal KuroOkami leaned back on his chair and smiled.

The group finally relaxed their shoulders.

"Sir... what of me and Zahhak..." Noir asked.

" You boys seemed to have helped alot ... and since Aleena was able to confirm the facts of the event ,atleast the parts she remembered before fainting again .Noel causing memory losses is also a thing to add in. Considering Zahhak and she are siblings , I doubt that paper of yours had information regarding anything damaging to the Killers...Aleena wants to trust you and so do the rest of my students here...I trust their judgment..." The principal continued , " They have asked me to release you and I see no reason to refuse the future bearers of this academy and this land.... It is their decision keeping well in mind the consequences should any harm may come to us from your release. They will be the ones dealing with it anyways...I like students who can decide for their own future...perhaps this trust you all have built in these few days will change the future one day. Who knows ? If you want , you can stay here until Zahhak fully recovers or you can leave. I have already contacted your Principal informing him of your safety and release. The final decision is yours."

"Thankyou Sir ..I would like for us to stay until Zahhak is conscious and able to leave together."

"Wonderful , we will have a room arranged for you at the academy...since I do not know how the rest of the students will react to your stay here, I recommend staying hidden or with one of them." Principal KuroOkami said as he clasped his hands together and rested his chin on it.

"So sir...does this mean we are still in the tournament." Zakiyye asked the final question.

"Yes...you may have a break today and tomorrow ,after that you will continue your training with Professor Graham...he has been very worried about all of you..." Principal KuroOkami said and made an exhausted face as he remembered how Graham was literally begging him to let him help his students and crying.

"Thankyou so much sir!!!!!" The group said in unison.

"You may leave now and have some good rest. I am very proud of all of you." The principal waved as they left his office and the door closed behind them.


After a few minutes of staring outside the huge window in his office , principal KuroOkami smiled and got up from his chair. He had his hand in one his pockets and with the other he opened the door where he found Bow , Samuel , Zakiyye and Noir sleeping outside ,heads on each other's shoulders , their backs supported by the door frame , completely knocked out.

"As I suspected." he said , smiling , looking at their calm and carefree faces.



"I slept...for only a few hours .... and all FOUR of them ESCAPED!!!????" Laila was losing her mind over the loss they had just suffered. She walked around the sunroom , white walls with plants and many kinds of flowers decorating them . Michelle and Krystallo sat on the dinner chairs with tea cups in front of them on their table but both of them too afraid to even move. They looked at each other , signaling that this was the end of them.


"Laila it is alright...do not put yourself through more grief." Laila was cut off as a clear voice sounded in the sunroom.

She immediately turned around , Michelle and Krystallo got up from their seats.

A boy , just as tall as Krystallo ,but a much mature air around him , stepped into the room. He wore a golden robe , much resembling that of royalty , his golden coat with black lace and thorns decorating it , underneath which he wore a leather black waist coat covering a golden shirt underneath. His golden boots making their way up to his knees and legs covered by black leather pants.

He opened his eyes and they were dark with golden glitter shining in the iris , just the same as his short straight hair. His ear carried a black thorn shaped earring.

"Malak!!!" Laila was in tears of joy , she tried walking towards him but her legs wobbled and gave way but Malak kept her from falling by rushing to her in time.

"You really exhausted yourself didn't you..." Malak looked at Laila with kind eyes like that of an angel and patted her head.

"You ... they said we lost...lost you..." Krystallo said as he too was overflowing with emotions of happiness and relief. Michelle had tears in her eyes and her hand was gripping Krystallo's arm.

"I came back from the dead for all of you.." Malak smiled a huge smile.


As the light of the setting sun filled the sunroom and the flowers began to lose their color to the orange sun , Laila and Michelle had left the room and Malak and Krystallo found themselves alone in the room.

" So tell me ," Malak said to Krystallo , "what transpired in the few moments I was in coma..."

"Well....as you suspected...Laila went ..crazy..thinking you had been attacked by the Killers and..BlackWings" Krystallo said hesitating.

"Don't hesitate.... I know her nature and her reasons .She did what she did out of love. It is alright ...since I know you did your best to prevent as much harm as you could from happening..."

"Well she ...even sent Noel as a spy into the academy and we haven't been in contact with him since yesterday....he and Michelle , brought down many students of the academy..."

"Oh Laila.... Noel and Michelle seem to have listened quite well to her though.." Malak said as he shook his head.

" They were all broken after they saw you...in that state..." As Krystallo said that , his eyes gleamed a little . Malak noticed and softly bumped his fist on Krystallo's chest.

"But you stayed firm.....You are a fine friend.. Thankyou for watching over them and doing your best Krystallo.." Malak's word brought a smile to Krystallo's face as he was able to supress his tears from falling.

"She even had Michelle and Noel abduct a Killer Academy student.."


"-but yesterday Two BlackWings and A Killer student somehow made their way into Laila's garden. I somehow managed to inform them about their friend Laila was keeping captive when I saw them face off against her. Then I covered them with my crystal to help them escape the garden , the spider lady was probably the one who took their friend back as she wasn't with them when I saw them again..."

"Good...you did good..."

"They promised to share any information they get....as they seem to be facing an unknown , unseen enemy just like us...like the one who attacked you.."

"The one who attacked me Krystallo..." Malak said with a grim look , " Was one of our own...Coeur who I was patrolling with...suddenly turned into a wild beast and attacked me....."

"But Coeur ...has been -"

"Missing since the event...I checked.."

"An unknown enemy...."

"That must be known before he or she causes too much harm...this isn't about unity anymore ..its about lives..."

"What do you suggest..."

"Prepare for the tournament..." Malak cut short Krystallo, " If we wish to progress any further we have to come face to face against our suspects and potentially our allies.."

"I made sure they will stay in contact.." Krystallo said with a worried look. Malak saw and smiled.

" Let us go and have something to eat.." Malak said as he turned around.


Malak took Krystallo's hand and gripped it tightly ,

"We cannot fix everything in one day .... But we must enjoy this moment we have. Let us go and celebrate my revival and the once again completion of our team!!"

Malak let out a laugh and Krystallo couldn't help but do the same.
